What presentations are suitable for children of primary preschool age?
Maisat A.Z.
What presentations are suitable for children of primary preschool age?
Kstovo 3 microdistrict building 27 telephone 2-11-93, 2-27-16, 2-17-31
What presentations are suitable for young children??
Developed by the teacher:
Second Jr. groups,
Abdullaeva M.Z.
Presentations for younger groups:
Let's look specifically at presentations for nursery groups ; the little ones are now taught this way too!
• 1 What is the essence of working with presentations ?
• 2 What presentations are suitable for young children??
2.1 By the way, I recommend reading:
• 3 My achievements from past years!
• 4 If you want to increase your child’s self-esteem, play with him!
• 5 Let me start educating myself!
What is the essence of working with presentations ?
of presentations during the school year , both for children and parents, which can be shown to them at a meeting. For example, I made a presentation on routine moments for young children . They really liked that the information was presented not only verbally, but also visually. This is also very convenient because such a presentation can then be sent to parents by email, and they will not have to sit and take notes with a pen instead of watching and listening.
As for the work of educators themselves, they must choose during the year a certain direction of the project in which they will work. Themes can be very different, but for the nursery group of a kindergarten it is better to choose light and interesting themes that will be appropriate for this age , for example, colors, animals, favorite toys, etc.
At the end of the school year, as a rule, in May, a final meeting is held in the kindergarten, during which the teacher tells parents about the successes of their children, and also talks about his activities over the past year. A nursery group report is prepared in advance, which also indicates the number of presentations on topics for students and their parents. The teacher can also introduce some data from the analytical report to parents.
If you are a good teacher, an attentive educator, but are completely far from these technical issues, including the use of ICT technologies, then you can find good ready-made options.
What presentations are suitable for young children??
In a nursery group, it is difficult to keep children’s for a long time on the same activity, and looking at a screen for a long time at this age is quite harmful , so the main rule of creating a presentation for kids is brevity, colorfulness and accessibility.
In other words, it should be short, bright and beautiful, and with its help the child should get acquainted with the information that this presentation carries and assimilate this information.
I offer an example of a colorful presentation on the topic “Wild Animals”
. It is relatively small, but at the same time voluminous in content: children get acquainted with wild animals that live not only in our area, but also in other regions and continents, and also learn short poems along the way.
Or here’s some interesting material about the most common colors for babies. The image of objects of a specific color will allow you to visually reinforce the material, and with the help of poems you can also perceive the information aurally. Usually this combination in training gives very good results.
As for the selection for parent meetings, I recommend paying attention to the methodological development “Adaptation of toddlers ”
, because more than half of the kids are faced with adapting to kindergarten, especially at such a young
age , and parents are most often at a loss and don’t know how to help the baby.
I hope that the information offered will be useful to you, my dear novice educators. I was glad to help you, and you can help your colleagues - share this article
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VEGETABLES Educational presentation for 2nd junior group. - presentation
VEGETABLES Educational presentation for junior group 2
POTATOES I didn’t pretend to help Dad dig potatoes: Half a bucket is my valuable contribution, Not potatoes - just a treasure! E. Golubenko Dig up the bed a little, and look, there are potatoes living there. One potato, two and three... Take it all into the bucket. P. Mezhins
CABBAGE It is chopped for the winter, salted, fermented, pickled. After all, cabbage, as you know, is useful to us in all forms. It cleanses wounds, And protects from stress, And is healing, and tasty - We always need it. Without cabbage, everyone knows, Ukrainian borscht cannot be cooked. They throw it in fresh, and don’t stew it or fry it, but what about sour? do they cook cabbage soup? Delicious, just like borscht!
PUMPKIN There, sparkling in the sun, the golden pumpkin is dozing. And it grows, grows, grows, filling the garden! If the sun is hot, If it rains, Then one huge pumpkin will be enough for us for the whole year! We will fry, bake, simmer, We will cook porridge with it!
PEPPER Pepper is an interesting vegetable, very tasty and not bland. Either sweet or bitter, cut it and eat a slice. Yellow or red, it is very beautiful. Or maybe green, baked or salty. And you can fry it, just be careful... Don’t burn the skin and take care of your hands.
ONION Here in the garden there are green onions, illuminated by the bright sun, The arrows are stretched out in a row, Like a squad of soldiers. Everyone knows that onions are healthy, rich in vitamins, but a little bitter. The onion is not to blame for this. By nature he is like that, very modest and simple. Eat all green onions, they are a true friend to health! Yu. Dulepina
ZUCCHER Golden zucchini has fallen on its side, as plump as a piglet, and the leaves rustle in its wake. And in a pleasant slumber he waits, Maybe someone will come and take him for breakfast. Because ripe, young and sweet zucchini contains a lot of the fiber we need.
BEETS Here, as if in disarray, the beets crawled out of the garden bed: In the middle, on the sides, in the farthest corners! She put her back up and sticks out halfway, Hiding herself above the ground with dark red foliage... Without it, in winter there is no borscht, no vinaigrette, no salads, no caviar - For adults and children!
CARROTS Just like in grandma’s garden, a very sweet vegetable has grown. Let’s do a training session to see who can gnaw the carrot the fastest.
CUCUMBER I am long and green, Sometimes fresh, sometimes salty, I grow in the garden, I am loved by all the people, That’s how good I am, I’m called a cucumber. M. Borina
TOMATO I am a tomato, or a tomato, I am rich in vitamins, I am not terrible in appearance: I am round and red, Everyone will be very happy to put me in a salad. V. Sibirtsev
EGGPLANT On a ridge, near a distant plum A blue eggplant grew: A fat, sleek boy, And all around were his brothers. Everything shines in the sun, like light bulbs are burning! The long-awaited Delicious Eggplant Breakfast will be coming soon - Eggplant Caviar... It's a wonderful time!
Eat vegetables and fruits! Eat vegetables and fruits - These are the best foods. You will be saved from all diseases. There is nothing tastier and healthier than them. Make friends with vegetables, And with salads and cabbage soup. There are countless vitamins in them. So you need to eat it!