Theatrical performance on traffic rules in the senior group “Mice in the City.”

Puppet show on traffic rules in kindergarten. Junior - middle group. Scenario

Scenario of a puppet show for children of primary and secondary preschool age with disabilities on the theme “Caution, traffic light!”
Goal: To activate children's knowledge about traffic rules, to create a positive emotional mood in children of primary and secondary preschool age when watching a puppet show. Equipment: screen, traffic light, dolls (grandmother, granddaughter, dog), pedestrian crossing, presentation.
Children sit on chairs near the screen. Narrator: Everyone! Both adults and children! We are waiting for you to come to our theater as soon as possible! Miracles happen and a fairy tale begins! Once upon a time, grandmother Dasha and granddaughter Masha lived in the same city. The grandmother loved her granddaughter very much and taught her wisely. And the granddaughter, never tired, always helped her grandmother. One fine autumn day, when the wind tore leaves from the trees and swirled them around, and the rain had been drizzling since the morning. Grandmother Dasha called her granddaughter Masha and said. Grandmother: Masha, granddaughter, take our dog Zhuchka on the road and go to the store. Here's your wallet, there are 100 rubles in it, buy us some sweets as soon as possible. We will treat ourselves to sweets and say goodbye to summer. Masha: Grandma, of course. Zhuchka and I will run to the grocery store. Bug: Woof-woof-woof, I’ll take the trail and show you the way, I’ll find you a store. Let's buy a whole bag of sweets! Grandmother : Dasha, Zhuchka! Don't rush, repeat the road rules first! Zhuchka : Running, pushing, shouting and being naughty on the street is prohibited! But we are allowed to walk calmly along the sidewalk! Grandmother : There are a lot of people in the city, the streets are noisy everywhere, you walk on the sidewalk - only on the right side! And if there is an intersection on the way, how to cross the road? Masha: And I know a very important rule about the fact that Traffic Light is a dear friend and controls everything around. You must obey the traffic light instructions without arguing. If the light is red, you stand, if it’s yellow, just wait, if it’s green, go ahead! Grandmother: If you remember the rules, feel free to hit the road. Bug, don’t forget to obey Masha! Narrator: And Masha and Zhuchka went to the store. And the city is noisy, the city is crowded. A lot of cars. Here, don't yawn! Apply road rules skillfully! Masha and Zhuchka walked along the sidewalk, kept to the right, did not run, did not push, they were exemplary pedestrians. And they reached a large crossroads. We need to cross the road. The bug trembled and fainted. Zhuchka: I'm afraid I won't go, I'll get hit by a car. Masha: Bug, don’t worry, go to the traffic light. He will show us the way, he will flash signals, he will lead you and me. Narrator: And Masha and Zhuchka went to the traffic light. Traffic light: Be careful, traffic light! To help you pass the dangerous path. I burn day and night – green, yellow, red. If the light turns red, it means it’s dangerous to move, if the light turns yellow, wait, and the light turns green, go! When the green light is on, go through, the path is open. Narrator : And Masha and Zhuchka walked along the pedestrian crossing at the green light, crossed the road, and there was a grocery store nearby. Masha went into the store. I chose the most delicious sweets. I went up to the seller at the checkout. The seller said 100 rubles from you. Mashenka gave the money and received sweets. Masha and Zhuchka came to their grandmother with these sweets. Grandmother : I’m so glad you came and brought candy. Let's drink tea! Narrator: That's how the story ended.
And now questions for the most attentive viewers. Where did granddaughter Masha and the dog Zhuchka go at the request of their grandmother? What time of year was it? Were Masha and Zhuchka walking along the sidewalk or roadway? Why can't you be naughty and scream when you walk along the sidewalk? Who is the most important person on the road and why? Presentation on the topic: Traffic rules. Puppet show “Caution, traffic light!”

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