Lapbook “Voice of Nature” for children of senior preschool age

Download ready-made templates for environmental laptops.

In the lapbook: natural resources, living and inanimate nature, environmental game “What you can and cannot do in nature,” environmental proverbs

Print out a lapbook on the topic “Garbage”

In the lapbook: sorting waste for subsequent recycling, the time frame for decomposition of waste in pictures.

Photos of homemade lapbooks in author’s blogs on the MAAM portal

Contained in sections:

  • Lapbook. Lapbooks on all topics 7387
  • Garbage. Let's protect nature from garbage 940
  • Ecology for children. Ecolates, nature defenders 4155
  • Ecology, nature protection. Didactic games and aids 79

Includes sections:

  • Red Book. Lapbooks, homemade manuals 46

Showing publications 1-10 of 249. All sections | Ecological lapbooks



The best

Lapbook “Ecology” Today, one of the most important problems in the world is the problem of ecology . The purpose of the manual: to create conditions for the educational process that ensure the environmental development of preschool children, the formation of the foundations of environmental culture and creative thinking in children...

Lapbook “Ecology” (senior group)

1. Lapbook Ecology

2. Didactic manual
Ecology is intended for middle, as well as senior preschool age, if the content
of the lapbook is expanded and complicated. 3. Purpose of the work: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of preschool children about ecology and rules...

Lapbook “Take care of nature”

Didactic manual lapbook “Take care of nature!”

Prepared by teacher Sidorenko L.P.

Didactic manual

presented in the form of
a lapbook

Take care of nature
”, is an A4 folder, on the pages of the folder there are various pockets, games and cards that contain information on the topic.


can be used not only in educational activities and be of a teaching nature, but also in joint activities of an adult with children, in individual and subgroup work, as well as in independent activities of children.


is an amazing handcrafted educational tool.
itself is very interactive
, from the process of its creation to the finished result.
And each component of the lapbook
gives him the opportunity to focus on a specific aspect of a larger topic.

Explanatory note:


The federal state educational standard for preschool education involves the formation of a general culture of children’s personality, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, and the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.

Environmental education of children is of great importance in the implementation of this problem. Today, environmental literacy, careful

and a loving attitude towards
have become the key to human survival on our planet.
Environmental education for children has great potential for their comprehensive development. A thoughtful, systematic acquaintance of a child with the natural
allows him to develop the most important operations of thinking: analysis, comparison, the ability to establish relationships, generalization.

Age orientation

: the benefit is intended for children 5 – 7 years old.


consolidation and formation of the principles of ecological culture:

correct attitude of the child to nature, to the world around him, to himself, to

people as part of nature, to things and natural materials

origins they use. Formation in children

ecological consciousness.


    • develop cognitive interest in nature

      , logical thinking,

cognitive - research activities, promote

accumulation of environmental knowledge;

    • form ideas about system structure nature


    • cultivate conscious, caring and respect for nature


    • develop interest and love for nature.

Lapbook contents

involves the use of a variety of methods in working with it: visual (examination of illustrations), verbal (conversations, reading fiction about
), practical
(ecological games, rules of conduct in nature )

The problem, based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, has significantly changed the approach to organizing educational activities. A modern child needs not so much to know a lot, but to think consistently and convincingly, and to show mental effort. In this regard, teachers are faced with the task of finding new non-standard forms of interaction with students. Traditional education is being replaced by productive learning, which is aimed at developing creative abilities

, formation of interest in creative activities among preschoolers.

Ultimately, all the tasks of the didactic manual

are aimed at achieving a single goal - a conscious attitude of children towards
, forming in them the foundations of environmental consciousness.

Contents of the teaching aid


  • "Puzzles" -

    development of logical thinking, knowledge about the natural world.

  • "Animals of Reservoirs"

    — formation of primary ideas about the inhabitants of various reservoirs.

  • “Know and remember! Save water!

    — teach children to save water. To consolidate knowledge of basic rules for handling water resources.

  • "Living and inanimate nature"

    — generalize children’s knowledge about living and inanimate nature, promote the development of cognitive interests.

  • "Nature in Danger"

    — Introduce people to the rules of behavior in nature and the possible dangers that may lurk if these rules are not followed.

  • "Ecological signs"

    - consolidate the rules of behavior in nature.

  • "Green Pharmacy"

    - generalize children’s knowledge about plants that have a medicinal effect for humans.

  • "Red Book of the Orenburg Region"

    — give the concept of the Red Book: study of rare species that are listed in the Red Book. Introduce us to the plants and animals found in the area in which we live.

  • "Rebuses"

    - developing the ability to solve logical problems about the natural world around us.

  • "Check yourself

    Collect and guess
    ” - development of attention, logical thinking.

  • “Whose traces?”
    recognize famous animals by their footprints,

match the picture with the image of the footprint to the picture of the corresponding

animal, name animals correctly.

  • "Fairy tales. Poetry. Stories" -

    Expand horizons, introduce the world that surrounds the child.

  • “Stages of development of the animal world” -

    expand ideas about the growth and development of animals and plants, be able to distinguish between stages and paths of development, and develop logical thinking.

  • “Structure diagrams of animals and plants” -

    expand your understanding
    the structure of animals and plants.

  • "Garbage sorting"

    - a sorting task, to consolidate the knowledge of what is made of what.
    In the manual
    we consider the environmental issue

“Garbage Sorting”, in it we consider the questions: “Where does it come from?


?”, “Where does he go?”, “What happens to him?” and "How can we

help nature

" etc

The manual is multifunctional, transformable, mobile, convenient for both children and teachers. The material is selected taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children.


The implementation of this benefit brings all children and the teacher closer together. Children's horizons broaden and their mental activity improves. Brings the teacher a replenishment of the subject-development environment in the form of a series of exclusive interactive folders about nature.

As a result of the implementation of the manual, the hypothesis was confirmed that a lapbook is an excellent way to obtain, expand and consolidate knowledge on a certain topic.

The value of a lapbook for preschoolers:

-promotes understanding and memorization of information on the topic;

-promotes the child’s acquisition of skills for independently collecting and organizing information on a topic;

-promotes repetition and consolidation of material on the topic.


. The manual is aimed at solving environmental problems. The content of the lapbook helps to expand environmental understanding and consolidate concepts on the topic “Ecology. Protect the environment!". While working with thematic material, the child conducts observations, completes tasks, studies and consolidates information. Subsequently, having a ready-made thematic folder at hand, the child can refresh his knowledge on a particular topic.

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Types of lapbooks

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Thematic. Contains fairy tales, poems, songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings, rhymes, pictures on the topic.

School. They help in mastering certain school material and prepare for tests.

Preschool. They develop imagination and creativity, cognitive and research activities, help the development of memory, speech, communication skills, etc.

Encyclopedic. Information is presented in a structure similar to an encyclopedia.

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