Teaching older preschoolers to solve arithmetic problems
Teaching older preschoolers to solve arithmetic problems Bibliographic description: Avsyukevich, N. I. Teaching older preschoolers
Card index of games and exercises for the development of grammatical aspects of speech for preschoolers
Games for the development of hearing and speech in children of the younger group
Speech games in the 2nd junior group Card file “Didactic games in the 2nd junior group” Introduction
“We make up a story using a picture and questions” Cards for the development of coherent speech.
Development of a child’s coherent speech - download tasks Development of coherent speech - the main, cutting-edge point
Mastering the sound Ж
We teach a child to pronounce the complex letters R, L, Zh, Sh, S
Clear and understandable speech is one of the indicators of a child’s successful development. Children who can do it right
To work for good, there is something to brag about (on duty in a corner of nature)
Synopsis of duty in a corner of nature Synopsis of direct educational activities for children of the middle group “Duty
Russian folk musical instruments
Music for children in pictures – Children and music. Pictures and photos.
Russian folk musical instruments: balalaika, domra, gusli, bells and others. Children's educational videos about
Health Day “I will save my health - I will help myself!” For preschool teachers
Preliminary work You should begin preparing for the holiday with an introductory conversation. Tell the children about
All-Russian and international distance competitions for children - preschoolers and schoolchildren
STRUCTURE OF LESSONS: Greetings and game exercises for attention and observation. Speech technique exercises. Tasks
“Card index for listening to music in the senior group of preschool educational institutions (partial program of I. Kaplunov, I. Novoskoltsev “Ladushki”)”
A series of classes on listening to music in the senior group on the theme of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".
Planning for the week “Spring. Migratory birds". Senior group
Progress of observation As a white swan floated down across the sky from the north,
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