Logical tasks and problems for children 5-6 years old in mathematics (print for free)

Logic puzzles for preschoolers 5-6 years old (for attentiveness, memory development)

10 interesting and exciting tasks for preschoolers. Source: www.liveinternet.ru

Task 1: Katya, Galya and Olya drew heroes from the village of Prostokvashino: Pechkin, Sharik and Matroskin. Who drew who, if Katya didn’t draw Pechkin and Sharik, and Galya didn’t draw Pechkin?

Task 2: There is a maple tree. There are two branches on the maple tree, on each branch there are two cherries. How many cherries are there in total?

Problem 3: If a goose stands on two legs, then it weighs 4 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on one leg?

Problem 4: Two sisters have one brother each. How many children are in the family?

Problem 5: A giraffe, a crocodile and a hippopotamus lived in different houses. The giraffe did not live in a red or blue house. The crocodile did not live in a red or orange house. Guess which houses the animals lived in?

Problem 6: Once upon a time there were three girls: Tanya, Lena and Dasha. Tanya is taller than Lena, Lena is taller than Dasha. Which girl is the tallest and which is the shortest? What is the name of which one?

Problem 7: Misha has three carts of different colors: red, yellow and blue. Misha also has three toys: a tumbler, a pyramid and a spinning top. In the red cart he will not carry a spinning top or a pyramid. The yellow one is not a spinning top or a tumbler. What will Misha carry in each of the carts?

Problem 8: The dragonfly is not sitting on a flower or on a leaf. The grasshopper does not sit on a fungus or on a flower. The ladybug is not sitting on a leaf or on a fungus. Who is sitting on what? (It’s better to draw everything.)

Problem 9: Alyosha, Sasha and Misha live on different floors. Alyosha lives neither on the top floor nor on the bottom. Sasha lives neither on the middle floor nor on the bottom. On what floor does each boy live?

Problem 10: Three plates contain different fruits. The bananas are not in a blue or an orange plate. Oranges are not in a blue or pink plate. What plate are the plums in? What about bananas and oranges?

What are math puzzles?

These are entertaining tasks with game elements. Such tasks do not require deep mathematical knowledge and special training; rather, you will need intelligence and observation.

There are a lot of math puzzles. These include logical puzzles, problems with numbers and pictures, paradoxes and probabilities, and much more. They can be simple, which the child can easily cope with on his own, or complex, when he needs the help of his parents.

Development and education of children from 2 to 11 years old in a playful way

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Logical problems in mathematics for ingenuity and ingenuity with answers


  • There were 9 steamships at sea. 2 ships docked at the pier. How many ships are there at sea? (9 ships.)
  • There were 7 brothers walking, each brother had one sister. How many people walked? (8 people).
  • What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty.)
  • The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in back. How many legs does an animal have? (4 legs.)
  • 9 sharks were swimming in the sea. They saw a school of fish and dived deep. How many sharks swam in the sea? (9 sharks, only they dived.)
  • The vase contains 3 tulips and 7 daffodils. How many tulips are there in a vase? (There were 3 tulips in the vase.)
  • 7 boys cleared one path in the garden. How many paths did the boys clear? (7 tracks.)
  • 2 brothers each drew 2 drawings as a gift to their grandfather. How many drawings did grandfather receive? (4 pictures.)
  • The grandmother knitted scarves and mittens for her grandchildren. In total she knitted 3 scarves and 6 mittens. How many grandchildren did your grandmother have? (3 grandchildren - explain the answer.)
  • Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled and pulled and finally pulled out the turnip. How many eyes saw the turnip? (12 eyes.)

Children collected an autumn bouquet in the park. It contained 5 maple, 4 birch, 2 oak, 1 aspen leaves. How many different trees did the bouquet come from? (From 4 trees.)



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Problems in verse for preschoolers (up to 10). Apples fell from the branch to the ground. They cried, cried, tears dropped, and Tanya collected them in a basket. As a gift to my friends I brought two to Seryozha, three to Antoshka, Katerina and Marina, Olya, Sveta and Oksana, the biggest one - to my mother. Speak quickly, how many of Tanya’s friends are there? A star fell from the sky and ran to visit the children. Two shout after her: “Don’t forget your friends!” How many bright stars have disappeared, fallen from the starry sky? Holiday is coming soon. New Year, Let's stand in a friendly round dance. Let's sing a loud song and congratulate everyone on this day. Let's prepare gifts for everyone. This holiday is very bright. We will give Katya, Masha and Alenka a Burenka each, and Andryusha and Vityusha – a car and a pear. Sasha will be happy with Parsley and a large colored firecracker. Well, for Tanechka - Tanya - a brown bear in gray plush. You, friends, count your guests and call them by name. The old lady decided to bake cheesecakes. I put out the dough and lit the oven. The old lady decided to bake cheesecakes, but she completely forgot how many of them she needed. Two things - for the granddaughter, Two things - for the grandfather, Two things - for Tanya, the neighbor's daughter... I counted and counted, but lost my way, But the stove was completely heated! Help the old lady count the cheesecakes. In the fish kingdom, three young pike swim to the sturgeon in the morning to clean its cheeks, and four chubs wash its belly and sides. Count it up, kids, how many servants does the sturgeon have? Once upon a time a vest had three loops and two cuffs. If you count them together Three and two, of course, five! But do you know what the secret is? The vest has no cuffs! Mummy Pig carried six nuts for the children in a basket. The hedgehog met a pig and gave him four more. How many nuts did the pig bring to the children in the basket? Three little bunnies, five hedgehogs. They go to kindergarten together. We'll ask you to count: How many kids are there in the garden? Five pies were in a bowl. Lariska took two pies, and her pussy stole another one. How much is left in the bowl? Our cat has five kittens, sitting side by side in a basket. And the neighbor's cat has three! So cute, look! Help me count, what is three and five? Seven geese set off on their journey. The two decided to rest. How many are there under the clouds? Count it yourself, children. A rooster flew up onto the fence and met two more there. How many roosters are there? Three chickens are standing looking at the shells. There are two eggs in the nest of the hen. Count quickly, answer quickly: How many chickens will my hen have? Six cheerful bear cubs are rushing into the forest to pick raspberries. But one of them is tired. Now find the answer: How many bears are ahead? The squirrel was drying mushrooms on the tree, sang a song and said: “I don’t have any troubles in winter, Because there is a fungus: White, saffron milk cap, two oil cans, Three cheerful honey mushrooms. The boletus is great, and that is what it is famous for. And there are exactly six chanterelles. Try to count them all!” My mother and I were at the zoo, we fed the animals by hand all day. Camel, zebra, kangaroo and long-tailed fox. I could barely see the big gray elephant. Tell me quickly, friends, What animals have I seen? And if you were able to count them, you are simply a miracle! Well done! Rain, rain more fun! Don't regret the warm drops! Five for Seryozha, three for Antoshka, two for Valyusha and Katyusha. And for mom and dad, forty will not be enough. Well, you friends, count how many drops you answer! Eleven tails walked along the path along the bushes. I was also able to count that thirty legs walked. It was the roosters and piglets going somewhere together. Now the question is: How many roosters were there? And I would be glad to know how many piglets there were? Along the ravine walked a cap, two scarves, three baskets, and behind them walked stubbornly a snow-white Panama hat. How many children were there in total? Answer quickly! Seven cheerful piglets stand in a row at the trough. Two went to bed, How many pigs are there in the trough? Four goslings and two ducklings are swimming in the lake and screaming loudly. Well, quickly count - How many babies are there in the water? At the market, a kind hedgehog bought boots for the family. Boots that fit your feet, a little smaller ones for your wife. With buckles - for the son, With clasps - for the daughter. And he put everything in a bag. How many legs does a hedgehog have in a family? And how many boots did you buy? Natasha has five flowers, and Sasha gave her two more. Who here can count, What is two and five? The mother goose brought six children to the meadow for a walk. All the goslings are like balls, Three sons, and how many daughters? Four ripe pears swayed on a branch. Two pears were picked by Pavlusha, How many pears were left? Mom embroidered the carpet. Look at the pattern. Two large cells, each with three branches. Masha sat down on the bed and wanted to count the branches. Yes, she can’t. Who will help her? Once upon a time, a neighbor friend galloped up to the bunny for lunch. The bunnies sat on a tree stump and ate five carrots each. Who's the smart one, guys? How many carrots did you eat? The hedgehog gave the ducklings eight leather boots. Which of the guys will answer, How many ducklings were there? How a Bunny, a squirrel and a badger stood in a circle under the tree, a hedgehog and a raccoon, an elk, a wild boar, a fox and a cat stood up. And the last one to stand was the bear. How many animals are there? Answer! Misha has one pencil, Grisha has one pencil. How many pencils do both kids have? In a clearing near an oak tree, the Hedgehog saw two fungi. And further away, among the aspen trees, He found another one. Who is ready to answer us, How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find? This flower has four petals. How many petals do two such flowers have? The badger grandmother baked pancakes, invited three grandchildren, three pugnacious badgers. Come on, how many badgers wait for more and remain silent? I have three girlfriends, each with a mug. How many mugs do my girlfriends have? The kitten sews slippers for himself, So that his paws do not freeze in winter, But he cannot count: One, two, three, four, five... The chicken began to count the Little chickens: Five yellow and five black, And in total... Eight deer ate mushrooms, Two of their children were dozing on a hummock. Rather, I ask the guys to count how many deer went for a walk? There are swans in our pond. I'll come closer: Three black, five white. Who managed to count them? Tell me quickly, how many swans were there? Me, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda - Volleyball team. Zhenya and Igor are two reserve players for now. And when they learn, How many of us will there be? On a hot day I go to the pond, the kids run after me. The kids surrounded me: “Oh, me, take me.” Two Seryozhas, two Natashas, ​​one Lenya, one Sasha, rushing merrily to the pond, undressing as they go, how many of them are there? Six hedgehogs were walking in the forest, picking strawberries, and one went to bed. How many of them are walking? Three lambs lived together and four more kids, count how many there are? We are having breakfast at the rest stop - They gave us some eggs with us: two soft-boiled and five hard-boiled, count how many there are? One, two, three, four It became crowded in our apartment. They live there: a canary, two Magpie hedgehogs, three siskins. Hurry up and come to us. Let's keep score together. Alenka has two chickens visiting her. A cockerel in boots, a chicken in earrings. And the cow is in a skirt, in a warm sheepskin coat. A drake in a caftan, a duck in a sundress. How many guests does my Alenka have? The doll has five elegant dresses. What should she wear today? I have some wool for the doll. Will I tie you up? and there will be dresses... He gave a pine forest Nine boletus and one fly agaric Three notebooks were given to Nadya, And four were given to Ira. How many notebooks did you give to Irochka and Nadya? I got up early today, counted all my dolls: Three nesting dolls on the window, Two Marinkas on the feather bed, Baby doll with Katya, Pinocchio and Parsley in a cap on a green chest. I counted, I didn’t work, But then I lost count. Help me count all the dolls again. I have toys: A steam locomotive and two horses, a silver plane, three rockets, an all-terrain vehicle. How many are together, how to find out? We are a huge family, the youngest is me! You can’t count us all at once: There is Manya, and there is Vanya, Yura, Shura, Klasha, Dasha, and Natasha too. We walk down the street - They say it’s an orphanage. Quickly count, how many children are there in our family? Dima walked, walked, walked. He found eight berries. Oh, how sweet, Oh, how delicious... Dima sat down and ate three berries. Eight brave kids ford a stream. One pestered: “And I want to!” How many of them came to the stream? Look, look, they are running along the plains. Six hares are ahead, and one is nearby. Let's ask them for one more thing, Then there will be hares...? Mom put cabbage pies in the oven. For Natasha, Kolya, Vova, the pies are already ready, and the cat dragged one more pie under the bench. Moreover, Mom needs to take five out of the oven. If you can help, - Count the pies! Nine little sparrows on a branch in a row, chirping merrily, each about his own. A tractor drove by - They all scattered: Six are flying towards the village, How many are on the grass? Five fingers deftly tear the grass. I also tear with my other hand. I'll give the horse some grass. Well, how many fingers do I have? Eight sparrows are pecking at the grain, two are scurrying carefully on a branch. Suddenly the cat will come and start playing tricks. How many sparrows were there? Ivan and Roman have two pockets in their trousers. And in their pockets, they say, there are two apples. If you collect all the apples, how many can you count? The cat embroidered the carpet, Look at the pattern: Three large cells, Each with three branches. The cat sat down on the bed. She began to count the branches, But she couldn’t, Who would help her? I have three beetles in one box. And in the other there are three spiders. In the corner two hedgehogs are rustling paper, And in the other corners two siskins are singing. How many animals do I have? The chicken went out for a walk. I took my chickens. Seven ran ahead, Three remained behind. Their mother is worried and cannot count, How many were all the chickens? Two large hedgehogs had five sons each, and each had two ears and a pair of eyes. Let's count the kids, How many eyes, then ears? We had fun at the Christmas tree, We danced and frolicked, Afterwards, kind Santa Claus brought us gifts. He gave me huge bags, they contained delicious items, I began to open the bag, counting the contents: Five candies in blue pieces of paper, Five nuts next to them. The clouds frowned, became angry, the clouds began to rain. The red sun smiled - Eight saffron milk caps appeared, Next to them were two waves - Inseparable girlfriends. Who has the answer? How many mushrooms have grown? The mice in the hole did not make any noise. They didn’t want to touch the cat’s paws. Three were quietly gnawing on the crust, Six started cleaning. How many mice? Count it! And give me the answer soon! There were ten trees in the garden. Eight were cut down last year. Guys, I can’t find the answer. How many trees are left in the garden? The chicken began to count the little chickens. There are five yellow ones and five white ones, and in total... Tishka the cat is such a rogue, Tishka loves fish very much. Went fishing - caught six minnows, two pikes and two ruffs. Tishka's life is good. Who was the fastest to count how many fish the cat caught? How many guys are sitting at the table and looking at us with 20 eyes? One watermelon and two watermelon. How many together, Plus knows! He can combine everything, And in one basket he will put Natasha’s pear and pomegranate, Masha’s couple of oranges, And in addition Petit’s mangoes, And then he will answer us, How many fruits are there in total! Well, check it out! In the morning a worm made a hole in the side of the apple. Littered in it, and then moved to a new house. Misha picked an apple, arrested the Worm - How many apples did he live in, How many birds did he deserve. The lions came to visit the zebra and brought gifts. The first lion brought a coconut, and the second brought two. To add one plus two, the third one was called to the lion. Sivka was walking across the field and lost two horseshoes. There are two left, and two new ones. The blacksmith forged the horseshoes. The horse is ready to walk again. How many horseshoes does he have? Maxim and Ksyusha had three large balloons, and then Uncle Klim gave them another one. It turned out two for two. How many balls do they have? The hostess discovered a bunny in a carrot bed, and four more in a row in the middle of the cabbage beds. It’s easy to count, like, How many bunnies are there in the garden. Bearded uncle Petya catches fish at dawn. He caught three crucian carp, two bream and two geese. And until the evening he counted how many fish he caught. Ksyusha and Olya went into the forest, they found two morels, and then four more. All the mushrooms were given to Ira. But she didn’t guess how many mushrooms she got. The cockchafer put on his feet Multi-colored boots Three green plus three red - Together they look great! Just count how many legs a beetle has. Valya scattered crumbs from her pocket along the path. They are pecked by five pigeons and an agile sparrow. A cat is sneaking up to them in the grass... How many birds are there on the path? Now let's count what two plus five is! Five bananas for the monkey, two for the teddy bear. How many bananas does Mishutka and the monkey have in total? Two hungry mice made four holes in the cheese. They began to call the third mouse to help make holes in the cheese. The mice gathered together to make two hundred holes in the cheese, but they gnawed one at a time and went home into the hole, talking about a hearty feast. How many holes are there in the cheese? The captain and seven pirates arrived at the island of treasures. They went ashore from the ship and found a golden anchor. They began to divide equally - cutting across with a saw. Count, sweat, how many parts there should be. Two brown bear cubs found hedgehogs under a bush. There are a lot of them there - as many as six, and you can’t even count the thorns. There is no one else. How many animals are there in total? A curious rocket flew around three planets, rested and again - flew around five. Met everyone in our solar system! Give me an answer quickly. How many planets are there in total? At the countess's dinner, four ladies are eating soup, And four gentlemen are thirsty for a dish of change - They wave their hands to the cook And shout, kicking their feet: “Hey, quickly bring the roast, Everything that is delicious, Pineapples and sweets!” How many guests are at the table? Sveta Chocolate has two candies in her box, Marina has seven, and Kolya has none at all. It’s a big secret for him, How many candies his friends have! Kesha knew three smart words, learned six more new ones. It’s a pity he doesn’t understand yet, How many words does he know! There are five toothy crocodiles in the sun near the Nile, and four of their friends are under the water near the bank. The zebra walked to the watering hole, walked around five, did not see four, and immediately became their prey. How many crocodiles there are, it’s not for her to count, but for us! The octopus from the one-legged one asked for a leg for a while, so that it could run to the door and return quickly. My friend, of course, helped. What has the octopus become now? Katya has three markers on the table, seven under the bed. Katya began to look for them, but found only five. Two disappeared. Such grief! How many were there in the set? Five cheerful little men fell from the bridge into the river, and exactly five of the same ones immediately rushed to save them. How many people ended up swimming in the river? There were six sandy round towers in Sasha's fortress. To expand his castle, He blinded four more, And then asked Pasha, How many towers are there in the super castle? Yegor has five plates, three pans, eight squirrels, two tame chipmunks, but no cat and puppy. Quickly count how many animals he has. And I won’t ask you to count his dishes! While practicing, the soldier threw nine blank grenades into the tank. And I went to war, I took one for combat. Great power is hidden in it: I threw it - the tank turned around! How many grenades did our soldier throw into the tanks? From the bastion, along the edge of the forest, a soldier fired from a cannon: He stunned a couple of squirrels, alarmed three boogers, and a cuckoo began to hiccup. How many people did the gun scare? Vasya is the main general, He gathered two armies. In the first there are four soldiers, in the second there is one pirate. Roma came to Vasya And won the battle - More than his army For one soldier! Count in two steps, How many soldiers does Roma have? Vera has a doll Nyusha, Two balls, Stepashka with Khryusha, And also, like for a parade, Five nesting dolls stand in a row. Her friends are jealous of her. Count her toys! Once Vitya and Zhenya were shooting together at a target shooting range. Vitya hit the target almost nine times out of nine. Zhenya fired seven times, but didn’t hit at all. Well, did so many or few friends' bullets hit the target? Here's a simple example: There were two whole cakes. Petya ate one quietly. I thought my mother wouldn't notice. Petya got it for him! But how much is left? On Monday, at the edge of the forest, three cuckoos were cuckooing, and they agreed to crow there again on Tuesday. But one didn’t want to and flew away from the edge of the forest. The rest won’t count how many of them are left here. Anton’s grandmother remembers three telephone numbers by heart: Mom’s, dad’s and his, but she doesn’t remember hers. Only Anton’s mother, Mila, forgot her phone at home. Grandma, if something happens, how many people can she call? The duck laid three eggs, and the fox found two of them. The foxes are also hungry... How many ducklings have hatched? Vyacheslav dug three holes in the sand hill with a shovel. In the right hole is a general, in the left hole is a dump truck. Well, look around the hillock: How many free holes are there in it? A spider has moved into Alyosha's attic. He examined all four corners from the ceiling, wove a large net in one and remained hanging in it. His friends want to know him, as many corners are free. There were four hedgehogs living in Terenty's apartment. Kirill took two for himself and gave them to Katyusha. And she is like a snake to him. How many hedgehogs does anyone have? Vasya made a stool: Three legs, no fourth. And now he’s sitting, counting how many legs are missing. There are five pirates on the island, but they all have one shovel. To find the treasure faster, How many shovels should I bring? Prince Semyon and Prince Stepasha wooed Princess Masha, and Roma and four others wooed her friend Ira. As soon as Masha found out about it, she became sad and began to cry. To assuage her annoyance, How many new princes do we need? The dog has five puppies: Three are white on the sides and, like their mother, black-footed. The rest, apparently, look like dad - He's all red. Who's ready to count the Red puppies? The kids lowered the Fleet into a puddle in the middle of the yard - Five paper ships and a shoe box. In the morning we looked into the puddle - lo and behold, four drowned, and the dog Barbos took the box into his kennel. Quickly count how many whole ships there are! Six sea turtles are rushing to the blue sea. Denis caught one. How many reached the sea? Of the six, two climbers climbed the mountain quickly, the rest under the mountain are busy playing cards, chewing crackers with a crunch, singing loud songs. Only the avalanche guessed how many of them were left below. There were six coats hanging in the closet, Three of them were eaten by moths in the summer, The rest were not eaten, She kept flying and counting, Gaining an appetite, How many of them were hanging in the closet. On Arina's bed there are six without four feather beds. Yes, no matter how many of them there are, But you can’t sleep without fairy tales. Arina's mother will tell them, You count the feather beds. Ivan Petrov let six hungry mosquitoes into the house. Before going to bed, he sucked five bloodsuckers with a vacuum cleaner. In the morning I counted in sorrow how much they interfered with sleeping. The rainbow draws light, only there is no red paint. Who will answer the question, how many stripes will be in it? A oak with iron branches grew on the island of Buyan, and on it - seven acorns, all the size of horses. Until now, the people were marched by B, if the accelerated did not fall. Their answer will only resurrect: how much more is hanging there? With chalk, four boys painted seven bears. Two white among them, how many bears of the rest? There were seven peas in the pod, but of them there are only three good ones, in the rest of the Khrum-Gryza Corridor worm, it is sprinkled. The crumbs will also be able to count, how many holes in peas. At night, seven mice of bats decided to overtake the cloud. Only a cloud is black, not visible in the black sky. Without catching up, four mice sat down to rest on the roof. The rest rush further, the cloud "do not leave" shout. How many fly mice are now chasing a cloud? Aquarium fish have seven heads and zero smiles. Dima trained them - he piled their heads into the water. But in vain he tried, he smiled at every fish - a day later he recognized the tea: "We do not teach fish." And he persuaded Antoshka five to replace the cat. How many fish is now Dima, the cat needs to know. We know for sure that Vanya had seven rubles in his pocket. Vanya went to the store and bought for six loafs. The seller was puzzled, how much to give the child to change. The wizard Vanya was promised to fulfill his desires. Vanya made one thing - throw the violin into the window so that the mother did not kill and did not buy the second. How many more desires will the sorcerer fulfill Vanya? Klim brought eight ripe pineapples from Honduras. Two deteriorated on the way, you count the rest! Valera Bokov, Valera Bokov, skipped lessons: he dragged three cats by the tail, searched for the rest of the treasure. How many lessons do you need to quit the search for a treasure? The yacht "Our Hello to the whale" abandoned the anchor in the port. Eight immediately sat in the boat, the rest did not have time. And on board returned on the period the boatswain, pilot, cat and COC. Only Medusa guessed how much in the city it remained. Of the eight, only five in "I'm afraid!" Let's go to play, the rest are in the garden. Who will consider brave men? Pas behind the river man of eight sheep. In the evening I decided to consider them, looking, only six were left. How many sheep in the forest are the wolves of the gray grazing? At eight in the evening, Papa Sasha will send Natasha to sleep. But she did not go to bed, but she translated the clock. Again, only seven became, then it’s too early to sleep. Help, count how much more to play. Lida Lida Vlad gave nine tiles of chocolate. He ate one of them right away, the rest gave Stas. Stas put them in his pocket. How many chocolate are there? The steam locomotive brought nine brand new wagons to the platform, there the caretaker Grandfather Cyril unhooked two wagons, with them the conductor Klava. What is the length of the composition? With nine bows, Dasha for three bows Nina is more beautiful. Who is ready to count, how many Ninin bows? Uncle Kolya took nine books in the library for Heki. The boy forgot two in the cinema, thought that his uncle still left two in the zoosad. How many books did he return to his uncle? In the bazaar, Georgian had nine oranges. He sold five of them to Sasha, sold the rest to Masha. And he thought and wondered how much he sold. The dwarf tore nine gold coins from the magic branches, ate and drank a day in the tavern and even bought a horse. Six coins are left, by the way. How much money did the dwarf spent? Countess Tutti Puffel has nine steam shoes. Seven of fashion came out in the fall. How many pairs of Countess wear? Two girlfriends had nine festive crackers. Eight made a “clap-clap”, the rest are just a “lop”. How many bad crackers did two girlfriends have? Grandma Hedgehog with a grandfather Hedgehog on the table counted crumbs. They counted ten, but the sparrow flew out the window. Jump and bracket, sore and pour - he managed to storm the tiny. How many crumbs counted on the table the Hedgehog family. They jumped from the cliff into the abyss of ten iron robots. Two, reaching the bottom, turned into two pancakes. The rest survived, very gently sat down. No miracle here - a parachute is built into the case. How many iron robots are the SOS signals from the abyss? The evil wizard of pelicias knows ten spells. Before lunch, he turned the yulu into a nightmare, a doll Nastenka - into a frog, and a pillow into a super -button, had lunch and again began to conjure above the potion. How many terrible spells are the evil jerking pelicias? Ten mice with a cat Murka on the carpet played in the blinds. She caught four, did not catch the rest, but asked the kids: "How many mice flee?" In the lesson, Petya from the bones learned to score nails. Petya hit with a hammer - the nail bent a worm. Only the hammer took Kostya, scattered nails on the floor, and, raising, scored almost exactly five out of ten. The rest was given to Petya. How many of them, tell me, children? Ten small penguins floated on the ice in the sea. Six dived behind the fish, the rest did not risk. How many penguins in the sea are now floating on ice floes? Ten ballerinas on the stage teach a batch of dumplings: with a handle with a hand and a leg, and then jumped into sour cream! Eight jumped on notes gracefully and hunting. The rest with the stigma "shame" were sent to repet. How many dumplings rehearse on stage now? Doctors found ten harmfulness of symptoms in Tom. Nine cured, but the boy is harmful anyway. How many more symptoms are the harmfulness of Tom? Misha collects tanks and plays with friends. He already has eight of them. And he asks a friend of Fedya to five of them who to change for a year for an all -terrain vehicle. Only Fedya does not agree! But Vasya wants to change. Misha changed with him - he gave three tanks in one. How many Misha now have, mice will count at night.

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