Musical lesson in the middle group “Magic Chest”

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Summary of music lessons in kindergarten for middle group children

Summary of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (music) for children in the middle group of kindergarten.
Topic: “Journey to a Fairy Tale” This lesson may be of interest to music directors of kindergartens Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of musical abilities of children of primary preschool age Objectives: to improve singing skills; consolidate skills in playing wooden spoons in an ensemble; to form emotional responsiveness to the music listened to; develop a sense of harmony; develop the ability to perform dance movements related to the text; bring pleasure from collective activities; develop speech Repertoire: Song-chant “Hello, palms” by M. Kartushina “Bus” by S. Zheleznova “Let’s make a circle even” by L. Nekrasov “We ​​live together in kindergarten” by V. Kornikova “Sad mood” by A. Steinville “Bear” by V. Rebikov Materials and equipment: piano, music center, toys - bun, hare, bear, wooden spoons according to the number of children, “bus” - assembled chairs
Children enter the music room accompanied by cheerful music Greeting the Muses of the Hands: Hello, guys! Let's greet each other Song-chant “Hello, palms” Music of hands: Guys, please tell me, do you like fairy tales? Answers from the children of the Muses of Hands: Very good! Today I would like to invite you to visit a fairy tale. Well, the way there is not close, how can we get there? Children offer their own versions of the Music of Hands : Guys, I suggest we all go to a fairy tale together on the bus Children take seats on the bus Musical and rhythmic movements “Bus” Children sit on the bus from chairs and ride to the music, performing movements according to the text of the song Music of the Hands : We've had a blast, and now let's go on foot. Hurry up, guys, get off the bus and look at me! On the right is a friend, on the left is a friend. Everyone quickly stand in a circle. Guess who will appear here now? It was baked from flour and sour cream in a hot oven. He lay on the window and ran away from the house. He is ruddy and round. Who is this? (Kolobok) Well done! And here he is! The Musician of Hands shows the children a toy - Kolobok Kolobok (the toy is voiced by the teacher): Hello, children! Music of hands: Hello, Kolobok. How round and rosy you are. Guys, let's join hands and show how round, even and neat Kolobok is. Children stand in a circle, hold hands, “Let’s make a circle even.” Children perform an exercise based on the lyrics of the song The gingerbread man disappears during the exercise The music of the hands: Guys, where is the kolobok? Where did he go? (looks around) He's nowhere to be found! Let's look for it with our eyes. Gymnastics for the eyes I’ll look to the right, to the left, but I won’t find the bun. No below, and no above. Where are you, Kolobok, Ay!. Music of hands: Well, guys, let's not be upset. Let's sit down on the chairs and wait Listening to “Sad Mood” The Hare of the Muses of Hands appears : Children, who came to us? Children give their answers to the Muses of Hands: What is the bunny’s mood? Children: Sad, sad. Music of hands : Hello Bunny! Have you seen Kolobok? Bunny: I haven’t met Kolobok, and without the game I’m bored. Play with me a little, and then you will go on the road. Music of hands: Guys, let’s do some fun exercises together with the bunny. Hurry up and stand in a circle. Physical exercise: “Jump and jump.” Bunny: Thank you guys, you made me laugh. It's time for me to run, I ran. “Bear” sounds again. Music of hands : Children, who else do you think is coming to us? Children: Bear Muses of Hands: How did you guess? A Bear appears with a basket containing noise instruments. Bear: Hello, children. Children greet the Music of Hands : Tell us, Mishenka, have you met a bun on the road? Bear: I definitely haven’t met Kolobok, because I played with musical instruments. I'm the only one, but there are many tools, and I need help! Music of hands: Guys, let's play on our spoons together with the bear Playing music “Orchestra on Spoons” Children play on spoons to the music Bear: How good you are! Everyone played with all their hearts! It's time for me to go home, goodbye, kids. Music of Hands: We danced with the bunny And we played on spoons with the teddy bear Well, you still haven’t found Kolobok? Suddenly a child's cry is heard in the recording of the Music of Hands: Listen, guys, who is that crying in the corner? Children find Kolobok Kolobok: I'm lost! Music of Hands: You shouldn’t have run away from us, it’s good that we found you, otherwise you would have gotten into trouble again! Kolobok : I won’t run away anymore, I’ll obey! Music of Hands: Guys, let's invite Kolobok to our kindergarten? Children answer the Muses of Hands: Stay with us, little bun, in kindergarten. We have a lot of fun and interesting here. And our song “Kindergarten” : Guys, our journey into a fairy tale has ended, it’s time to go back to kindergarten. Hurry up, take your seats on our bus “Bus” Everyone gets on the bus and returns to the kindergarten Music of the Hands: Our fabulous journey has ended. Let's remember where we went today? Children : In a fairy tale. Music of hands: Who did we meet? Children give answers to the Muses of Hands: What did you do with them? The children answer the Muses of Hands: Well, now it’s time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye guys The children say goodbye and go to the group

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