Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group “We play, we study the rules of the road.”

Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the middle group “We play, we study the rules of the road.”

Lesson summary on traffic rules in the middle group

We play
we learn the rules of the road

Goal: Formation of knowledge about traffic rules



1. Strengthen children’s understanding of road signs

, traffic lights, sidewalks and other attributes related to
traffic rules

2. Teach children the rules

safe behavior on
the road
, orientation when using the layout.

3. Develop a culture of communication, enrich the vocabulary.

4. Foster awareness of pedestrians and road


5. Correct the basic cognitive processes of children (fine and gross motor skills, memory, attention, etc.)

Equipment: model of a city street, tree with signs, model of a traffic light, small traffic lights, medals.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group

, the teacher shows them a model of a city street (without
road signs
, emergency situations on
the road

Educator: - In one distant fairy-tale country there is a small toy city. The inhabitants of this town lived and did not grieve. They were in great friendship with road signs

, followed all
traffic rules
, respected and listened to the main traffic light.
Therefore, in this city there was always order and peace on the streets. But one day an evil and powerful hurricane hit the city and carried away all the road
signs into the dense forest.
Look what happened in the city. (Children examine the model, discuss the emergency situation: there are no road signs
, car accidents, the traffic light has disappeared).

Educator: - Yes, guys, there is no order in the city. The signs need to be rescued and returned to their place. But how to do this? (Children speak out)


Educator: - Let's help the inhabitants of a fairy-tale land, let's go

road signs
to the rescue in a dense forest .
The path is long, but to get out of the city, we need to remember the rules of the road

Educator: - Tell me, what is a street? (Children's answers)


Educator: Every street has a roadway. What do you think it is for? (children's answers)


Educator: - Correct

, the roadway is needed for
on both sides of the roadway . What are their names?

Children: - Sidewalks.

Educator: - What are sidewalks for? (Children's answers)


Educator: - Absolutely right, for people. Adults and children walk along the sidewalk. Is that why they are called?

Children: - Pedestrians.

Educator: - What if you need to cross the roadway? Where can this be done? (Children's answers)


Educator: - Yes, guys, on the way

You need to cross at special places called pedestrian crossings.
How do you recognize this place? (Children's answers)

Educator: - Correct

There is a sign “Pedestrian crossing”
and white stripes are painted.
Who knows how to cross the road correctly
(Children's answers)

Educator: - First they look to the left, having reached the middle, they look to the right

Amazing! You know the rules of the road
and you can safely
on a trip to an unfamiliar city.
Let's take the transport and hit the road
What would you like to go on
(Children name and choose the type of transport)

Warm-up game “Machines”

Educator: - Cars and cars are driving on our street. (Children drive in a circle, stop)


Educator: - Cars are tiny. (Children sit down)


Educator: - The cars are big. (Children stand up and raise their hands up)


Educator: - Hey, cars! Full speed ahead! (Children drive quickly in a circle)


Educator: - Hold on to the steering wheel, look forward! There will be a turn soon! (The teacher shows a sign, the children go in the other direction)


Educator: - Stop, cars! Stop, engines! Slow down, all drivers! (Children stop)


Educator: - Well done for everyone following the traffic rules

That’s why we got to the forest so quickly and without accidents. (Children clean up the transport)

- And here are the missing signs. (The teacher puts up a tree on which signs hang: “Pedestrian crossing”

“Entry prohibited”
“Caution, children!”
(Children explain the signs)

Educator: - Do you think these road signs are needed in the forest?

(Children's answers)

Educator: - Why? (Children's answers)


Educator: - Correct

, Guys!
signs are not needed in the forest, because there are no streets or vehicles. They need to be returned to the city and put in their places.

Educator: - Guys, look what happened to the main traffic light?

Children: - It's broken.

Educator: - Yes, guys, the colored lights at the traffic lights have broken and need to be collected.

Game "Split traffic light"

Educator: - What great fellows! They did a good deed - they fixed the traffic light! Why do you need a traffic light? (Children's answers)


Educator: - Correct

, Guys!
A traffic light helps regulate traffic
and establishes order on the streets. Now let's check how well you know what each traffic light means?

Educator: - Red light!

Children: Stop, it's dangerous! The path is closed!

Educator: - Yellow.

Children: - Warning! Wait for the signal to move


Educator: Does the light say green?

Children: - The path is open for pedestrians!

You always cross

And these bright colors will help and advise!

What are these signs? (Children's answers)


Educator: - Yes, guys! These are broken traffic lights from our city and the lights are lying there. So what's now?

Children: - Fix it!

Educator: - Correct

We have to fix them. But we need to hurry. How can we quickly return to kindergarten? (Children suggest)

Educator: - Yes, we will fly on airplanes. (Children imitate airplanes)

. So we arrived at the kindergarten.

Educator: - Guys, what needs to be done to fix the traffic lights?

Children: Stick it!

Educator: - Do you remember in what order they are located? (Children's answers)


Educator: - Correct

! Red, yellow, green. Let's start fixing the traffic lights. (Children take the mugs, apply glue and approach the teacher, who glues all sides of the traffic light).

Educator: - The traffic lights have been fixed! Let's put all the signs in the city in their place. Now there is order in the fairy-tale town and all the residents are happy. (Children sit on chairs)


Educator: - Because you are so kind, responsive, attentive and know the rules of the road

, you are awarded the
“Honorary Pedestrian”
(Medal presentation)

Topic: “Land of Road Signs”

Pisareva Tatyana Anatolyevna Krasnoyarsk MBDOU No. 60

Goal: developing skills for safe behavior on the roads. Program content: • Consolidate children's knowledge about traffic signals; • Continue to reinforce rules of conduct on the roadway; • Develop in children a sense of responsibility in observing traffic rules; • Reinforce the idea that signs are divided into several groups (warning, informing, prohibiting); • Practice orientation in the environment. Activation of the dictionary: • Consolidate the words in children’s speech: pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk; • Fix the names of road signs in speech. Integrative tasks: “Security”:

  • expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and traffic rules;
  • continue to familiarize children with road signs;
  • Encourage children to take initiative in order to gain new knowledge. "Communication":
  • enrich children's vocabulary with the names of road signs and transport. "Socialization":
  • develop children's play activities;
  • introduce basic generally accepted norms and rules to relationships with peers. “Reading fiction”:
  • expand children's vocabulary with poems and riddles;
  • improve performance skills when reading poems. "Artistic creativity":
  • improve the skill of using scissors when cutting out circles;
  • cultivate independence, develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned application methods. Forms of delivery: integrated lesson. Techniques: surprise moment - Traffic light, Malvina. Methods: verbal, visual, practical. Progress of the lesson:
  1. Organizational moment Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.
  • What's your mood? Children: - Good! Educator: Let's give this good mood to the guests. Children blow on their palms. Warm-up is carried out (poems by S. Mikhalkov). I'm rolling on two wheels, (They walk in a circle, one after another.) I'm spinning two pedals, (They're walking, raising their knees high.) I'm holding on to the steering wheel, looking forward, (They're holding an imaginary steering wheel with their hands.) I know: a turn is coming. (They turn and go the other way.) When finished, they sit on chairs.
  1. Main part Educator: Guys, today we will go to the country of Road Signs. Look carefully at the picture. What do you see on it? (Children's answers.) Educator: Yes, there are a lot of cars on the streets: they take adults to work, children to kindergarten, and deliver groceries to stores. In this picture you see the safe movement of cars and pedestrians.
  • Do you think it’s possible to walk everywhere? (Children's answers) Educator: “Around the city, along the street, They don’t just walk around. When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble. Be careful all the time, And remember in advance: The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules!!!” Malvina appears. Malvina: For the safety of traffic and pedestrians, special rules have been created that must be known and followed. Malvina: Guys, in order not to get confused on the street and not get into trouble, road signs will come to our aid. There are many different signs - You need to know these signs so that you never break the rules on the road.

The red circle indicates a Mandatory Ban. It reads: “You can’t drive like that” or “There is no road here.”

And there are also signs - Taken in a blue square. How and where you can drive, These signs tell you.

Remember, adults and children, this sign will always warn. If you see a red triangle, it means that something is waiting for us ahead.

The blue rectangle will help you where to find a stop and gas station - everything you need on the way. Didactic game “Assemble a road sign.” (Children tell what sign they collected)

  • There are many different road signs on the street. They talk about what the road is like, how to drive, what is allowed and what is not allowed. Each sign has its own name and is installed in the place where it is needed. Let's get to know them:
  1. Here is an ordinary crossing People are walking along it. Here the special marking “Zebra” is aptly called! White stripes here lead across the street. Educator: Why do you think the stripes on a zebra are white? Children: White stripes so that they are clearly visible even at night.
  2. See that sign hanging over there? This sign tells us not to get into trouble! You need to cross here, There is an underground passage, Here is an overground passage - It will take you Under the ground, above the ground - it’s clear It’s safe for people to walk.
  3. The younger brother looks straight at him: “Pedestrian, look, wait!” Only the green man allows the way home, Pedestrian traffic light.
  4. No pedestrians walk here in rain or shine. The sign tells them one thing: “You are prohibited from walking!”
  5. There are children in the middle of the road, We are always responsible for them. So that their parent does not cry, Be careful, driver!
  6. At this point the pedestrian waits patiently for transport. He's tired of walking, he wants to become a passenger. Physical education lesson: The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch, First look left, then look right. Turn to the left and smile at the friend next to you. Stomp your right foot: 1, 2.3, Shake your head: 1, 2.3, Raise your hands up and clap: 1, 2, 3. Educator: Pedestrians and drivers have one more assistant. Guess which one. Three eyes blink, Three eyes blink, They help us cross the street. (Traffic light.) (Traffic light comes out) Traffic light: That's right, guys, this is a traffic light. Guys, why do you think we need a traffic light? What eyes are they talking about in the riddle? (children's answers) Children: The traffic light regulates traffic on the city streets so that there is order on the streets.
  • What do traffic lights mean? (children's answers)
  • Red?
  • What about yellow? (children's answers)
  • What about green? (children's answers)
  • Well done guys, you know about traffic lights. Now we are going to play a game. The outdoor game “Traffic Signals” is played.
  1. Practical part (making a traffic light) Explanation of techniques and sequence of work. The teacher distributes blank traffic lights. Educator: Guys, look, what’s missing here? Children: Ogonkov. Educator: And they will light up when you cut out beautiful circles from these squares and paste them in a certain sequence. Which circle will you stick on top? Children: Red. Educator: In the middle? Children: Yellow. Educator: And below, there will be... Children: Green. Educator: In order for your fingers to work better, you need to stretch them. Finger gymnastics: One, two, three, four, five. (Unclench your fingers from your fist one at a time, starting with the thumb.) The fingers went out for a walk. (Rhythmically unclench and squeeze all fingers together.) One, two, three, four, five. (We clench one by one, widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.) They hid in the house again. (We rhythmically squeeze all our fingers together.) Educator: I remind you, friends, that you cannot play around with scissors. Traffic light: Well done! Everyone completed the task. Thank you guys for making the traffic lights, thanks to you I now have more helpers on the roads. Well, I have to go, goodbye.
  2. Result Educator: Today we took a trip through the country of Road Signs. Did you enjoy our trip? (Children's answers) A "Road Game" is being held · When going out Prepare in advance Politeness and restraint, And most importantly - ...... Attention. · Bug-Eyed stood on patrol on the road...? Traffic light · Green light has opened the road: Guys...They can cross! · The red light tells us:
  • Stop! Dangerous! The path...Closed! · Everyone be true to the rule: Stay... To the right side! · And the animals even know: They don’t... Play on the road! · The reckless driver will order “Stop!” On the road... Guard. · He will tell the driver everything and indicate the correct speed. By the road, like a beacon, Good friend - ... Road sign. · Where the steps lead down, go down, don’t be lazy. The pedestrian must know: Here...? Underground passage · If a pedestrian needs to cross the Mostovaya? The pedestrian is immediately looking for a road sign...? Transition. · When I approach the road, I hold my mother………….. by the hand. · Guess who's coming? Well, of course,…………… pedestrian! Well done boys! Educator: Our journey through the country of Road Signs has ended. Always follow the traffic rules, so that no trouble happens on the street!
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