Physical education leisure for children of the senior group “Journey to the Island of Health.”

Quiz game with children of the senior group “What do we know about sports?”

Natalya Baranova

Quiz game with children of the senior group “What do we know about sports?”

Goals: to consolidate with children knowledge about sports, athletes, types of sports; to evoke respect for Russian athletes, pride in the winners of the Olympics, and to generate interest in sports games; cultivate a desire to exercise and take care of your health; develop speech and activate children's vocabulary.

Integration of educational areas : cognition, physical education, health, communication, socialization, artistic reading.

Preliminary work: the teacher’s story about the history of the development of the Olympic Games, familiarization with the achievements of Russian athletes at the Olympics, with the attributes and symbols of the Olympic Games; conversations about sports, physical education, their impact on human health; reading proverbs, sayings, poems on sports topics, inventing and guessing riddles; organizing and conducting games - relay races during walks.

Progress of the game.

Children, we will now play a game - a quiz. I will ask you questions about sports, and you will answer them. For each correct answer, receive 1 point. But don’t forget that you need to raise your hand and not shout out from your seat. Answering from the spot does not count. Now we will divide into two teams - “Snowflake” and “Luchik”. At the end of the game we will count the points. The team with the largest number will receive “gold” awards, and those with the fewest will receive “silver”. The teacher forms teams taking into account the fact that each team should have the same number of strong children. Announces the first task: answers to questions.

1. What sports do you know? Answers (football, hockey, volleyball, wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, basketball, speed skating, alpine skiing).

2. What are the Olympic Games? (Competition of the best athletes). 3. In which country are the Olympic competitions currently taking place? (in Russia). 4. In which Russian city did these competitions take place? (In Sochi). 5. What is the start of the competition called? (start). 6. What is the end of the competition called? (finish).

7. The instrument of a sports referee is a whistle. 8. Why are gloves needed in boxing? - so as not to injure your hands. 9. At what air temperature can the skating rink be filled? – no higher than 0. 10. What are skates made of? (made of metal).

The second task is riddles.

1. Green meadow, a hundred benches around. Stadium. 2. People are running briskly from gate to gate. Football field. 3. They kick him, but he doesn’t cry. Ball. 4. Here is a silver meadow, it’s so good in winter, but you can’t find it in spring. Ice rink.

5. I leave two stripes on the snow while running. I fly away from them like an arrow, and they come after me again. Ski track. 6. I’m rushing forward like a bullet, only the ice creaks and lights flash. What is carrying me? Skates.

Third task - complete the proverb.

1. Whoever starts the day with exercise has (the body in order). 2. If you toughen up, you will escape from illness (distance). 3. The disease will not catch up with the quick and agile one. 4. Wash yourself more cleanly, water (don’t be afraid). 5. Strong in body - rich (in business). 6. Those who lie down a lot have (side pain).

Physical education

The fourth task is “explainers”. Children from one team ask questions from children from the other team.

1. People are running all over the field, kicking the ball with their feet. (football). 2. The ball hit the goal. (Goal). 3. Athletes dance beautifully on ice. (figure skating). 4. Opponents in the ring hit each other with gloves. (boxing). 5. The athlete must throw the ball into the opponent’s basket. (basketball). 6. People run on the ice, hitting the puck with a stick. (hockey). 7. They are agile, jumping and flexible. (gymnasts). 8. Lift weights off the floor. (weightlifters). 9. Two athletes throw a ball to each other over the net with rackets. (baseball). 10. Athletes try to swim a certain distance as quickly as possible. Swimming.

Our game is over.

Children, did you like it? Now we will count the points and award the winners.

We have no losers, all the children were attentive and active. Therefore, everyone is awarded medals. Well done!

Summary of physical education activities in the senior group “Let’s save the spring forest from the witchcraft of the forest witch.”

Summary of physical education leisure in the senior group We graze the spring forest from the witchcraft of the forest witch” (With elements of psycho-gymnastics)

Goal: 1. Improve walking skills in a column one at a time with different steps. 2. Develop physical qualities: jumping on two legs with forward movement, the ability to maintain balance when walking on a gymnastic bench, develop agility and endurance. 3. Relieve psychological and physical stress with relaxation exercises and music. 4. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, empathy, self-confidence, and the desire to reach the intended goal. Equipment: Gymnastic bench, hoops - 5 pcs., tape recorder, audio recording: birds chirping; the cry of the forest in the night, the sound of the rain, flowers to decorate the hall, a letter in an envelope with a map of the path from the flowers of the spring forest. Progress of the lesson: Children enter the hall in sportswear and line up. PHYS instructor:

Hello guys! We received a letter today, shall we read it?

Children: Yes!

The instructor reads the letter: “Hello, children of the senior group “Dwarfs”, they are writing you flowers of the spring forest, we really wanted you to come visit us in the spring forest. We would share with you a good mood in the spring. But the path to us is bewitched by a forest witch, she does not want spring to come and does not want us to please you and share our kindness with you. We really hope that your friendly group will help us and free us. We will have to overcome many obstacles to get to the magical clearing, where we can share the joy of spring with you, hear the foam of our beautiful birds, we send you a map of our forest and wish you good luck on your journey!

Instructor: Well, what about saving the spring forest from the witchcraft of the forest witch?

Children: Yes!

Instructor: Then, march! I. Introductory part. Walking one after another on straight legs, walking on heels - hands on the belt, walking on the tiptoes - hands on the belt, running at a side step, with a high knee lift, running like a snake. Walking. Formation into links. a recording of rain sounds. Physical education instructor: Guys, you hear the rain crying in the forest, it asks us for help, today we must check how ready we are to fight witchcraft, let's turn into butterflies and go save the spring forest! Children: come on! II. Main part General developmental exercises “Butterflies”. 1. “Butterflies flap their wings.” I.P. legs slightly apart, arms down. Execution: Spread your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them (5-6 times). 2. “The butterflies landed on the flowers.” I.P. too. Execution: Sit down, put your hands on your knees, lower your head (4-5 times). 3. “The butterflies have flown.” IP feet shoulder width apart, hands below. Execution: Bend forward, spread your arms to the sides (5-6 times). 4. “Butterflies are dancing.” I.P. Same. Execution: Tilts the body to the left, to the right (5-6 times). 5. “Butterflies Play” by I.P. legs slightly apart, arms down. Execution: Raise your arms up through your sides and clap above your head. Physical fitness instructor: Now we have gained strength and are ready for the hike. Let's look at the map on which the path is marked. We have obstacles to overcome. You are ready? We are rebuilding from links into one column. Children approach obstacles. 1. “Walk along the bridge” 2. “Jump over the holes” 3. “We jump from bump to bump”

The phonogram “crying of the forest” sounds. Physical training instructor: The last obstacle awaits us ahead - crossing over fallen trees, but first we must rest a little and relax. And then we will continue our rescue operation with renewed vigor. Relaxation: 1. “Sun” Imagine that you are trees, trees are reaching for the sun with every twig, every leaf. Children raise their hands up and move their fingers. 2. “Breeze” But then the breeze blew, the leaves and twigs swayed and moved, the children swayed with outstretched arms left and right. 3. “The wind has increased” The wind is blowing more and more, but the roots are in the ground, the children are swaying more and more. 4. “Rain” It began to rain, and the drops tapped on the leaves and twigs, the children patted each other with their fingers. 5. “Let's feel sorry” The trees feel sorry for each other, the children stroke their bodies. 6. “Sunny” The rain has stopped, the trees are shedding excess moisture, the children are shaking their hands. Physical fitness instructor: So we had a rest! Now let's continue, we must go through the fallen trees. Children approach the “fallen trees” and cross them, emerging into a clearing of spring flowers. Physical education instructor: So we came to the treasured clearing, we freed the forest from the witchcraft of the forest witch. Look how beautiful it is here, and now make yourself comfortable. Let's gain strength. I think the clearing will happily give us all the good energy that it has accumulated. The children sit on the carpet. They collect energy with their palms and take it out onto themselves. Then they listen to the chirping of the birds, quietly get up and leave the hall.

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