Integrated lesson in the middle group “Lesson of kindness”

Lesson summary for the middle group “Kindness will save the world”

Nina Vasilievna Myshanskaya

Lesson summary for the middle group “Kindness will save the world”

Goal: to form children’s idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality.

Objectives: to encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds ; develop coherent speech, memory, fine motor skills; consolidate the mathematical concept of the whole and parts; education of generosity, kindness , responsiveness.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, conversations, games-dramatization of situations aimed at developing morality in preschoolers. Learning proverbs about kindness and generosity.

Materials: ball, cereal (peas, beans, rectangles of paper for each child (6/4)
“piggy bank
of good deeds , crayons, drawing paper, magic microphone.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Using game techniques and drawing a portrait of a friend with colored sand, this lesson involves the formation of a holistic attitude towards the personal qualities necessary for friendship.

Fine art with non-traditional drawing techniques.

NOOD in fine arts in the middle group “Flowers for the little forest boy” using an unconventional drawing technique - with soap bubbles.

Goal: To deepen students’ understanding of kindness as a valuable human quality. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one’s opinion, show

Goal: To arouse interest and cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things. Develop observation skills. Learn to convey color and movement in a drawing. Strengthen finger drawing skills using fingerprints.

Goal: to develop children’s ability to create a pattern on the wings of a butterfly, observing symmetry. Educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development” Integration of educational areas.


Abstract of the educational activity on visual activity “Good Koloboks”. Middle group.

Abstract of the educational activity on visual activity “Good Koloboks”.

Goal: to develop children’s ability to conceive the content of a drawing, create an image, conveying kindness.

Objectives: continue to teach the technique of drawing a round shape; practice the ability to carefully paint over drawings; develop imagination.

Materials and equipment: easel, “Mood” cube, pictures of koloboks with different moods, pencils, sheets of paper.

Educator - Guys, this week is dedicated to kindness, friendship and politeness. Do you already know what friendship, kindness and polite words are? (Children's answers).

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you).

The old stump will turn green when it hears... (good afternoon).

The boy is polite and well-developed and when we meet he says... (hello).

When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (excuse me, please)

— I brought you the game “Mood” cube. On each side of the cube there is a picture of a little man with a different facial expression. Let's take a closer look at what these faces show.

Children recognize the mood and emotion of faces with the help of facial expressions and pantomimes. The teacher tells the children possible situations in which emotions and moods arise. (Calm, offended, scared, sad, angry, satisfied).

- Let's leave this cube in the group and play with it.

- Guys, look at the easel. Now you know that your mood can be determined by your face.

- What kind of mood does a kind and polite person have? (Children's answers).

- Now you try to portray good koloboks. Take pencils and paper.

The teacher explains and shows the children how to draw.

- First we draw a circle. If you want to depict several koloboks, then draw several circles, like mine. We draw eyes, mouth, nose. You must show what mood the cones are in.

Children draw. The teacher helps those children who have difficulties.

- Well done boys. Look how many beautiful koloboks there are. They are all smiling, which means they are kind.

The teacher organizes an exhibition of works.

- Now, let’s play an interesting game “Tender Name.” Please stand in a circle. (Children walk in a circle holding hands.)

Progress of the lesson:

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A project on non-traditional drawing with cotton swabs in the senior group of the Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Vesnyanka" of a general developmental type with priority implementation.


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