Musical and didactic manual “Musical Palace”

A manual for conducting music classes in the younger group of kindergarten

A guide for conducting music classes in kindergarten for children 2-3 years old.

Author: Svetlana Nikolaevna Kryuchkova, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Fairy Tale”, Petrozavodsk Description of the material: the material may be of interest to music directors and educators Purpose: to create a game situation in a music lesson Objectives: - to develop singing skills in children - to deliver joy when perceiving familiar music - to develop children's speech abilities - to develop memory, thinking, imagination. Kids love to listen to songs; they sing with great pleasure those already familiar to them. Visualization in music classes in kindergarten plays a huge role in working with preschoolers. I try to use as many different pictures, toys, and aids as possible. I would like to present to your attention one of the manuals made by me, which my students like - “MUSIC BOOK”. The manual includes a variety of children's songs from the repertoire of the first junior group. Such as “Cockerel”, “Sun”, “Doll”, “Dog”, “Bird”, “Steam Locomotive” and others. On each page of the book I printed a picture corresponding to the title of the song. On each page I wrote excerpts from songs - notes and words. The pages were fastened together with a booklet maker. The result is a book.

Children can guess from the picture a song they already know or guess what new song they will listen to. You can play around with the appearance of a music book in class in different ways - it can be brought by a puppet character (bear, doll, bunny), it can be sent by mail in a parcel, and so on. For example, a book was brought by Mishka
(Mishka) came to visit us, (Mishka) brought us a book.
Not a simple, unique, music book. The songs live in the book, Waiting for them to be sung. We open the book, the song comes to life... or
we, friends, open the book and we find the page. What the page will show us - We’ll sing about that now!

Next, the children are shown a page with a specific song, and they listen to the song performed by the music director. The song “comes to life” - you can play out the song or bring in a toy. At the discretion of the music director. At the end of the year, as a result, you can conduct a lesson in which children, if they wish, will choose songs they know from the book and perform them. As my own experience shows, children are very interested in this manual.

Thank you for your attention!

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