Dramatization of the fairy tale "Cat's House" preparatory group

Dramatization game based on the fairy tale “Cat’s House” by S. Ya. Marshak

Tatiana Bogdanova

Dramatization game based on the fairy tale “Cat’s House” by S. Ya. Marshak

Game - dramatization

based on the fairy tale S. Y. Marshak " Cat's House "

Prepared by: Bogdanova Tatyana Ivanovna

Goal: To develop interest in theatrical play by actively involving children in play activities and the desire to try themselves in different roles.

Objectives: Create an atmosphere of creativity and trust, provide each child with the opportunity to speak out about preparation during the game.

Encourage improvisation, develop the ability to feel free in a role, teach the ability to negotiate, and give in to each other.

Develop the ability to build a line of behavior in a role using attributes and costume details.

Cat house. For children of preschool and primary school age

Cat house. Children's musical based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak, music by L. Kholmovskaya.

Tili - boom! Tili - boom! There is a tall house on the mountain. Tili - boom! Tili - boom! The famous cat house. The shutters are carved in it. The windows are painted in it.

Narrator: About a rich cat's house

We will also tell a fairy tale.

Choir “Tili-bom” 1

(all children):

Tili - boom! Tili - boom! There is a tall house on the mountain. Tili - boom! Tili - boom! The famous cat house. The shutters are carved in it. The windows are painted in it. And on the stairs the carpet is a gold embroidered pattern. Tili - boom! Tili - boom! The famous cat house. A cat walks along the patterned carpet in the morning. The new dress she's wearing is worth a million rubles. Tili - boom! Tili - boom! The famous cat house. A cat goes out for a walk and walks along the alley - People watch without breathing: How good she is... (the choir leaves, the Cat remains)

Narrator: In the evening, on the anniversary, the Cat is waiting for its guests for its chic dinner And putting on a parade.

"Mazurka Cats" 2

  1. Here is my house, a wonderful house, Everything is rich and luxurious in it, I have a dining room here, all the furniture in it is oak! This is a chair, this is a table, the floor is carpeted everywhere, And there is a new thing: a steel mousetrap. Meow meow.

2. I don’t like to catch mice, I catch them with a mousetrap. The cats in my homeland are not experts at catching mice. I am from an overseas family, my great-grandfather is an Angora cat /2 r. Meow meow.

Narrator. Near the house, at the gate, there lived an old cat in the gatehouse. For a century he served as a janitor - He guarded the master's house, He stood at the gate with a broom, He drove strangers home.

(Cat Vasily appears with a broom)

Three orphan nephews came to the rich Cat and knocked on the window to be let into the house.

"Song of Kittens" 3

  1. Aunt Cat, Aunt Cat, You live richly. Feed us a little! Kittens want to eat.

Etc. Tired of listening to the blizzard, the wind blowing through the cracks. We really want to eat, we ate the bread a long time ago.

  1. We are, after all, orphans. Our house has no roof. Tell our aunt: The floor was gnawed by mice.

Etc. Tired of listening to the blizzard, the wind blowing through the cracks. We really want to eat, we ate the bread a long time ago.

Vasily: Who's knocking at the gate? I'm a cat janitor, an old cat.

Kittens: We are the Cat's nephews!

Cat: Here I'll give you some gingerbread! We have countless nephews, and everyone wants to drink and eat.

Kittens. Tell your mistress!

Cat: Fuck you, beggars! (Shoos away the kittens)

Cat: Who were you talking to, old Cat Gatekeeper cat Vasily?!

Cat: The kittens were at the gate, they asked for food!

Cat: What a shame! What a scandal! I hope you drove them away! Now my friends will come, I will be very glad! (preens)

Narrator. A guest came to the rich Cat - a famous Goat in the city, with a gray-haired and strict wife, a long-horned Goat! The fighting rooster appeared, and the mother hen came for him. And in a soft down shawl, the neighbor Pig came.

Polonaise No. 4

(guests bow and enter the house)

Cat. Welcome, friends, I am sincerely glad to see you!

Goat: The five of us came to you to congratulate you on your triumph, to talk about this and that, to take a look at your wonderful home. The whole city is talking about him!

Cat: My house is always open for you!

Here I have a dining room, all the furniture in it is oak:

This is a chair, they sit on it,

This is the table, people eat at it.

Pig: This is a table, they sit on it!

Goat: This is a chair, they eat it!

Cat: You are mistaken, friends, that’s not what I said at all! Why do you need our chairs? You can sit on them!

Goat: To tell the truth, the Goat and I are not used to eating at the table, We love to dine in the garden in freedom!

Pig: Sit me down at the table, I’ll put my feet on the table!

Rooster: That’s why you have a very bad reputation!

(To the cat) Which room does this door on the right lead to?

Cat: To the right is the closet, my friends, I hang my outfits in it. This is my living room, carpets and mirrors. I bought a piano from a donkey. Every day in the spring I take singing lessons.

Goat: Honorable hostess, sing for us and play!

Chicken: Let the rooster crow with you, It’s inconvenient to boast, But he has excellent hearing, And his voice is incomparable!

Rooster: I sing more often in the morning, waking up on the roost, but if it pleases you, I’ll sing with the mistress together! (The cat sits down at the piano, the Rooster stands nearby)

“Duet of Cat and Rooster” 5

1.- Meow-meow-meow, night has fallen, the first star is shining. - Oh, where did you go? Ku-ka-re-ku, where-where?

2. - Meow-meow-meow, my dear friend, Meow-meow, do you remember the spring years? - Oh, where did you go? Ku-ka-re-ku, where-where?

(The goat begins to pinch the geranium during the 2nd verse)

Goat (whispers to the Goat): Listen, fool, stop eating the owner's geranium!

Goat: Here, try it, it’s very tasty, like chewing a cabbage leaf! There’s another pot there, eat it and you’ll have a flower!

Goat (chewing geranium): Incomparable! Bravo! Bravo! You sang so well! Sing something again!

Cat: No, let's dance. What should I play for you, friends?

Rooster : Charleston we will dance!

Guest dance 6

Pig. Well, here are my ten Little Pigs.

"Song and Dance of the Piglets" 7

Piglets (V. Lifshits)

A dozen Piglets are terribly hungry, and each Piglet is in a hurry to crawl forward. They kick, they push, they squeal, and it's called Piglets' Lunch! There is a Place at the Trough For All For Ten. You can rummage through it with a stigma and find something tasty. But the hoofs struck, the battle began, and the swill spilled from the trough onto the ground. Their food is gone! They stand and howl... These piglets have bad upbringing.

Chicken: And we have chickens growing up, young roosters - If they start a fight, you and I will get caught too!

"Song and Dance of the Cockerels" 8

Pig. Friends, wait a little. It's already dark! It's time for us to hit the road!

Goat. The hostess needs to rest! Chicken. What a wonderful reception it was! Rooster. What a wonderful cat house!

Chicken. There is no cozier nest in the world.

Rooster. Oh yeah! Chicken coop anywhere!

Goat. What a delicious geranium!

Goat (quietly) - Come on, you fool, stop it! Pig. Goodbye, mistress, oink-oink! I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Cat. Thank you, goodbye, thanks for the company. Me and Vasily, the old cat, will take you all to the gate!

Polonaise No. 4

(guests leave)


Word after word - And again the conversation, And at home by the fireplace The fire burned through the carpet. One more moment - And a light light Pine logs - Enveloped, enveloped.

"Fire Dance" 9

Vasily the Cat returned, and the Cat followed him - And suddenly they began to shout: Cat. Basil. Fire! We're on fire! We're on fire!

(Bells. Fire brigade)

Rooks: Hey, fire brigade, we need to hurry up! Tili - bom, tili - bom, the cat's house is on fire! Hey, workers - beavers, disassemble the axes! Cut down shaky beams, put out hot flames!

Beavers: We are beavers, working people, we beat piles from morning to night. Don’t interfere, you bastards, disperse quickly!

Art. Beaver: We will bring down all the fences, we will put out the fire on the ground!

Cat: Wait, old beaver, why break the fence? Save the house from the flames, take out our things, -

Jr. Beaver: You won’t save the good, it’s time for you to save yourself!

Art. Beaver: Run away in all directions!

Cat: What a problem, what a problem!

Cat: Where will we live now? (The cat is crying)

Vasily: What will I guard?

Narrator. The cat is left homeless, without its rich home. She and the cat Vasily go to ask for a place to stay for the night, first to the Chicken, then to the Goat, then to the Pig, and everywhere they meet with refusal.


Cat: Oh, my Vasily Vasily, we have gone around the whole world! We have no shelter anywhere!

Vasily: Look, someone’s hut is dark and cramped, and it seems to have grown into the ground. Who lives in that house on the edge?

Cat: I don’t know myself yet! Let's try to ask to spend the night again! (Knock)

Kittens: Who's knocking at the gate?

Vasily: Cat janitor, old cat!

Kitten: Oh, Vasily the cat, is that you? Is your aunt cat with you? And we knocked on your window all day until dark!

Kitten: You didn’t open the gate for us then, uncle janitor!

Vasily: What kind of janitor am I without a yard! I am now a homeless child...

Cat: Forgive me if I was guilty before you! Now our house has burned down, let us in, kittens!

Kitten: Well, what can you do, in the rain and snow you can’t be homeless! Whoever asked for an overnight stay will sooner understand the other!

Cat. Let's not remember past mistakes, Let's live like people, with friendship and a smile!

Basil. We will build a new house, a strong house for glory,

Kittens: And now we will celebrate our holiday with a good song. Those who live with a smile, sing with us!

Closing Chorus 11

  1. If you are kind at heart, come to our house. Even if it is small for now, there will be enough room for all your friends!

Chorus: You need to greet the triumph with beauty and joy, And then love will come to every dream of yours!

  1. If there is love in the house, trouble is not terrible, Friendship will always help us build a new house again.


Progress of the game:

On the front door of the group there is a poster with the name of the play.

I ask the children, pointing to the poster: “What is this?”

Let's read what is written on the poster.

I’m reading “Dear children and their parents, we invite you to the performance”

Where do you think you can watch the performance? (in the theatre)

What is theater? (This is such a beautiful building, artists perform there.)

Do you know who else works there? (make-up artists, costume designers, decorators, actors, director, cashier)

What is there in the theater? (auditorium, stage, ticket office, dressing room, buffet)

Tell me, how should one behave in the theater? (children's answers)

When the performance ends, what should the audience do? (Clap and you can give flowers to those who liked it.)

Guys, if you come to the theater, who will you be? (by viewers)

We distribute roles. You and I already know who the actors will be, so they will go to the dressing room to prepare for the performance.

Musical fairy tale "Cat's House" in the Teatroshka studio Video

Irina Aleksandrovna Masonova
Musical fairy tale “Cat’s House” in the Teatroshka studio Video

Our studio carries out its work within the framework of the long-term project “Partnership between family and kindergarten as a means of developing the child’s personality through joint creativity in the Teatroshka studio

I bring to your attention
the musical fairy tale
Cat's House .
This performance opened our theater season . Together with the little artists, we created a poster and tickets for spectators. In the music hall where the performance took place, three bells rang, inviting guests to take their seats.
I would like to draw your attention to the magazine, which represents the history of this performance. The fairy tale is attended by the children of the senior correctional group of the kindergarten, the parents of the pupils (Vasily the Cat and the Cat , and your humble servant, the presenter of the play. And so... “Tili-tili, tili-bom, the Cat had a new home . The shutters are carved, the windows are painted We'll tell a fairy tale about the rich !"

Attached files:

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Progress of the performance.

After the performance ends, the actors bow.

Result: Which artist did you like best, and why? How did the audience behave? Did you like playing in the theater ?

And now the theater is closing, I suggest the artists go to the dressing room, and the audience restore order in the auditorium.

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Cat's house-scenario for children's theater, garden

(Based on a fairy tale by S. Marshak.)

Opposite the house, at the gate, an old cat lived in a gatehouse. For a century he served as a janitor, guarded the master's house, swept the paths in front of the Cat's house, stood at the gate with a broom, drove strangers away...

So two orphan nephews came to a rich aunt. They knocked on the window to be let into the house:

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage we see a beautiful house (you can draw a house). Kittens appear.)

(Cat Vasily appears.)

(The kittens go off stage. The Cat appears.)

CAT VASILY: The kittens were at the gate - they asked for food.

(The cat turns to leave. Music. The cat turns around. The Goat and the Goat, the Rooster and the Hen, the Pig appear on the stage.)

CAT: Welcome, friends, I am sincerely glad to see you.

(The cat hurries towards the guests.)

GOAT: Yes, today my husband and I walked through puddles all the time.

PIG: Thank you, Kitty, oink, oink, I thank you with all my heart. My family and I are living quite well so far. I send my little piglets to kindergarten, My husband looks after the house, And I go to my friends.

GOAT: Now the five of us have come to take a look at your wonderful house. The whole city is talking about him.

(Music. Vasily the cat (or two stage assistants) moves aside the riser (or screen), on which a drawing of a hut is attached. Behind the riser we see a table, chairs and a painted stove with a fire, which is still covered with something, for example, a curtain.)

CAT: I have a dining room here. All the furniture in it is oak. This is a chair - they sit on it. This is the table - they eat at it.

GOAT: To tell the truth, the Goat and I are not used to sitting at the table. We love to be free and have lunch in the garden.

(The cat approaches the piano (you can draw a piano or put a small one, for example, a toy one).)

CAT: I bought a piano from a donkey...

CHICKEN: Let the Rooster sing with you... It’s inconvenient to boast, But he has excellent hearing, And his voice is incomparable.

ROOSTER: I sing more often in the morning, Waking up on the roost. But if it pleases you, I will sing with you.

(The cat sits at the piano, sings (or speaks).)

(The Rooster and the Cat seem to continue singing at the piano, and the Chicken and the Pig are listening to them. The Goat and the Goat leave, the Goat finds a flower in a pot and begins to eat it.))

CAT: No, let's dance... I can play the Boston Waltz on the piano for you.

(Music. Everyone starts dancing. Suddenly the music stops and the voices of Kittens are heard.)

(Cat Vasily approaches the curtain, as if doing something there, then pulls back the curtain. We see a painted stove with a fire inside.)

CAT: Goodbye, goodbye, Thanks for the company. I and Vasily, the old cat, will escort the guests to the gate.

(Everyone leaves and goes behind the stage. Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: The hostess and Vasily, the mustachioed old cat, did not soon escort the Neighbors to the gate.

Word after word - And again the conversation, And at home in front of the stove The fire burned through the carpet.

One more moment - And a light light enveloped and enveloped the pine logs.

He climbed up the wallpaper, climbed onto the table, and scattered into a swarm of golden-winged bees.

With a crash, a click and a thunder, the fire rose above the new house, looks around, waves its red sleeve.

When the rooks saw this flame from the tower, they trumpeted and rang:

(Cat and Cat Vasily appear on the proscenium.)

(The cat is crying, Vasily the Cat is comforting her.)

(Cat and Cat Vasily leave the proscenium.)

(Music. The curtain opens. There are three houses on the stage (they can be drawn): a Hen with a Rooster, a Pig and a Goat with a Goat. A Cat and Vasily the Cat appear on the stage. They approach the house of the Hen and the Rooster. The Hen appears from behind the house. )

(The Rooster appears from behind the house.)

(The rooster goes behind the house.)

CAT: Well, it’s time for us, dear Vasya, to go home.

(The Chicken goes behind her house. The Cat and Vasily the Cat leave the Chicken’s house and go to the Goat’s house with the Goat.)

STORYTELLER: Vasily the Cat walks and wanders, leading the Mistress by the arm. Here in front of them is an old house on a hill by the river.

(The cat knocks on the Goat’s house.)

(The goat comes out from behind the house.)

CAT: It’s raining and snowing outside, so let us spend the night.

GOAT: There is no bed in our house.

(Goat comes out from behind the house.)

GOAT: The Goat just told me that we don’t have enough space here. I can't argue with her - She has longer horns.

(Goat and Goat go behind their house.)

(Cat and Cat Vasily go to the Pig’s house.)

CAT VASILY: Here is her fence and hut. Piglets are looking out the window. Ten fat piglets - Everyone is sitting on benches. Everyone is sitting on benches, eating from bowls.

(The cat knocks on the Pig’s house. The Pig comes out from behind the house.)

(The pig goes behind his house.)

(Music. The curtain closes. The Cat and Vasily the Cat appear on the proscenium and walk along it.)

STORYTELLER: Here the lame-legged cat Vasily is walking along the road, stumbling, wandering a little, leading the cat by the arm. The path goes down, and then runs onto the slope. And Aunt Cat doesn’t know that in the hut by the window - Two little kittens are sitting under the window.

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage there is a house of Kittens with a fence (the house can be drawn). The Cat and the Cat Vasily appear. The cat knocks on the house.)

STORYTELLER: The little ones hear that someone is knocking on their gate.

(Kittens look out the window of the house or from behind the house.)

CAT: Forgive me if I was to blame for you.

CAT VASILY: There is a roundabout way there. Four kilometers.

CAT VASILY: To be honest, we don’t want to wander back...

2ND KITTEN: But we have a miserable house, no stove, no roof. We live almost under the sky, And the floor has been gnawed by mice.

2ND KITTEN: We don’t have a pillow, and we don’t have a blanket. We huddle close to each other to make it warmer.

1ST KITTEN: (takes out a crust of bread) Here is a dry crust, We can share it.

2ND KITTEN: (shows a bucket) Here is a bucket for you, Full of water.

(The cat turns to the hall.)

(Cat, Vasily the Cat and Kittens enter the house. Music. The curtain closes.)

The old cat has also become wiser. He's not the same anymore. During the day he goes to work, in the dark at night he goes hunting. Sings songs to children all evening long...

Soon the orphans will grow up and become bigger than the old aunt. The four of them live closely together - We need to build a new house.

(Cat, Vasily the Cat and Kittens come to the forefront.)

(Everyone leaves the proscenium and then we hear their voices.)

VOICES OF KITTENS: Row by row of logs We will lay them flat.

VOICE OF THE CAT VASILY: Well, it's ready. Now let’s install the ladder and the door.

VOICE OF A CAT: Painted windows, carved shutters.

VOICE OF 1ST KITTEN: Here is the stove AND the chimney.

VOICE OF THE 2ND KITTEN: For the porch Two pillars.

VOICE OF 1ST KITTEN: Let's build an attic.

VOICE OF THE 2ND KITTEN: We'll cover the house with planks.

CAT'S VOICE: We'll fill the cracks with tow.

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage we see a new house - very beautiful. It is held on one side by the Cat and the 1st Kitten, on the other side by the Cat Vasily and the 2nd Kitten.)

CAT: Tomorrow there will be a housewarming party.

CAT VASILY: There is fun all over the street.


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