Recommendations for parents on the theme of the week: “Spring is red”

Consultation for parents on the topic: “Spring”

Consultation for parents. Topic: “Spring is walking across the planet”

Winter is over. Severe frosts and snowstorms are behind us. The sun is getting warmer and stronger every day, the streets are becoming brighter and walking with the kids is a pleasure. Spring is the most useful and pleasant time of the year for walking with children. It is in the spring that the sun produces a lot of ultraviolet radiation, which is extremely necessary for a child's growing body. Walking in the fresh air is always an interesting and useful activity.

Spring walks are extremely beneficial from the point of view of the baby's early development. Walk with your child along the street, in the park, see what changes are taking place in nature: how the buds swell, the first leaves and grass emerge, what spring flowers exist. Watch birds build nests in the trees. You can even try building a birdhouse and hanging it next to your house. Observing nature is a very interesting and educational activity. It forms in children knowledge about nature, teaches them to observe and contemplate, and develops an aesthetic principle.

In the process of observation, children learn to distinguish shapes, sizes, colors, the nature of the surface and much more. When observing living beings (insects, birds, animals), children learn the nature of movement, sounds and various characteristics. During these observations, children develop qualities such as intelligence, observation, analytical abilities, the ability to compare and draw conclusions.

In spring, observing nature is much more interesting than in winter. While walking with your baby, tell him about spring: why the snow melts, where numerous streams come from, why the sun shines so brightly and why the sky is blue and not gray. Try to hear “spring” sounds with your child: the ringing of drops, the murmuring of streams, the singing of birds.

Tell your child what smells spring brings: melted snow, birch buds, first snowdrops and others. Tell your child what happens in the spring, after the snow melts, migratory birds return from southern countries, buds swell on the trees, the first grass emerges from under the snow, snowdrops bloom.

Show your child the willow, let him touch it, tell him that the willow is one of the first to bloom in the spring; bugs, flies, and butterflies flock to its smell. Let the baby pick a few branches and take them home, invite him to put the bouquet in a vase with water and watch how the branches change, how the first leaves appear on them.

Explain to your child why all these changes occur, introduce him to the concept of “season”. Talk about why it was necessary to dress warmly in winter, but in spring you can walk in lighter clothes.

Choose an object on the street for comparison and watch how it changes every day. For example, pay attention to the child on a spring walk that today there is still snow in the clearing, but tomorrow there will be just wet ground, in a few days you will be able to see the first grass, and then bright flowers.

With such communication, the child’s vocabulary expands and active speech develops.

Also, walking is a useful physical exercise that anyone can do, regardless of age. While walking, a person uses almost all the muscles of the body, the muscles of the arms, back, pelvis and legs work especially well. In addition, such walks are extremely important for the health of various body systems. And this is not all the benefits of such exercises in the fresh air.

Walking perfectly activates vital processes in the body. Be sure to involve your children in such activities. Add children's games to constant walks, as well as entertainment in recreation parks, and you will be surprised at how rarely your child starts to get sick.

Spring walks should not be canceled even if the weather is not sunny.

To begin with, you should simply take it for granted that whether you like it or not, the child will still climb into the deepest puddle and find thicker dirt. The baby wants to know everything, to experience first-hand what his mother warns about. Therefore, be patient and do not scold the baby. It’s so interesting how your reflection looks in a puddle, how the dirt sticks to your boots. How fun it is to splash the water with your hands and make Easter cakes from wet soil!

If you don't want your child to flop around aimlessly in the mud during a spring walk, show him that this can be done with benefit. Does your baby want to dig? Invite him to do this under trees, where the ground is at least slightly covered with leaves and grass. If a child is drawn to water like a magnet, then let him walk through the puddles, show how interesting it is to float boats or just blades of grass, sticks or leaves along streams. You can take radio-controlled toys with you on a walk. Spring is a great time to fly RC helicopters or airplanes.

Try not to forbid your child to experiment, because this can lead to isolation and indecisiveness in the child in the future. Let your little one make the right decision for himself, even if you end up bringing home a grimy baby. Let your child grow up healthy, active and happy!

What to do with a child on a walk in the spring?

1. “Count the birds.” In spring, nature comes alive. And even if the leaves have not yet appeared, the birds have already begun to enjoy the warmth and smells that the spring air is rich in. With a child who can count, you can play the following game: who will notice more birds during a walk. You can finish the game as follows: feed the birds millet or special food .

2. “Steps of a Lilliputian.” This game is good for several children or the whole family to play. Choose a goal and mark a starting line. Let the players compete: who will cover the distance faster with Lilliputian steps (these are steps when a leg is placed close to the other leg during a step).

"Giant Steps" The meaning of the game is the same. However, now the child must spread his legs as wide as he can (adults may give in a little...).

3. “Letting in the sunbeams.” If the weather is sunny, don't forget to take a mirror with you. The baby will be happy to make the day even sunny by letting the sun shine on houses and trees. Choose some distant target and practice who can launch the bunny that far.

4. “Let’s go swimming in the puddle.” Make boats at home or on a walk, and then launch them in the nearest puddle.

5. “Let’s let the bubbles… go swimming!” You can let not only boats sail through puddles, but also soap bubbles. They will last longer on the water and shimmer with all the colors. Watching such swimmers is a real pleasure.

6. “Looking for the first signs of spring.” Arm yourself with a camera and go in search of spring. The first swollen buds, lively birds - all these are the first signs that spring is coming.

7. “Drawing on the asphalt.” If the asphalt is dry, it's time to take out the crayons and draw an invitation to spring: sun, flowers and grass. Perhaps this will speed up the arrival of heat!

8. “Hunt for words and letters.” If the child knows the letters, you can play a game where the child and the adult look around for objects that begin with the selected letter. You can choose different letters. For example, you are looking for words starting with the letter “a”, and the child is looking for words starting with the letter “m”. Who will find the most items?

9. “Developing speed and coordination.” This game is very famous. The rules are simple: children stand between the two leaders, their goal is to knock the players out of the center with the ball. It is best to take an inflatable ball so as not to injure children. Take a larger ball, then the task for the kids will become much more difficult, and the risk of injury will decrease.

10. “Developing coordination.” Participants stand opposite the leader. The game is very simple. All children must show movements opposite to those shown by the leader. For example, if the leader lowers his hands, the kids should raise them, if the leader crouches, the children should jump, etc. If the kid makes a mistake three times, he is eliminated. The winner is the one who can survive the longest.

11. “Developing balance.” For this exercise, you need to place two children opposite each other at a distance of 2-3 child steps. At the signal, one, standing on one leg, with his palms outstretched, should hit the palms of the other baby. The essence of the game is to unbalance your opponent. The one who touches the ground first loses.

12. “Developing speed of movement.” For this game you need a ball and chalk. On the asphalt, draw a circle with a diameter of about 2 meters and indicate the directions of movement. The child stands in the center and hits the ball on the ground, after which he runs away in the given direction. While the ball makes 3 hits, the baby must run. The one who runs farthest wins. This game is group, but can also be played alone.

13. “Developing jumping ability.” This game requires several players; you should divide them into teams. A line is drawn on the ground with which the length of the jump will be measured. The landing site should be marked on the heels. You need to jump in the opposite direction from the marked place; another participant must do this. His main task is to jump over this result and jump further, thereby earning a point for his team. The team with the most points wins.

Outdoor games are always fun and exciting! Play with your child - this strengthens the bond between parents and children, and also helps create more reliable, trusting relationships in the family. We remember from childhood that “the sun, air and water are our best friends.” It’s just a matter of making sure that our kids grow up surrounded by these faithful “comrades” from the very first days.

Information in the parent corner for the senior group. April.





  • The sun is shining brighter, the air is getting warmer, and your walks are getting longer. Do not forget to draw your child’s attention to the changes that occur in nature. In spring, significant changes can be detected every day. Watch how the trees transform. First, the buds on the darkened branches swelled, then the first sticky leaves hatched. With your child, look at the grass that appears on the hills on the sunny side. The first blades of grass are sparse and look like green needles. Maybe you will be able to show your child the first flowers of the coltsfoot. Ask what these flowers look like. ( Each flower is like the sun, and its petals are like rays.


  • Read a poem to your child and invite him to learn it. Work on the pronunciation of sounds, clarity of diction and expressiveness of speech.


Golden petals, fragile stem.

A sunny flower blossomed by the river.

As soon as a cloud came, the petals shrank.

There are round lumps on the green stems.

N. Nishcheva

  • Watch the life of birds, listen to their singing. Help your child conclude that there are more birds. Remind him that migratory birds flew to us from warm countries and began to build nests to hatch their chicks.


  • Learn an outdoor game with your child.


The swallows were flying ( the child runs in a circle, waving his arms


All the people were watching. imitating the flight of birds


The swallows were landing ( the child crouches, hands behind his back, as if

All the people were amazed. folds his wings


We sat down and sat.

They took off and flew ( runs in a circle, waving his arms


Let's fly, fly.

They sang songs.

  • Developing your child’s speech hearing and memory, invite him to listen and then repeat the chains of words.

Spring, drops, ice drift. Thawed patch, snowdrop, buds.

Sun, freckles, rook. Starling, worm, chick.

  • Train your child’s auditory perception and attention, teach him to distinguish different sounds by ear: the sound of tearing fabric, the sound of crumpling paper, the rustling of dry leaves, the sound of peas being poured, etc.

    Let him try to make these sounds himself, and then distinguish them by turning away or closing his eyes.

  • When improving the grammatical structure of your child’s speech, train him in using adjectives and coordinating them with nouns. Offer to choose as many definitions as possible for each subject.

The light is sunny, bright, golden. The sun is hot, bright,

Rook -... affectionate.

Snowdrop – … Tree – …

Swallow – agile, fast, beautiful. Cloud -…

Weed -...

Puddle - …


  • By developing phonemic processes in a child, we teach him to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds. Let him look at the pictures and first name objects whose names contain a hard consonant [l] (violet, swallow, spade

    ), and then a soft vowel [l,] (
    leaflets, watering can

  • Now invite your child to make sentences with these words.

Young leaves bloomed on the branches.

Violets bloomed at the edge of the forest.

A swallow is building a nest above my window.

I'll take a shovel and dig up the bed.

Mom planted dill and watered the garden bed with a watering can.

  • Remind your child that in April the hares changed into their gray summer coats. Offer to make an applique of a bunny from geometric shapes, and then tell him what shapes he used. This activity will help develop mathematical concepts, constructive skills, fine motor skills, and creative imagination.


  • Read to your child at home and on walks. Read the story by K. Ushinsky.


A wild apple tree grew in the forest; in the fall a sour apple fell from her. The birds pecked at the apple and also pecked the grains. Only one grain hid in the ground and remained.

The grain lay under the snow for the winter, and in the spring, when the sun warmed the wet ground, the grain began to germinate: it sent out a root and sent up the first two leaves. A stem with a bud ran out from between the leaves, and green leaves came out of the bud at the top. Bud by bud, leaf by leaf, twig by twig - and five years later a pretty apple tree stood in the place where the grain had fallen. A gardener came to the forest with a spade, saw an apple tree and said: “This is a good tree, it will be useful to me.”

The apple tree trembled when the gardener began to dig it up, and thought: “I’m completely lost!”

But the gardener dug up the apple tree carefully, without damaging the roots, moved it to the garden and planted it in good soil.

The apple tree in the garden became proud: “I must be a rare tree,” she thinks, “when they brought me from the forest to the garden,” and looks down on the ugly stumps tied with rags; She didn’t know that she was in school.

The next year a gardener came with a curved knife and began to cut the apple tree. The apple tree trembled and thought: “Well, now I’m completely lost.” The gardener cut off the entire green top of the tree, left one stump, and even split it on top; the gardener stuck a young shoot from a good apple tree into the crack; I covered the wound with putty, tied it with a cloth, set up a new clothespin with pegs and left.

The apple tree fell ill; but she was young and strong, she soon recovered and grew together with someone else’s branch. The twig drinks the juice of a strong apple tree and grows quickly: it throws out bud after bud, leaf after leaf, shoots out shoot after shoot, twig after twig, and three years later the tree blooms with white-pink fragrant flowers. The white and pink petals fell, and in their place a green ovary appeared, and by autumn the ovaries became apples; Yes, not wild sorrel, but large, rosy, sweet, crumbly! And the apple tree was such a pretty success that people came from other orchards to take shoots from it for clothespins.

  • Ask your child questions about the text:

How did a pretty apple tree appear in the forest?

What did the gardener do with the apple tree when he came to the forest?

What did the apple tree think about itself when the gardener planted it in the garden?

What happened to the tree after a year?

What apples grew on the apple tree?

MBOU "Elementary school - kindergarten No. 8"

Children, spring is just around the corner!

Ice on a frozen window

A fairy tale about sweet spring

She reminded me this morning.

D. Sadovnikov

Spring walks are good for the health and development of the baby. Walk with your child along the street, in the park, see what changes are taking place in nature: how the buds swell, the first leaves and grass emerge, fix the names of spring flowers. Go birdwatching. Observing nature is a very interesting and educational activity. It develops in children knowledge about nature and a caring attitude towards it. In the process of observation, children learn to distinguish shapes, sizes, colors. When observing living creatures (insects, birds, animals), children learn the nature of movement and sounds. During these observations, children develop qualities such as intelligence, observation, the ability to compare and draw conclusions.

In spring, observing nature is much more interesting than in winter. While walking with your baby, tell him about spring, its signs, read a poem, ask riddles, introduce proverbs about spring. Listen with your child to the singing of birds, the sound of rain, the sound of dripping icicles, and a running stream.

Choose an object on the street for comparison and watch how it changes every day. For example, pay attention to the child on a spring walk that today there is still snow in the clearing, but tomorrow there will be just wet ground, in a few days you will be able to see the first grass, and then bright flowers.

With such communication, the child’s vocabulary expands and active speech develops.

Walk more. While walking, a person uses almost all the muscles of the body, the muscles of the arms, back, pelvis and legs work especially well. In addition, walking is important for health. Walking perfectly activates vital processes in the body. Add children's games to your regular walks. Spring walks should not be canceled even if the weather is not sunny.

Spring is a great time to fly radio-controlled toys, fly a kite, and play ball.

Try not to forbid your child to experiment. Let children make their own decisions. Let your child grow up healthy, active and happy!

What to do with a child on a walk in the spring?

"Count the birds." In spring, nature comes alive. And even if the leaves have not yet appeared, the birds have already begun to enjoy the warmth. With a child who can count, you can play this game: who will notice more birds during a walk?

"Let's let the sunbeams in." If the weather is sunny, don't forget to take a mirror with you. The baby will be happy to make the day even sunny by letting the sun shine on houses and trees. Choose some distant target and practice who can launch the bunny that far.

"Drawing on the asphalt." If the asphalt is dry, it's time to take out the crayons and draw the sun, flowers and grass.

"Paths and Labyrinths"

Draw a winding path for the baby. Invite your child to either walk along it himself, without going beyond the boundaries, or to carry his toy (for boys, ride a car). You can even draw a whole labyrinth, and let the baby turn into a mouse, which will have a prize waiting for it at the exit of the labyrinth - drying!

“We let the boat sail along the stream and puddles”

You can make the boats at home in advance and play at home, or you can make them outside from scrap materials. Make boats from thick paper using the origami technique, from a piece of foam plastic or from half a walnut and plasticine to attach the mast.

If you let the boat float in a puddle, you can move on to another game.

"Measuring puddles"

At the same time, we will study the concepts of size and depth. For example, you can jump over or step over a small puddle, walk through a medium one in boots, and walk around a large one. Measure the depth of the puddles using a stick.

"Let's plant a tree"

You can plant a tree in your yard or country house, or along an alley or in a park. Here, as they say, education by personal example is the best education.

"House for Birds"

Together with your child, make a birdhouse at home, attach it to a tree near the house, and wait for new “neighbors.”


Draw classics for your children and play together - a lot of fun and enjoyment is guaranteed!

Remember the game from your childhood “Rubber Band” Even 20 years ago there would not have been a single girl who would have found it difficult to answer the question of how to play rubber band. Jumping with a rubber band was incredibly popular among the entire child population from 5 to 15 years old, which mothers were not very happy with, because it is undeservedly forgotten, but now that lovers of jumping with a rubber band have their own children growing up, a new round of its popularity has begun. Outdoor games are always fun and exciting! Play with your child - this strengthens the bond between parents and children, and also helps create more reliable, trusting relationships in the family. We remember from childhood that “the sun, air and water are our best friends.” It’s just a matter of making sure that our kids grow up surrounded by these faithful “comrades.”

Prepared by:


MBOU "Elementary school-kindergarten No. 8"

Bocharnikova Svetlana Dmitrievna

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