For teachers on the physical development of children in preschool educational institutions

Health-saving technologies

In preschool educational institutions, three groups of health-saving technologies are most often used:

  1. Technologies for preserving and promoting health.
  2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Corrective technologies.

Technologies for preserving and promoting health:

  • game stretching;
  • dynamic pauses;
  • outdoor and sports games;
  • relaxation;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • breathing exercises;
  • invigorating gymnastics;
  • corrective gymnastics.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

  • Physical education classes;
  • classes in the pool;
  • rhythm;
  • biofeedback (BFB);
  • communicative games, conversations from the “Health” series;
  • acupressure self-massage.

Corrective technologies:

  • technologies for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere;
  • behavior correction;
  • psycho-gymnastics;
  • art therapy;
  • articulation gymnastics;
  • technology of musical influence;
  • fairytale therapy;
  • color influence technologies.

The implementation of these technologies in practice is carried out by physical education instructors in close cooperation with preschool teachers, in the conditions of specially organized forms of health-improving work and in various forms of organizing the pedagogical process: during educational activities, in the free activity of children, during routine moments, on walks.

One of the important components of the motor regime is morning exercises. Morning exercises are carried out daily before breakfast for 6-10 minutes. outdoors (under favorable climatic conditions) or indoors. There are different types and options for morning exercises.

For example:

  • a set of musical and rhythmic exercises;
  • morning exercises of a playful nature;
  • morning exercises in the form of a health jog;
  • a set of exercises with the simplest type of exercise equipment (Health disc, children's expander, children's dumbbells, gymnastic roller, etc.);

Usually the morning exercise complex is repeated for two weeks. The morning exercise complex is carried out under the guidance of a physical education instructor. Children in the preparatory group are quite capable of independently reproducing the entire complex after several repetitions. During the organization, musical accompaniment is necessary.

Directly organized educational activities on physical development are the main form of physical education for preschool children, mandatory for all children, carried out all year round.

Physical education is a mandatory part of ECD. Any direct educational activity not related to movement is a heavy burden on the body of preschoolers, since they are characterized by instability of nervous processes. They quickly get tired, the stability of attention decreases, children lose interest in activities, which, of course, negatively affects its effectiveness. At the moment when children show the first signs of overwork, it is advisable for the teacher to conduct physical education. This is a set of general developmental exercises (arm exercises, bending, squats, jumping, skipping, walking) with text accompaniment, or dance, improvisational movements with musical accompaniment.

During the long break between classes, a motor warm-up is carried out. Usually it consists of 3-4 general developmental exercises, or voluntary movements of children using a variety of physical education aids. Warm-up duration no more than 10 minutes: 6-8 minutes. for active movement and 1-2 minutes for relaxation exercises.

Outdoor games and physical exercises while walking. Outdoor games are designed to improve the motor skills children have already mastered and develop physical qualities. Outdoor games are divided into outdoor games with rules (plot and non-plot) and games with elements of a sports game (football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, small towns); based on the predominant type of movement (running, jumping, throwing, etc.) and the degree of muscle tension (high, medium and low mobility). Conducted daily and in all age groups. Outdoor games and exercises for the development of physical qualities of children of senior preschool age.

Modern view on physical education of preschool children

A variety of medical, sociological, demographic and other data reflecting the dynamics of the condition of Russian children in recent years indicate that the so-called humanitarian catastrophe is no longer an alarming prospect that looms somewhere in an uncertain tomorrow, but the harsh reality of our days.

Until now, the psychological and pedagogical mechanisms of motivation for the perception of physical culture as a factor in the overall harmonious development of the individual have not been sufficiently revealed; the structural elements of children’s conscious attitude towards physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle have not been clarified; practical pedagogy, theory and methodology of physical education, sports training requires scientific substantiation of the structural components of positive motivation and methods of its formation in children in physical education classes.

The time has come when it is necessary to combine knowledge, traditions, various techniques and put them at the service of human health. Considering health as the main resource for everyday life and a significant indicator of a person’s quality of life, it is necessary to recognize that, in accordance with the principles of state policy in the field of education (priority of human life and health), maintaining and strengthening the health of children is the most important condition and goal of upbringing and education.

Preschool age is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every person. It is at this age that the foundations of health and proper physical development are laid, motor abilities are formed, interest in physical culture and sports is formed, personal, moral-volitional and behavioral qualities are cultivated.

It is believed that a child acquires about 80% of knowledge and skills in preschool age, attending kindergarten, and another 10% each at school and subsequent life. This also applies to the health of children; only with proper physical activity, proper nutrition, and compliance with hygiene standards can the health of the younger generation be preserved. Therefore, it is to children of preschool age that special attention should be paid to both specialists working with them and their parents.

Experienced physical education specialists should work with children of preschool age in order to conduct constant and targeted work to preserve and strengthen their health, improve their physical qualities, and acquire motor skills and abilities.

Physical education of preschool children, methods of preserving and strengthening their health, should not remain aloof from progressive teaching methods. In order to achieve good results in the physical education of preschool children, instilling healthy lifestyle skills that meet the new demands of society, we need new tools and new teaching technologies built on their basis.

A comprehensive system for raising a preschool child who is physically healthy, diversified, proactive and liberated, with a developed sense of self-esteem, includes several areas: ensuring physical and psychological well-being, protecting and promoting health, and introducing the child to universal human values. The age of the children, the existing conditions and the specific system of action should be taken into account.

This requires high professionalism from physical education specialists and teachers, serious theoretical and methodological training, a humane attitude towards children, and the establishment of a partnership style of communication.

A physical education specialist working with children must be able to:

  • organize a group of children in such a way that they are free and independent and at the same time feel cozy and comfortable;
  • communicate informally with children, try to live the same life with them, without suppressing their activity, listen to children more, talk less yourself;
  • be patient and self-possessed, be fluent in relaxation and proper breathing techniques and be able to help children master them;
  • know domestic and foreign methods of health promotion, non-traditional methods of physical and psychological self-improvement;
  • have a partnering style of communication with children;
  • be able to provide children with the opportunity to see for themselves the problem and ways to solve it;
  • be able to anticipate the manifestation of possible negative emotions in children and warn them in time;
  • create conditions for the fulfillment of children’s needs for physical activity in everyday life;
  • develop the ability to see each child, feel his inner state, respect his individuality;
  • identify the interests, inclinations and abilities of children in physical activity and implement them through a system of physical education, health and sports activities;
  • promote a healthy lifestyle;
  • be able to diagnose the physical fitness and physical development of children.

Physical education of preschool children includes several main sections:

  1. Diagnosis of physical development.
  2. Organization of motor activity.
  3. Therapeutic and preventive work, hardening.
  4. Planning and organizing physical events.
  5. Collaboration between kindergartens, parents and doctors to raise a healthy child.
  6. Fostering the need for a healthy lifestyle.

All employees of preschool institutions (preschool institutions), physical education specialists working in preschool educational institutions, need to rethink work with preschoolers in the field of not only physical education, physical education and physical culture, but also training and education in general, organization of the regime, treatment and preventive work , communication, etc. During the day, it is important to perform physiologically based movements. One of the main points of physical education, in our opinion, is the realization of children’s need for movement through the widespread use of cyclic endurance exercises in the educational process, as the most accessible and effective means of physical training.

Physical education classes should solve the problems of training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, thermoregulation of the body, and give the desired effect in strengthening the health of each individual. It is necessary to abandon the rigid methodology of conducting physical education classes and their monotony. Physical fitness standards should take into account the level of physical development of children, their state of health, as well as their life experience.

Goals and objectives of preschool educational institutions:

  • protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;
  • ensuring the physical, intellectual, personal development of the child;
  • caring for the emotional well-being of each child;
  • interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

As is known, during childhood (3-10 years) a set of measures is carried out aimed at strengthening and preserving physical and mental health, hardening and physical development of children, creating conditions for them to demonstrate creative abilities, and the formation of universal human values.

At the end of childhood, the child must: be developed spiritually and physically, be oriented toward universal human values, and master self-organization techniques. At the same time, the period of childhood is considered as a period of independent value in the lives of children, by the end of which the child acquires:

  • a certain age-appropriate level of children's competence;
  • communication skills that allow you to interact with adults and peers;
  • required level of cognitive abilities;
  • arbitrariness of behavior and manifestations of emotional and affective experiences;
  • value orientations.

Considering the indisputable fact that a child lives his childhood, and adults organize this process, physical education workers must pursue several goals :

  • creating conditions conducive to the formation of a physically developed and psychologically healthy child’s personality;
  • realization of creative possibilities within the limits of one’s competence, i.e. psychological and pedagogical conditions for raising and teaching children;
  • active involvement of parents and additional education teachers in the process of raising and educating children.

Each of the identified goals is specified through the corresponding tasks:

  1. Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for education and training:
      organization of a developmental environment in the group;
  2. taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s development and the characteristics of the children’s group;
  3. providing socio-psychological support for the child;
  4. predicting the child’s development process;
  5. implementation of development programs;
  6. carrying out corrective and adaptive procedures.
  7. Active involvement of parents and additional education teachers in the process of physical education:
      formation in parents of a conscious attitude towards the goals and objectives of raising children;
  8. inclusion of parents and additional education teachers in activities aimed at creating conditions conducive to the development of children;
  9. formation of a positive attitude among parents towards mastering the knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, the basics of medicine and valeology.

The activities of educational institutions during childhood include two processes: educational and educational and educational and health-improving.

The concept of “educational and health work” seems broader than the concept of “physical education,” which often refers only to the development of motor skills.

The main sections of educational and health work of educational institutions during childhood are:

  • organization of a rational motor mode for children;
  • implementation of an effective hardening system, the use of psychological means and methods;
  • providing adequate nutrition and creating conditions for organizational and health regimes for children.

The necessary introductory section from which educational and health work begins is diagnostics, i.e. a set of tests, including the determination of initial indicators of physical development, motor readiness, objective and subjective health criteria, etc.

Only by implementing such an integrated approach can one achieve the fulfillment of the main objectives of educational and health work to strengthen the physical and mental health of children, their optimal physical development and motor readiness.

When working with children, one should follow the principles of rational organization of physical activity, including physical education training sessions:

  • the predominance of cyclic exercises in all types of physical activity of children to train and improve general endurance (long running, cross-country running, hiking, etc.);
  • daily physical education, mainly outdoors;
  • frequent change of exercises with multiple (10-12 times) repetition of one exercise;
  • conducting most physical education classes in a playful way;
  • motor density of physical education classes – 80% or more;
  • compulsory musical accompaniment of physical education classes;
  • children’s conscious attitude towards doing exercises;
  • muscle relaxation, proper breathing are necessary components of physical education classes;
  • the predominance of positive emotions in all types of motor activity of children during childhood;
  • Particular attention should be paid to safety precautions in physical education classes. Physical activity must be adequate to the physical and mental state of the child in this lesson.

It is necessary to observe the basic principles of physical education :

  • the principle of developmental education - the proposed exercises should not be aimed at the level of qualities currently available in children, but ahead of it, requiring the application of effort to master new movements;
  • the principle of educational training - work aimed at developing motor qualities must necessarily include the solution of educational tasks, for example, nurturing perseverance, courage, endurance, etc.;
  • the principle of comprehensiveness – ensuring high manifestation of qualities in various types of motor activity, ensuring a general increase in the functional capabilities of the body;
  • the principle of systematicity - consistent complication of content, connection of new things with what has already been learned, increasing requirements for the level of qualities as they develop;
  • the principle of consciousness and activity of children - the conscious attitude of children to the proposed exercises increases their assimilation, fosters independence and initiative;
  • the principle of an individual approach is based on taking into account the different levels of motor qualities that children have and requires a differentiated attitude and flexibility in the selection of motor tasks.

To preserve and strengthen the health of children, it is very important to carry out hardening procedures and at the same time follow the principles of implementing an effective hardening system:

  • clothing (outdoor and indoor) appropriate for the weather. Clothes made from synthetic fabrics should be avoided;
  • Conducting physical education classes barefoot is an effective hardening agent, provided that it is gradually introduced;
  • The leading scientifically based methods of hardening are contrast baths and showers. It is these methods that contribute to the development and improvement of the physical thermoregulation system, which functions poorly in the first years of a child’s life;
  • cyclic exercises performed by children in loose clothing that does not restrict movement during classes (especially outdoors) and walks have a good hardening and healing effect;
  • excellent hardening results can be obtained in a health complex, including a swimming pool, sauna, herbal bar, hot and cold rubdowns, etc.

of great importance in working with preschool children:

  • identification of factors contributing to the emergence and development of stressful and neurotic conditions in children;
  • the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques aimed at relieving and preventing unwanted affective manifestations;
  • providing conditions for the predominance of positive emotions in the daily routine of each child;
  • creating a favorable psychological climate in an educational institution;
  • teaching children muscle relaxation techniques - a basic condition for mental and physical self-improvement;
  • organization of a psychological relief room in an educational institution and, if possible, a corner of wildlife in each group.

The use of psychoanalytic and personality-oriented conversations with children with affective and neurotic manifestations;

  • rational use of “music therapy”, “color therapy” to normalize the emotional state of children.

Attention should be paid to the principles of implementing health regimes:

  • organizing a regime for children in accordance with the characteristics of the individual biorhythmological profile, the main components of which are physical education and mental work, as well as emotional reactivity in the daily routine;
  • stereotypically repeating routine moments: meal times, daytime and night sleep, the total duration of the child’s stay outdoors and indoors (if in a preschool institution these moments are generally observed, then at home they often require adjustment). The remaining components of the mode are dynamic.

The preservation and development of a child’s health as a pedagogical task can be solved if the teacher’s activities are based on the practical application of knowledge of the psychophysiological laws of human development and are aimed at creating conditions for the physical, spiritual and intellectual development of the child.

In this regard, there is a need to update the professional responsibility of teachers and heads of educational bodies and institutions for organizing the educational process in accordance with the requirements:

  • taking into account the individual (intellectual, emotional, motivational and other) characteristics of the child, his temperament, the nature of his perception of educational material, etc.;
  • refusal of excessive, debilitating intellectual and emotional stress when mastering educational material;
  • ensuring a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, unconditionally preserving, maintaining and strengthening the mental health of children, eliminating any factors that may negatively affect the mental state of the child (authoritarian pressure, rudeness, caustic offensive irony, tactlessness, lack of conditions to meet the basic needs of the student in self-expression, security, good attitude towards friends, etc.).

The educational process can be considered as a way of life that a developing person leads for many years before gaining (or finally losing, which, unfortunately, happens) independence, autonomy, social and personal responsibility - the ability to independently build a way of life that is best would be suitable for this particular person and at the same time would embody potential human capabilities. The educational process as a way of life, built day by day by teachers, leaders, parents and children, contains enormous developmental or destructive potential, depending on how well it is consistent with universal human needs - the needs for bodily well-being, safety, human relationships, respect, dignity, meaning in daily activities and prospects. Neglect of these universal human needs is the strongest, if not insurmountable, obstacle to obtaining any educational results. Attention to human needs compensates for the lack of many particular conditions and, even with minimal support for the educational process, guarantees results.

General requirements for the physical education of preschool children aged 3-7 years:

  • develop an interest in physical education and use it to develop positive character traits and behavior;
  • consolidate and expand the fund of basic vital motor skills, skills and physical qualities acquired earlier, teach basic knowledge in the field of physical education;
  • to promote an increase in the general level of functional and adaptive capabilities of a growing organism in relation to the characteristics of this stage of ontogenesis;
  • ensure the targeted development of physical and psychomotor qualities based on them; carry out hardening of children, taking into account a wide range of influences of various environmental factors, to form a normal physique.

Children should:

  • solve motor tasks that are feasible at a given age, using rational methods of motor actions, including walking, running, jumping, climbing, overcoming object obstacles, riding a bicycle, skiing, skating, etc., throwing (at a target and for distance), lifting and carrying objects; overcome fear of the aquatic environment; be able to float on the surface of the water;
  • perform accessible gymnastic and dance exercises and consciously interact in outdoor and sports games;
  • perform exercises that require coordination of movements, speed and speed-strength qualities, endurance and flexibility at the level of physical fitness indicators normalized for a given age, have normal posture and body weight;
  • have basic knowledge in the field of physical education, personal hygiene; have basic self-care skills, learn the rules of safety and care of physical education equipment.


  • sets of exercises of basic, hygienic and breathing gymnastics, exercises for the development of physical qualities, outdoor games, dancing, cyclic exercises and other types of physical activity, regulated in relation to age groups of preschool children, sun, air and water baths, hygienic factors, massage.
  • volume and mode of physical culture and motor activity: at least three physical culture and recreational classes of various forms daily with a total volume of at least 5-6 hours per week in junior groups, 6-8 hours in middle groups and 8-10 hours in senior groups.

Organization of physical education classes for children 3-7 years old

The following physical education classes are held daily in groups of children from 3 to 7 years old: morning exercises, physical education, exercises after naps. This allows you to create an optimal motor mode. Physical education activities should be carried out mainly in the fresh air.

During physical education classes, children accumulate the necessary experience that is required for other types of activities. An important point for physical education classes is the teacher’s reliance on the child’s life experience.

In order to maintain children’s interest in physical education, it is necessary to conduct classes every day (in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Physical Culture and Sports”), combining training, educational and entertainment elements in a playful way. This will allow organizing individual and group training in various programs, taking into account the health status and interests of children, without overloading them.

Each physical education lesson should have a different focus depending on age. The main thing for the little ones is to give them as much pleasure as possible, teach them how to navigate the entire space of the site, work correctly with equipment, and teach them basic self-insurance techniques.

In middle age, when organizing classes, the trainer-teacher, physical education instructor or teacher directs the main attention to the development of physical qualities, especially endurance and strength , which will become the basis for the physical training of children.

In older preschool age, much attention should be paid to the physical training of children, the development of their motor abilities and the development of independence. It is recommended to do physical exercise at the end of the walk. 35-40 minutes before it ends, children change into sportswear and go out onto the playground.

The duration of classes should be 20-40 minutes, depending on the nature of the load, the content of the material, the mood of the children, weather conditions, etc. Complex training sessions should be no more than 3 per week.

The rest of the classes, as a rule, are plot-based, complex, with elements of sports entertainment. During them, in addition to consolidating and improving movements, some problems of developing mathematical concepts, speech, acquaintance with the outside world, etc. must be solved.

One of the mandatory components of all classes is the introduction of special recreational activities. Classes can be combined with air baths and water procedures, with elements of breathing exercises, etc. It is necessary to create a special emotional and psychological background, to let children feel interested in their successes.

Options for basic physical education activities:

  1. Classes of the usual type, examples of which can be found in many methodological developments.
  2. Game activities based on outdoor games and relay games with the inclusion of attraction games.
  3. Training sessions.
  4. Walks and hikes.
  5. Story-based and game-based activities (this is where it is necessary to solve problems in speech development, getting to know the outside world, etc.).
  6. Classes at sports complexes and exercise machines.
  7. Classes based on dance material.
  8. Independent studies.
  9. Classes in the series “I know how to control myself” or “Know yourself.”
  10. Test classes, competitions in various sports (mandatory in the presence of a medical professional).

Planning of physical education and health activities

Complexes of morning exercises are compiled a month in advance in four main options, depending on weather conditions. Each option takes into account the individual characteristics of children during childhood. After a month, new versions of morning exercises are compiled.

Options for physical education activities are also planned a month in advance in order to ensure their variety and correctly distribute the load throughout the week.

The work of sports sections and clubs is also planned for a year and six months in advance.

The teacher and the trainer-teacher coordinate their work and, as a rule, draw up a joint work plan. Some of the classes conducted by the teacher are preparatory to the development of a new motor action, which will be continued by the coach.

The motor experience that children accumulate during childhood with a coach or physical education instructor should then be used by the teacher in various physical education and recreational activities.

Thanks to a stable calendar of competitions and sports events, children have the opportunity to purposefully prepare for specific competitions, and all events are evenly distributed throughout the school year.

Participation in competitions develops children's interest in sports and physical education, accustoms children to a healthy lifestyle, develops physical qualities, and fosters moral and volitional qualities.

Regular participation of children in hikes also develops their physical qualities and brings health benefits. Children get good physical exercise and are emotionally unloaded by relaxing in nature. Forest air has a beneficial effect on children's bodies. In the summer, when visiting the beach or city stadium, children are given the opportunity to walk barefoot on the grass, sand, and pebbles, which helps harden them, prevent flat feet, and is very good for health.

Features of physical education of preschool children

The total amount of independent physical activity under the guidance of adults in kindergarten and family in primary and secondary preschool age should be 9-12 hours per week, in senior age - 12-14 hours, including 2-5 hours at home. It is recommended to conduct daily morning exercises (5-10 minutes depending on the age of the child), 2-3 times a day physical education classes (from 30 minutes for younger, to 45 minutes for older preschoolers).

In addition, targeted training sessions are required under the guidance of a preschool physical education instructor 2-3 times a week, as well as outdoor games during walks (up to 20 minutes) at least 2 times a week.

The main principle is to do physical exercises with children while playing. It is recommended to conduct classes in the form of stories, during which the instructor invites the child to perform a chain of sequential movements, creating a series of familiar images, i.e., explain less to the child and show more. For example, a walk through the zoo, a hike, a trip to the moon, etc. Explanations should be clear, concise, and given in a cheerful, cheerful voice. Don't forget to monitor your baby's breathing. Teach him to breathe through his nose and not stop breathing. It is necessary to pay special attention to breathing, relaxation, and posture - this is the basis for combating fatigue and stress.

When compiling a complex for classes with 3-4 year old children, you should include 2-3 exercises for the arms, 1-2 exercises for the torso, 2-3 exercises for the legs. For children 5-6 years old, the number of exercises in the complex increases by 2-3 times. Almost every lesson must include joint exercises; finger exercises are possible, as well as elements of self-massage.

Physical exercises and various types of entertainment are recommended to be organized mainly in the fresh air. Particular attention should be paid to children's clothing and shoes during classes.

Jumping should occupy a large place in the child’s motor activity (regardless of the specialization of the physical education instructor or the sports direction taught by the trainer-teacher). They help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop muscles, and develop coordination of movements. When working with children of this age, you should completely eliminate the load on the spine, give more stretching and relaxation exercises - this is the basis for the future health of the preschooler. After each load (regardless of what it is aimed at), the child must perform relaxation exercises.

A variety of physical exercises allow you to comprehensively influence the muscular and nervous systems, strengthen the bone apparatus, develop the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and regulate metabolism. The introduction of elements of school sports into preschool educational institutions, in particular athletics (endurance running, speed running, jumping and throwing) will help to significantly increase the capabilities of the child’s body.

Running is, of course, an excellent developmental and health-improving tool. The ancients said: “If you want to be strong, run!” If you want to be healthy, run! If you want to be smart, run! If you want to be beautiful, run!”

Obviously, we should think about how to expand the range of physical activity of our children, keeping in mind the targeted improvement of physical and intellectual qualities. First of all, you need to develop endurance as a quality that determines the state of the cardiovascular system. The main means of developing endurance is, of course, running.

When training endurance, it is customary to talk about the existence of six intensity zones, which are determined by heart rate indicators.

During classes, physical activity in preschool children is monitored by heart rate (pulse should not exceed 155-160 beats per minute) and by external signs of fatigue - sharp redness, severe shortness of breath, loss of coordination. The optimal heart rate when performing endurance exercises can be considered 145-150 beats per minute, the recovery period lasts no more than 3 minutes.

It is best to engage in running in the spring and fall, although there is scientific evidence of a significant effect of running exercises performed in the winter.

It is well known that children are extremely observant people. They show special interest in animals and plants. Children are also very sensitive to the rhythmic sound of melody and words. That’s why imitative movements are so natural for children 3-4 years old. They will very willingly depict how a “butterfly” or “cockerel flaps its wings”, “how a bunny jumps”, “how a bird flies”, “how a train runs”, etc. And if a song about a bunny or a frog starts playing, and the child needs make several movements to the beat of the melody and words, then you can easily notice that such combinations bring him special joy. But any imitative movement performed according to a specific task is a game.

A.S. said very accurately about the game. Makarenko: “play is important in a child’s life, it has the same meaning as an adult’s activity, work, service. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs, first of all, in play.”

Play and movement are not only a vital necessity for a child, they are life itself. Without them, there is no normal metabolism, normal growth and development, or conditions for training the most important functions of the body.

Physical education specialists working with children during childhood must adhere to the basic ten rules of raising a child:

  1. Love children, i.e. love their presence, accept them as they are, do not insult them, do not humiliate them, do not undermine their self-confidence, do not punish them, do not deny your trust, give them a reason to love you.
  2. Protect the children entrusted to you, i.e. protect them from physical and mental dangers, even, if necessary, sacrificing their own interests and risking their own health.
  3. Be a good example for children!
  4. Instill in children respect for traditional values, and live in accordance with them. Treat children with a sense of responsibility. Children should be in an environment where honesty, modesty and harmony exist.
  5. It is necessary to work together with children! Help them as they take part in your work.
  6. Let children gain life experience, even if not painlessly, but on their own! The child recognizes only his own experience, which he personally experienced. Your own experience often turns out to be of no value to children. Give them the opportunity to gain their own experience, even if it involves known risks. Overprotected children, “insured” from any danger, often become socially disabled.
  7. Show children the possibilities and limits of human freedom! Physical education specialists must reveal to them wonderful prospects for the development and affirmation of the human personality in accordance with the talents and characteristics of each person. At the same time, children need to be shown that any person must recognize and observe certain limits in his actions in a team and in society in general (adhere to the laws and observe the rules of community life).
  8. Teach your children to be obedient! The teacher and physical education instructor are obliged to monitor the behavior of children and guide them in such a way that their actions do not cause harm to themselves or others. Children should be rewarded for following rules! However, if necessary, respect for the rules must be instilled through punishment.
  9. Expect from children only such opinions and assessments as they are capable of in accordance with their stage of maturation and their own experience.
  10. Provide your child with opportunities for experiences that will have the value of memories. Children, like adults, “feed” on experiences that give them the opportunity to become familiar with the lives of other people and the world around them.

Development of flexibility

"Relay with hoops"

The quality of the task and speed are noted. The players stand in 2 columns. Hoops are placed at a distance of 5 - 6 meters from the columns - 1 against each team. At the teacher’s signal: “1,2,3 – run!” the first in the column run to the hoops, lift them up, climb into the hoop, put it in place, run to their column, touch the hand of the next player and stand at the end of the column. The next player runs. The group of children who completes the obstacle course first wins.

"Make a figure"

The expressiveness of the figure is noted. A presenter is selected. Children move freely around the playground. At the leader’s signal (strike on the tambourine or the word: “Stop!” everyone stops in some position and does not move. The leader goes around all the “pieces” and chooses the one he likes best. This child becomes the leader.

"Little Entertainer"

Perform all exercises at a slow pace.

  1. Tilts forward and backward:
  • forward sitting;
  • back, kneeling;
  • forward and backward while standing.
  1. "Martin". Standing on one leg. The body is arched, the head is raised, arms to the sides. The toe of the raised leg is pulled back. The holding time can be increased to 10-20 seconds.

Ball relay

Attention is drawn to the correct execution of the exercises. The players are divided into 2 squads and stand in 2 columns. Feet are shoulder-width apart. The first in the column is given a ball. At the teacher’s signal: “Up!” - the children raise their hands up and the one standing first passes the ball over the head to the one standing behind, who is the next, etc. When the last child receives the ball, he runs to the teacher and gives him the ball. The ball is passed over the head 1-2 times, then the command is given: “Down!” (the ball is passed between the spread legs).

Consultation “Physical development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions”

Natalia Zabneva

Consultation “Physical development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions”

Physical development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions
The most important stage in the formation of a child’s health, the development of his physical skills and abilities is preschool childhood . Federal State Educational Standards target the content of the educational field Physical Development

to achieve the goals of developing children's interest and value attitude towards
physical , harmonious physical development .
The main tasks for children of early and preschool age are .

Wellness tasks

1. Increasing the body's resistance to environmental influences by hardening it. With the help of reasonably dosed healing factors of nature (solar, water, air procedures)

weak defenses of the child's body

increase significantly. This increases resistance

acute respiratory infections , runny nose, cough, etc.)

and infectious diseases
(tonsillitis, measles, rubella, influenza, etc.)

2. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system and formation

correct posture (i.e. maintaining a rational posture during all activities)

. It is important to pay attention to strengthening

muscles of the foot and lower leg to prevent flat feet, so

how it can significantly limit physical activity

child. For the harmonious development of all major muscle groups

it is necessary to include exercises on both sides of the body,

exercise those muscle groups that are less exercised

in everyday life, exercise weak muscle groups.

It is also necessary to create in the child an idea of ​​correct posture from an early age. An effective means of preventing postural disorders: stooping, asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as scoliosis (diseases of the spine caused by weakness of the back muscles and prolonged stay of the body in physiologically uncomfortable positions) is physical exercise. .

3. Promoting increased functionality of vegetative organs. Active motor activity of a child helps strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve metabolic processes in the body, optimize digestion and heat regulation, prevent congestion, etc.

4. Development of physical abilities (coordination, speed and endurance)

In preschool age, the process of educating physical abilities should not be specifically aimed at each of them. On the contrary, based on the principle of harmonious development , one should select means, change activities in content and nature, and regulate the direction of motor activity in order to ensure comprehensive education of all physical abilities .
Educational objectives

1. Formation of basic vital motor skills.

In preschool age, due to the high plasticity of the nervous system, new forms of movements are quite easily and quickly learned. The formation of motor skills is carried out in parallel with physical development :

• by the first year of a child’s life it is necessary to teach him to walk;

• by the third year of life, the child must master walking, running, and climbing;

• by the fourth year, they develop the skills of throwing various objects, jumping from a height, catching an object, and riding a tricycle;

• by the age of five or six, a child should be able to perform most of the motor skills and abilities encountered in everyday life: running, swimming, skiing, jumping, climbing stairs, crawling over obstacles, etc.

2. Formation of sustainable interest in physical .

Childhood is the most favorable age for the formation of a sustainable interest in physical exercise . But at the same time it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the tasks are feasible, the successful completion of which will stimulate children to be more active. Constant assessment of completed tasks, attention and encouragement will contribute to the development of positive motivation for systematic physical exercise .

During classes, it is necessary to impart basic physical education knowledge to children, developing their intellectual abilities. This will expand their cognitive capabilities and mental horizons.

Educational tasks

1. Education of moral and volitional qualities (honesty, determination, courage, perseverance, etc.)


2. Promotion of mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education.

Health, educational and educational tasks, although relatively independent, are in fact closely interconnected, and therefore must be solved in obligatory unity, in a complex. Only in this case does the child acquire the necessary basis for further comprehensive, not only physical , but also spiritual development .

Along with the tasks, significant attention is paid to the means of physical education . Means of physical development and health improvement for children include:

• Hygienic factors (regime of exercise, rest, sleep and nutrition, hygiene of the room, playground, clothing, shoes, exercise equipment, etc., which contribute to the normal functioning of all organs and systems and increase the effectiveness of the effects of physical exercise on the body;

• Natural forces of nature (sun, air, water, which form positive motivation for children to carry out physical activity, increase adaptive reserves and functional capabilities of the body, increases the hardening effect and enhances the effectiveness of the influence of physical exercise on the child’s body;

Physical exercises , which ensure the satisfaction of children’s natural biological need for movement, contribute to the formation of motor skills and abilities, physical qualities , and the development of the ability to evaluate the quality of movements performed.

A complete solution to the problems of physical education of children is achieved only with the integrated use of not only all means, but also the principles and forms of organizing physical education and health work with children.

Along with general pedagogical didactic principles (consciousness and activity, visibility and accessibility, etc., there are special ones that express specific patterns of physical education :

• The principle of health-improving orientation, according to which the teacher is responsible for the life and health of his pupils, must ensure a rational general and motor regime, create optimal conditions for the motor activity of children.

• The principle of versatile and harmonious development of personality , which is expressed in a comprehensive solution of problems of physical and mental , social-moral and artistic-aesthetic education, the unity of its implementation with the principle of the relationship of physical culture with life .

• The principle of humanization and democratization, which allows you to build the entire system of physical education of children in kindergarten and physical education and health work with children based on a personal approach, providing a choice of forms, means and methods of physical development and sports , the principle of comfort in the process of organizing developmental communication between the teacher with children and children among themselves.

• The principle of individualization allows you to create a flexible daily routine and a protective regime in the process of conducting physical development , taking into account the individual abilities of each child, selecting for each optimal physical activity and motor density, an individual pace of physical activity in the process of physical activity, implementing the principle of age-appropriate physical exercise .

• The principle of unity with the family, which presupposes the unity of the requirements of the kindergarten and the family in matters of education, health, daily routine, physical activity, hygiene procedures, cultural and hygienic skills, and the development of motor skills. Therefore, it becomes very important to provide the necessary assistance to parents of pupils, to involve them in participation in joint physical education activities - physical education leisure and holidays, hikes.

Forms of organizing physical education and recreational work with children.

These organized forms of work are:

• — different types of physical ;

• — physical education and recreational work during the day;

• — active recreation (physical education, physical education holidays, health days, etc.)


• — independent motor activity of children;

• - family activities.

Thus, a rational combination of different types of physical , morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, physical education minutes in classes with mental stress, time for independent motor activity of pupils and active motor rest creates a certain motor regime necessary for full physical activity development and promotion of children's health. Therefore, in addition to a rational regime of classes, rest, nutrition and sleep, each preschool educational institution draws up a model of the motor regime, which includes all the dynamic activities of children, both organized and independent.

Assessment of the effectiveness of the organization of the motor regime and all forms of recreational and educational activities in kindergarten, aimed at the physical education of its pupils, is assessed using the following criteria:

1. All physical education activities (motor mode)

should be

50 – 60% of the waking period.

2. The learned movements for consolidation and improvement are transferred to everyday forms of work: morning exercises, outdoor games and awakening exercises with hardening procedures, physical education minutes, dynamic hour, interest classes.

Morning exercises are one of the important components of the motor regime.

Morning exercises are carried out daily before breakfast for 6-10 minutes. in the air (under favorable climatic conditions)

or indoors. There are different types and variations of morning exercises. For example:

— a set of musical and rhythmic exercises;

- morning exercises of a playful nature;

— morning exercises in the form of a health jog;

— a set of exercises with the simplest type of simulators;

— overcoming an obstacle course

Physical education is a mandatory part of OOD. At the moment when children show the first signs of overwork, it is advisable for the teacher to conduct physical education. These are general developmental exercises - exercises for the arms, bending, squats, jumping, skipping, walking, with text accompaniment, or dance, improvisational movements with musical accompaniment.

Motor warm-up or dynamic pause is carried out during a long break between classes. Usually it consists of 3-4 general developmental exercises , or voluntary movements of children using a variety of physical education aids. Warm-up duration is no more than 10 minutes: 6-8 minutes. for active movement and 1-2 min. for relaxation exercises.

Outdoor games.

A significant place is given to sports and competitive games

character, relay race games, in which it is recommended to introduce well

movements familiar to children. To maintain children's interest in active

It is advisable for games to complicate their content, rules and tasks.

In a number of games, children are required to demonstrate endurance, strong-willed efforts, and together

with the speed and dexterity of movements.

We recommend games where children are divided into teams (6-8 people each)

. This

simple relay race games, in which children learn to take care not only of their own

personal results, but also about the results of the entire team, show

mutual assistance, friendly and friendly relations towards each other.

During outdoor games, you need to create a joyful and

relaxed atmosphere to achieve greater interest and

children's desire to take part in them. This can be helped by, for example,

selection of an interesting plot for the game.

Exercising after a nap allows you to increase children's activity and improve

emotional mood, carry out active prevention of violations

posture and flat feet. It has a variable nature, and varying degrees

duration from 7-15 minutes. After 3-4 general developmental

exercises while lying in bed (on your back, on your side, on your stomach)


jogging along massage paths (health paths)


Outdoor games and physical exercises while walking.

A walk is one of the most important routine moments during which

children can fully realize their motor needs.

Here the peculiarities of children’s motor activity are most clearly manifested.

It is very important that the physical activity of children during a walk is regulated

teacher, and every child was in his field of vision.

The main tasks solved in the process of daily

outdoor games and physical exercises while walking are:

• further expansion of children's motor experience, enriching it with new, more complex movements;

• improving children's existing skills in basic movements by applying them in changing play situations;

development of motor qualities: agility, speed, endurance;

• fostering independence, activity, positive relationships with peers.

The most successful solution to these problems can be achieved by

use of games and physical exercises appropriate to increased

motor abilities of children, as well as those requiring them to have a certain

physical and mental stress and higher moral and volitional


Exercises in basic types of movements.

In addition to outdoor games, during a walk it is necessary to widely use a variety of exercises in the basic types of movements.

Running and walking.

An effective means of increasing motor activity and developing endurance is jogging at different speeds, alternating with walking. You can offer children a slow run over rough terrain for 300-400 meters, a fast run for 10 meters on the move (2-4 times with breaks, running at an average speed for 100-200 meters. The advantages of the ability to run at medium and low speeds are explained to children ( you can run a long distance, you can run for a long time and not get tired, it is shown by a specific example that someone who ran too fast could not reach their destination.

In addition, jogging is used (jogging with the prohibition of overtaking the leader)

. At the initial stage of learning to jog, children are encouraged to walk quickly, gradually turning into running.

In the senior and preparatory groups, it is advisable to use obstacle running, for example, running while stepping over 5-6 slats, running from circle to circle, running with wide steps while stepping on a log, etc. It is necessary to widely use a variety of exercises in natural terrain ( running up a hill, running down it, running over a fallen tree and jumping off it, etc.).

Running exercises should be organized in such a way as to create a break between runs. The teacher should gradually increase physical activity , controlling it in accordance with the individual characteristics of the children.


A significant place should be given to exercises in different types of jumps, since they are also an effective means for increasing the motor activity of children and developing their speed-strength qualities and endurance. All the necessary conditions must be created on the site for the use of different types of jumps: long jumps from a standstill and from a running start; running high jumps;

jumping over a short rope in different ways; jumping over a long rope (stationary, swinging, rotating)


Throwing, throwing and catching a ball.

Along with exercises in running and jumping, exercises in throwing, throwing and catching a ball should be widely used in order to prepare children for sports games (basketball, badminton, tennis)

The content of the walk can include various actions with the ball (rubber and tennis)
: rolling along the ground, a narrow path, throwing the ball up and catching it, hitting and dribbling the ball, hitting the wall, rolling the ball into a hoop using a plank, throwing balls to each other each other from different starting positions, throwing at a target and at a distance. In the school preparatory group, children are given a greater number of exercises in throwing and catching the ball during walks (more than 60 exercises during the year, since during this period there is intensive preparation for mastering the elements of the game of basketball.

Obstacle course exercises.

In order to consolidate skills in basic types of movements, develop dexterity and maintain interest, children are offered a number of exercises (in a certain sequence and with gradual complication)

on the obstacle course. It can contain a variety of physical education aids: gymnastic benches, logs,
, arches, inclined booms, throwing boards, racks with a rope, etc. Performing exercises on the obstacle course should not cause any particular difficulties for children, since how they first master them in physical education classes.
When organizing exercises on an obstacle course, it is important to take into account the DA level of preschoolers . Children with high and average levels of DA are offered more physical activity compared to sedentary children.
The duration of obstacle course exercises for these children should be no more than 10 minutes. Breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises help normalize breathing, strengthen the respiratory muscles, prevent congestion in the lungs, and remove phlegm. Static breathing exercises are performed without moving the limbs and torso. Dynamic breathing exercises are combined with various movements. Children suffering from respiratory diseases are helped by exercises with an emphasis on exhalation and pronouncing various sounds (according to B. Tolkachev)

In kindergarten with older preschoolers , you can partially use the paradoxical breathing technique of A. N. Strelnikova (in a playful form, holding the breath (according to K. P. Buteyko)
and some breathing exercises of yogis. Relaxation breathing goes well with muscle relaxation exercises
(card file)

Hardening is the most important part of the physical education of preschool children . IN

in the preschool educational system, hardening should be considered as conscious

application of a system of measures that increase the body’s resistance,

nurturing the ability to quickly and without harm to health be applied to

various environmental conditions.

Principles of hardening: gradualism, consistency, systematicity,

complexity, person-oriented approach.

Types of hardening:

- daily health walks in the fresh air;

- water procedures: washing, washing hands with cool water, rinsing your mouth after

every meal and after sleep with cool water or room water


- air baths and walking along “health paths”

After sleep;

- walking barefoot.

3. Physical leisure and holidays increase interest in physical exercise . In this case, the competitive method is used, which is a means of increasing motor activity.

4. Independent motor activity is a criterion that determines the degree of mastery of motor skills. If children use movements easily, freely and creatively, it means that they have fully mastered them in organized forms of work.

Independent motor activity of children is organized by adults at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, during a break between classes, in free time after a nap, during a walk. When planning independent motor activity, it is important to take care of creating a physical education and play environment: allocate enough space for active movement space, have a sufficiently diverse range of physical education aids (to create diversity and novelty in the physical education and play environment, alternating active and quiet activities of children).

Corrective, differentiated and individual work must be systematically carried out with children lagging behind in motor development

6. All physical education and health work is carried out in close unity with the family. Parents are introduced to physical education work in kindergarten, informed about the level of readiness of the child (individual card, invited to participate in joint activities (direct educational activities in physical education , leisure, holidays, Health Days, hikes and excursions); recommended to organize a healthy lifestyle (motor mode)

in family;
offer special literature and videos, study the experience of using physical education in the family .
A very important component of a harmonious personality is physical perfection : good health, toughness, agility, strength, endurance. The development of all these qualities must begin from childhood.

In addition to the principles, forms and means, methods of physical development and education . Traditionally, groups of methods are distinguished.

1. Visual methods, which include:

- imitation (imitation)


- demonstration and demonstration of ways to perform physical exercises, which should involve the students themselves;

- use of visual aids (drawings, photographs, videos, etc.)


- the use of visual cues and sound signals: the former stimulate children to activity, help them clarify their ideas about the movement being learned, master the most difficult elements of the technique, and also contribute to the more effective development of the recreating imagination; the latter are used to master rhythm and regulate the tempo of movements, as well as as a signal for the beginning and end of an action, a sense of rhythm and musical abilities.

2. Verbal methods include naming exercises by a physical education , descriptions, explanations, commenting on the progress of their implementation, instructions, orders, questions to children, commands, conversations, stories, expressive reading of poems and much more.

3. Practical methods include performing movements (jointly - distributed, jointly - sequentially performing movements together with a teacher and performing them independently, repeating exercises with and without changes, as well as carrying them out in a playful way, in the form of outdoor games and play exercises, and competitive form.

Physical education of preschool children continuously developing and enriched with new knowledge obtained as a result of research covering the diverse aspects of child upbringing. Carrying out physical education of children means:

1. be able to analyze and evaluate the degree of physical health and motor development of children ;

2. formulate the objectives of physical education for a certain period (for example, for an academic year)

and determine the priority ones, taking into account the characteristics of each child;

3. organize the process of education in a certain system, choosing the most appropriate means, forms and methods of work in specific conditions;

4. design the desired level of the final result, anticipating difficulties on the way to achieving goals;

5. compare the achieved results with the initial data and assigned tasks;

6. have self-esteem of professional skills, constantly improving it.

Thus, good health acquired in preschool age is the foundation of overall human development . Physical education and health work in a preschool institution should be aimed at finding reserves for the full physical development of children and forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Agility development

"Hot potato"

Pass the ball carefully into each other's hands. Children stand in a circle, hands behind their backs. The leader stands in the circle. At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to pass the “potato” (ball) to each other. At this time, the presenter asks the players to show their hands. If the child has a ball in his hands, he stands in a circle (becomes the leader) and the game starts over.


After the mousetrap has slammed shut, the mice must not crawl under the hands of those standing in the circle.

The players are divided into unequal groups. The smaller group holds hands and forms a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The remaining children (mice) are outside the circle. Those depicting a mousetrap walk in a circle, saying:

“Oh, how tired the mice are, they chewed everything, ate everything.

Beware, you cheaters, we will get to you.

Let’s set up mousetraps and catch everyone now!”

Children stop, raise their clasped hands, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. At the teacher’s signal: “Clap!” Children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that did not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. They stand in a circle and the mousetrap gets bigger. When most of the children are caught, they change roles and the game resumes.


Hunters are not allowed to go beyond the line. The “animals” walk freely around the site. Three or four “hunters” stand in different places, each holding a small soft ball in their hands. At the signal, all the “animals” stop, and each “hunter” easily throws his ball at them. Those hit by balls replace the “hunters”. It is allowed to dodge balls while standing still.


Try to get the ball to the goal without interfering with someone else. Players of 2 teams are located on rectangular platforms. Gates are marked on opposite sides of the site. Players with sticks or gymnastic sticks try to score a small ball into the opponent's goal. The game takes place within the court for a while. There are no goalkeepers.

Development of speed

"We are funny guys"

If the trap has not caught anyone, then after 2-3 runs a new trap is selected. Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. A line was also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the lines, there is a trap.


“We are funny guys, we love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us. 1,2,3 - catch!

The children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with them. The one who touches the trap is considered caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, those caught are counted and a new trap is selected.

"Migration of Birds"

Be careful when standing on the apparatus. Children run scattered around the playground, pretending to be birds. At the teacher’s signal: “Wind, storm!” - climb the gymnastic wall or stand on benches. On the signal: “Nice weather!” — children run around the playground.

"Falling Stick"

A quick response to a signal is encouraged. The players settle down in numerical order and, having memorized their numbers, stand in a circle. The driver places a stick in the center of the circle, holding it with his hand. Having shouted out someone's number, he releases his hand and runs out of the circle. The player whose number was called must run out and grab the stick before it falls. If he managed to do this, he returns to his place, and the previous driver continues to drive. If the player does not have time to hold the falling stick, he changes places with the driver.

"Empty place"

Children standing in a circle do not interfere with the movement of those running. The players form a circle. The driver runs around the circle, spots someone and continues to run in the same direction, and the stained player runs in the opposite direction. Everyone tries to quickly run around the circle and stand in an empty place. Those who do not have time to take a seat become the driver, and the game continues. The player's spot, the leader must give way to him, moving one step away from the circle.

Strength development

"Who's next"

Perform only 1 push at a time. Children are divided into several teams and line up in parallel columns in front of a line that cannot be crossed. The first numbers push the medicine ball forward. A new line is drawn where the ball stops. The next participants push the ball from the new line. The team with the ball at the greatest distance from the starting line wins.

"Don't hit the ball"

Control the strength of hand movement. Three or four guys stand around a ball lying on the floor and put their hands on the shoulders of their partners standing next to them. At the signal, they begin to push each other so that someone touches the ball. The person touched is eliminated from the game. The last one remaining wins.

"Who Can Resist"

Control the force of the blow. Players playing in pairs sit facing each other at arm's length. Heels and toes together. Everyone tries to throw one or both hands into the opponent’s palm to throw him off balance. You can dodge blows by removing your palms. A player who lifts his feet off the ground or moves from his place is considered defeated.

"Tug of War"

Try to stay on your feet. If one of the players falls, the game stops. Two teams with an equal number of players take the ends of the rope. 3 lines are drawn on the ground at an equal distance between them. A bow is tied to the middle of the rope, which is aligned with the center line. On command, players try to pull the rope to their side. The team that pulls the bow on the rope to its line wins.

Endurance development

"Who takes longer"

Children jump until they make a mistake. Jumping rope in place, moving forward.

"Fun Relay Races"

The quality of the exercises and speed are noted.

Relay races with different task options:

  • jumping;
  • run;
  • passing the ball;
  • crawling;
  • pulling up on a bench on your stomach, etc.


Try to maintain a half-squat position while playing. Players are positioned within the court in a semi-squat position. One of the players (“tag”) catches, and the rest run away. Both the “tag” and the runners must move in a semi-squat position. Having caught up with one of the players, “Salka” touches him with his hand. It is possible that the driver spots other players not with his hand, but with the ball. The one who straightens up or runs out of the area becomes a “tag”.


Players who touch the line or stop are eliminated from the game. Players face the wall and raise their hands up. Lines are drawn at a distance of 15-20 cm above the fingers of each player. Players on command begin to jump up non-stop, trying to touch the wall above the corresponding lines with their palms. The one who completes the most jumps wins.

Exercise after a nap allows you to increase children's activity, improve their emotional mood, and actively prevent postural disorders and flat feet. It has a variable nature and varying degrees of duration from 7-15 minutes. After performing 3-4 general developmental exercises while lying in bed (on your back, on your side, on your stomach), you jog along massage paths (health paths) every day.

Hardening is the most important part of the physical education of preschool children. In the preschool educational system, hardening should be considered as the conscious application of a system of measures that increase the body’s resistance, developing the ability to quickly and without harm to health be applied to various environmental conditions.

Principles of hardening: gradualism, consistency, systematicity, complexity, personality-oriented approach.

Types of hardening:

  • daily health walks in the fresh air;
  • water procedures: local (washing, washing hands with cool water, rinsing the mouth after each meal and after sleep with cool water or water at room temperature, foot baths, rubbing or dousing to the waist) and general (rubbing and dousing the whole body, swimming in the pool) ;
  • air baths and walking along “health paths” after sleep; - walking barefoot.

Independent motor activity of children is organized by adults at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, during a break between classes, in free time after a nap, during a walk. When planning independent motor activity, it is important to take care of creating a physical education and play environment: allocate space sufficient for active movement, have a sufficiently diverse range of physical education aids (to create diversity and novelty in the physical education and play environment, alternating active and quiet activities of children).

Musical and rhythmic activity also has a beneficial effect on the physical development of children: overall health is strengthened: the development and growth of the musculoskeletal system; development of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body; Correct posture is formed, performance and vitality of the body are increased, and the development of coordination of movements is improved. It is closely related to physical culture, from which the main movements are selected: walking, running, jumping, which predominate in games, round dances, and dancing. Gymnastic exercises for the upper shoulder girdle, legs, and body are also used. These movements, with and without the inclusion of various objects (balls, hoops, flags, ribbons, etc.), are learned with middle-aged and older children. Some formations are used (walking in ranks, in a circle, in pairs, etc.), necessary for round dances and dances. They organize children's groups well and facilitate games and round dances.

Psycho-gymnastics is indicated for both children with character disorders and children with normal development for the purpose of psychophysical relaxation. It can be used by educators in everyday work with children, does not require special training, and no paraphernalia is used when conducting psychogymnastics. Elements of psycho-gymnastics in preschool educational institutions are used when conducting educational activities (they help create a positive emotional mood in classes, eliminate isolation and relieve fatigue), in correctional classes with a speech therapist and psychologist, during the free activity of children, or as special classes (studies, exercises, games) directions on the development and correction of the cognitive and emotional spheres of the human psyche.

Physical development of preschool children

The physical development of preschool children in our country is one of the initial links in the system of physical education as a whole.

It is based on the all-round development of a person and is closely related to the preparation of his physical qualities for the rest of his life. To form a full-fledged personality, a child must be comprehensively developed so that he can run well, swim, walk quickly and beautifully, so that all his organs are in order, so that in parallel with all his qualities, his mental qualities also develop correctly. After all, it is known that physical inactivity is harmful to the physical and mental health of a child, just like hyperactivity.

Starting from early childhood, it is necessary to gradually and consistently develop the necessary qualities and skills so that they reach their full development in adulthood.

An important task is the uniform development of the child’s musculoskeletal system, since during this period the child’s muscles are not yet sufficiently developed. The weight of a child's muscles is 24-27% of body weight, and in an adult the weight of muscle tissue is about 42% of body weight. It is well known that strengthening muscles has a beneficial effect on body functions. For example: Strengthening your abdominal muscles helps with digestion. Preschool children tend to breathe shallowly. Active movements cause the need for deeper breathing, which promotes the development of the respiratory system and increases the vital capacity of the lungs.

Muscle performance in preschool children is low. They get tired of muscular activity quite quickly. They are especially tired by the so-called static tension, that is, when the child has to hold the body or its individual parts for some time in a certain fixed position (arm raised up). This feature of age requires the use of more dynamic work associated with alternate tension and relaxation of muscles.

Sports games, entertainment, and outdoor games also contribute to the gradual development and strengthening of the cardiovascular system of children. Cultivating correct posture (holding the head straight, slightly moving the shoulders back, straightening the back, tucked in the stomach) is one of the essential tasks of physical education. Defects in posture adversely affect the general functioning of the child’s body. Even minor defects in posture that can be observed in children (lowering their heads, slouching, standing with their stomachs stuck out) can become entrenched with age and turn into persistent disorders. The sooner work with poor posture begins, the sooner the child develops the habit of standing up straight and the more firmly it will be maintained. To develop correct posture in a child, a whole range of means is used: taking care of the exact implementation of the regime, using special memorization measures, maintaining the child’s correct postures, systematically conducting physical education classes, special corrective exercises for children with abnormalities in posture. An excellent preventive measure is morning exercises, since it is carried out in preschool educational institutions every day, every morning for 8 - 10 minutes.

An essential task of the physical development and education of preschool children is to develop in them the correct movement skills, mainly those that they constantly use in their lives (running, walking, jumping, throwing, climbing). When raising a child physically, we do not strive for him to jump as far as possible or run as fast as possible. Through exercises, we ensure that the child gradually masters the correct techniques of movement, is able to land easily when jumping, and runs easily and rhythmically into the distance. It is important that the child loves these movements and learns to measure them with his capabilities. Therefore, one should not strive for large quantitative achievements.

There are some differences between boys and girls in the development of basic movements. Boys perform better in fast running and climbing, and are better at throwing into the distance. They develop coordination in the movements of their arms and legs when walking earlier. Girls perform better balance exercises than boys. Girls are more rhythmic, they develop “flight” when running earlier than boys, they are better at jumping on one leg and over a bench.

Through physical exercise, a child's character is developed. To achieve success in the game, to complete an interesting task (quickly run to the flag, climb through a hoop), the child shows activity, initiative, becomes bolder, more persistent in achieving the goal.

Outdoor play plays an important role in physical development. Outdoor games require collective action. A. S. Makarenko believed that a game for children has the same meaning as its reality for an adult. The game should bring joy to the child, but every game has rules. During outdoor games, the child gets used to moving in proportion. He learns to subordinate his desires to the rules of the game that are common to all, and takes into account the interests of other children. Often, a child has to show volitional effort in order to accurately follow the rules, so as not to start movements or exercises before the signal is given, or to cry because of failure in the game.

Physical education helps to raise children in the spirit of love for their homeland and nature. Russian folk games with a unique flavor, sayings, and jokes play an important role in this education. Modernity also comes alive in children's games. They have a desire to imitate their favorite cartoon characters. Be as courageous, persistent and brave.

Physical development is connected with aesthetic development through strong threads. A beautifully designed, well-executed exercise or game develops an aesthetic sense. Physical development is closely related to musical development. Music and physical education develop a sense of rhythm, orientation in time and space, and the ability to deeply feel an image.

Thus, we see that under the influence of proper physical education, children develop comprehensively, the child’s physical strength grows, his health improves, and his motor activity develops. Mental development occurs at a faster pace and character traits are determined. We all want our children to grow up healthy, strong and resilient. A harmoniously developed personality is primarily the result of mental, moral, and physical development. A physically weak, sickly person rarely achieves a genuine rise in spiritual strength. Everyone knows that in various intellectual work, the body spends much more energy than is necessary to ensure the functioning of the brain itself. This is due to the fact that in the process of mental work certain muscle groups involuntarily tense, and if earlier such muscle tension was considered harmful, now it has been proven that it is an indispensable companion to intense mental activity, helps to strengthen the work of the heart and improve blood supply to the brain.

Therefore, people who are well and physically developed are, as a rule, capable of longer and more intense stress than people who are underdeveloped. It is not for nothing that people who are well built with correct posture are called beautiful. Raising children to be truly beautiful and harmoniously developed is the main task of everyone involved in raising our younger generation.

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