Integrated lesson on design and traffic rules in the middle group “Truck visiting the guys”

Leisure summary on traffic rules in the middle group “Country of Traffic Rules.”

Leisure summary on traffic rules in the middle group “Country of Traffic Rules.”


— to develop in children knowledge about the rules of the road, the desire to comply with these rules, teach them to anticipate danger, and show the importance of following the rules of the road.
-expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights;
-enrich children's vocabulary; -develop children's play activities; -expand knowledge of the names and designations of road signs for pedestrians and drivers; - expand knowledge about where you can cross the road and how to cross it; -expand your vocabulary with riddles. Preliminary work:
-examination of the road layout;
— reading of N. Goncharov’s poem “Postovaya”; — conversation “How to cross the road correctly”; - game "Traffic Light"; — didactic games: “Guess the car”, “Types of transport”; - conversation - story "Our faithful friends on the streets and roads." Equipment
: hall decoration, ball, presentation, audio recording of the game, audio recording of the song.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, look how many guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.
Are you in a good mood?
Let's give this good mood to the guests.
(Children blow on their palms)
Guys, today I want to invite you to the country of “Road Rules”.
Let's imagine that you and I are walking around this unusual country.
There are many streets in this big beautiful country. Many cars and trucks, buses move along them and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To maintain our health and life, we must strictly follow traffic rules. And our friend today, who invited us to this country, will help us remember them. To find out who it is, you need to solve the riddle. Three multi-colored circles Flashing one after another. They light up and blink - they help people. Children:
Traffic light.
Why is it needed, guys?
To regulate traffic
Guys, our friend came to us today - who is he, guys?


Traffic light.


The traffic light is kind of sad.
Is he sick? Look at it well, is there something missing on it? Children
: Light signals.
Yes, guys, indeed, our Traffic Light has lost all its signals.
And he can’t do it without signals. Let's help Traffic Light. Educator:
Traffic lights are located in a certain sequence.
Let's remember which one? At the very top, what's the signal? Children:
What signal is located in the middle?
What signal is located below?
Well done, guys!
And now our Traffic Light wants to play with us. At the traffic light, the signals will light up in different sequences, and you explain to me what the signal that lights up at the traffic light means. Game: “Traffic signals!” Children:
Red light - The strictest, Stop!
There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone! Children:
Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move. Children:
Green light - says “Come on, the way is open!” Educator:
Well done, you completed the task.
And Traffic Light has prepared riddles for you. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard about them? Children:
Traffic light
: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!
What kind of sign is that hanging? Stop - he tells the cars... Pedestrian! Walk boldly along the black and white paths. Children:
Pedestrian crossing sign.
Traffic light:
Why is this sign needed?
He shows us where to cross the road.
Traffic light:
There are only cars driving here. Their tires are flashing menacingly. Do you have a bicycle?
So stop! There is no road! Children:
Sign “No cycling”.
Traffic light:
What does this sign tell us?
This sign warns us that riding bicycles here is very dangerous.
Traffic light:
I want to ask about the sign. The sign is drawn like this.
There are two brothers in a triangle. Everyone is rushing somewhere, rushing. The most important sign in the world is just nearby... (“Children”) Traffic light:
What does this sign tell us?
This sign means “Caution Children.”
The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because children may be crossing the road at this point. Traffic light:
The sign frightens drivers, prohibits entry for cars!
Don't try to rush past the brick! Children:
No Entry sign.
Traffic light:
What does this sign tell us?
This sign means travel is prohibited.
Traffic light:
If you are going with a friend to the zoo or to the cinema, You will have to make friends with this sign anyway, He will get you there quickly, deftly Sign….
... (Bus stop)
Traffic light:
What does this sign tell us?
Buses stop here.
You see how many helpers are on the road at the traffic light!
And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who they are? Children:
Those who sit behind the wheel of a car.
Physical exercise: “We are drivers” (children must show the movements)
We are driving, we are driving the car
(moving the steering wheel)
We press the pedal
(bend the leg at the knee and extend it)
Turn on the gas, turn it off
(turn the lever towards us and away from us)
We look intently into the distance (
palm placed on forehead)
The wipers count the drops to the right, to the left - cleanliness!
(“windshield wipers”)
The wind ruffles your hair
(ruffle your hair with your fingers)
We are drivers – anywhere!
(right thumb up) Educator:
Guys, our Traffic Light is wondering if you know the types of transport?
Let's play the game “Types of Transport”.
Look at the screen and say what type of transport you see. (Car, bus, bicycle) Children:
What type of transport is this, guys?
(Plane, helicopter) Children:
Educator: What type of transport are they? (Ship, submarine, boat) Children:
To the waterman.
Well done, guys!
Now Svetofor is sure that you know exactly the types of transport. Now let's play another game. Didactic game with a ball: “Do’s and don’ts.” Traffic light:
Let's play with the ball.
I throw a ball to one of you and tell you what the kids are doing outside. You catch the ball and say, “You can or can’t do this,” and give the ball back to me. Traffic light:
Children are running across the street.
Is it possible or not? Child:
You can’t cross the street.
Traffic light:
Can you cross the street when the traffic light is red?
You can’t cross the street at a red light.
Traffic light:
Children cross the street at a pedestrian crossing and hold their mother's hand.
Is it possible or not? Child:
This can and should be done!
Traffic light:
Can children play ball on the road?
You can’t do that.
Traffic light:
Is it possible or not to ride a bicycle in the yard?
You can do that.
Traffic light:
Well done!
Did you like the game? Children:
Our traffic light became joyful from the correct answers.
And now we’ll have fun with him. Musical break: musical game “We’ll go right now.” Educator:
Guys, what great guys you are.
We helped the Traffic Light, guessed its riddles, and remembered the traffic signs. Did you enjoy our trip? Children:
Let's sing a song to our friend Traffic Light about the rules of the road.
SONG ABOUT TRAFFIC RULES (to the tune of “Let them run clumsily...”) 1. Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles, But you can’t run along the road. The sidewalk is for pedestrians, and the road is for cars. Everyone should know this rule. Chorus: If red is a dangerous path, If yellow - wait. And green means you can cross our path. 2. The road sign will prompt, prohibit and indicate the traffic police post, crossing and detour. For those who don’t know this, we’ll give you a hint, guys: You teach, here’s our advice! Chorus: The signs are different, all beautiful, You should know them like friends. The signs are different, all beautiful, We will follow them! Educator:
Guys, our friend Svetofor had an interesting and fun time with you.
But it’s time for him to say goodbye and return to perform his duties on the roadway so that everyone follows the rules of the road. Children, be careful on the street! Remember these rules firmly, remember these rules always. So that no trouble happens to you! Educator:
Well done today, you remembered and told our guests a lot of traffic rules.
Let's remember and respect them. Our friend Svetofor gave you medals for correct answers. I want to give them to you, you deserve them. You are real experts in traffic rules. Educator:
Guys, tell me what the red light at a traffic light means?
-What about yellow? -What about green? — What does the “Pedestrian crossing” sign mean? -What types of transport do you know? -Is it possible to cross the street at a red light? -Which one? Children answer questions. Educator:
Well done! Now let's say goodbye to our guests.


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