DIY fire safety stand in kindergarten

Safety corner in kindergarten.

Margarita Golovneva 03/13/2018 1 8.8k

The safety of children is the most important task for parents, educators and all adults who surround them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dangers in the world around us that can cause harm. Therefore, it is necessary not only to intensively protect and protect the child, but also to teach him safe behavior in various situations both in the house and outside it. This work is purposefully carried out in all educational institutions, starting from a young age in kindergarten and gives positive results. Because despite the complexity of the organization of modern society, childhood injuries are an emergency situation for which all those responsible bear responsibility.

Safety training in kindergarten

Teaching children not to get into dangerous situations both at home and in the outside world is the most important task for parents and educators in child care institutions. It is necessary to teach children safe behavior from the very first steps of life. There are a large number of situations when a child can get injured at home, on a walk, while playing, or while traveling in public transport. The main task of adults is not only to ensure control over the behavior of children, but also to instill in them the concept of their own safety. Organizing a safe behavior corner in kindergarten is intended to solve this problem. Using stands, models, toys, and didactic games, educators teach preschoolers the rules of behavior in the most likely life situations. The materials presented at the stands are also addressed to parents, since the child is with them most of the time, and young parents cannot always properly create a safe environment at home.

Table: studying the rules of life safety in different age groups of kindergarten

  • Teach what dangerous situations can occur during games, especially when using sand, earth, water, sharp branches and other similar objects.
  • Explain that you cannot drink water from the tap.
  • Do not approach stray animals or touch them.
  • Do not pick leaves or flowers. Don't eat them.
  • Acquaintance with a variety of transport.
  • To develop knowledge about the main colors of traffic lights.
  • Explain the dangers small and sharp objects pose.
  • Develop safe gaming skills.
  • Teach children where and how they can find help in difficult circumstances.
  • Talk about actions that create a health hazard: closing a door, going down steps, getting out of a vehicle.
  • Dangerous items at home: iron, kettle, sockets, electrical appliances.
  • Consolidating knowledge about types of transport.
  • Practice skills in using a controlled pedestrian crossing.
  • Explain the division of the street into pedestrian and roadways.
  • Talk about the rules of behavior when using public transport.
  • Explain what dangerous situations are possible during the game.
  • What are household appliances used for and rules for handling them.
  • Strengthening the ability to use sharp and cutting objects in everyday life.
  • Tell them how to behave with strangers.
  • Talk with children about fires and the causes of fires, the work of firefighters, safety rules when using fire.
  • Explain what are called “natural phenomena” and which of them are dangerous.
  • Explanation of which plants and fruits are called edible and which are not. What is a "medicinal plant"?
  • Give an idea of ​​dangerous and poisonous representatives of flora and fauna.
  • Learn to navigate indoors, on the assigned territory of a child care facility.
  • Increase knowledge about traffic management. Children should know the names of the main components of city streets: underground passage, sidewalk, and so on.
  • Strengthen the ability to use pedestrian crossings.
  • To form an understanding of the work of police officers and vehicles for emergency situations.
  • Strengthening behavioral skills in public transport and on the street.
  • Talk about safety rules when riding a bicycle, swimming, skating and sledding.
  • Increase knowledge about safe behavior at home.
  • Deepen your knowledge of the rules of conduct during a fire.
  • Talk about the rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. How she calls on the phone.
  • Explain the need to know basic information about yourself: full name and residential address.
  • Form the concept of “ecological culture”.
  • Explain what to do if you are bitten by a poisonous animal.
  • How dangerous are natural phenomena? How to behave during a thunderstorm.
  • Developing the ability to cross the street and know road signs for pedestrians.
  • Reinforcing the rules of safe behavior during games at different times of the year.
  • Consolidating knowledge about safe handling of household appliances.
  • Develop the ability to seek help from adults and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Strengthen the ability to name information about yourself if necessary.
  • Bring children to the concept of their own safety.
  • Systematize children's knowledge about the structure of the street.
  • Expand your knowledge of traffic signs.
  • Give an idea of ​​the work of the traffic police.
  • Teach children the need to follow traffic rules.
  • Foster a culture of behavior on the street and in public transport.
  • Using the map of the area, teach children to find their way from kindergarten to home.

The need to know the rules of behavior in case of fire in kindergarten

A fire is an emergency situation during which people’s property, their health and life may be damaged.

Note! The danger of fire threatens a person regardless of age, therefore, from early childhood, parents, educators and teachers should tell children about the rules of behavior in the event of the uncontrolled spread of fire.

Example of a fire safety corner

What should a preschooler do if there is a fire alarm?

A fire alarm should not take a child by surprise. Every kindergarten student and secondary school student must clearly know how to behave in the event of an emergency and what actions to take.

What your child needs to know:

  • a plan for exiting the preschool educational institution into the open air;
  • rules of conduct (strictly follow the teacher’s instructions, do not panic, do not try to jump from windows, do not hide from flames indoors, call for help);
  • if the room is smoky, put a cotton-gauze bandage on your face or cover your breathing organs with a damp cloth;
  • in an organized manner, two people move towards the exit as close to the floor as possible, since below the concentration of harmful substances in the air is lower;
  • participate in roll call.

These measures will help preserve health and life.

How to leave the premises in an orderly manner

Design of a safety corner

The importance of the safety corner in the educational activities of teachers is quite great. But in order to successfully and efficiently teach children the basics of safety, it is necessary to have interesting and varied material in this area of ​​work. The life safety corner may contain:

  • Stands with information for parents about possible traumatic situations.
  • Analytical reports on emergency incidents involving children.
  • Visual materials for teaching safe behavior for children and adults.
  • Didactic games (“Road Signs”, “Good and Evil Fire”, “Smart Traffic Light”, “Safety Fundamentals” and so on) factory-made and hand-made.
  • Models of fire equipment, ambulance, fire shield - to better familiarize children with emergency services.
  • Models of items for personal safety: reflectors, fire detector, fire extinguisher, emergency telephone numbers.
  • Toys for organizing role-playing games: firefighter dolls, rescuers, policemen; children's equipment for traffic police and rescue service workers.
  • Floor covering for designing traffic when studying traffic rules.

As part of the subject-development environment of the kindergarten, the safety corner must meet the requirements: aesthetic and attractive design for children and parents, functionality and variability, periodic updating of the content to maintain interest in the material.

Material for printing on the safety corner can be found on the sites:

  • The article “Safety Corner” presents material for placement on the stand in all areas of work.
  • The article “Children's Life Safety” contains many illustrations and poems for the safety corner.
  • Veronika Parfenova in her work “Safety Corner in the Junior Group” tells how she designed such a corner. There are many photos.

Passport for the safety corner in kindergarten

The safety corner passport is included in the group passport. When designing it, the goals and objectives of its creation are indicated and the materials included in this corner are listed. These include:

  • Large-sized models and toys: traffic lights, life-size puppets, road signs, city street models, pedestrian crossing markings, fire shields and fire extinguisher models.
  • Equipment for children.
  • Posters and teaching materials.
  • Stands on fire safety, traffic rules and others.
  • Toys, educational games, books and other equipment available.

Registration of a corner passport

An example of registration of a corner passport is taken from the article “Passport of the preparatory/secondary group” of the kindergarten “Moroshka”.

How a technical passport for a safety corner is prepared can be seen in Elena Mishchenko’s article “Passport for a safety corner in a preschool educational institution.”

Examples of design of a safety corner

The name of the safety corner speaks about its purpose. It could be like this:

  • Safety School.
  • Road ABC.
  • Young rescuers.
  • Island of safety.
  • Safe kindergarten.
  • I grow up happy.
  • Safety every day.
  • Safety formula.

As already mentioned, teaching children safe behavior has three components: safety at home, knowledge and application of traffic rules, safe behavior in nature and during games. The corner's stands are also designed in accordance with these directions.

Photo gallery: stand design for knowledge of traffic rules

When studying safety at home, the topic of fire safety is especially important.

Photo gallery: fire safety stand design

There are a large number of posters that remind children in a colorful way about the rules of safe behavior. They can be used in the design of a corner, not forgetting about periodic updating.

You can learn more about organizing fire safety classes in kindergarten from our article - Fire safety classes in preschool educational institutions: useful and exciting educational activities.

Photo gallery: posters on safe behavior

You can use ready-made stands with pockets to update information.

Photo gallery: options for ready-made stands for a safety corner

DIY design according to Federal State Educational Standards + photo


The safety of children is the most important task for parents, educators and all adults who surround them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dangers in the world around us that can cause harm. Therefore, it is necessary not only to intensively protect and protect the child, but also to teach him safe behavior in various situations both in the house and outside it. This work is purposefully carried out in all educational institutions, starting from a young age in kindergarten and gives positive results. Because despite the complexity of the organization of modern society, childhood injuries are an emergency situation for which all those responsible bear responsibility.

Safety training in kindergarten

Teaching children not to get into dangerous situations both at home and in the outside world is the most important task for parents and educators in child care institutions. It is necessary to teach children safe behavior from the very first steps of life. There are a large number of situations when a child can get injured at home, on a walk, while playing, or while traveling in public transport. The main task of adults is not only to ensure control over the behavior of children, but also to instill in them the concept of their own safety . a safe behavior corner in kindergarten is intended to solve this problem. Using stands, models, toys, and didactic games, educators teach preschoolers the rules of behavior in the most likely life situations. The materials presented at the stands are also addressed to parents, since the child is with them most of the time, and young parents cannot always properly create a safe environment at home.

Table: studying the rules of life safety in different age groups of kindergarten

Design of a safety corner

The importance of the safety corner in the educational activities of teachers is quite great. But in order to successfully and efficiently teach children the basics of safety, it is necessary to have interesting and varied material in this area of ​​work. The life safety corner may contain:

  • Stands with information for parents about possible traumatic situations.
  • Analytical reports on emergency incidents involving children.
  • Visual materials for teaching safe behavior for children and adults.
  • Didactic games (“Road Signs”, “Good and Evil Fire”, “Smart Traffic Light”, “Safety Fundamentals” and so on) factory-made and hand-made.
  • Models of fire equipment, ambulance, fire shield - to better familiarize children with emergency services.
  • Models of items for personal safety: reflectors, fire detector, fire extinguisher, emergency telephone numbers.
  • Toys for organizing role-playing games: firefighter dolls, rescuers, policemen; children's equipment for traffic police and rescue service workers.
  • Floor covering for designing traffic when studying traffic rules.

As part of the subject-development environment of the kindergarten, the safety corner must meet the requirements: aesthetic and attractive design for children and parents, functionality and variability, periodic updating of the content to maintain interest in the material.

Material for printing on the safety corner can be found on the websites:

Passport for the safety corner in kindergarten

The safety corner passport is included in the group passport. When designing it, the goals and objectives of its creation are indicated and the materials included in this corner are listed. These include:

  • Large-sized models and toys: traffic lights, life-size puppets, road signs, city street models, pedestrian crossing markings, fire shields and fire extinguisher models.
  • Equipment for children.
  • Posters and teaching materials.
  • Stands on fire safety, traffic rules and others.
  • Toys, educational games, books and other equipment available.

Registration of a corner passport

An example of registration of a corner passport is taken from the article “Passport of the preparatory/secondary group” of the kindergarten “Moroshka”.

How a technical passport for a safety corner is prepared can be seen in Elena Mishchenko’s article “Passport for a safety corner in a preschool educational institution.”

Examples of design of a safety corner

The name of the safety corner speaks about its purpose. It could be like this:

  • Safety School.
  • Road ABC.
  • Young rescuers.
  • Island of safety.
  • Safe kindergarten.
  • I grow up happy.
  • Safety every day.
  • Safety formula.

As already mentioned, teaching children safe behavior has three components: safety at home, knowledge and application of traffic rules, safe behavior in nature and during games. The corner's stands are also designed in accordance with these directions.

Photo gallery: stand design for knowledge of traffic rules

Stand on traffic rules for older groups The corner contains a lot of text material The corner contains models of buildings and roadways Didactic game on traffic rules
When studying safety in everyday life, the topic of fire safety .

Photo gallery: fire safety stand design

A young rescuer talks about safety rules. A toy fire shield with all the attributes. A bright manual for children of primary and secondary groups. Models of fire equipment.
There are a large number of posters that remind children in a colorful way about the rules of safe behavior. They can be used in the design of a corner, not forgetting about periodic updating.

You can learn more about organizing fire safety classes in kindergarten from our article - Fire safety classes in preschool educational institutions: useful and exciting educational activities.

Photo gallery: posters on safe behavior

Poster for preschoolers on behavior in nature Rules of behavior for children in everyday life Rules of behavior during games, in everyday life, with strangers Safe behavior at home and on the street
You can use ready-made stands with pockets to update information.

Photo gallery: options for ready-made stands for a safety corner

All areas of work are represented A compact stand with an original shape A small stand containing elements of life safety training The shape of such a stand will attract attention

Work in the kindergarten safety corner

Organization of work on the topic of security takes different forms:

  • Visual: the use of posters, ready-made stands, illustrations warning of danger.
  • Organization of didactic games (options of possible games can be seen in the article by Elena Kekina).
  • Conducting role-playing games and simulating dangerous situations in the play corner.
  • Practical tasks aimed at learning the rules of safe behavior. (For example: making an applique “Teapot”, coloring a picture of an “Electric Stove”, and so on).
  • Conversations with children and discussion of stories and fairy tales (tales about Stobed, Stories by Elena Ilyina), reading poems about safety.
  • Work with parents: selection of literature for parents on teaching children the basics of life safety, individual conversations and holding parent meetings (The article by Svetlana Gulkova presents a detailed summary of the parent meeting, containing not only a lecture part, but also a practical lesson with parents).
  • Conducting safety classes.

Classes on the topic of life safety are designed to organize and consolidate children’s knowledge.

For example, a lesson in the middle group “Rules of safe behavior in kindergarten” by Valentina Drozdova aims to consolidate the skills of attentive and careful behavior when in playrooms.

Or the lesson “Safety Day” by Natalya Chernysheva for the senior group is aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge of safe behavior at home and on the street. The lesson is conducted as a virtual excursion on a school bus. The teacher and the children discuss various life situations that can lead to tragic consequences.

Below is a lesson plan for a senior group on fire safety. Well-chosen interesting material on the topic of the lesson. Children will be happy to answer questions and take part in completing tasks.

Table: example of a lesson summary on the topic “Fire Safety”, prepared by teacher Yulia Khryavina

And in conclusion, we present a video about conducting a lesson on life safety for the senior group of kindergarten.

Video: lesson “Travel through the country of fire safety”

The safety corner is one of the forms of visual work to teach children and remind their parents that safety primarily depends on themselves. When caring for a small child, you need to be able to foresee all unfavorable situations and prevent them in advance. Only in this case can you ensure a prosperous life for your family and all your loved ones.

Hello. My name is Margarita. I am now retired; before that I worked as a teacher for more than twenty years. I'm trying my hand at writing articles on pedagogy and animals. Rate this article: Share with friends!

Work in the kindergarten safety corner

Organization of work on the topic of security takes different forms:

  • Visual: the use of posters, ready-made stands, illustrations warning of danger.
  • Organization of didactic games (options of possible games can be seen in the article by Elena Kekina).
  • Conducting role-playing games and simulating dangerous situations in the play corner.
  • Practical tasks aimed at learning the rules of safe behavior. (For example: making an applique “Teapot”, coloring a picture of an “Electric Stove”, and so on).
  • Conversations with children and discussion of stories and fairy tales (tales about Stobed, Stories by Elena Ilyina), reading poems about safety.
  • Work with parents: selection of literature for parents on teaching children the basics of life safety, individual conversations and holding parent meetings (The article by Svetlana Gulkova presents a detailed summary of the parent meeting, containing not only a lecture part, but also a practical lesson with parents).
  • Conducting safety classes.

Classes on the topic of life safety are designed to organize and consolidate children’s knowledge.

For example, a lesson in the middle group “Rules of safe behavior in kindergarten” by Valentina Drozdova aims to consolidate the skills of attentive and careful behavior when in playrooms.

Or the lesson “Safety Day” by Natalya Chernysheva for the senior group is aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge of safe behavior at home and on the street. The lesson is conducted as a virtual excursion on a school bus. The teacher and the children discuss various life situations that can lead to tragic consequences.

Below is a lesson plan for a senior group on fire safety. Well-chosen interesting material on the topic of the lesson. Children will be happy to answer questions and take part in completing tasks.

Table: example of a lesson summary on the topic “Fire Safety”, prepared by teacher Yulia Khryavina

And in conclusion, we present a video about conducting a lesson on life safety for the senior group of kindergarten.

Video: lesson “Travel through the country of fire safety”

The safety corner is one of the forms of visual work to teach children and remind their parents that safety primarily depends on themselves. When caring for a small child, you need to be able to foresee all unfavorable situations and prevent them in advance. Only in this case can you ensure a prosperous life for your family and all your loved ones.

Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Stand for parents “On fire safety rules.”

A stand for parents of the preparatory group “On fire safety rules” was made by me using Adobe Photoshop.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The lesson was shown at the “Best Fire Safety Teacher of the Year” competition.

The presentation is intended for use by teachers and parents in the matter of increasing knowledge of fire safety, mastering by children the skills of correct actions in the event of a fire.

The entertainment is dedicated to strengthening children’s basic knowledge and skills in the event of a fire.

The book provides recommendations on fire safety rules. The main purpose of this book is to provide informational assistance to children, parents, and teachers in becoming familiar with the natural phenomenon of fire.

Entertainment and a fairy tale on fire safety using games by V. Voskobovich.

Teach children to anticipate and recognize dangers that threaten their lives and, if possible, avoid them; to foster a sense of responsibility for one’s actions. to form children’s understanding of dangers.

Educational presentation on fire safety rules “The ABCs of Fire Safety.”

Fire safety stand (corner): requirements and design rules.

Fire is a dangerous phenomenon that is associated not only with the loss of life, but also with causing major material damage. The suddenness of a fire causes panic, confusion and erroneous actions, which often leads to tragic consequences.

Read more about what a fire is in our encyclopedia

This situation can only be corrected by forming a person’s subconscious level of readiness for any emergency situation. For this purpose, regular briefings are used at enterprises, safety lessons are introduced in educational institutions, and fire raids are conducted.

One of the most effective and accessible ways to inform citizens is to design a fire safety stand. They are present in all crowded places, unobtrusively notifying citizens how to behave in the event of a fire.

A fire safety information stand should be equipped with:

  • large production enterprises, especially those with a high level of danger;
  • places of recreation and leisure for citizens (shopping and entertainment centers, sports sections, cinemas);
  • medical institutions and educational organizations;
  • warehouses.

What the stands can be like, how to design them correctly, where to place them, and whether there are any requirements for them - we will look at them in more detail in this article.

Fire safety stand design

(general rules)

A fire-fighting stand is understood as a special structure on which text, graphic or photographic materials about fire safety are placed. Standard size is 490 × 770 mm, may vary depending on the volume of material.

The design varies: graphics, brochures, bright illustrations, posters. However, all information must be related to fire safety, and not contradict the currently valid legislative acts of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. All important information should be written large and legibly.

What can be reported at the stand, and what information would be useful?

Sample stand (corner) on fire safety

Stand on fire safety in enterprises

It is recommended to adhere to the following content:

  • building diagram and indication of the location of emergency exits;
  • methods of evacuation in case of emergency;
  • emergency phone numbers;
  • procedure for notifying a fire;
  • rules for using self-rescuers;
  • description of fire extinguishers: what types there are, features of their operation, and how to use them correctly;
  • recommendations on providing primary care to victims;
  • fire extinguishing equipment layout diagram;
  • preventive measures to prevent a flammable situation.

A fire safety stand at enterprises that have a high level of fire danger may contain information about production features and additional safety measures (automatic fire extinguishing installations, alarms, auxiliary equipment). In addition, additional cells contain brochures for self-study.

Today there are 2 types of information stands. These are floor and wall. At will, they can be stationary or mobile (mobile).

Fire safety stand in kindergarten

Children's idea of ​​danger is blurred. This is why they love to climb trees, experiment with fire and create homemade bombs.

Therefore, it is extremely important to inform the child from an early age about possible situations that threaten life and health. You should be informed about the tragic consequences of fiddling with fire, what to do when in danger, who to call, and how to protect yourself until you get help.

We recommend that you read this article:

In practice, these issues are well resolved by installing a fire safety stand in a kindergarten. Bright pictures depicting the same guys attract the attention of kids. Adults must constantly draw children’s attention to the stand, explain what is drawn there, and answer questions.

Such an information fire corner helps:

  • develop norms of safe behavior in a playful way;
  • do not panic in case of fire;
  • learn an algorithm of actions to protect yourself in a dangerous situation.

The form of folding books is effective. You can take them with you, take a closer look at the pictures, and share information with friends. For preschoolers, it is advisable not to place more than 5 images on one stand.

Detailed article on the topic:

Fire safety stand at school

May include interesting facts, tables, statistics. For schoolchildren, you can give more voluminous information. Places with important text should be highlighted in a bright color or framed.

Example of a stand (corner) on fire safety in a school

Such a stand should contain the following information:

  • list of the main causes of domestic fire;
  • fire department telephone;
  • rules of behavior during a fire;
  • causes of death in fires (panic, smoke poisoning or combustion products) and how to avoid this;
  • safety measures when operating electrical appliances (stoves, ovens, heaters);
  • what to do if it is impossible to get out of a burning building;
  • plan indicating evacuation routes and emergency exits.

A fire safety stand at a school is usually located near the cafeteria, assembly hall, or near the locker room. This is where most students can get acquainted with them.

Some educational institutions create safety corners in life safety classrooms. In lower grades, it is best to place a wall display in the classroom near the blackboard. In this case, this information will be constantly before the eyes, and the student will visually remember it. In addition, if necessary, it can be hung up or used in lessons on safe behavior.

Read our material about:

Requirements for fire safety stands

When making a structure for a stand, you should take into account some requirements and standards, which are also related to fire prevention.

  1. The material must have increased heat resistance. Stands are usually made of special plastic and equipped with durable fasteners. In some cases, the use of vinyl or glass is acceptable.
  2. Bright colors are used to attract attention. But it is allowed to create stands in accordance with the overall design of the organization, but important messages must be highlighted: with highlighting, a different font color or a frame.
  3. The text must be written in such a way that even a person with poor vision can make out and understand the meaning of the message. Avoid using technical terms or overly long sentences. Everything should be simple, accessible and easy to read.
  4. Special cells (pockets) are welcome, which will contain handouts with basic, most important information.
  5. The material must have a long service life and be resistant to moisture.
  6. There are no sharp corners, which eliminates the risk of injury during evacuation.
  7. Information should be protected with a screen or film to prevent it from fading or becoming faded over time.

Samples of design of fire safety stands (corners)

A fire safety stand at an enterprise can be located at the entrance/exit, recreation areas, canteens, on the 1st floor or foyer of the building. Additional small stands or posters with fire safety information can be installed in smoking rooms.

When choosing a location, escape routes should be taken into account. The structure must not obstruct or obstruct emergency exits in a fire situation. The place should always be well lit and located in public areas.

These stands can be used during briefings or drills. In addition to this design, in a building with a large number of people, stickers with arrows are needed that show the direction to the nearest exit.

Information stands play an important role in shaping citizens’ responsible attitude towards their lives. They provide the necessary information, which in the event of a fire will allow people to properly coordinate their actions and avoid tragedy.

Interesting video on the topic

Safety corner in kindergarten.

For their own safety, children from a very early age must clearly know the safety rules. This applies to all areas of a child’s life and activity – everyday life, games, movement. It is the direct responsibility of every parent to teach their child the basics of safe behavior.

The kindergarten complements and consolidates the information received by the child. Safety classes are regularly held for children; for this purpose, each kindergarten has a corner dedicated to traffic rules (traffic rules) and behavior with fire.

Setting up a safety corner in a group does not take much time, and the benefits of it are obvious - children, having such a visual aid in front of them, willy-nilly remember simple truths. The road safety corner is the most popular, especially among boys, because it depicts various cars that they love so much. During the warm season, classes are held on an area marked like a real road, with pedestrian crossings and traffic lights.

DIY fire safety corner

  1. Depending on the final appearance of this training layout, different materials are required to design the safety corner. If it is not possible to make a special stand, then you can adapt an original cabinet or even a bookcase for the educational material, on the shelves of which visual aids will be located.
  2. You can depict a dangerous flame using cardboard, and make houses and buildings from cubes and blocks from the designer.
  3. Cars are not toys that children are freely allowed to play with during the day; they are taken only during classes in the safety corner in kindergarten.
  4. It is necessary to select as many special equipment as possible so that children understand the purpose of each machine.
  5. On the adjacent wall you can place a stand with standard items - a container with sand, a fire extinguisher, an ax, only of a reduced size. Making them will not be difficult for skilled hands. You can also find these devices in firefighter kits for children.
  6. There should also be posters or cards depicting dangerous situations that need to be avoided or know how to eliminate them.

The design of a fire safety corner in a dow is the life and health of our children. Vivid visual aids and interesting stories played out with its help, crafts on the theme, will allow children to realize the seriousness and danger lurking nearby.

Fire safety corner.

A fire safety corner is one way to inform people in an institution or workplace about fire safety capabilities. Both text and graphic information can be posted here: about preventive measures, a plan for exiting the building during an emergency, features of the use of primary fire extinguishing equipment, propaganda posters and other specialized messages. The presence of fire safety corners in public places where more than 10 people stay at the same time or where a staff of 15 or more people work at different times is regulated by law, due to the prevention of fires and their consequences.

Summary of a reinforcement lesson on fire safety in the second junior group “Cat House”

Goals: to consolidate children's knowledge about fire safety rules.


  1. Educational: to form children’s understanding of fire hazardous objects that cannot be used independently.
  2. Educational: to develop in children the idea that fire can bring not only benefits to humans, but also harm, to develop a sense of the danger of fire.
  3. Educational: to instill in children responsibility for themselves, their loved ones and their own safety; friendly attitude towards each other.

Preliminary work:

  1. Viewing the fairy tale “Cat's House” by S. M. Marshak;
  2. Conversations about good and evil fire
  3. Working with demonstration material “Fire Safety Rules”;
  4. Fire truck games.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator : guys, now we’re going to play! I will tell you a fairy tale, and you will be the heroes from this fairy tale.

Tili bom, tili bom, The cat's house is on fire! The cat's house is on fire! There's a column of smoke coming out!

The cat jumped out, its eyes bulging! (child in cat mask)

A chicken runs with a bucket and floods the cat's house! (guys wearing chicken masks)

And a horse with a lantern! (guys in a horse mask)

And the dog with the broom! (guys in a dog mask)

Gray bunny with a leaf! (guys in bunny masks)


One, one, one, one and the fire went out!

Educator: Well done, how great you are doing! Sit down please.

(knock on the door)

Educator: Oh, who’s knocking on our door?

Cat: Guys, hello.

Children: hello cat.


I'm in trouble! My house burned down - a small coal flew out of the stove, it lit the curtains, the walls and the roof from the curtains. Let me stay with you, it’s so warm and cheerful here!

Educator: Of course, kitty, come in.

Look guys, what a big disaster can happen because of a small fire, an evil fire burned the whole house. What do you think, can fire be good? (The teacher shows pictures with good fire one by one and hangs them on the easel)

Maybe. When the fire cooks soup, porridge, bakes pies. Fire gives warmth and light.

Educator : That's right, people put a good fire in the house, what is it called? (boxes, matches) Only matches should never be touched without adults.

Get up, we'll play with you.


Matches are dangerous, just touch them (children shake their fingers)

a bright fire will immediately appear (raise their hands up, move their fingers)

Small at first

Then more, more

(squat and get up)

The rain poured down and the fire went out. (they move their fingers and slowly squat)

Educator : Well done, sit down. Guys, if there is a fire, what comes to our aid?

Children: Firetruck

Educator : Let's all say together: “Fire truck”

Educator : Look what fire truck came to us. What color is it?

Children: red

Educator : How does the alarm sound?

Children: ooh

Educator : This is so that the car is visible and so that drivers of other cars can let it pass.

Guys, come to me, do you want to be a fire truck driver for a while?

Children : yes

Then grab the wheels and let's go!

(children take the steering wheels and run to the music)

Educator : How well you are doing, well done!

(Put the steering wheels back in place.)

Educator : Guys, we need to help our friend cat, because she was left without a house.

Now we will build a new house for her! What do you think our house can be built from?

Children : from cubes

Go to the table, there are cubes prepared for everyone. Take your seats.

Kitty and you sit down with us and watch how the guys all together build you a house. (place the cat in the center of the table)

Tell me, what does the house have?

Children : Walls, roof

Watch how we will build a house. Let's build the walls first, put the cube on the cube. Now let’s take a triangular roof and place it on top.

Educator : Well done, guys! Look, your little cubes turned into a big house for our cat, with a colorful roof! Kitty, do you like it?

Cat: Thank you very much! I really like my new home! Now I'll be careful with fire.

Educator : Did you guys remember that you can’t play with matches?

Children: yes, we remember.

Educator : Let's say goodbye to the cat! And remember, matches are not a toy for children! Don't touch the matches - there is fire in the matches!


At MBDOU No. 20, an event on fire safety was held in the second junior group.

The purpose of the event is to consolidate children’s knowledge about fire safety rules and rules of behavior during a fire, to introduce children to the profession of a firefighter and its characteristics.

During the event, pupils learned about fire safety rules, took part in various competitions and in a playful way gained knowledge of how to act in extreme situations using the example of the fairy tale “Cat’s House”.

The teachers told the children in detail about the causes of fire and primary fire extinguishing means, and about the terrible consequences that could arise if children pick up matches.

Such events contribute to the formation of skills of correct behavior in case of fire and develop cognitive interest in the profession of firefighter.

PPB stand design

People's behavior during a fire directly depends on their level of awareness. Therefore, the fire corner should contain the most up-to-date information. It is placed on a board made of rigid materials 490x770 mm. Dimensions can be changed; readability of all elements is important. Each information module should have a frame that visually highlights it. It can be:

  • legislative acts or orders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • preventive measures;
  • pictures of presentations with captions on the use of respirators and other protective products;
  • evacuation routes;
  • providing assistance to victims in an emergency;
  • useful articles with photos;
  • information on primary protective equipment and their technical parameters, for example, the consumption of fire extinguishing agent of a fire extinguisher;
  • telephone numbers of special services and the GPS inspector to whom this object is assigned;
  • rules for action when an emergency is detected and other messages.

Important! Before setting up a fire safety stand in an organization, you need to select a place to place it. This room should have maximum traffic. This could be a wall near the restroom or near the elevator doors. Separately, there is no fine for the absence of a fire shield, but it may be in addition to the general claims of the commission.

PPB corner in kindergarten

Requirements for fire protection panels

The regulations for fire safety stands are established in PPB 01.2014. Principal attention is paid to the execution of the shield itself:

  • the material from which the stand is made should not easily ignite or sustain a fire; in the standard version, the base is made of PVC, the hanging elements are made of plexiglass, the fasteners are made of metal;
  • the shield must be resistant to damage and have a long service life;
  • there are no sharp or protruding elements on the shield;
  • information is presented in bright colors, it is advisable to use corporate design;
  • texts are written in simple and understandable language, all information is readable and clearly visible;
  • It is advisable to place a pocket on the shield where you can install new messages;
  • paper media are laminated or covered with a screen.

On a note! Be sure to come up with a name for your fire safety stand that will attract attention, for example: “Attention, fire!” You can decorate the shield with various information materials - those that you can buy, or those you make yourself using a template. You can also download images from the Internet and print them on a printer.

PPB stand for children about the rules of conduct during the New Year holidays

Stand on industrial safety regulations in organizations and manufacturing enterprises

The fire safety corner at an enterprise can be stationary - with a wall arrangement, or portable - with a floor design. The second option is convenient because it can be used in PPB classes. It is desirable that the design of the stand corresponds to the specifics of the field of activity. Thus, in a library the peculiarities of combustion of paper products can be provided, at a gas station - the ignition of petroleum products, at an explosive enterprise - the conditions for the occurrence of an explosion. For all objects, it is mandatory to post information materials with a common theme. Typically, the following materials are located on the shield:

  • building diagram with evacuation routes by floor, location of exits to the street and fire-fighting equipment;
  • procedure to be followed when an emergency is detected in a building or on the territory;
  • telephone numbers of all emergency services;
  • procedure for exiting the building;
  • actions of responsible employees in case of emergency;
  • operating instructions for fire extinguishing equipment, including fire extinguishers;
  • guidance on the use of protective products, such as respirators;
  • rules for providing assistance to emergency victims;
  • preventive measures to prevent fires.

School corner PPB

What should be in the fire safety corner

The corner should include a poster with thematic graphic and text information, toys and toy fire extinguishing equipment for acting out fire extinguishing scenes and electrical appliances with children.

Action plan in case of fire

The action plan should illustrate safe ways to exit the premises in an emergency.


  • arrows indicate the direction of movement to the exits;
  • emergency exits;
  • main and alternate routes;
  • The locations of fire protection equipment, first aid kits, fire alarm buttons, and de-energization points are marked.

Output designations

Poster about primary fire extinguishing agents

On a poster dedicated to primary fire extinguishing means, their images should be placed:

  • fire shield and its contents;
  • fire extinguishers, their types and rules of use;
  • box with sand + shovel;
  • container with water and buckets;
  • fiberglass for extinguishing minor fires;
  • hose for connection to the tap.

Solving math problems with preschoolers

Rules for working with a fire extinguisher

A fire extinguisher is designed to eliminate small fires when a fire has just started.

The fire safety corner should include:

  • a poster on the rules for using this device;
  • image of a fire extinguisher, its components with signatures of each element;
  • rules for the location of the device;
  • preparation for use and application.

Each stage should be illustrated and accompanied by text information.

For your information! To start the device, you need to break the seal and pull the pin. Then position the sprayer in the direction of the source of fire and press the lever.


  • should be extinguished from the windward side;
  • on an open surface, the jet should be directed towards the base of the flame, and in niches - upward;
  • It is most effective to work in a group and use several fire extinguishers;
  • Do not bend the hose;
  • when extinguishing an electrical installation, you do not need to bring the powder device closer than 1 m to the combustion source;
  • It is recommended to simmer at intervals of 5 seconds;
  • When working with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, do not touch the socket due to the risk of frostbite on your hands.

Fire extinguisher and its use

Preschool evacuation plan

The kindergarten evacuation plan must be presented on a poster in the form of a diagram of all kindergarten premises. At the bottom of the stand you should indicate the numbers of rescue services and information that should be provided to firefighters (address of the institution, location of the fire, your last name). All symbols and their meaning must be in the form of icons.

Fire safety stand in kindergarten

Statistics show that the rates of fires caused by children's games are quite high. The child is poorly aware of the danger when handling matches and other dangerous objects; he is driven by curiosity and the desire to learn something more about the world. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide important information about the likely consequences of flammable play as early as infancy. Parents or educators are not always near the children; at such moments everything depends on the children’s understanding of what is happening. As practice shows, a fire safety stand in a kindergarten produces tangible results. The following materials should be placed on the board in the preschool educational institution:

  • pictures about dangerous actions and consequences, images can be accompanied by simple and short captions;
  • posters with drawings describing the actions taken during an emergency;
  • stories about the work of firefighters;
  • emergency telephone numbers;
  • materials for playing games to help learn fire safety rules.

The corner should be bright and attract the attention of children. Periodic reference by educators to the topic of safety already in childhood will form in children careful handling of dangerous objects, will allow the child to learn the rules of behavior in emergency situations and other aspects. In a playful form, children receive information faster and easier, so it is extremely important to conduct quizzes, solve riddles, and play out actions in various rooms (in the elevator, at home in the kitchen, in transport, on the balcony, etc.).

Knowledge acquired in childhood will remain with a person for life. Therefore, it is important, even at a preschool educational institution, to create a real picture of the world and ensuring personal and public safety in it. It is important that every child understands the dangers of playing with fire, understands that one should not panic in the event of a fire, and learns the algorithm of behavior: leave the room, inform adults, call the phone, follow the instructions of the teacher.

You should understand! Information materials for children should be accessible to their understanding. Thus, in preschool educational institutions, primary and high schools, information about PPB has different formats. The younger the children, the more pictures there should be, the older - text messages. For children in preschool educational institutions, there should be no more than five images on 1 stand.

PPB stand in a medical institution

Fire safety stands in Yekaterinburg in stock and on order

The problem of fire safety is very relevant today, since the death of people is often caused by the inability to properly handle special fire extinguishing means and simple ignorance of basic rules. By ordering fire safety stands in Yekaterinburg from a production and trading company, you can increase your level of knowledge. And employees of manufacturing enterprises will be able to study in detail information about how to behave in the event of a fire.

Types of fire safety stands

There are several types of fire stands you can buy in Yekaterinburg:

  • “Know how to act in case of fire”;
  • “Rules for using fire extinguishers”;
  • “Fire safety”, etc.

There are also adapted versions for schools and kindergartens, which describe the consequences of playing with matches, sockets and electrical appliances. As for standard stands, they are produced in accordance with all fire safety requirements and standards. For ease of perception, the posters show pictures of how to use a fire extinguisher and how to properly extinguish a fire.

All fire safety stands in Yekaterinburg are made of durable PVC plastic, resistant to fading and fading, so it will serve you for many years. At the same time, such information stands are functional - they are all equipped with special pockets, the information in which can be replaced if necessary or supplemented with various schemes and evacuation plans, etc.

Fire safety stands will help prevent fires

Fire safety stands contain all the necessary information for preventing fires in enterprises, organizations, schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions. According to current legislation, this type of stand is a mandatory attribute of any type of organization.

Such information boards should convey to students and employees of enterprises and organizations the rules of behavior during a fire and methods of emergency evacuation.

For ease of perception, all information should be presented in a concise and accessible manner, and most materials are presented in the form of propaganda drawings and diagrams.

Requirements for the location and information content of fire safety stands

According to the current Fire Safety Rules, the above stands must be present in any kind of organization, the number of which exceeds 15 people, as well as when more than 10 employees or students are simultaneously present at the work site.

Basic conditions that the above stand must meet:

  1. The fire safety corner should be equipped in a place that is easily accessible to a wide audience. This may be the main entrance, lobby or foyer of the building.
  2. During business hours, such materials must be publicly available to all visitors to the building.
  3. All information must be presented in the same style; the stand format must be at least 490x770mm.

What information should be on a fire safety stand at school?

The fire safety corner should teach students how to behave competently in an emergency situation. The material presented at the stands should cover such basic issues as:

  • Safety requirements, compliance with which will prevent an emergency.
  • Basic actions to be taken in the event of a fire.
  • Rules for safe behavior at home and at school.
  • First medical aid for victims.
  • Updated information about the current fire situation at all school sites, about fire incidents, the causes of their occurrence and methods of elimination.
  • Stands should be equipped with pockets for storing printed information in the form of leaflets, booklets, brochures with accessible texts and bright pictures that reveal the essence of the entire above topic.
  • The contact details of the current inspector, as well as organizations capable of providing quick assistance: the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the emergency rescue service are required.

Fire stand at school

School-age children can perceive more complex information. Therefore, a fire safety stand at a school can contain a wide variety of materials. This may include applied information on the use of a respirator, rules for using a fire extinguisher, interesting information, statistical messages and much more. But the following must be placed in the fire corner:

  • emergency telephone numbers;
  • main causes of fires;
  • rules of behavior for children during emergencies;
  • information about damage from fire and smoke: burns, poisoning, panic;
  • rules for using electrical devices;
  • evacuation routes and rules for leaving the building;
  • what to do if it is impossible to leave the building.

The most important information material should be visually highlighted on the stand. It is presented in bright colors and large print. The corner should be placed in those places where children are most often found outside of class: next to the wardrobe, in the school canteen, in the assembly hall or in the corridors. It is advisable to have stands on each floor of the school. It is important to regularly update the design of the stands, otherwise children will stop paying attention to them.

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