Lesson with theatrical elements of life safety “Dangerous Chest”

Dramatization of the safety tale “Kolobok” Video

Elena Kuznetsova

Dramatization of the safety tale “Kolobok” Video

The main activity of preschool age is play. In it, the child learns about the world, gets acquainted with the emotional sphere, develops and learns to control it, and communicates with other children. All these natural needs, as well as certain moral ideas, communication skills and creative abilities can be improved through various kinds of dramatizations - dramatization of fairy tales in kindergarten .

fairy tales for dramatization in preschool educational institutions . Russian folk tales are instructive and have a simple language, which allows them to be used by almost all age categories of preschoolers. The dramatization of fairy tales is especially productive in the older group of kindergarten. This is due to the psychological characteristics of children aged 5-6 years.

Psychological characteristics of children in the senior group of kindergarten

By the age of five, a child already knows and can do a lot. At this age, memory is quite well developed. However, the most interesting things perceived on an emotional level are remembered more firmly. An older preschooler has a clear understanding of all types of emotions. He develops various feelings: curiosity, a sense of humor, surprise, a sense of beauty, pride, friendship, etc.

Children aged 5-6 years show creative activity in various fields of activity. The development of fantasy and imagination is often expressed in the composition of funny stories. With all this, the child is attentive to any comments from the adult and tries to act, guided by his advice.

The natural characteristics of an older preschooler create favorable conditions for successful performances.

Goals of dramatizing fairy tales in preschool educational institutions .

Turning to the dramatization of fairy tales allows the teacher to realize the main goals:

Educational. During preparation for the dramatization, children of the older group get acquainted with folk art, some properties of a fairy tale as a literary work, learn to analyze the character of the characters and their actions, and correlate the actions of the characters with real people.

Developmental. Dramatization helps develop imagination, attention, memory, emotional sphere, expressiveness of speech, improve communication and motor activity in their combination.

Educational. The dramatization of fairy tales fosters interest in literary works, folklore, and fairy tales of individual authors ; forms aesthetic taste, strengthens feelings of friendship, support and mutual assistance.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok” with children of the second junior group. Summary of Direct Educational Activities with children of the second junior group. Educator: Kai Topic: “Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

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Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok” for the older group - for kids Goal: to arouse children’s interest in the fairy tale. IMG]/upload/blogs/detsad-841008-1530458301.jpg[/IMG] jpg[/IMG]. Goal: to arouse children's interest.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Yellow Side Gingerbread Man” Screenwriter and physical education instructor Anastasia Vasilievna Pushkareva Directors: teacher Irina Alekseevna Morozova.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok the yellow side” Anastasia Pushkareva Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok the yellow side” Screenwriter and physical education instructor Anastasia Vasilievna Pushkareva.

Theatrical activities in the preparatory group. Dramatization of the fairy tale in a new way “The Snow Bun” Goal: to create conditions for the development of children’s creative activity in theatrical activities. Develop the ability to be free and relaxed.


Summary of the puppet show in the middle group “Dangerous Chest”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Romodanovsky kindergarten of a combined type" of the Romodanovsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia Scenario of a puppet show on life safety "Dangerous Chest" for pupils of the middle group Maximova Yulia Nikolaevna teacher agreed: senior teacher_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I. A Levashova Date: September 23, 2016 p. Romodanovo 2016 Goal: To develop the ability to make decisions in dangerous situations and act in accordance with the decision made. Objectives: - generalize children’s ideas about the rules of safe behavior; — consolidate knowledge about sources of danger in everyday life; - develop attention and intelligence; - foster a sense of camaraderie and empathy; - develop in children the ability to analyze a situation. - instill in children a sense of self-preservation. Characters: Presenter: (teacher Maksimova Yu. N.) 2 evil deeds in masks (children of the group “Yagodka”) Mouse (Kristina Lipatova) Frog (Nastya Platonova) Bunny (Ksyusha Tomilina) Fox (Ksyusha Eliseeva) Wolf (Artyom Vilyaev) Bear (Vanya Morozov) Policeman (teacher of the “Yagodka” group Bolshakova M.G.) Attributes: screen, chest, bright bow. Progress of the holiday: Presenter: There are different fairy tales: good, magical, folk, fairy tales from different writers. Fairy tales surprise us, amuse us, and make us think. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows! “And today we invite you to watch a fairy tale that we have come up with for you. And you try to understand what this fairy tale teaches. To the soundtrack, two people in masks appear in the hall. They place the chest in front of the screen: 1st: Here is the children's playground - Let's leave the chest here! 2nd: There is an explosive in it, a powerful charge, - There will be a surprise for the local guys! (They go behind the screen) Phonogram of children's laughter, noise (from the movie “Mustachioed Nanny”). Presenter: A noisy children's town, There is a chest on the path, Decorated with a bright ribbon, It seems not scary at all. Little Mouse runs past: Mouse: What a nice chest! I'll take a look at it once! There’s probably a whole piece of cheese there, Or maybe there’s a rosy pie hidden... (He comes up and immediately jumps back) How come I forgot What my mother told me: “Don’t take other people’s bags and things, Villains can leave them on purpose, So you can lose your paws and tail, Then nothing can be fixed! "(Runs away.) Presenter: A noisy children's town, There is a chest on the path, Decorated with a bright ribbon, It seems not scary at all. A frog jumps past: Frog: What a nice chest, I’ll look into it once! There are probably treats for me for three days! Butterflies, dragonflies, wasps And the long-nosed mosquito! (He approaches and backs away) What if there’s not a front sight there.... What if there’s a trap there... I want good things for myself, I’d better jump further! Presenter: A noisy children's town, There is a chest on the path, Decorated with a bright ribbon, It seems not scary at all. Bunny runs past - little runner: Bunny: What a nice chest! (Looks around) Who could have lost him? I'll look into it once to find out the owner. (He approaches and backs away) Today in the garden it was not in vain that they said: You can’t touch other people’s things! How can I find the owner? We need to call the police urgently! (Runs away) Presenter: A noisy children's town, There is a chest on the path, Decorated with a bright ribbon, It seems not scary at all. Sister Fox walks past: Fox: What a nice chest! I'll take a look at it once! (sniffs the tracks) A little bunny ran here recently, he probably lost his chest. I’ll hide his chest dear, then he’ll look for it and cry with his side eye! (Looks around) It seems like I can’t lift it. We should call the wolf and the bear: (He leaves and calls) Wolf! Bear - go! Presenter: A noisy children's town, There is a chest on the path, Decorated with a bright ribbon, It seems not scary at all. A gray barrel-shaped top ran past, and a club-footed bear hobbled behind him: Wolf: Yes, a nice chest! Let's take a look at it once! Bear: Suddenly there is a whole jug of honey, It will be just yum-yum-yum! (They approach the chest, a hare and a policeman appear on the other side) Hare: Oh, the owners have come, they found the chest themselves! Policeman: Wait, Bunny, don’t write it off! Top, Mishka, is this your chest? Bear: No! Wolf: It was the Fox who asked him to hide it away, and we decided to see what was inside? Policeman: I wonder what's inside there? You shouldn't take it! You need to tell adults about your find right away. Be careful guys, there might be a grenade inside! Someone touches it and it explodes! (To the animals) Do you remember? Be sure to tell your friends! Conversation with children: 1. Guys, tell me who did the right thing? (Well done to everyone for not touching the chest, and the hare also called an adult) 2. What did this fairy tale teach you? 3. What should you do if you see someone’s package or bag, box on the bus or on the playground? 4. Is it possible to take some things from strangers, strangers? 5. How will you behave if an unfamiliar aunt or girl invites you to ride in a beautiful car or watch interesting cartoons? Host: Guys, it’s also important to remember that evil people can seem kind and good and smile welcomingly. They don't have to be wearing black glasses and clothes. Any stranger can be dangerous, so you should always be careful! References: 1. Garnysheva T.P. Lifestyle for preschoolers. Work planning, lesson notes, games. Federal State Educational Standard" 2. Polynova V.K., Podoprigorova S.P., Dmitrenko Z.S. "Fundamentals of life safety for preschool children. Work planning. "Conversations, games."

Theatrical performance on fire safety in kindergarten

Theatrical performance for preschoolers “Come to the tower, put out the light.”
The hall is decorated : a house, a stove, a tray with cheesecakes on the stove. table, telephone. Russian folk music “Oh, you canopy” sounds. Presenter: There is a tower in an open field, It is not low, not high. Everyone knows this fairy tale, it has spread around the world. Let's just tell you a secret: This fairy tale has a different meaning. It will not leave you indifferent, it will make you think. (Song “Teremok” by I.V. Bodrachenko, introduction, children come out and sing ) There is a teremok in a field, It is not low, not high, The five of us live in it, And we dance and sing. The gray mouse will sort through the cereal (the mouse sorts through the cereal) And the frog will bring water from the river (frog with a bucket) The little bunny friend will flood the stove for you (the hare is chopping wood) Well, the squirrel will bake cheesecakes (the squirrel is baking) Host: Where is the hedgehog? All animals : Hedgehog! The hedgehog will sweep your yard (sweep) (After the song, all the animals go about their business) Presenter: Here they live, they don’t bother, and imagine, they are strong friends. One evening in the little house, there was no work for the mouse to do without sitting idle, and she decided to light the stove. (at this time all the animals sit down) The mouse approached the stove and quickly found matches there. Mouse: what a cute toy (looks at the box of matches) Presenter: said the gray little girl. To save her from troubles, the animals gave her advice. Squirrel: be careful, little mouse. Matches are not a toy for children! You cannot play with matches, you must observe safety. When a stove is left unattended, one coal can burn down the whole house! Although the coals are small, they are dangerous, just like matches! Frog: If suddenly trouble happens, there is fire in your room! Never get lost - there should be water nearby! Hedgehog: If there is no water, my friend, then there must be sand! Hare : Wearing a bright red shirt, a safe fire extinguisher will also help in the fight against fire. (Gives a fire extinguisher) Mouse : What if this doesn’t save? Will the fire burn the entire mansion? So what should we do? There's smoke everywhere. All animals: Call 01. Mouse : We urgently need to call and inform the firefighters (takes the phone) come to the mansion and put out the fire! our Lesnaya street is the only one here (hangs up) and the firefighters will come and put out the fire. Children come out dressed as firefighters: 1. And I want to become a firefighter And help them in everything, I just need to grow up and go through the school of wisdom. 2. I will become a fireman, a brave fireman, and I will save people from the fire. I’ll rush to the fire in the car with a signal, call for help and wait for me. 3. The fire will be hot, the fire will be strong. even though it’s hard for me to breathe in a cloud of smoke. but I will do everything to defeat him, I will be able not to chicken out and hold back the flame. 4. The fire will choke and turn into steam, the last ember will go out. The fireman will smile tiredly at you all. and he will say, today is not an easy day. All : It is necessary at night, it is necessary during the day Be careful with fire!

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