Features of play activities of senior preschool age

Features of play activities of senior preschool age

At this stage of development of the game, word and deed come together, and role-playing behavior becomes a model of relationships between people that are meaningful to children. The stage of the actual role-playing game begins, in which the players simulate the labor and social relations of people familiar to them.

A scientific understanding of the stage-by-stage development of play activity makes it possible to develop clearer, systematized recommendations for guiding the play activities of children in different age groups.

In order to achieve a genuine, emotionally rich game, including an intellectual solution to a game problem, the teacher needs to comprehensively guide the formation, namely: purposefully enrich the child’s practical experience, gradually transferring it into a conventional game plan, and during independent games, encourage the preschooler to creatively reflect reality.

The game is dynamic where the management is aimed at its gradual formation, taking into account those factors that ensure the timely development of gaming activity at all age levels. Here it is very important to rely on the child’s personal experience. Game actions formed on its basis acquire a special emotional overtones. Otherwise, learning to play becomes mechanical. Emotions cement the game, make it exciting, create a favorable climate for relationships, increase the tone that every child needs - a share of his mental comfort, and this, in turn, becomes a condition for the preschooler’s receptivity to educational actions and joint activities with peers.

All components of a comprehensive guide to the formation of play are interconnected and equally important when working with children. As children grow older, the organization of their practical experience also changes, which is aimed at actively learning the real relationships between people in the process of joint activities. In this regard, the content of educational games and the conditions of the subject-game environment are updated. The emphasis of activating communication between adults and children shifts: it becomes businesslike, aimed at achieving joint goals. Adults act as one of the participants in the game, encouraging children to engage in joint discussions, statements, disputes, conversations, and contribute to the collective solution of game problems that reflect the joint social and labor activities of people.

So, the formation of play activities creates the necessary psychological conditions and favorable soil for the comprehensive development of the child. Comprehensive education of children, taking into account their age characteristics, requires systematization of the games used in practice, the establishment of connections between different forms of independent play and non-play activities that take place in a playful form. As you know, any activity is determined by its motive, that is, by what this activity is aimed at. Play is an activity whose motive lies within itself. This means that the child plays because he wants to play, and not for the sake of obtaining some specific result, which is typical for everyday life, work and any other productive activity.

The role of play and the influence of toys on a child’s mental development

Svetlana Khilova

The role of play and the influence of toys on a child’s mental development

Department of Education of the City Administration

Nizhny Novgorod

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 65 "Kalinka"

(MBDOU Kindergarten No. 65 “Kalinka”


The role of play and the influence of toys on a child’s mental development.



Khilova S. V.


The role of play in the mental development of a child.

In preschool age, play becomes the leading activity, but not because the modern child , as a rule, spends most of his time in games that entertain him ; play causes qualitative changes in the child’s psyche .

With the development of gaming skills and the complication of game plans, children begin to engage in longer-term communication. In joint play activities, children learn the language of communication, mutual understanding and mutual assistance, and learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of others.

The game affects all aspects of mental development , which has been repeatedly emphasized by both teachers and psychologists . Thus, A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Game is important in the life of a child , it has the same meaning as activity, work, service for an adult. What a child is like at play , so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs, first of all, in play. And the whole history of an individual as an actor or worker can be represented in the development of play and in its gradual transition into work.”

In play activities, the mental qualities and personal characteristics of the child . The game develops other types of activities, which then acquire independent significance, that is, the game influences various aspects of the development of a preschooler .

Gaming activity influences the formation of arbitrariness of mental processes . Thus, in play, children begin to develop voluntary attention and voluntary memory. When playing, children concentrate better and remember more than during classes. Conscious goal (focus, remember and recall)

stands out to
the child earlier and is easiest to play. The very conditions of the game require the child to concentrate on the objects included in the game situation, on the content of the actions being played out and the plot. If a child does not want to be attentive to what the upcoming game situation requires of him, if he does not remember the conditions of the game , then he is simply driven out by his peers. The need for communication and emotional encouragement forces the child to focus and remember.
The gaming situation and actions in it have a constant impact on the development of the mental activity preschool child In the game, the child learns to act with a substitute object - he gives the substitute a new game name and acts with it in accordance with the name. The substitute object becomes a support for thinking. Based on actions with substitute objects, the child learns to think about a real object. Gradually, playful actions with objects are reduced, the child learns to think about objects and act with them mentally. Thus, play greatly contributes to the child’s gradual transition to thinking in terms of ideas.

At the same time, the child’s in role-playing games forms the basis of a special property of thinking that allows one to take the point of view of other people, anticipate their future behavior and, depending on this, build one’s own behavior.

Role-playing play is essential for the development of imagination . In play activities, the child learns to replace objects with other objects and take on different roles. This ability forms the basis for the development of imagination . In the games of children of senior preschool age, substitute objects are no longer required, just as many play actions are no longer required. Children learn to identify objects and actions with them, and create new situations in their imagination.

At the border between early and preschool childhood, play with a plot first appears. This is a director's game we already know. Simultaneously with it or a little later, figurative role-playing appears. In it, the child imagines himself to be anything and everything and acts accordingly. But a prerequisite for the development of such a game is a vivid , intense experience: the child was struck by the picture he saw, and he himself, in his play actions, reproduces the image that evoked a strong emotional response in him.

The influence of the game on the development of a child’s personality lies in the fact that through it he gets acquainted with the behavior and relationships of adults, who become a model for his own behavior, and in it he acquires basic communication skills and qualities necessary for establishing contact with peers.

Developed role-playing provides a means for conveying feelings and resolving conflicts. “ Toys equip the child with suitable tools, since they are the environment in which the child . In free play he can express what he wants to do. When he plays freely, he releases feelings and attitudes that have persistently sought to break free."

Directed and figurative role-playing games become sources of plot-role-playing play , which reaches its developed form by the middle of preschool age. , games with rules emerge from it . It should be noted that the emergence of new types of games does not completely cancel old, already mastered ones - they are all preserved and continue to be improved. In role-playing games, children reproduce their own human roles and relationships. Children play with each other or with a doll as an ideal partner, who is also given a role .

Productive activities of the child - drawing , design - at different stages of preschool childhood are closely merged with play. Thus, while drawing, a child often acts out one or another plot. The animals he drew fight among themselves, catch up with each other, people go to visit and return home, the wind blows away hanging apples, etc. The construction of cubes is woven into the course of the game . The child is a driver , he carries blocks for construction, then he is a loader unloading these blocks, and finally, he is a construction worker building a house. In joint play, these functions are distributed among several children. Interest in drawing and design initially arises precisely as a playful interest aimed at the process of creating a drawing or design in accordance with the game plan. And only in middle and senior preschool age is interest transferred to the result of the activity (for example, drawing), and it is freed from the influence of the game .

Within the gaming activity, educational activity also begins to take shape, which later becomes the leading activity. The teaching is introduced by the adult, it does not arise directly from the game . But a preschooler begins to learn by playing - he treats learning as a kind of role-playing game with certain rules. However, by following these rules, the child unnoticed masters basic learning activities. the child’s attitude towards it . He develops the desire and initial ability to learn.

The game has a very great . The child must explain what and how he would like to play, agree with other children who can play what role , pronounce his text so that others understand it. In middle and older preschool age, children, despite their inherent egocentrism, negotiate with each other, pre-distributing roles, as well as during the game . A meaningful discussion of issues related to roles and control over the implementation of the rules of the game becomes possible thanks to the inclusion of children in a common, emotionally rich activity for them. The need to explain to peers stimulates the development of coherent speech .

Play as a leading activity is of particular importance for the development of the sign function of a child’s . The sign function permeates all aspects and manifestations of the human psyche . Mastering the sign function of speech leads to a radical restructuring of all mental functions of the child . In the game, the development of the sign function is carried out through the replacement of some objects with others. Substitute objects act as signs of absent objects. A sign can be any element of reality (an object of human culture that has a fixed functional purpose; a toy that acts as a conventional copy of a real object; a multifunctional object made from natural materials or created by human culture, etc., acting as a substitute for another element of reality. Naming one and with the same word of an absent object and its substitute, the child’s on certain properties of the object, which are interpreted in a new way through substitutions. This opens up another path of cognition. In addition, the substitute object (a sign of the absent)

mediates the connection between an absent object and a word and transforms verbal content in a new way.

In play, the child comprehends specific signs of two types: individual conventional signs, which have little in common in their sensory nature with the designated object, and iconic signs, the sensory properties of which are visually close to the replaced object.

Individual conventional signs and iconic signs in the game take on the function of the missing object that they replace. Different degrees of proximity of the object-sign that replaces the missing object and the replaced object contribute to the development of the sign function of speech: the mediating relationship “object - its sign - its name”

enriches the semantic side of the word as a sign.

Substitution actions, in addition, contribute to the child’s development of free handling of objects and use of them not only in the quality that was learned in the first years of childhood, but also in a different way (a clean handkerchief, for example, can replace a bandage or a summer cap) .

Play as a leading activity is of particular importance for the development of reflective thinking. Reflection is a person’s ability to analyze his own actions, actions, motives and correlate them with universal human values, as well as with the actions, actions, motives of other people. Reflection contributes to adequate human behavior in the world of people.

The game leads to the development of reflection , since in the game there is a real opportunity to control how an action that is part of the communication process is performed. So, when playing hospital, a child cries and suffers like a patient, and is pleased with himself as a good performer of the role . The dual position of the player - performer and controller - develops the ability to correlate his behavior with the behavior of a certain model. In a role-playing game, prerequisites arise for reflection as a purely human ability to comprehend one’s own actions, anticipating the reactions of other people.

So, the role of play in the development of a child’s psyche .

1) In the game, the child learns to fully communicate with peers.

2) Learn to subordinate your impulsive desires to the rules of the game . A subordination of motives appears - “I want” begins to be subordinated to “I can’t” or “I must.”

all mental processes intensively , the first moral feelings are formed (what is bad and what is good)


4) New motives and needs are formed (competitive, gaming motives, the need for independence)


5) New types of productive activities arise in the game (drawing, modeling, appliqué)

The influence of toys on a child’s mental development.

The main means of play for a preschool child is a toy . Here there is direct development in all mental processes : imagination, thinking, attention, perception and memory.

Types of toys .

Toys are diverse , so more often in modern literature the classification of toys is based on their use in different types of games:

1. Story or figurative toys (dolls, figurines, etc.)


They largely determine the plot of the game , develop creativity , clarify and expand the child’s and his social experience.

2. Technical toys introduce children to the world of technology, familiarize them with the appearance of technical objects (machines, mechanisms, vehicles, with their characteristic actions.

3. Construction and structural materials are designed for children's design.

4. Didactic toys aimed at developing perception , memory, and thinking: nesting dolls, pyramids, mosaics, board and printed games .

5. Toys for outdoor and sports games are intended for physical education. Encourages children to engage in a variety of activities and satisfies the child’s needs for active movement .

6. Theatrical toys are theatrical characters, bibabo dolls, sets of plot figurines for acting out scenes based on fairy tales.

7. Sounding and musical toys are used in classes, holidays, entertainment , and in independent games. They differ in their sound characteristics and elegant design. These are metallophones, accordions, drums, pipes, etc.

A toy is a child’s constant companion from birth. Even in infancy, the child receives rattles , which determine the content of his behavioral activity and his manipulation.

At an early age, the child receives educational toys . While having fun , the child learns to relate and distinguish shapes, sizes, and colors.

At the same age, he receives many toys - substitutes for real objects of human culture: tools, household items ( toy dishes , toy furniture , cars, and others. Through such toys, the child masters the functional purpose of objects and masters instrumental actions.

In addition to toys created specifically for children's play , various household items are often used (empty spools, matchboxes, pencils, scraps, ropes, etc.) and so-called natural materials (cones, twigs, wood chips, bark, dry roots, etc.)


Most of the items listed can be used in different ways depending on the game's plot and situational objectives ; in the game, these objects act as multifunctional, that is, the child easily uses them as many other objects that he replaces.

A special place among toys is occupied by dolls and soft toys , images of a bear, hare, monkey, dog, etc. Initially, the child performs with the doll only those actions that the adult shows him: rocks the doll, carries it in a stroller, puts it in a crib. These are, first of all, imitative actions.

Subsequently, the adult offers the child a doll or toy animal as an object for emotional communication. The child learns to patronize, show care, and empathize with the toy in all its puppet vicissitudes, which the child himself creates in his imagination based on his own experience. A child , playing with a doll or toy animal , learns reflection and emotional identification.

The doll is of particular importance for the emotional and moral development of the child . Thanks to the will and imagination of the child, she “behaves”

exclusively in the way its owner needs it at the moment.
She is smart and obedient. She is affectionate and cheerful. She is obstinate and stubborn. She is a liar and an incorrigible slob. The child experiences with his doll all the events of his own and others’ lives in all emotional and moral manifestations accessible to his understanding.
A doll or soft toy is a substitute for an ideal friend who understands everything and remembers no evil. every preschooler needs such a toy A doll for a child is not only a daughter or a son. A doll or soft toy is a partner in communication in all its manifestations. Each child the toy in his own way , experiencing many different feelings thanks to it.

a great influence on the emotional attitude towards a toy . Children are selective about toys depicting the same animal, but with different textures. Soft, fluffy materials evoke positive emotions and stimulate the child to play . child rough, cooling materials as the texture of their favorite toy . With the help of a correctly selected toy joy towards .

Observations show that children really like to play with soft toys . They sit this toy with them during lunch, go to bed with it, and sit it on their lap while watching movies. When playing various games (steamboat, train), be sure to take bears, dogs, Cheburashkas with them, although there are other toys .

the toy's head and body is also important . It has been established that a certain ratio of the proportions of the toy evokes a patronizing attitude. The shortened oval face of a doll or the muzzle of an animal, chubby cheeks, a small nose and big eyes - this appearance of a toy evokes a surge of tender feelings in a child.

Dolls - copies of a person have different purposes in the game. The traditional "beautiful"

dolls have large eyes framed by long eyelashes, a short nose, a small bright mouth, and necessarily luxurious
(white, gold, red, black)
doll can be a daughter, a princess, a mother.

Mostly girls play with “beautiful”

Dolls - heroes of folk and original fairy tales, cartoons, etc. - are also characteristic in their appearance (Pinocchio, Cheburashka, Snow White, etc.), but they carry a predetermined behavior pattern, a stable moral characteristic, despite the changing storylines in the game Such dolls seem to require a certain behavior from the child . For example, Pinocchio, Carlson, Cheburashka are always good, kind, fair and honest, but Karabas Barabas, Barmaley are bad, evil, unfair and deceitful.

Thus, a toy is an important item in the development of a child's communication .

A toy for a child is a tool for learning about the world. Properly selected toys contribute to the mental development of children . A whole system of toys that are aimed at improving the child's . Many imaginative and didactic toys encourage children to engage in speech activity. Various mosaics contribute to the development of concentration and stability of attention.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “In childhood, a person must go through an emotional school - a school for instilling good feelings.”

Thus, the toy amuses and pleases the child and evokes a positive attitude towards the environment. Playing with a doll awakens in children a caring, caring attitude, attentiveness and tenderness, and helps to accumulate the experience of positive moral feelings.

The importance of toys in raising children is great. A toy is an indispensable childhood companion and the most important playing .

A toy is a means of communication and mental development for preschool children.


Thus, the importance of play in the development of preschool children is very great.

It is a special form of social life for preschoolers, in which they unite at will, act independently, realize their plans, and learn about the world. Independent play activities contribute to the physical and mental development of each child , the education of moral and volitional qualities, and creative abilities.

Children master the skills and abilities necessary for full mental and personal development in organizing role-playing, didactic and active games with rules, dramatization games, as well as play actions with toys and substitute objects.

Play is a traditional, recognized method of raising young children. It corresponds to the natural needs and desires of the child, and therefore in the game children willingly and happily do what they cannot yet do in real life.

The way we are now is ingrained in us in our childhood. And those principles and values, skills and abilities that exist - all this is instilled in the game. With the help of the game, the child learns the world around him, reproduces logically real actions of people, and also learns to model real relationships between people, learns social relationships and the social meaning of the activities of an adult. And thus enters adult life with a whole “baggage”

the knowledge he needs for a successful and beautiful life, to realize his potential.

Play as a leading activity in preschool age contributes to:

development of imagination , attention, memory, communication abilities, intelligence, broadening horizons;

formation of worldview, concept of time;

the assimilation of moral norms, awareness of one’s self as a subject of relationships;

development of children's physical capabilities.


allows the social environment to adapt to the individual characteristics of the child;

allows the child to rearrange the surrounding reality at will.

Also, in the game, the child develops as a personality , those aspects of his psyche , on which the success of his educational and work activities, his relationships with people will subsequently depend.

All these facts confirm that play is of great importance for the development of all mental processes and the child’s .

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