Notes on speech development in the senior group "Poultry"

Abstract of the educational activity on speech development “Bird” for young children

Summary of a GCD lesson on speech development in an early age group.

Teacher Gabdinurova Nelly Mavlyutovna. Subject

: “A bird sat on the window”


Form an auditory perception of a literary text, understand the content, develop a sense of rhythm and timely repeat the exclamation “Ay” in the text; cultivate a love for small forms of folklore. Formation of children's elementary ideas about birds.




1.Give an idea of ​​the appearance of birds, their features (feathers, beak, tail, wings).

2. Introduce children to the habits of birds (flying, pecking, walking on the ground, jumping).

3.Form elements of research activity.


1. Develop interest in the world around us and cognitive activities.

2.Develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands.


1. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds, a desire to take care of them.

2.Promote the accumulation of experience in friendly relationships with adults and other children.

Integration of educational areas:

“cognitive development”, “physical development”, “speech development”


Feather, toy bird, sounds of nature (bird singing), background with images of birds on the window, toy cat, real parrot in a cage

Previous work:

Watching birds from the window, on the street.

Looking at illustrations with birds.


The teacher draws attention to the lying feather.

-Oh, look what is this? Yes, it's a feather. (picks up from the floor)

-What do we have? feather (repetition of the word by children together and individually).

- What is it like? (children's answers) Fluffy!

Stroke children's cheeks with a feather: Which feather? (children's answers) Soft!

-Blow on the feather (the teacher brings the feather to the children, the children blow).

-Blow hard! Look how the feather flies! The feather is light.

-Who knows where these feathers come from? Who left them? Who came to visit us? Who has feathers? (music sounds with sounds of nature depicting a bird singing)

-Who sings like that? (children look around, searching)

-Look, what kind of guests are on the window? Birds! (on the window are pictures of birds and a toy bird) That’s who gave us the feather! (The teacher takes the toy bird in his hands) - Look, this is what a bird is. She is afraid, let’s tell her “don’t be afraid, birdie” (the children pronounce the words, stroke the bird) - Which bird? (beautiful, small,) (repetition of words by children) - Let's get to know the bird (examining the toy). I run my finger over parts of the bird's body, encouraging him to repeat the words: - This is the bird's head (children stroke the head with their finger) And what are these (eyes) Do babies have eyes? Show. Why does a bird need eyes? The children look with their eyes and the bird looks with their eyes. The bird looks at Katya, at Vitalik (listing children by name).

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