Regime in kindergarten by groups - rules of nutrition, activities and rest

Requirements for the daily routine in preschool educational institutions according to SanPiN

The standard daily routine in kindergarten is designed for 12 hours, which the child spends within the preschool walls. Any adjustments are made taking into account climatic conditions, geographical location, and other factors. The regime is drawn up in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.4.12660–10. Key points:

  • The kindergarten provides four meals a day with a time interval of 4 hours between meals.
  • There are 2 walks in the fresh air - in the morning and after a nap. In total, walking with children requires 3–4 hours. The time spent outside is reduced at temperatures below –15 °C and wind speeds of 7 m/s.
  • According to the daily schedule, nap time is 2–2.5 hours, while the teacher must be present in the bedroom and monitor the sleeping children.
  • It is required to ventilate the room for less than 10 minutes. every 90 minutes If there are no children, arrange ventilation 30 minutes in advance. before they arrive from the street or classes. The air temperature should not drop more than 2–4 °C; it is important to avoid drafts.
  • Bed linen in kindergarten must be changed at least once a week (according to the schedule).
  • In the cold season, the teacher should meet the children in the morning in the group, in warm weather - outside (at the group site).


TimeEatingApproximate menu
8:30BreakfastA hot dish (milk porridge, cottage cheese casserole, egg omelet), tea or cocoa, a sandwich with butter and cheese.
10:00LunchDrink with or without fruit.
12:00DinnerFirst course (borscht, soup), second (side dish with meat or fish), salad or vegetables, cold drink.
15:00Afternoon snackBaking (bread), drink.
18:00DinnerMeat or fish dish, cottage cheese, drink.

Kindergarten classes

In kindergarten, they develop speech skills, broaden their horizons, introduce them to the basics of mathematics and writing, instill a love of creativity and culture, and provide new knowledge. In the absence of medical contraindications, classes are conducted in the following areas:

  • physical training;
  • music, singing;
  • art;
  • mathematics;
  • development of speech, logic, fine motor skills;
  • preparation for school.

In kindergarten, independent games are held, when children communicate with peers, make friends, and relax. There are no more than 3 classes per day in kindergarten, with a break between them of at least 10 minutes. Lesson duration:

  • junior group (children 3–4 years old) – 10 min.;
  • middle group (4–5 years) – 15 minutes;
  • senior group (5–6 years old) – 20 min.;
  • preparatory group (6–7 years old) – 30 min.

Daily routine in kindergarten

The daily routine in kindergarten depends on the age of the child, the specialization of the preschool educational institution, and other factors at the discretion of the teacher (methodologist, management). Activities that require increased mental stress for children are carried out in the first half of the day, alternating with physical education, music, and fine arts. This is important in order not to overload the child, to make him a comprehensively developed personality to the delight of dad and mom.

Nursery group (2–3 years)

It is important to follow the daily routine in kindergarten from the nursery on. This is necessary so that the kids adapt faster. It is important to speed up the process of getting used to the teachers and nanny so that the child does not worry and goes to kindergarten with joy every morning. Approximate daily schedule:

TimeDaily regime
7:00–8:00Reception of babies
8:20–9:00Independent games in a group
9:00–9:30Preparing for the walk
9:30–11:30Street games
11:30–11:45Return to the group, preparation for lunch
12:15–12:30Preparation for sleep
12:30–15:00Quiet hour
15:00–15:15Waking up after a nap
15:15–15:30Afternoon snack
15:30–15:45Stand alone games
15:45–16:15Group classes
16:15–16:30Preparing to go outside

Junior group (3–4 years old)

TimeDaily regime
7:00–8:20Reception of children, morning exercises, games
8:20–8:50Preparing for breakfast, eating
8:50–9:20Games, preparation for classes
10:00–10:20Preparing for the walk
10:20–12:20Outdoor recreation
13:00–15:15Quiet hour
15:15–15:45Awakening, games, air procedures
15:45–16:00Afternoon snack
16:00–16:30Games, physical activity
16:30–16:50Gathering outside

Middle group (4–5 years old)

TimeDaily regime
7:00–8:20Reception of pupils, gymnastics, outdoor games
8:20–8:50Preparing for breakfast, eating
8:50–9:50Preparation for classes, classes
9:50–11:50Gathering outside for a walk
11:50–12:15Return to the group, preparation for lunch
12:50–13:00Preparing for sleep
13:00–15:00Quiet hour
15:00–15:25Awakening, games, air procedures
15:25–15:50Afternoon snack
15:50–16:30Games, physical activity, music lessons, educational program
16:30–18:00Gathering outside for a walk

Senior (5–6 years old)

TimeDaily regime
7:00–8:30Reception of pupils, duty, gymnastics, outdoor games
8:30–8:55Preparing for breakfast, eating
8:55–10:50Developmental activities
10:50–12:25Preparing for a walk, walk
12:25–12:40Returning from the street, preparing for lunch
13:15–15:00Getting ready for bed, quiet time
15:00–15:25Waking up, personal hygiene procedures
15:25–15:40Afternoon snack
15:40–16:20Games, physical education, labor, fine arts
16:30–18:00Outdoor recreation

Preparatory group (6–7 years old)

TimeDaily regime
7:00–8:30Reception of pupils, duty, gymnastics, outdoor games
8:30–8:50Preparing for breakfast, eating
8:50–9:00Getting ready for classes
9:00–11:05Preparing a preschooler for school
11:05–12:35Gathering for a walk, walk
12:35–12:45Return to the group
13:15–15:00Quiet hour
15:00–15:25Waking up, maintaining personal hygiene
15:25–15:40Afternoon snack
15:40–16:30Games, work, fine arts, communication with peers, gathering outside
16:30–18:00Outdoor recreation

Daily planning in the first junior group

Anastasia Klepikova

Daily planning in the first junior group


Morning: Morning reception and examination of children.

Goal: To create a cheerful emotional mood for the whole day, to ensure a calm separation of children from their parents.

Develop cultural behavior skills: say hello when entering a group ; Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teacher, children; Teach to maintain order in the playroom and arrange it after the games are over.

D/N: “Whose baby?”

Goal: We develop fine motor skills, thinking, and activate children’s speech.

Morning work-out.

Goal: Formation and improvement of motor skills, preservation and strengthening of children’s health.

Conversation with children: “Indoor plants at home”


Goal: To develop children's coherent speech.

Preparing for breakfast. KGN.

Goal: Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Teach children to say “thank you”

after meal.


Goal: To develop the ability to follow basic rules while eating. Encourage children to eat carefully and use a spoon.

Game situation “The dolls are going for a walk”


Goal: To develop in children the ability to play with toys, manipulate them and put them in their place.

GCD: Speech development.

Topic: “Examining the painting “In a Corner of Nature”
(art. O. Hoffman)

Goal: To consolidate ideas about indoor plants and the need to care for them. Strengthen the ability to look at a picture and answer questions about the content. Strengthen the ability to compare natural objects and those depicted in the picture. Practice using words: big - small.

Breathing exercise: “My balloon”


Goal: To develop a deeper breath, a strong long exhalation; activate the lip muscles.

P/N: “Dwarves and Giants”


Goal: To teach children to perform actions at the request of an adult, to activate children’s speech.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner. KGN

Developing cultural and hygienic skills, taking care of your health, and cultural behavior.

Preparation for sleep. Dream. "Learning to undress"

Goal: learn to take off socks and shoes with the help of adults, learn to hang clothes on a chair.

Listening to the composition “Sleep, my joy, sleep”


Getting up after sleep. Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures, prevention of flat feet: walking on a massage path.

Preparing for afternoon tea. Afternoon snack. KGN.

P/I “Pick an apple”

Goal: Continue to teach children to repeat the movements after the teacher, pronouncing the words of the text. Teach jumping.

Reading fiction: S. Prokofiev’s “The Tale of Oika-Crybaby”


Purpose: Encourage children to listen to the work and answer the adult’s questions.

The activity at the creativity center is drawing with pencils.

F/S: “Where dolls and cars live”

Goal: To help children remember the location of toys in a group , to teach children to put them back in their place, and to cultivate a caring attitude.

D/I: according to children's interests.

Goal: To teach children to distinguish objects by size, color, shape.

Individual work on speech development with Ira.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.KGN: instill basic table manners, teach how to hold a spoon, and drink carefully from a mug.

Game with building materials: “Lego – hollow”


Goal: Develop hand motor skills, thinking, encourage children to play without interfering with each other.

Free play activity for children.

Going home. Encourage children to say goodbye.


Morning: Morning reception and examination of children.

Goal: To create a cheerful emotional mood for the whole day, to ensure a calm separation of children from their parents.

Develop cultural behavior skills: say hello when entering a group ; Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teacher, children; Teach to maintain order in the playroom and arrange it after the games are over.

D/N: “What color?”


Goal: Learn to distinguish objects by color. Strengthen your knowledge of flowers.

Morning work-out.

Goal: Formation and improvement of motor skills, preservation and strengthening of children’s health.

Conversation with children: “Take care of your health”


Goal: Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Preparing for breakfast. KGN.

Goal: Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Teach children to find their towel and dry their hands.


Goal: To develop the ability to follow basic rules while eating. Encourage children to eat carefully, encourage them to say “thank you”

after meal.

Finger games: “Bull”, “Ladushki”

"Where are our hands"

P/N: “My funny ringing ball”


Goal: Encourage children to perform movements in accordance with the words of an adult. Teach children to jump on two legs.

GCD: Introduction to the natural world.

Topic : “Looking at indoor plants”


Purpose: To help remember the names of familiar plants (ficus, grass)

. Tell that plants are alive: they drink water, grow, they need to be watered. Practice using words: big-small. Maintain interest, love and respect for indoor plants.

Articulation gymnastics “Swing, hamster”

Goal: Development of high-quality articulation movements and accurate, correct pronunciation of speech sounds.

Independent play activities of children.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner. KGN

Developing cultural and hygienic skills, taking care of your health, and cultural behavior.

Preparation for sleep. Dream. "Learning to undress"

Goal: learn to take off socks and shoes with the help of adults, learn to hang clothes on a chair.

Getting up after sleep. Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures, prevention of flat feet: walking on a massage path.

Preparing for afternoon tea. Afternoon snack. KGN.

S/I: “Doll Katya welcomes guests”


Goal: Learn to pronounce words correctly after the teacher. Encourage you to play out the situation.

P/I "Traffic Light"


Goal: To teach children to act on an adult’s command. Formation of the foundations of road safety.

Reading the poem "Dandelion"


Goal: Encourage children to listen and understand the meaning of the work. Instill a love of reading.

Construction: Games with cubes.

Goal: Teach children to build buildings. Learn to name parts, experiment with them, and develop an interest in design.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner. Teach children to sit upright in chairs.

Goal: To develop correct, beautiful posture.

Individual work:

Goal: To develop motor activity in children.

Free play activity for children.

Labor assignments “We remove toys after games”


Goal: Teach children to carry out simple tasks and maintain order in the group .

Going home. Teach children to say goodbye to adults and children.


Morning: Morning reception and examination of children.

Goal: To create a cheerful emotional mood for the whole day, to ensure a calm separation of children from their parents.

Develop cultural behavior skills: say hello when entering a group ; Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teacher, children; Teach to maintain order in the playroom and arrange it after the games are over.

D/I: “Big and small”

Goal: To teach how to compare objects with each other, to activate children’s vocabulary, and to encourage them to answer adult questions.

Morning work-out.

Goal: Formation and improvement of motor skills, preservation and strengthening of children’s health.

Conversation with children “How to avoid trouble”


Goal: To introduce the rules of behavior with strangers. Form the foundations of the safety of your own life.

Preparing for breakfast. KGN.

Goal: Education of cultural and hygienic skills.


Goal: To develop the ability to follow basic rules while eating. Encourage children to eat carefully without spilling soup.

Finger gymnastics “This finger went into the forest”


Goal: Continue to develop fine motor skills.

P/N: “The locomotive is coming, the locomotive is coming”


Purpose: To train children in walking one after another. Encourage children to act in accordance with the text of the game.


Topic: “Let’s give toys to the bunny and the bear”


Goal: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: cube, ball. Development of the ability to distinguish the number of objects: many - many.

Looking at pictures with geometric shapes.

Goal: Repeat the names and colors of geometric shapes. Activate children's vocabulary.

Independent play activities of children.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner. KGN

Developing cultural and hygienic skills, taking care of your health, and cultural behavior.

Preparation for sleep. Dream. "Learning to undress"

Goal: learn to take off socks and shoes with the help of adults, learn to hang clothes on a chair.

Listening to music composition “Kneading the snow with a spoon”


Getting up after sleep. Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures, prevention of flat feet: walking on a massage path.

Preparing for afternoon tea. Afternoon snack. KGN.

P/I “The sea is agitated”


Goal: Continue to teach children to perform actions in accordance with the rules of the game, pronouncing the words of the text.

Reading of K. Chukovsky’s poem “Confusion”


Goal: To teach children to understand the poem, to give children pleasure from perception. Encourage sound pronunciation.

Construction from a constructor.

Goal: Activating interest in construction and the desire to play with each other.

P/N: “Catch the ball”


Goal: Teach children to throw and catch a ball. Develop children's physical activity.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.KGN: expand ideas about healthy and wholesome food, instill basic rules of behavior at the table.

Individual drawing work: applying strokes with Shamil.

Free play activity for children.

Labor assignments “We remove toys after games”


Goal: Teach children to carry out simple tasks and maintain order in the group .

Going home. Teach children to say goodbye to adults and children.


Morning: Morning reception and examination of children.

Goal: To create a cheerful emotional mood for the whole day, to ensure a calm separation of children from their parents.

Develop cultural behavior skills: say hello when entering a group ; Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teacher, children; Teach to maintain order in the playroom and arrange it after the games are over.

D/I: “Lace-up”


Goal: development of fine motor skills and attention in children.

Morning work-out.

Goal: Formation and improvement of motor skills, preservation and strengthening of children’s health.

Conversation with children: “What did you do yesterday; what would you like to do today (wishes)


Finger gymnastics “This finger has gone to sleep”


Goal: To develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Preparing for breakfast. KGN.

Goal: Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Teach children to dry their hands and face with their towel.


Goal: To develop the ability to follow basic rules while eating. Encourage children to hold the spoon correctly and lean over the plate while eating.

F/N: “What happened to the bear?”


Goal: To acquaint children with the situation (the dirty bear came home and sat down at the table to eat), to develop the ability to look at pictures, to understand what is depicted on them; to learn how to make sentences of 2-3 words.

GCD: Drawing

Topic: “Flower pots”


Purpose: To teach the technique of shading limited surfaces. Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly. Introduce the color brown, consolidate knowledge of color names.

D/I: “Wonderful bag”


Purpose: To determine whether children can independently recognize an object by touch; develop children's speech.

P/I “The locomotive is coming, the locomotive is coming”


Goal: To teach children to complete tasks based on the text. Create a good mood from the game.

Independent play activities of children.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner. KGN

Developing cultural and hygienic skills, taking care of your health, and cultural behavior.

Preparation for sleep. Dream. "Learning to undress"

Goal: learn to take off socks and shoes with the help of adults, learn to hang clothes on a chair.

Reading E. Blaginin “Flower - Light”


Purpose: To introduce a new literary work, to help understand its content.

Getting up after sleep. Gymnastics after sleep. Hardening procedures, prevention of flat feet: walking on a massage path.

Preparing for afternoon tea. Afternoon snack. KGN.

F/S: “Guests came to us”


Goal: To foster a culture of behavior in society, to teach children to say hello, to respond to other people’s greetings, and to answer questions.

Breathing exercise “pipe”


Goal: Strengthen physiological breathing in children.

P/I: “Obstacle Course”


Goal: To develop dexterity and motor activity in children.

Individual work with Vova on speech development.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.KGN: instill basic table manners, teach how to hold a spoon, and drink carefully from a mug.

Construction from cubes.

Goal: Develop hand motor skills, thinking, teach children to make buildings according to the model.

Free play activity for children. Encourage children to play together.

Going home. Encourage children to say goodbye.


Morning: Morning reception and examination of children.

Goal: To create a cheerful emotional mood for the whole day, to ensure a calm separation of children from their parents.

Develop cultural behavior skills: say hello when entering a group ; Contribute to the formation of positive emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teacher, children; Teach to maintain order in the playroom and arrange it after the games are over.

Finger gymnastics “Knock-knock”


Goal: Develop fine motor skills and attention.

Morning work-out.

Goal: Formation and improvement of motor skills, preservation and strengthening of children’s health.

Conversation with children: “We are polite children”


Goal: To foster a culture of behavior in society, to teach children to say hello, goodbye, and say thank you.

Preparing for breakfast. KGN.

Goal: Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Teach children to gently place their hands under running water, rub their hands, and use soap.


Goal: To develop the ability to follow basic rules while eating. Encourage children to eat carefully and use a spoon.

S/P game “Dwarves and Giants”


Purpose: To teach children to perform actions in accordance with the words of the text.


Topic: “Let’s plant a flower in a pot”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to roll out plasticine with straight and circular movements. Practice using basic plasticineography techniques. Activate children's speech.

Game situation: “Toys at the doctor’s”


Goal: Encourage children to play out the situation, activate children's vocabulary.

Board game "Loto"


Goal: To develop children’s speech, attention, and encourage them to answer questions.

S/P game "Traffic Light"


Goal: To teach children to act on a signal from an adult.

Independent play activities of children.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner. KGN

Developing cultural and hygienic skills, taking care of your health, and cultural behavior.

Preparation for sleep. Dream. "Learning to undress"

Goal: learn to take off socks and shoes with the help of adults, learn to hang clothes on a chair.

Getting up after sleep. Gymnastics after sleep “Bears”


Hardening procedures, prevention of flat feet: walking on a massage path.

Didactic exercise “How we dress”


Goal: to encourage you to put on socks and shoes with the help of adults, to teach you to verbally express a request for help

Preparing for afternoon tea. Afternoon snack. KGN.

P/I "Carousel"

Goal: To develop motor activity in children.

Reading of the poem by the Yakut poet Semyon Rufov “My Bunny”


Goal: to introduce children to the work, help them understand its meaning, encourage them to answer questions, and develop children’s speech. Introducing to the culture of the native land.

Game with balls.

Goal: teach children to run with a ball and throw it into a basket. Develop children's motor activity and dexterity.

Individual work with Christina.

Goal: To consolidate the ability to roll out plasticine with straight and circular movements.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.KGN: instill basic table manners, teach how to hold a spoon, and drink carefully from a mug.

Construction from large building material.

Goal: Develop hand motor skills, thinking, teach children to make buildings according to the model.

Dance movements: introduce to cheerful music, develop the ability to walk to music; perform simple dance movements (springing, stamping your foot, stepping from foot to foot)


Going home. Teach children to say goodbye to adults and children.

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