“Journey to the Land of Health” quest game for children 6-7 years old

Journey to the Land of Health

Tamara Eyvaldovna Vyshkvarka, teacher of the Buturlinovsky Children's Educational Institution for General Development, Voronezh Region


Integration (GCD): “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”. Goal: to form in children a conscious attitude towards their health and the need for a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: Educational: • Continue to introduce children to the structure of the human body. • Clarify children's knowledge about the concepts of “health”, “illness” and “causes of illness”. • To form ideas about the dependence of human health on proper nutrition. • Increase knowledge of the beneficial properties of air through research activities. • Familiarize children with how vitamins affect the human body. Developmental: develop imagination, creativity, individual self-expression of children, coherent speech, attention, verbal and logical thinking, fine motor skills. Improve the mobility of articulatory motor skills, develop the skills of correct rational breathing. Educational: to instill in children a desire to take care of their health.

Material: Cloak and headdress for the Sorceress, mirror. Illustrative material – poster “Structure of the human body”, manual “Food”. To demonstrate the experience: cups of water and straws according to the number of children. Cards with the names of vitamins A, B, C, D; emoticons according to the number of children.

Preliminary work: Examination of the anatomical atlas. Conversations “To become healthy”, “Studying your body”, “Microbes and viruses”, “Vitamins and a healthy body”.

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Didactic games: “Guess the mood”, “Collect a little man”, “Useful - not useful”. Reading reference literature . L.V. “A Primer of Health”, G.K. Zaitsev “Health Lessons”. Making and solving riddles about food. Learning finger games , acupressure according to the method of A.A. Umanskaya.

Progress of direct educational activities

Educator: Guys, we have guests today! Let's say hello to them! Guys, do you know what the word “hello” means? (children's answers) When we say it, we not only greet the person, but also wish him health. (Children stand around the teacher)

Finger gymnastics: “Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky! Hello, free breeze! Hello little oak tree! We live in the same region. I greet you all!

Educator: Guys, what do you think a person has most valuable in the world? A magic mirror will help us answer this question (children take turns looking in the provided mirror). What did you see in him? Children: yourself. When are you in a good mood? Children: yes And when are you in a good mood? Children: when we are healthy. So what is more valuable than anything in the world? Children: our health.

Educator: Guys, there is a country of Health in the world. Healthy and cheerful inhabitants live in this country, and the most important of them is called the Sorceress of Health. I received a letter from her: “Dear guys! I learned that you know a lot about your health, how to protect and strengthen it. Would you like to share your knowledge with us?” Children's answers - we want. Educator: Well, then we need to get to this land of Health. I suggest you become balloons. (music sounds)

Breathing exercise: Teacher: Inhale deeply through your nose, exhale through your mouth, inflate the balloon, take your time. We breathe and imagine how the ball fills with air and becomes bigger and bigger. Mini-study “Balloons”. (Children, while performing the exercise, “turn” into balloons and fly away in different directions). Educator: light, multi-colored balls flew, scattered in different directions, the wind was stronger, then quieter, the balls flew faster, then slower. We stopped and closed our eyes. (At this time, the teacher changes into the Sorceress costume)

Teacher: “One, two, three - here we are again, guys.” Guys, here you are in the land of Health. I'm very glad to see you. I am the Sorceress of Health. Guys, do you know what health is and what illness is and how to take care of yourself? Educator: Tell me, which of you was sick this year? Do you know why this happened? Right. Germs have entered your body.

Game with a ball “Disease - Health” (Children stand in a circle) Educator: I will name what the body parts look like in a healthy person, and you must not only answer what they look like in a person who is sick, but also catch the ball. Answer: A healthy person’s eyes are cheerful, but a sick person’s. The children answer - they are sad (they answer and catch the ball), The voice is clear, but what about a sick person? (children - quiet), The nose is dry, but what about a sick person? (children - wet), The eyes are happy, but what about a sick person? (children are unhappy), The mood is good, but when a person is sick? (children are bad).

Educator: Guys, how can microbes get into our body? Children's answers: through dirty hands, through the air when coughing. Educator: How can you fight germs? Children's answers: wash your hands. Educator: How often should you wash your hands? Which objects and things can be used by everyone together, and which only by one? Let's check. The teacher calls the child and asks: “Can everyone use this item together?”

Game "You can - you can't." (Children stand around the teacher). Educator: Towel, pencils, brush. Handkerchief, toothbrush, book, comb. Keys, toothpaste, toys. Guys, not all things can be used by everyone together; there are things that a person uses alone - these are personal things.

Educator: Guys, what magic spell do we know? Children's answers: “Simple water and soap melt away the power of microbes.” Educator: Well done, that’s right! Healing sounds help us fight germs and diseases. Which? Now I'll show you! If we have a sore throat, we need to turn into a mosquito and sing its song. Let's put our hand to our throat and say z-z-z (children do the exercise). When we start coughing, we become big bugs, put your palm to your chest and say w-w-w. And when we are very tired and have a headache, we listen to the sound of the waves and say ssss.

Educator: Guys, how can you help your body become strong and healthy? The children's answers are to play sports, walk in the fresh air. Educator: Absolutely right. And we also know how to do acupressure to prevent colds. (Children perform a complex of acupressure according to A. A. Umanskaya). “Snail” First we will do an exercise for the nose. “Snails crawled from the porch to the gate for three hours, girlfriends crawled for three hours, dragging the huts on themselves.” (We make circular movements with our index fingers towards the wings of the nose, while pressing smoothly) Now let’s massage the ears. “So that our ears don’t hurt, we’ll rub them quickly” (we stroke our ears with our fingertips from top to bottom). “Here we bend, unbend and repeat everything again.”

Educator: do you know what parts the human body consists of? (ask the child to show parts of the human body on the poster)

Educator: Do you know what your body can do? Children's answers are to breathe, speak, eat, drink, see, move. Educator: yes, guys, and our assistants help him with this, which we see - hands, eyes, ears, legs.

Educator: Guys, now we will conduct an experiment. For this we need a glass of water and a straw. Look inside this tube. What do you see there? (Children: nothing) Now we will see who is hiding there. One, two, three, invisible, run out of the tube. (Dip the tube into the water and blow into it; bubbles come out of the tube). Educator: What kind of invisible person was sitting in the tube? (Children: This is air). Educator: That's right, children. What is air for? (child recites a poem)

Without breath there is no life, Without breath the light fades, Birds and flowers breathe, He breathes, and I, and you.

Educator: And now we will do a breathing exercise: “Lost in the forest.” You need to say “ah-oo-oo” while exhaling.

Educator: Guys, what should our food be like? Children's answers: useful. Educator: Let's play the game “Useful - Unuseful.” I will name the products, and you clap your hands once, if they are healthy products, if they are not healthy, there is no need to clap. Cabbage, candy, carrots, cake, apple, ice cream, meat, chips. What do you think will happen to a person if he eats only sweets? (children's answers)

Educator: You need to know that the human body needs various products. Raw vegetables and fruits are especially useful: those who constantly consume them, as a rule, have a good, cheerful mood, smooth skin, and an elegant figure. — But sweets, chocolate, ice cream, especially in large quantities, are very harmful to health. – Of course, you shouldn’t completely give up sweets. However, it is necessary to eat a variety of foods in order to be strong, healthy and grow quickly. Listen to a poem about the benefits of vitamins. (Child reads a poem)

In a banana and yogurt, in a handful of raspberries - There are wonderful vitamins everywhere. They protect us from all kinds of diseases. The more of them in food, the healthier the food.

Educator: After listening to this poem, we can say which foods contain vitamins A, B, C, D. (showing pictures) Vitamin A is found in food products: beets, melon, carrots, garlic, cabbage, parsley, peaches, spinach, pumpkin, turnip, celery. Vitamin B - rice, raisins, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, nuts, bananas, peas, liver, bread, mushrooms, cottage cheese, salad. In animal products - lamb, beef, crabs, shellfish. Vitamin C – black currants, rose hips, oranges, lemons, onions, parsley. Vitamin D – fish oil, liver, cod, beef liver, butter.

Educator: Guys, I see that you know a lot about your health, how to maintain it, how to become strong, fit and healthy. Well, now it’s time for us to say goodbye, I’m very sorry guys to part with you. Let's turn into balloons again and fly back to kindergarten. (music plays) You need to imagine that you are balloons. You flew to kindergarten. We stopped and closed our eyes. “One, two, three - here we are again, guys.” Open your eyes, you are back in kindergarten. I see a smile on your faces. This is very good. After all, a joyful mood and a smile help our health.

Guys, I’m now going to give you emoticons, and you have to draw a smile, and decide which one for yourself. If you liked the trip to the Land of Health, then you will draw a cheerful smile, and if you didn’t like it, then a sad one. And now I want to treat you to a fruit surprise that contains a lot of vitamins.

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