Current trends in play activity among preschoolers

What to play on the way home

It's time to return home from kindergarten. Now there is no need to rush. There is time to consider the world around us.

  1. Observe the seasonal changes in nature. Pay your child’s attention to how the color of the snow changes with the arrival of spring, the color of the leaves, what a bud, sprout, or flower turns into.
  2. List the names of the plants you meet along the way, compare them by size, find the highest or lowest, how the leaves of different trees are similar and how they differ. You can compare houses by height and length.
  3. Play the game “I see something...” (red, square, big, striped). Task: guess what object is hidden.
  4. List the characteristics of the objects that you encounter along the way: the car is black, big, fast; The house is tall, brick, warm.
  5. I know five names... In this game the child needs to remember objects belonging to a given category. For example, I know five names of fruits. The child lists and the adult counts. Then the players change roles.
  6. "What I see?" List in turn everything you see around: I see a pine tree, and I see a hill, etc.
  7. Who will find more objects made of metal, stone, wood, plastic?
  8. "The fourth wheel." Name three words from one category and one from another. The child’s task is to identify the extra word and explain why he thinks so. The game “Say it in one word” relates to the same topic. The adult says a few words, and the child names a general word that unites them. For example: cucumber, beets, tomatoes, onions are vegetables.

With such games, the road will become fun, educational and will distract the child from possible anxiety associated with visiting kindergarten.

What to play on the way to kindergarten

  1. Catching up or competitions “Who can run to...” will help speed up the pace. Select an object to which you will race as you move. Reade set Go! Physical activity and a competitive spirit will finally wake up the child and give him a cheerful mood.
  2. A game to develop the eye “How many steps to...” An adult and a child guess how many steps they will walk to the nearest tree (car, house, flowerbed), and then count them. Steps can be regular, giant or tiny.
  3. "Navigator". Invite your child to turn into a robot that will show you the way. For example, after 3 steps turn left, move straight to the birch tree, etc. This game helps develop the ability to navigate in space, helps to master the concepts of left and right, develops speech, and teaches forecasting.
  4. Kids love to pretend to be animals. On the way, he will be happy to show how a bunny jumps, a cat sneaks up, a penguin waddles, a bird flies, a dog runs.
  5. "What common?" For the little ones, we name two words from the same category, for example, what do cow and goat have in common? These are pets, have horns, etc. For older children, an option aimed at developing creative thinking and imagination is suitable. Name objects that at first glance are not related to each other. For example, what do a teapot and a house with a chimney have in common? Steam comes from the kettle, smoke comes from the chimney; the kettle and the house have handles.

Speech games

It is convenient to play speech games on the road. They are useful for training correct sound pronunciation, teaching how to isolate sounds from words, and expanding vocabulary.

  1. Take turns coming up with words starting with a given letter or syllable.
  2. If your child is studying with a speech therapist, repeat the phrases from your homework. In this case, you can walk, jump or clap to the rhythm of the verse.
  3. "And what else?" In this game, the host asks questions, alternating nouns and adjectives. The game can continue indefinitely, the only condition is not to repeat the answers. What is round? Ball. What other type of ball is there? Blue. What else is blue? Sky. What else is the sky like?
  4. The famous game "Cities". For the youngest children, it is better to offer an option with any words. Task: come up with a new word starting with the last letter of the previous one. Orange – knife – acorn and so on.
  5. Play "Opposites". Big - small, wide - narrow, high - low. This game will enrich and activate the child’s vocabulary and develop thinking.
  6. In the game “I’m big, you’re small,” the child learns to change the form of the word to a diminutive: if I’m a house, then you (house); I'm a flower, and you? (flower). Another version of the game involves naming animals and cubs: I am a hare, you are a little hare.
  7. “Catch the word” or “Catch the sound.” Agree with your child that he needs to catch a word of a certain category, for example, pieces of furniture. The adult lists different words, the baby claps his hands as soon as he hears the name of the furniture. The game “Catch the Sound” is similar, in it we catch words with a given sound.
  8. "Speech puzzles." The child’s task is to guess the object in its individual parts: walls, window, roof - this is a house; a thick trunk, branches, leaves, roots - this is a tree.

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