“Educational tales and poems about a healthy lifestyle” methodological development (senior group) on the topic

"Blue Tale"

Topic: stubbornness.

Once upon a time there lived a Stubborn Donkey. He was blue from stubbornness. It's the same as the sea or the sky. And because of his stubbornness, he had purple bangs on his forehead, covering his stubborn eyes. The stubborn Donkey started in the morning: either he didn’t want to get up, or he didn’t want to sleep. Either I didn’t want to eat porridge, or drink compote, or I didn’t want to put on mittens, or I didn’t want to sing or build a castle, it doesn’t matter! He didn’t care whether it was snowing or raining, it didn’t matter whether it was winter or summer, it didn’t matter whether he was alone or with someone. The only thing he was not indifferent to was the color blue. And if Donkey noticed that his bangs had faded and he himself had become lighter, he immediately increased his stubbornness: he stood in the middle of the room and was stubborn all day. Everyone around was tired of this, but no. And by the end of the day, the bangs turned black and purple, and the body shone blue. The donkey calmed down and admired its bright colors for a long time; he imagined himself as a large and strong whale swimming in the blue sea. - Donkey, it's time to sleep. - Mom said. - Donkey, have you brushed your teeth? - Dad asked. But the donkey did not hear anyone, but saw only his own sea. - How tired everyone is. - he thought. - If only I could live in the sea and be always blue - blue. "What to do? - Mom and Dad thought. “We have to save the baby somehow!” And they went to a sorceress to ask for advice! And that sorceress was old, old, wise, wise. She looked at mom and dad, shook her head and handed them a large, heavy bucket. Mom and Dad looked there, and there was blue paint. — Paint everything cool blue. - said the sorceress. - And let whales and dolphins live there! And she disappeared with these words. All day long mom and dad painted the house, furniture, and everything blue. I. painted themselves blue: dad became a whale, and mom became a dolphin. And when Donkey returned from kindergarten, they painted him blue too. The donkey turned into a baby whale and immediately fell into the blue sea. For a long time they swam in their blue sea. How loudly and loudly Donkey laughed, how mom and dad frolicked with him! And there was no need to be stubborn, because everything here was blue and the bangs did not fade and the body did not lighten. And for the first time the parents said to the DONKEY: “What a wonderful blue color you are!” We didn't even know that! The donkey was proud: He felt very good: mom and dad understood him, and he was a big blue whale who lived in the sea. And then it started raining heavily. And he washed off all the paint, the sea, the whales, and the dolphins disappeared, and with them the stubbornness! And the house became a home again. Dreams; Mom, dad and donkey appeared. Only the donkey had already grown up and wore a different hairstyle. After the rain, a bright boot appeared in the sky, and how beautiful its colors were. And for a long time Donkey admired all the colors of the rainbow! And he liked them all. And the blue color remained in the sea with whales and dolphins!

I. Lushchenko

Healing tales.

Fairy tales, used since ancient times as an educational tool, avoid moralizing, but present a person with several alternative models of behavior and reinforce moral values.
The impact of a fairy tale is very deep, as it touches the deep, unconscious layers of the psyche. In addition, a fairy tale allows an adult to somehow “magically” find himself in the world of a child. The thing is. that children are characterized by a mythological worldview in which the whole world is animated and wonderful. Adults mostly think logically. But. Living by logic alone, a person loses touch with his nature, part of his vital energy. Being a storehouse of folk wisdom that has managed to combine logic and feelings, a fairy tale helps restore your inner balance. Being a connecting thread between adults and children, a fairy tale connects the logic of adults and children's emotions into a single whole. This presupposes further development of both the adult and the child. How often do people, growing up, forget that they were once small. Trying to give their children more knowledge by teaching in prestigious schools, many parents do not attach much importance, and maybe; they don't even know about it. that the main activity of a preschool child is PLAY. They leave their child alone with himself in his “magical” but defenseless world, suppressing what is most dear to him - a feeling of security, confidence in support, love, and involvement in his interests.

Thus, parents lose the guarantee of a close relationship with their child in the future. After all, such relationships grow from joint activities united by common interests, emotions, and mutual understanding. If your adult child is not close enough to you, it’s worth thinking about: have you always felt what the child’s need was at every moment of his growing up? Did you often play with him, read fairy tales to him when he was little?

Essay on the topic Health

Each person has his own values. For example, for a child it could be a favorite fancy toy, for a girl it could be love, for a mother it could be her child, and for an elderly person it could be health.

Of course, for grandparents who have seen and experienced a lot in life and have acquired a whole host of chronic diseases, health will come first.

Of course, upon reflection, you can understand that there is nothing more important than being healthy. After all, you can be a billionaire, have enormous power and influence, have many loyal and reliable friends and a loved one nearby, but unfortunately, this does not guarantee a long and carefree life. When a person is healthy, he has the opportunity to enjoy every day, without looking at wealth, status in society and work.

They say that if a person is healthy, then the rest of the blessings of life will follow. This is true. Everything can be fixed when we have vitality and opportunity. After all, you can get a higher-paying job, meet your love, take up your favorite hobby.

If there is no health and a person has a serious illness, then nothing makes him happy. Familiar things do not bring him happiness, and even the joy of other people irritates him. It is difficult to enjoy life when an illness constantly makes itself felt and interferes with activity and a full-fledged existence.

Health is the foundation on which a person’s entire existence is based. For a healthy person, absolutely all roads are open; you just need to put in a little effort and skill. Not problems that cannot be solved.

Everyone has dark streaks in life when nothing makes them happy, but sooner or later they are replaced by white ones. Health is a tool with which you can achieve a lot in life; it is like a key that opens all the doors to a happy and prosperous life.

In order not to get sick and always remain cheerful and full of strength, you need to carefully monitor your health: periodically check in medical institutions, do not get involved in bad habits, try to eat right, play sports and try to get more rest when the opportunity arises.

Good health is the key to success, prosperity and happiness.

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