Examples for preschoolers 5-6 years old in mathematics to prepare for school (print for free)

We offer for you and your preschool children 5-6 years old examples for counting to 10 in colorful pictures. Such examples are interesting to solve. Simply print out the free worksheets and let your child decide. By devoting 20-30 minutes a day to counting and mathematics, 2-3 times a week, you will perfectly prepare your preschooler for school.

On our website you can download math assignments for free and print them out. Most of the tasks are decorated with colorful drawings and the child will find it interesting to study.

These materials are perfect for children to review the material they have covered during the summer holidays. Repetition of counting, logic, solving examples of addition and subtraction.

Print math tasks: sudoku, mazes, puzzles

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Methodological material “Collection of problems”. Mathematics for children 5-7 years old.

Author: Enina Svetlana Nikolaevna,

teacher of MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 112", Voronezh.

This material is designed for children aged 5–7 years who are preparing to enter school.

It is recommended for a wide range of specialists working with children of this age - educators, additional education teachers, teachers, as well as parents who want to prepare their child for school.

Goal: to develop the ability to solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction within ten.

Collection of problems. Mathematics for children 5-7 years old.

1. There were 8 pikes in the lake. Ivan caught 1 pike. How many pike are left in the lake?

2. The fisherman caught 7 crucian carp and put them in a bucket. Vaska the cat stole 6 crucian carp. How many crucian carp are left in the bucket?

3. To cook the fish soup, 7 of the eight carp caught were put in a pan, the rest were given to the cat. How many carp did the cat get for dinner?

4. Dad brought 4 perches and 3 roach from fishing. How many perches and roaches did dad catch?

5. Grandma bought 8 crucian carp at the store and fried half of them for lunch. How many crucian carp are left?

6. There were 7 fish on the display window in the store, 4 of them were pike, the rest were bream. How many bream were on the display?

7. In the yard, 3 white and 6 gray pigeons were pecking for crumbs. How many white and gray pigeons dined in the yard?

8. 9 sparrows were sitting on a bush. 8 sparrows flew away. How many sparrows continued to sit on the bush?

9. 7 bullfinches flew to the rowan bush, 6 of them landed on the lower branch, the rest - on the upper one. How many bullfinches are on the top branch?

10. A pet store sold 6 parrots. By the end of the day, 5 parrots were bought. How many parrots are left to wait for their owner?

11. 4 bugs hid under the bench and the same number under the chair. How many bugs are there hiding from the villainous spider?

12. First, the Tsokotukha Fly put 8 cups on the table, then 2 more. How many guests did the fly invite in total?

13. Grandmother had 3 gray goats and 4 white ones. How many gray and white goats did grandma have?

14. In the morning 6 sheep were sheared, and in the evening 3 more. How many sheep were sheared that day?

15. A blacksmith needs to shoe 8 horses. He has already shod 5. How many horses does the blacksmith have left to shoe?

16. 9 horses were brought to a watering place. 8 of them entered the river. How many horses are left on the shore?

17. The grandmother milked 5 cows, and the granddaughter milked 2. How many cows were milked in total?

18. Naf-Naf collected 5 acorns, the brothers ate 4 acorns. How many acorns did Naf-Naf get?

19. To feed the moose in winter, the forester laid out 10 armfuls of hay. The moose have already eaten 5 armfuls. How many armfuls of hay will the moose eat later?

20. The children launched 7 boats down the stream, and then 3 more. How many boats did the children launch in total?

21. There were 5 icicles hanging above the window. During the day the sun warmed up and 2 icicles melted. How many icicles continued to sparkle in the sun?

22. In autumn, the garden is harvested. 4 heads of cabbage were taken from one bed, and the same number from another bed. How many heads of cabbage were produced in these beds?

23. In the first week of October, only one day was sunny, the rest were rainy. How many rainy days have there been this week?

24. Mom works as a teacher. Today she needs to check 10 notebooks. She has already checked 3 notebooks. How many notebooks are left to check?

25. On Tuesday my mother received 7 calls on her mobile phone. Mom answered 5 calls. How many calls did mom miss that day?

26. To prevent the bun from rolling far from the house, the grandmother told the grandfather to make a fence. To build it you need 10 pegs. Grandfather has already planed 8 pegs. How many pegs does grandpa have left to make?

27. Tanya and Vanya picked flowers for their grandmother from the field - 5 daisies and 4 bells. How many flowers did the brother and sister give to their grandmother?

28. There were 10 children in the group. After lunch, six were taken. How many children are left for quiet time?

29. 8 students went to the school canteen for breakfast. 5 children chose cocoa, the rest chose tea. How many children drank tea?

30. Mom sent the children to the store. Tanya bought 3 apples, and Vanya bought 6 pears. How many pears did the children buy?

31. In the morning, 6 cars of bricks were brought to the construction site, and in the afternoon - 3 more cars. How many trucks of bricks were brought to build the house that day?

32. Renovation has begun in the nine entrance building. So far, only 2 entrances have been repaired. How many entrances remain to be repaired?

33. Malvina had 10 dresses, 8 of them she gave for washing. How many dresses are left hanging in Malvina’s closet?

34. There were 9 people traveling in the carriage. 2 people at the nearest station got off. How many people continued their journey in this carriage?

35. There were 10 people standing in line at the metro ticket office. 9 people bought tickets and left. How many people are left near the cash register?

36. Karabas Barabas had 10 dolls. Two dolls did not participate in the evening performance. How many dolls took part in this performance?

37. Yesterday Pierrot came up with 2 poems, and today – 5. How many poems did Pierrot come up with these days?

38. In the morning, Malvina asked for 2 minutes to wash her face and 3 minutes to brush her teeth. How long did it take Malvina to do her morning toilet?

39. Mashenka told the bear to chop 8 logs for the stove. The bear only chopped 3. How many logs does he have left to chop?

40. In the morning Mashenka baked 4 pies with cabbage and 5 with raspberries for the bear. How many pies did Mashenka bake in total?

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