Diary of observations of a vegetable garden on a window in a kindergarten in pictures

Kosenkova Marina

Diary of observations of plant growth as part of the “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” competition

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that I was faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers. the vegetable garden and flower garden to develop children’s skills in caring for plants , familiarizing them with the main vegetable crops and their importance in our diet.

The goal of my work was to interest children in observing the life of plants ; teach how to keep a diary of observation of plant development .

During the observations, children gained an understanding of growing plants from seeds , the dependence of their growth and the availability of moisture , light and heat.

We learned to see changes in plant , analyze, and draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships.

The pupils developed cognitive interest; ability to analyze and synthesize, to self-control.

The labor skills of children were improved; hard work developed.

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Photo report “Our beloved vegetable garden gives a lot of good things... A vegetable garden on the windowsill” A vegetable garden on the windowsill in a preschool educational institution promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, forms a positive attitude towards work.
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Unique properties of plants in our “Flower garden on the windowsill” In our “Flower garden on the windowsill” the following were planted: marigolds, oxalis, nasturtium. When I was preparing a presentation of our flower garden for the commission.

Observation is the main means of understanding nature. It makes it possible to introduce children to natural phenomena and the relationship between living and inanimate nature. It is observation that helps preschoolers see the changes that occur in plants depending on environmental conditions or those created by man.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill. Approximate list of plants for planting

Arefieva Ekaterina

Vegetable garden on the windowsill. Approximate list of plants for planting

"Vegetable garden on the windowsill»

A vegetable garden on the windowsill in a kindergarten promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life . He is able to expand and develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of grown plants and children’s ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, the result of his work.

It is very important that children actively participate in planting and subsequent care of plants . Previously, programs gave precise recommendations on which plants should be planted in each age group , but now there are no such strict rules. A vegetable garden on a windowsill should, first of all, help in the development of children. Therefore, for pupils of the younger groups it is advisable to plant larger seeds than for pupils of the middle and senior groups. Also, in the younger groups, 1-2 types of plants are enough for planting , in the middle groups 2-3, in the older and preparatory groups - up to 5.

Approximate list of plants for planting

• you can grow 1-2 copies of indoor varieties of cucumber, tomato, and peas.

Plants regularly and the results recorded in a diary. In younger groups, the teacher sketches or photographs the changes. In the middle classes, children help ( for example , the teacher draws an onion, and the child draws green leaves). In senior and preparatory groups, the results of observations are sketched by children.

Work on organizing a vegetable garden on a window will be more successful if it is carried out in stages:

1. Planting plants , making index tables with names and planting . Introducing children to the algorithm for caring for plants . A selection of fiction about planted plants : sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles.

2. Monitoring plant , conducting experiments. The results are recorded in a diary. Creation of a collection of vegetable seeds that are popular in our region. Getting acquainted with fiction, creating a card index of literary words, looking at illustrations, holding conversations and games.

3. Analysis and generalization of the results obtained in the process of children’s research activities. Design of the exhibition of drawings “From seed to sprout”

Writing stories about how to care for plants .
Very often competitions are held between groups whose garden turns out to be more beautiful. In competition mode, children develop their imagination even more.

Such work, carried out regularly starting from younger groups, has great educational opportunities.

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Project to generate interest in experimental research activities on growing plants “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” Preschool children do not have enough knowledge about plants and where they grow. On the necessary conditions for their growth.


Ideas for observing the garden on the window for older preschoolers

Olesya Kovshova

Ideas for observing the garden on the window for older preschoolers

For example, planting onions in our preparatory school group will no longer surprise anyone, but the children observe with pleasure the research and observation of the growth of the same onion, but in different conditions.

What is needed for this? Three identical jars for planting bulbs (we used old sippy cups) and three bulbs. Why three onions? I explain:

Place the first onion in a sippy cup with water (don’t forget to cut off the tops of all three onions). For this bulb, three conditions will be met:

water (we designate this condition with a blue circle by sticking a blue circle on the sippy cup, heat (we stick a red circle)

light (paste a yellow circle)

The second onion is placed in a sippy cup without water. For this bulb, two conditions are met:

The third onion is placed in a sippy cup with water, but in a dark place where light does not penetrate. We put this onion in a box with a tight-fitting lid. This bulb is in the following conditions:

Now let’s be patient and watch with the children which bulb will grow. At the same time, do not forget to keep a diary of observations, comparing each of the bulbs.

You can also observe the germination of potatoes . Take a potato, wash it thoroughly and place it on the windowsill in the sunlight. After some time, potato sprouts will not keep you waiting. And the guys will be interested in watching this.

And here, for example, is an option for observing and conducting an experiment on the germination of flower seeds . We took the seeds of “Sunflower “Bear Cub”. For this experiment, we created three different conditions for seed growth.

First option: plant the seeds in a container with soil.

Second option: mix soil with sand in a ratio of 1/1.

Third option: put the seed on cotton wool in a container.

For all three planting options, we observe the same conditions: water, light, heat. To make comparisons convenient, we keep a diary of observations of all three samples.

To make it interesting for the children to take care of the garden, we also planted other seeds: dill, parsley, tomatoes, watercress and much more. But so that the garden does not seem boring, ordinary pots have become quite unusual people (as our children said: “These are boys and girls, like us”).

And a birch tree and some other decorations grew on the window.

If my ideas are useful to you, I will be very glad. Enjoy your exploration and observation with your children. And, of course, a good harvest in the garden!

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Lapbook information content

A laptop on the theme “Vegetable garden on the window” can be filled with a variety of information. Possible blocks:

The pictures can also be used as answers to riddles about vegetables.

Each card contains an image of a vegetable and brief interesting information about it.

You need to take several plants that are well known to children, including those that grow in a mini-garden in a group

Below each part of the plant is its description.

It’s a good idea to copy the tips from the seed packages into a booklet.

Information for passports can again be taken from seed packages

Cards reflect the key stages of planting

A growth calendar will allow children to record their observations of plants

Children themselves can draw colorful pictures; the teacher will only draw the outlines with a simple pencil

Preschoolers usually love to look at their photographs, so they can be placed in a lapbook

Riddles for kids should be short and simple, for older people - more intricate

Poems should be short, you can take humorous ones

Such pictures will be relevant in the younger and middle groups, since vegetables are a simple object for coloring

You need to enter vegetables horizontally, and fruits vertically.

A selection of riddles about vegetables

A selection of poems about vegetables

A selection of sayings about vegetables

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