Thematic weeks. Week plans for the middle group

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

Planning educational work for the week “New Year’s miracle” (middle group) Planning educational work Group: Middle Topic of the month : “New Year”

Topic of the week : “New Year’s miracle!”
week of December Final event: Exhibition of creative children's works “Our Christmas tree is just a miracle”
Educator: Gasanova A.D.
Day of the week Mode Integration...
Comprehensive thematic planning on the theme of the week “Let's have a fun New Year” (middle group) December “We'll have a fun, fun New Year”

Week 4 : Morning. 1. Conversation “What I saw on the way to kindergarten
2. Morning exercises. 3. Looking at illustrations in books about winter. 4. Didactic game “When it happens
. 5. K.G.N: continue to teach children before...

Calendar plan for the middle group (November)

Tatyana Konovalova

Calendar plan for the middle group (November)

Monday 26.11

MORNING: Talk to the children who arrived early about how they take care of their mother and grandmother. Remind them that adults have a lot to do around the house and they will be pleased if children help them do something. Everyone in the family helps each other. P/game “Jump over the stream”

- practice jumping techniques.
K. GN - consolidate the ability to use a comb and handkerchief. D/ game “Recognize and name vegetables”
- fix the name of vegetables, teach them to recognize them by the teacher’s description. Work in a corner of nature to water the plants, wipe the dust from the leaves - create conditions and encourage children to help an adult in caring for indoor plants.


: Topic:
“Make whatever vegetables and fruits you want for the game of shop”
Purpose: To teach children to choose the content of their work from a range of certain objects. Foster independence and activity. Strengthen the ability to convey the shape of vegetables and fruits using a variety of sculpting techniques. Develop imagination.

Vocabulary work: vegetables, fruits.

Individual work: with children with difficulties.


WALK: Observing the birds that have flown to the site - note that the birds have become few, that they no longer sing or chirp. Remember their names - sparrow, crow, tit, dove - learn to use the most convincing adjectives, verbs, adverbs in speech - develop speech. P/game “Geese-swans”
“At the bear in the forest” “Airplanes”
- bring joy from familiar games, teach them to play together, and develop motor activity. C/play at the request of the children - monitor relationships, play together, do not quarrel.

EVENING: Gymnastics after sleep. KGN - cultivate the habit of washing yourself after sleep, washing your hands up to the elbows. S/r game "Hospital"

— develop the social relationships of those playing by understanding the professional activities of adults.
Offer plasticine to promote the development of individual creative abilities and consolidate previously learned modeling techniques. D/game “Who has which house”
= consolidate children’s knowledge about the homes of wild animals, birds, insects.

Tuesday 27.11

MORNING: As children arrive, continue to teach how to greet adults and peers. Conversation “Where and what do parents work for”

- develop conversational speech.
D/game “Who needs what”
- fix the name of the tool. KGN - improve eating skills - use utensils correctly. Work in a corner of nature - feed the fish, the hamster - lay the foundations of a caring, responsible and careful attitude towards living beings, cultivate a love for nature.


COGNITION (mathematics)

:Topic: “Fixing the number 1. Big, smaller, small. Triangle.

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the number 1; learn to guess riddles based on visually perceived information; consolidate the ability to compare familiar objects by size; consolidate knowledge about the geometric figure triangle, learn to find it among many others .

Vocabulary work: triangle, one, big, smaller, small.

Individual work: with children with difficulties.

WALK: Observing the wind - determine the strength, direction of the branch blowing in the face - consolidate the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature. Work on the site - sweeping the area, collecting garbage - instilling in the children a sense of responsibility for the assigned work. P/game “At the Bear in the Forest”
“Cucumber, Cucumber” “Train”
- play, following the rule, run around the entire area without bumping into each other.
D/game “Give me a word”
- to develop children’s logical thinking and knowledge of domestic and wild animals and their young. S/r games at the request of the children.

EVENING: KGN - the need to use a scarf in a timely manner. Free creativity - draw what you want and explain - consolidate painting techniques. Work to teach together with junior teachers to maintain cleanliness and order in the room. S/r "Hospital"

- develop the plot, use substitute objects.
D/game “What’s extra”
- develop memory, attention, thinking, speech.
P/game “Bubble”
- make a circle narrower and wider. Repetition of poems and songs for the matinee.

Wednesday 28.11

MORNING: With some children, remember their home address, ask why you need to know it. Draw children's attention to the fact that there are different street names and ask why? Remind children that there are many streets in the city, therefore, there are many street names - to develop colloquial speech. D/game “Who needs what for work?”

- consolidate knowledge about professions. KGN - use cutlery correctly.


COMMUNICATION (speech development)

: Topic:
“Let’s ask for autumn”
Goal: Expand children’s understanding of the diversity of natural phenomena, establish the simplest connections between them, and consolidate ideas about seasonal changes in nature. Continue to improve dialogical speech, learn to actively participate in conversation, and activate natural history vocabulary. Develop thinking, memory, intonation expressiveness of speech. Cultivate interest and love for the nature of your native land.

Vocabulary work: autumn, golden.

Individual work: with inactive children.

WALK: Conversation about the coming winter, say that winter is coming soon, with children note the weather conditions, the ability to draw simple conclusions, and develop speech activity. P/game “On a Level Path”
“Hare and Wolf” “Fox in the Chicken Coop”
- perform movements in accordance with the text.
It’s a lot of work to collect and put materials for classes into boxes. D/game “How the water makes noise”
- consolidate the pronunciation of the sound
. Games with external material - to cultivate goodwill and relationships between children.

EVENING: Hardening procedures. KGN - strengthen the ability to tidy up your hair after sleep. P/game “Geese-swans”

- independently distribute roles, follow the rules of the game.
D/game “When it happens”
to consolidate the concepts of
. Printed board games - develop thinking, imagination, cultivate perseverance. Offer children construction toys - teach them to agree on the nature of the building, independently distribute the material, coordinate actions with each other, and encourage them to use their buildings for other games.

Traffic rules: Conversation “Where children should play”

Looking at the illustration

Thursday 28.11

MORNING: Work - duty in the canteen - form forms of cooperation, do not interfere with each other, give way, calmly wait for your turn at the serving table. D/game “Guess the clothes”

— teach children to correlate words with cards, develop attention.
P/game “On a Level Path”
- performing movements according to the text.
KGN - wipe your face and hands dry with a towel, hang it in its place! D/I “Name what you know, sweet, salty, sour...”
learn to select words according to this definition.


: Topic:
Purpose: To teach children to make a decorative toy to decorate the interior of a group or room , selecting natural materials and additional equipment for this. Reinforce sculpting techniques. Nurture creative imagination and fantasy.

Vocabulary work: sunflower, decoration.

Individual work: with children with difficulties.

Physical training

WALK: During a targeted walk around the kindergarten, take a look at the building. Offer to find the windows of your group , a group of the youngest children, a music hall - learn how to navigate the territory of the kindergarten and indoors. D/game “When it happens”

- consolidate the seasons and their distinctive features.
P/game “Shaggy Dog” “Day-Night” “Sparrows and the Cat”
- develop motor activity.
C/game “Family”
- expand children’s independent actions in choosing roles, using attributes, implementing and planning. Fix parts of the day with Dasha, Vika, Dima.

EVENING: Gymnastics after sleep. KGN - remind children that after visiting the toilet, hands must be washed with soap. D/game “Where is it flying?”

- consolidate the rules for children’s pronunciation of certain sounds in words, teach them to isolate
words from a group , and develop phonemic hearing. Offer a mosaic - develop fine motor skills of the fingers. P/game “The Wolf and the Hare”
- offer the role of the driver to Artem.
Looking at the album “Here is our D/s”
- sharing your impressions of what you saw.

OBZH: “In the world of dangerous objects”

Goal: To consolidate ideas about objects that are dangerous to life and health that they encounter in everyday life.

Friday 30.11

MORNING: Talk with children about who made the objects we use. Offer to find items in the group that need repair. Ask why these items were in this condition. Invite the children to repair what they can. Remind children that all objects are made by human hands, labor has been put into them and therefore everything must be treated with care. D/game “What you need for the garden”

— teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics
(according to their place of growth)
. Labor - watering indoor flowers - assessing the results of your and your friend’s labor.

COGNITION (the world around us)

: Topic:
“I’ll teach my brother how to put on shoes”
Goal: Continue to introduce children to household items; learn to identify signs: color, material from which the thing is made. Vocabulary formation - enrich children's vocabulary with words and phrases. Teach children to answer questions, write a short story about a subject using a model. Cultivate a caring attitude towards shoes and take care of them yourself.

Vocabulary work: leather, rubber, summer, winter.

Individual work: with children with difficulties.


WALK: Invite children to clean up their area - remove leaves and sticks, pieces of paper. Admire the area after work and how clean it was. Remind us that by cleaning their area, the children helped our janitor. Ask what needs to be done to always keep it clean (don’t quarrel)

instill in children a sense of responsibility for the assigned work and collectivism.
D/game “What is he doing?”
- learn to select verbs for the noun
“yard” “children”
P/game “My funny ringing ball”
- teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.
“Throw it higher”
- consolidate the ability to throw the ball with one or two hands and catch it.
- develop dexterity and speed.
The S/R game “Chauffeur”
is to help children establish interactions in a joint game, develop the plot, enrich their vocabulary, and develop children’s speech. Games with external material.

EVENING: Gymnastics after sleep. KGN - carefully eat food with your mouth closed, use a napkin. D/game “Logic chain”

-learn to find relationships between objects and phenomena, develop logical thinking and coherent speech.
Review of the album “Indoor Plants”
- to cultivate a love for plants.
S/r game “Barbershop”
- teach children to independently develop the plot of the game, agree on a theme, distribute roles, facilitate the establishment of role-playing interactions in the game, and form the correct relationship between children in a team.

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1. Games for sensory development. “Pick up objects of similar colors.” Purpose: To train children in matching and grouping objects by color. 2. Conversations/games to develop a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Conversation “What does it mean to love your parents.” Goal: to teach children to reason, to form a feeling of affection and love. 3. Articulation gymnastics Complex No. 5 4. Outdoor game “Tag”. Purpose of the game: to develop dexterity and reaction speed. 5. Listening to music before bed. "Mama", music. P. Tchaikovsky. Goal: to teach to distinguish the mood of music, to develop musical responsiveness, to cultivate love for mother. Walk

1. Observations Gloomy autumn. Goal: to introduce children to the most typical features of late autumn; clarify the names and purposes of clothing items. 2. Formation of labor skills “Cleanliness of our site” - cleaning the sand around the sandbox. Goal: to teach children to work together, to achieve the task through joint efforts. 3. Outdoor game “Day - Night”. Goal: to develop speed, agility, and spatial orientation skills. 4.Individual work “I look like mom (dad).” Goal: learn to write stories from personal experience. Anfisa, Diana. 5. Independent play activity (remote material) Offer children ice cubes, doll sleighs, and boxes for transporting snow. Goal: to encourage children’s initiative to act independently, to draw attention to various objects that can be used in the game as substitutes. Evening 1. Individual work: activity in the art corner (drawing) Drawing on the topic “Me and my family.” Target. To instill in children an emotional attitude towards the created image of family members, to teach them to convey the main details of clothing in a drawing. Danya, Kirill N. 2. Reading fiction by R. Minnullin “Oh, these adults.” Goal: to teach you to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text, to determine its theme and main idea; encourage you to talk about your perception of a specific action of the character 3. Construction and construction game Games with a plastic construction set like “Lego”. Goal: to develop creativity, imagination, intellectual activity in constructive and playful activities. 4. Conversations\games on traffic rules. Conversation “The street is full of surprises.” Goal: to introduce children to dangerous situations that may arise on the road, to teach them to anticipate and avoid them. Walk 1. Observations Observe the sky and clouds. Goal: to continue to consolidate children’s knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena. Clarify the concept of “Cloud” 2. Formation of labor skills Collecting large garbage on the site, sweeping paths. Goal: to develop the ability to work in a subgroup. 3. Outdoor game “Planes”. Goal: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving according to the verbal signal. 4.Individual work Development of movements: throwing at a horizontal target. Goal: to develop the eye. Julia, Vanya 5. Independent play activity (remote material) Introduce play material for the creative game “Family”: handbags, rubber toys, dolls in winter clothes. Goal: to develop children's independence in organizing games; develop initiative and organizational skills.

Calendar planning of educational work for November 2, 2012. Friday Type of activity according to the cyclogram Event Morning 1. “Slightly.” 2.Reading fiction. V. Veresaev “Brother”. Goal: to teach children to highlight the main idea of ​​a work, to develop children’s speech in the process of answering questions, to cultivate love for their loved ones. 3. Individual work to develop CGN and self-care skills. Check the dressing sequence. Goal: continue to teach children to turn their sweaters and shirts right side out. Learn to politely make requests to the teacher and peers: “Please get me...”, “be kind, help me unfasten...”. Vanya, Kirill N. 4. Games using physical education equipment “Help the little animals” Purpose: To teach children to walk on a gymnastic bench, holding an object in the palm of their hand; jump from a height. Save the animals by moving them to a safe place. Walk 1. Observations Observe the birds flying to the feeders. Goal: to teach to distinguish between one or two types of birds flying up to the feeder. Talk about how you can help them survive the winter, what to feed them. 2.Formation of labor skills Hang bird feeders on the farm site and sprinkle food. Goal: to cultivate a desire to work, a desire to take care of birds. 3. Outdoor game “Colored cars”, “Hares and wolves”. Goal: exercise in random running and jumping. 4.Individual work Game exercise “Who’s next.” Goal: to teach long jump from a place and from a run, to develop jumping power. Alyosha, Denis 5. Independent play activity (remote material) Offer children plumes, flags, skittles, masks for role-playing games. Goal: to teach children to organize themselves into groups and unite with a common plot, to teach them to play without conflicts, in harmony. Evening 1. Round dance game “Mice in the Pantry”. Goal: to teach how to crawl under an obstacle, run without pushing, and act according to the words in the text. 2.Individual work: activity in the art corner (sculpting). Offer plasticine for modeling according to the plan. Goal: to develop imagination, sense of shape and proportions, development of fine motor skills. Diana, Sonya 3. Work activity: assignments, duty, joint work with an adult. “Exemplary group order” - (maintaining the appearance of the dolls - combing, straightening clothes, if you need to wash clothes). Goal: to teach children neatness, to form in children the habit of maintaining cleanliness and order in the group. 4. Role-playing game “The Family Receives Guests.” Goal: developing interest in playing together. Formation of positive relationships between children. Consolidating knowledge of utensils. Walk 1. Observations Observation of the work of a janitor, what tools they use to clear snow from the paths. Goal: to continue observing the work of the janitor, to teach respect for the work of adults. 2.Formation of labor skills Invite children to collect sand in the sandbox. Goal: to instill a love of work in the team. 3. Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”, “Sunshine and Rain”. Goal: learn to run across the entire court, following commands according to the signal. teacher's name. 4.Individual work “Throw further!”, “Who will run to the flag faster?” Objectives: learn to perform an exercise with a ball; develop eye and running speed. Arina, Masha 5. Independent play activity (remote material) Offer equipment for playing “circus” (stick, hoop, swing) for independent play. Goal: to develop the ability to perform game actions in game exercises, to play on topics from the surrounding life. Introduce basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults.

Calendar planning of educational work for November 6, 2012 Tuesday Type of activity according to the cyclogram Event Morning 1. Observation in a corner of nature. How to water a plant. Goals: to teach children practical skills of watering plants as one of the structural links of the labor process; encourage children’s desire to care for plants 2. Learning poems by N. Nishchev “Poems about dishes.” Goal: to teach children to emotionally perceive poems, to notice expressive means, to learn to find various means for expressing and conveying images and experiences, to develop figurative speech, creative imagination. 3.Board games “Find the odd one out”, “Lay the table”. Goal: development of visual attention, ability to correlate colors, activation of vocabulary on the topic “Dishes”. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers. 4. Didactic games (musical) “Big and small.” Goal: to teach children to distinguish between short and long sounds and the ability to clap rhythm. 5. Individual work to develop CGN and self-care skills. Continue to improve food culture: use cutlery correctly, eat carefully, say thanks after eating. Arina, Masha Walk 1. Observations Bushes. Purpose: to clarify the concept of “bush”, the differences between a bush and a tree. 2.Formation of labor skills Clearing snow paths. Add blades and panicles. Goal: to cultivate a desire to collectively improve your site. 3. Outdoor game “Horses”, “Cat and Mice”. Goal: learn to run in all directions and maintain balance. 4.Individual work “Snowflakes are flying.” Goal: to develop plastic movements. Sonya, Kirill N. 5. Independent play activity (take-out material) Bring in a toy hare. Offer the children a game situation: “What should we give the bunny on his birthday?” Goal: to encourage oneself to set gaming goals and thus show gaming initiative Evening 1. Reading fiction by V. Oseev “Tanins of Achievement.” Goal: to teach children to listen to literary works, evaluate the actions of heroes, and talk about helping around the house. 2.Individual work on FEMP Comparison by length. Goal: to teach children to compare strips by length using direct overlay, to organize them based on length. Kirill P., Veronica 3. Role-playing game “Cookware Store” Goal: continue to teach children to coordinate their actions with other children, distribute roles, and activate vocabulary on the topic “Cookware.” 4. Games using physical education equipment Game task “Throw a pebble.” Goal: to train children in throwing objects (bags) at a horizontal target with both hands. Walk 1. Observations Wintering birds: show wintering birds. What do they eat? Goal: To form emotional responsiveness to communication with living beings. Develop a desire to help birds in winter. 2.Formation of labor skills Instruct children to clear snow from paths and play equipment on the site. Goal: to consolidate skills in using work equipment, clarify its location, and continue to develop skills in completing assignments in a timely manner. 3. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”, “Throw and catch”. Goal: to practice climbing, throwing and catching a ball with both hands. 4.Individual work Development of movements. Goal: to consolidate skills in jumping over two objects. Diana, Danya 5. Independent play activity (remote material) Offer children molds, spatulas, buckets, sticks for drawing on the snow, signets. Goals: develop creativity, imagination, visual skills; bring pleasure from joint creative activity with an adult; activate the dictionary. Calendar planning of educational work for November 7, 2012. Wednesday Type of activity according to the cyclogram Event Morning 1. Games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands Finger gymnastics No. 5 2. Reading fiction Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Fedorino Grief.” Goal: to teach children to highlight the main idea of ​​a work, to develop children’s speech in the process of answering questions, and to cultivate a caring attitude towards things. 3. Individual work to develop CGN and self-care skills. Maintain order in separate closets. Mark the neatest ones. Goal: To develop skills in folding clothes and keeping them in order. Strengthen the skills of putting everything back in its place. Denis, Masha 4. Didactic game for speech development. “What for what?” Goal: to draw children's attention to the way words are formed: for napkins - a napkin bowl, for sugar - a sugar bowl, etc., teach them to use the exact names of utensils. Walk 1. Observations Observations of the work of older children, how they clear their area of ​​snow. Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the work of older children in winter conditions (sprinkle paths with sand, clear snow). 2.Formation of labor skills Sweeping part of the veranda (one at a time). Goal: to teach children to maintain order on the veranda. Develop skills to perform work actions one by one. 3. Outdoor game “Planes”, “Sparrows and the cat”. Goals: to learn to quickly perform movements at the teacher’s signal and run in the indicated direction; cultivate friendliness. 4.Individual work “Get in the basket.” Goal: to develop accuracy, eye. Arina, Danya. 5.Independent play activity (takeaway material) Offer small toys for playing with. Goal: to teach children to organize themselves into groups and unite with a common plot, to teach them to play without conflicts, in harmony. Evening 1. Conversations/games to develop safe behavior skills. Conversation “The kitchen is not a place for games.” Purpose: to establish rules for handling dangerous objects. 2.Individual work: activity in the art corner (application). "Beautiful patterns on a plate." Goal: to consolidate the ability to create a simple composition on a sheet of geometric shapes, to activate children’s independence in gluing shapes and their combinations, to consolidate children’s knowledge about dishes. Diana, Veronica 3. Theatrical activities. “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” Goal: continue to introduce children to the concept of “kindness,” teach them to feel and understand the emotional state of the hero, and engage in role-playing interactions; 4. Experimental games Experiments to identify the moisture needs of plants: germinate bulbs in a dry jar and a jar with water. The purpose of the experiments: to bring children to the conclusion about the need for moisture for plant growth. Walk 1. Observations Walk to the bushes. Goal: to introduce children to shrubs, teach them to distinguish between a bush and a tree, consolidate knowledge about the structure of plant parts, teach them to recognize trees by their bark and branches (birch). 2. Formation of labor skills Clearing the area of ​​snow. Goal: to cultivate a desire to collectively improve your site. 3. Outdoor game “Catch the plane.” Goal: learn to run quickly at the teacher’s signal, without looking back. 4.Individual work “Find answers to my riddles.” Goal: learn to guess riddles, find clues in the surrounding space based on descriptions. Danya, Veronica 5. Independent play activity (remote material) Offer children doll sleighs and boxes for transporting snow. Help organize the game “Rolling dolls on a sled.” Goal: to teach children to independently organize a game environment, come up with a game plot, transfer accumulated knowledge into the game, and reflect the social relationships of people in the game.

Calendar planning of educational work for November 8, 2012. Thursday Type of activity according to the cyclogram Event Morning 1. Games for sensory development. “Sort out the mixed up mittens.” Goal: to teach children to carefully examine objects and find similarities and differences in them. 2. Conversations/games to develop a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. "How to behave at the table." Goal: To consolidate the skill of greeting and saying goodbye to adults and children in a friendly manner, politely making requests to others, thanking for the service, not interrupting the speaker, listening to the interlocutor, speaking calmly, politely, and kindly. Teach table manners. Based on the material of exemplary and incorrect behavior at the table, expressions of invitation, gratitude, and apology, form children’s idea of ​​etiquette. 3. Articulation gymnastics No. 5 4. Outdoor game “Two Frosts”. Goal: to instill the ability to perform characteristic movements according to the text. 5. Listening to music before bed. “Quadrille with spoons” (Russian folk melody). Goal: to cultivate positive aesthetic feelings and emotions in children. Walk 1. Observations We watch the sun. Goal: explain to children that the sun is no longer warm, the days have become shorter. 2. Formation of labor skills Clearing paths from snow. Goal: to cultivate hard work.

3. Outdoor game “We are funny guys.” Goals: increase motor activity, act quickly on a signal from the teacher. 4.Individual work Repetition of the names of dishes. Goal: to consolidate the names of various dishes. Diana, Veronica. 5. Independent play activity (take-out material) Offer children molds, spatulas, buckets, sticks for drawing in the snow, signets. Goal: to teach children to create their own play environment. Develop the ability to transfer accumulated experience into the game, build a joint game, and perform several interrelated roles. Evening 1. Individual work: activity in the art corner (drawing) “Painted saucers” (painting with a brush and paints). Goal: learn to decorate a round surface with stripes and patterns; learn to determine the center, distribute the pattern over the entire surface, observe the rhythm; develop the eye. Masha, Denis 2. Reading fiction, V. Karaseva’s story “Glass”. Goal: learn to listen to a work of art, evaluate the actions of the characters, talk about helping around the house. 3. Construction game "Dining room". Goal: to teach how to organize space for construction; plan activities, model; design various pieces of furniture; unite buildings with a single plot. Encourage the creation of new versions of already familiar buildings. 4. Conversations\games on traffic rules. Examination of illustrations on the topic “Street”. Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to name and show the roadway and various types of transport.

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