Kindergarten teacher portfolio: how to make, position, examples, templates, design samples free download

How to make a portfolio for a preschool teacher?

When preparing for certification, each teacher must clearly understand how to create a teacher’s portfolio so that it meets all the requirements and serves to represent their own experience. To compile it correctly, you need to make a lot of effort, everyone who has such an urgent goal knows this. However, you should know that it is this portfolio filled with documents that will replace the self-education folder that existed for years, which did not have a clear structure, and therefore has now lost its relevance. The Regulations, which will be discussed in detail below, as well as those ready-made samples of work that we offer to download for free for review, will help you create a portfolio correctly.

Portfolio of teacher Tapanova L.E.

Portfolio of teacher Kamilova E.V.

Seeing this sample, which you do not need to print out for yourself, since it contains someone else’s information, any educator will have to determine the structure of his folder and collect the appropriate material. Since the document is usually presented in a folder on A4 sheets, it is better to make a portfolio in the Word program. And again, help for those who are going to start creating a “portfolio”. Below are links for downloading ready-made samples that will help anyone who was looking for an answer to the question of how to make a portfolio for a preschool teacher.

Light green with liliesWhite with red patternsPencilsLilac

Regulations on the portfolio of a preschool teacher

Each author of the work must draw up a teacher’s portfolio in accordance with the requirements for the preparation of this document. On June 26, 2000, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation developed a regulation on the portfolio of a preschool teacher, which is a guiding document that determines the structure and content of this folder. On its basis, as well as within the framework of the previously adopted Law “On Education” in the Russian Federation, the existing Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Education in each institution, the teaching staff is developing its own regulations on the portfolio of a preschool teacher, which will serve as further guidance for the work of everyone who works in a particular kindergarten garden. The drafted Regulations must be adopted at the teachers' council.

Regulations on the teacher’s portfolio (document dated June 26, 200)

Preschool educational institution "Teremok" s. Chistoozerye, Kurgan region

Methodological recommendations for drawing up a portfolio of teacher achievements

Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category (first or highest) is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2014 No. 276, and on the basis of the Work Regulations certification commission formed to carry out certification in order to establish the qualification category of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities and under the jurisdiction of the Samara region, teaching staff of municipal and private organizations carrying out educational activities (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region dated 06.26.2014 No. 224-od).

Certification is an examination of documents and materials collected in the individual folder of the certified employee (portfolio of achievements).

The purpose of these recommendations is to specify the requirements for the compilation and execution of a portfolio of achievements.

Structure and content of a portfolio of achievements

A portfolio is an individual storage folder of documents and materials collected by a certified teacher, indicating the results of his professional activities in the declared position during the inter-certification period .

The inter-certification period should be understood as:

5 years if the teaching worker is re-certified (from the first qualification category to the first or from the highest qualification category to the highest);

minimum 2 years if a teaching worker is certified from the first qualification category to the highest or is certified for the first time in the first qualification category.

The structure of the portfolio of achievements includes sections, the number and name of which depends on the indicators specified in the expert opinion on the results of the analysis of professional activities for the positions of teaching staff. A set of documents for each indicator is preceded by a separating sheet, which includes the number and name of the indicator.

The title page of the portfolio of achievements (Appendix 1) indicates: last name, first name, patronymic of the person being certified, position, place of work, declared qualification category, date of the examination (according to schedule).

Next comes a business card containing additional information about the employee being certified (Appendix 2).

Next is a list of documents and materials (contents).

The main content of the portfolio of achievements consists of materials and documents presented on paper in the form of certificates, reports, tables, printouts, copies of diplomas, diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc.

Making a portfolio of achievements

All portfolio materials are provided on paper: text - Times New Roman font, font size 14, line spacing - one and a half (except for tables).

Prepared documents and materials for each of the indicators are placed in a hardcover folder , each sheet (A-4) is filed using a hole punch ( without files or paper clips ). Documents are provided in copies certified by the head of the educational organization.

The portfolio is not returned to the person being certified, and feedback on the portfolio is not given.

Approximate list of documents and materials required for assessing the professional activities of a teacher (preschool educational organization)

FULL NAME. ___________________________________________________________________________

Place of work______________________________________________________________________

Declared qualification category _____________________________________________

No. Indicator name Supporting documents
1 2 3
1. Results of advanced training in the profile of teaching activities 1. Copies of documents of the established form on advanced training courses (certificates, certificates, personal educational receipt, certificates of the results of three final works);

2. Certificates of participation in seminars on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education (FE); certificate of distance learning at the university (indicating the faculty).

2. Results of the use of new educational technologies, based on the focus of the group (general developmental, combined, compensatory, health-improving) 1. Self-analysis of the results of using new educational technologies, electronic educational resources (EER) in the educational process in accordance with the focus of the group, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution;

2. Scenario/summary of a lesson, event using electronic educational resources/new educational technologies, conducted by a teaching worker during the inter-certification period (2-3 at the candidate’s choice);

3. Preschool educational institution website address/list of websites with addresses;

4. Copies of certificates of creation and placement on websites of professional activity products using new educational technologies (it is possible to provide other materials confirming the use of new educational technologies in the educational process in their activities).

3. Results of participation in the development and implementation of educational projects and innovation activities Certificate from the head of the preschool educational institution. A copy of the order on the organization of this activity (indicating the level), a copy of the order for the preschool educational institution.
4. Fulfillment of requirements to ensure safe conditions for the stay of pupils in preschool educational institutions Certificate from the head of the preschool educational institution.
5. The results of organizing the developmental subject-spatial environment of the group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education and the main educational program of preschool education (OOP DO) of the preschool educational institution 1. Certificate from the head of the preschool educational institution;

2. Presentations with photographs (electronic or paper) / videos (at the teacher’s choice).

6. The results of students’ participation in events at various levels, including Internet competitions 1. A table reflecting the participation of pupils in competitions, festivals, competitions, etc., certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 3);

2. Copies of certificates, diplomas or documents confirming participation and results, certified by the supervisor;

3. Regulations on Internet competitions, website addresses.

7. Satisfaction of parents of pupils (their legal representatives) with the work of the teacher (based on the results of an independent survey) 1. Certificate based on the results of the survey, compiled by the head of the preschool educational institution;

2. Final (summary) sheet of the questionnaire of parents’ satisfaction with the activities of the certified teacher.

8. Broadcasting the experience of the practical results of one’s professional activities in accordance with the focus of the group (general developmental, combined, compensatory, health-improving) 1. A table reflecting the results of generalization and dissemination of one’s own teaching experience, the availability of publications, printed publications, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 4);

2. Extracts from protocols, orders, copies of event programs, certified by the head;

3. Website address of the preschool educational institution; a list of author’s publications, a copy of the title page of the printed publication, the “Contents” page of the collection in which the publication is placed; Internet address ( a copy of the certificate of registration of the Internet resource as a media outlet is required ), screenshot or certificate (publications published during the inter-certification period, including Internet publications, are indicated).

9. The results of the public presentation of one’s own teaching experience in organizing and conducting the educational process (carrying out events with students, including as part of supporting the teaching practice of students and course participants) 1. A table reflecting the results of the teacher’s public presentation of his own pedagogical experience in organizing and conducting the educational process during the inter-certification period, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 6);

2. Copies of event programs, certificates from event organizers.

10. Professional activity (leadership of a methodological association / creative group; participation in the work of a creative group; participation in professional competitions) 1. A table confirming the professional activity of the teacher, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 7);

2. Copies of documents confirming the table data.

11. Incentives for professional activities 1. Table reflecting the availability of incentives for professional activities during the inter-certification period, certified by the head of the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 5);

2. A copy of certificates, thanks, extracts from orders, copies of award certificates (no more than three copies).

12. Availability of administrative penalties, justified complaints from participants in educational relations Certificate from the head of the preschool educational institution regarding the presence/absence of an administrative penalty, justified complaints from parents of pupils (their legal representatives).

Appendix 1 SAMPLE

Name of educational organization

PORTFOLIO OF ACHIEVEMENTS for conducting an expert assessment of performance

Compiled by:

FULL NAME._________________________________________________________________

Job title__________________________________________________________

_______________________________________ qualification category declared

Date of examination _____________________ (according to schedule)

Appendix 2 SAMPLE

Business card

1. Full name__________________________________________________________

2. Date of birth_________________________________________________

3. Education, name of educational organization, year of graduation____________________________________________________________

4. Position for which certification is required ____________________________________________________________

5. Place of work______________________________________________________________

6. Total work experience________________________________________________

7. Teaching experience_____________________________________________

8. Length of work in the position (in this organization)_____________________

9. Information about previous certification (category, date of assignment) _____________________________________________________________________

10. Having an academic degree___________________________________________

11. Awards, titles________________________________________________________________

Contact phone numbers:


cell phone______________________________

Appendix 3

Results of students’ participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions, etc.

FULL NAME. certified __________________________________________________________________

Event date Full name of the event indicating the status

(international, all-Russian, regional, city, etc.)

Event organizers Venue of the event Full name of the student Tour of the event (in-person/external) Result


(status – participant, winner with indication of place, etc.)

Head of preschool educational institution ________________________________________ / _________________________________/

Appendix 4

Broadcasting the practical results of their professional activities in organizing and conducting the educational process to teaching teams

FULL NAME. certified __________________________________________________________________

Head of preschool educational institution ________________________________________ / _________________________________/

Appendix 5

Incentives for professional activities

FULL NAME. certified __________________________________________________________________

Head of preschool educational institution ________________________________________ / _________________________________/

Appendix 6

The results of the teacher’s public presentation of his own pedagogical experience of professional activity

FULL NAME. certified __________________________________________________________________

Head of preschool educational institution ________________________________________ / _________________________________/

Appendix 7

Professional activity of a teacher

FULL NAME. certified __________________________________________________________________

Head of preschool educational institution ________________________________________ / _________________________________/

[1] Copies of documents according to all criteria are certified by the head of the preschool educational institution

[2] Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education.”

Examples, free portfolio templates for a preschool teacher

Since any portfolio of a preschool teacher must be compiled impeccably, you must try to complete it efficiently. The folder provides a summary of your experiences, so there cannot be two completely identical contents, just as there cannot be two identical teachers. However, you always need to focus on something, so it’s easier to collect and organize personal work if you first look at examples of ready-made, beautifully and competently designed teacher portfolios, and then create your own folder based on a blank template, using material prepared in advance. Some people prefer to draw up one sheet of paper a day, for others it will be more convenient to work all day long in order to end up with a finished masterpiece with which they won’t be ashamed to go get a new job, undergo certification or submit their work to a competition.

After looking at the examples, choose a template for your teacher portfolio and painstakingly fill the folder letter by letter until it becomes as weighty as those of those authors who have already passed the test and are proud of their work. A ready-made template is not enough to make the work decent. You need to stock up on photographs, scans of documents and patience, which will be the key to success.

AutumnPencils 2 colorsSwan geeseBright

Making a portfolio for a kindergarten teacher

When starting to draw up your own portfolio for a preschool teacher, you need to clearly understand what the goal is for the author of this work: what it will be needed for. In accordance with this, design requirements are drawn up. If the portfolio is presented for certification, then it is necessary to reflect the results of work, all of your achievements for a specific period. Sometimes a teacher wants to create a cumulative portfolio that he or she may need in the future. When working for the future, you can collect material about achievements throughout your work in your folder. A problem or thematic portfolio is designed a little differently, when all the teachers of the institution study a certain topic, and then the results obtained are compiled in the form of a folder. A person’s own mood and temperament also influence the design of a teacher’s portfolio, which is why we have such a large selection of backgrounds, pictures and frames for design in downloadable materials.

And again, first a sample for design:

A sample of a portfolio design for a first category teacher Madarina O. A.

And now the design templates:

Purple happinessGreen tranquilityElegyPink glow

Title page of teacher's portfolio

It is not easy to design the title page of a teacher’s portfolio. This is a kind of calling card of the author. Having glanced briefly at the first page, most people already form an idea about the author of the work from that moment. The design of the title page should be colorful, but do not forget that behind this page a serious document filled with relevant information will open. The photo can become a decoration for the title page, but let the bunnies and bears remain for children. One photo on this page is not enough. The following information is required:

  • personal information;
  • name of the preschool educational institution;
  • year of registration of work.

How to properly design a title page for a preschool educational institution

The title page of a preschool educational institution carries not only general information about the teacher, but also creates certain impressions about him, and also influences the subsequent assessment of the activities of this employee. The design of this sheet should always be treated with special attention and accuracy. You shouldn’t overload him with information, but you also shouldn’t miss something.

The title page is a kind of “calling card” of the program. Therefore, like a business card, only the most necessary information should be indicated here:

  • full name of the educational institution according to the Charter;
  • where, when and by whom this program was approved (in the upper right corner - approved by the head of the preschool educational institution (date, signature, order number, in the upper left corner - ACCEPTED by the pedagogical council of the institution, protocol number);
  • full name of the program (for example, Work program for joint activities of a teacher with children 3-4 years old, junior group.);
  • compiled on the basis of ...... (approximate educational program of preschool education, educational program of preschool educational institution);
  • duration of the program (academic year);
  • Full name and position of the author(s);
  • city ​​name;
  • year of program development.

Contents of the preschool teacher's portfolio

When preparing any document, structure is important. Only then does it look holistic, complete, and makes it possible to sum it up. By denying yourself something, the author loses the opportunity to be heard and understood, so it is important to pay attention to the content of the kindergarten teacher’s portfolio:

  1. title page;
  2. introduction;
  3. autobiography or portrait of the teacher;
  4. professional achievements over a specified period;
  5. achievements of pupils;
  6. social activity.

Portfolio for kindergarten: recommendations and tips for drawing up

A kindergarten portfolio is one of the newfangled requirements that kindergartens place on parents. The logic is clear: educators want to get more information about the child. It is important for them to know the level of development of the child’s social and communication skills, what talents he has, and what he is interested in.

This knowledge will provide an individual approach to the child, and this interests parents in the first place. Therefore, creating a portfolio for kindergarten is gaining popularity - a kind of piggy bank book of a child’s achievements.

Photo: PxHere: UGC

In this way, children's drawings, first doodle letters, appliqués made by children's hands, photos of significant events, certificates and awards for achievements in sports, singing, dancing, etc. are systematized and preserved. Maintaining a preschooler's portfolio unites, makes them closer, and makes it possible to better learn about individual characteristics of the baby, his skills and abilities.

The following recommendations will help you prepare, compile and maintain a collection of your child’s achievements:

  • Create a portfolio together with your child. Instruct him to select what he considers the most significant of his achievements, what, in his opinion, contains important information about his life (photos, drawings, greeting cards, dried herbarium, recipe for cooked sweets, etc.).
  • Make a portfolio in book format. For these purposes, you can use special templates . Thanks to them, you can create a portfolio for kindergarten online for free.
  • Make it bright, colorful and catchy : decorate it with applications, sparkles, stars, beautiful inscriptions.

Photo: PxHere: UGC

  • Provide evidence of the child’s success with bright photographs : a portrait of the baby, a family photo where his skills are recorded.
  • Date all material evidence of the child’s achievements (photos, drawings, completed assignments, notebooks with written letters and numbers). This will help track the dynamics of its development.
  • Write descriptions and captions together with your child..

Since such a piggy bank book will be kept throughout the child’s entire stay in kindergarten, take care of spare sheets or files where new information will be entered.

  • Arrange sections in your portfolio in random order and do not number them.

Instill in your child the importance of this document. This is a kind of passport of his skills, the stages of his growing up, his socialization.

Under no circumstances compare your child’s portfolio with someone else’s, or his achievements with the successes of other children. Remember that every child is an individual who can reveal himself at the most unexpected moment and from an unexpected angle.

Photo: PxHere: UGC

The portfolio is his personal development program. She is unique and inimitable. This book will help him move forward, focus his attention on something, and learn to control himself.

For example, for modern children, being overweight is common. They will help the child see the dynamics of changes in his body, with the help of parents, set boundaries in nutrition, and pay more attention to physical development.

Memories of early childhood quickly fade and are erased. A portfolio will help preserve the image of the past.

How to submit a portfolio of a senior kindergarten teacher for certification?

The design of a folder of achievements for a senior teacher is significantly different from the work that his colleagues will present. The emphasis should be on methodological work, which is carried out in a team under his leadership. Appendix Art. The educator is filled not only with materials confirming his own achievements, but also with scans of documents that will tell the reader of the document about the achievements of the staff and students of the institution.

MajesticSakura branchMay-pamperedwild Rose

How to make a portfolio for a primary or kindergarten teacher?

The portfolio of a teacher of a junior or nursery group is compiled in accordance with the Regulations developed in the preschool educational institution. Almost all sections are filled according to the usual pattern. Some may have difficulty completing the practical part. What achievements can children of the nursery or 1st junior group have? I think so for those who were not in the garden and did not work with these kids. A real teacher knows that there are many of them and they are different, and in order to convince the reader or his head that the work of this teacher is effective and efficient, you can attach video materials on disks. They will be a clear confirmation that the author of the work is an extraordinary person, even though he works in the first junior group, and choose the theme for design and templates yourself from those proposed.

Portfolio of a teacher of the highest qualification category Zhuravleva S.V. presentation on the topic

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Portfolio of a teacher of the highest qualification category, manager Svetlana Vasilievna Arsenyev 2022 Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution “Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 21 “Firefly” of the Arsenyevsky urban district

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“The work of a teacher can be compared to the work of a gardener growing various plants. One plant loves the light of the sun, another loves the cool shade; one loves the bank of a stream, the other a dry mountain peak; one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily, clayey soil. Everyone needs special care that is only suitable for them, otherwise they will not achieve perfection in their development.” Eastern wisdom

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General information

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Business card Svetlana Vasilyevna Zhuravleva Born: November 8, 1971 Place of birth: Krasnodar region, Kalininskaya village Education: Diploma of secondary vocational education (Gissar Pedagogical School, 1990), Diploma of professional retraining (Volgograd, 2016) Diploma specialty: “ Teaching in the primary grades of a comprehensive school", "Pedagogy and methods of preschool education" Qualification: primary school teacher, educator Total work experience: 28 years Teaching experience: 25 years Work experience in this institution: 15 years Qualification level: the highest qualification category for the position " teacher" dated 10/20/2015/pr. No. 23-at Hobbies outside the professional sphere, hobbies: photography, computer programs, beading, origami, reading scientific literature, knitting, quilling, scrapbooking. Email: tamandya@mail. ru Link to personal website:,

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ESSAY “Me and My Profession” My profession is one of the most responsible, since the versatility of the development of children’s knowledge and skills, their beliefs, worldview, and moral qualities depends on my skill. My teaching experience is 25 years, I have been working as a teacher for 15 years. The components of my success are determination, responsibility, and communication skills. My teaching activity is to educate the younger generation, which is important for society. It takes place within the framework of the educational process and is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the upbringing, development and self-development of the personality of a preschool child. This allows you to give the child a certain supply of knowledge and skills, and develop his ability to use the acquired experience in life. My profession obliges me to always be extremely attentive, since I am responsible for the life and health of little people, for whom, depending on the circumstances, I have to act in different roles: a teacher who will teach everything, a playmate, a loved one who will listen, will understand and help in difficult times. The multifaceted life in kindergarten helped me master a variety of professional skills: finding the key to the heart of each child, establishing contacts with colleagues and families of pupils. My profession forces me to think thoughtfully about everything that surrounds me and to steadfastly endure the hardships of hectic teaching activities.

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Year, terms Place of completion Name of courses, number of hours Number of hours Document and its series 02/19. 2015 PC IRO Advanced training courses “Interactive whiteboard in the educational process” 24 hours Certificate No. 067330-1524 08.19-20.08. 2015 PC IRO August Internet Pedagogical Council “Not tired of reforms: dialogues with education experts about the Federal State Educational Standard” 20 hours Certificate 09.09 2015 PC IRO Courses “Research and project activities of students as a technology for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of general education (FE) 72 hours Certificate No. 7704 250700003695 10.09 2015 PC IRO Courses “Organization of environmental education and environmental activities of schoolchildren: international experience (China, Yanbian-Korean Autonomous Region) 30 hours Certificate No. 7415 250700003231 08.22.-26.08 2016 PC IRO August Internet pedagogical council “Kitchen of startups of Primorsky education” 20 hours Certificate No. 4468 02.09. 2016 Volgograd, LLC Publishing House “Teacher” Courses “Professional competence of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education: additional education of preschoolers in speech development” 36 hours Certificate No. PK-16-31F216 342403993058 31.08. 2016 Volgograd, LLC Publishing House “Teacher” Retraining “Pedagogy and methodology of additional education” 520 hours Certificate PP-4703 dated 08/31/2016 09/30. 2016 PC IRO Seminar “Technological competence of a teacher to work according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education: festival of modern educational technologies” 8 hours Certificate 08/21-25/08 2022 PC IRO August Internet pedagogical council “Competencies of the XXI century: the future begins today” 22 hours Certificate w/n 09/30/2017 PC IRO Courses “Organization of environmental education and environmental activities of schoolchildren: international experience. (China, Yanbian-Korean Autonomous Region) 30 hours Certificate No. 5209 252405422382 09.2017 UO AGO City seminar “Lego construction in working with preschoolers” Certificate 2001 06.04. 2022 PC IRO Regional Festival “Innovative approaches in the development of natural science education, environmental education and environmental activities of children and youth” 8 hours Certificate 06/16. 2022 GOAU DOD DYuTS PC Regional methodological seminar “Natural science education in the Primorsky Territory. Experience, problems, prospects 8 hours certificate Advanced training

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Year Month Level Organizer Topic of the webinar Number of hours Document 2015 March Web-seminar of the Publishing House "Education of a Preschooler" "Creative socialization of preschoolers as a condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education" 3 hours Certificate March Web-seminar of the Publishing House "Education of a Preschooler" "Active forms of interaction between preschool teachers and parents in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education" 3 hours Certificate March Web-seminar of the Publishing House "Education of a Preschooler" "Interaction between kindergarten and family in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education" 3 hours Certificate March Web-seminar of the Publishing House "Education of a Preschooler" "Development of children's decorative creativity in the conditions implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education" 3 hours Certificate February federal LLC "Mersibo" "Using the capabilities of an inactive whiteboard using multimedia didactic games taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard" 2 hours Certificate February federal LLC "Mersibo" "Interactive methods of staging and automating speech sounds in children with OHP with the help Software-didactic complex “Logomer” 2 hours Certificate October federal LLC “Mersibo” “Features of using interactive games in complex classes” 2 hours Certificate April federal Publishing. “Education “Formation of motivational readiness of preschoolers to study at school” 2 hours certificate 2016 August federal LLC “Mersibo” “Use of interactive games in recreational work with children with special needs, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard” 2 hours Certificate July federal Ed. “Enlightenment “Electronic textbook” 1 hour Certificate 2022 February federal Publishing house. “Education We work according to the Federal State Educational Standard: working with parents 2 hours Certificate August Federal Ed. “Binom” “Enlightenment Issues of media education and the formation of media information literacy 2 hours Certificate 2022 January Federal Publishing House. “Binom” “Enlightenment The role of play in the socialization of preschool children 2 hours Certificate April Federal Ed. "Binom" "Enlightenment Technologies for supporting children's initiative in the development of children of senior preschool age 2 hours Federal Certificate Ed. “Binom” “Education Organization of cognitive and research activities of preschool children 2 hours Federal Certificate Publishing house. "Binom" "Enlightenment Technologies for supporting children's initiative in the development of children of senior preschool age 2 hours Certificate May Federal Publishing House. "Binom" "Enlightenment" What is a real game? 2 hours Certificate May Federal Edition. “Binom” “Enlightenment Social and emotional development of preschool children, as one of the important components of psychological preparation for school” 2 hours Certificate June Federal Publishing House. “Binom” “Enlightenment Summer recreation with benefits in kindergarten and at home: interaction with families of pupils during the summer health period 2 hours Certificate Participation in webinars

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Encouragements and gratitude Year Level Document Achievements 2015 Municipal Diploma of the educational institution AGO For active professional activity, conscientious work, personal contribution to the development of the child’s personality and a creative approach in educating the younger generation of preschool education Gratitude of the administration of preschool educational institution No. 21 For a creative approach in educating the younger generation 2016 Municipal Diploma Educational Institution AGO For conscientious work, dedication to teaching, high professionalism and a creative attitude to the education of preschool children 2022 All-Russian Diploma of IOR “Step forward” (OB-NZ No. 143-003) dated December 29, 2017 For preparing the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad “Unboring Winter” All-Russian IOR Diploma “Step Forward” (OV-ZSS No. 142-004) dated December 25, 2017 For preparing the winners of the All-Russian quiz “Winter in poems and fairy tales” All-Russian IOR Diploma “Step Forward” (OV-NC No. 141-011) dated December 21 .2017 For preparing the winners of the All-Russian quiz “New Year's Miracles” All-Russian IOR Diploma “Step Forward” For preparing the winners of the All-Russian preschool educational institution Gratitude of the administration of preschool educational institution No. 21 For a creative approach in educating the younger generation Municipal Letter of gratitude from MOBU DO CVR AGO For creative preparation of participants in the city network project "Tiger Marathon 2017"

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2018 Preschool Educational Institution Letter of gratitude from the administration of Preschool Educational Institution No. 21 For the high-quality implementation and implementation of the educational process, active participation in city events, creativity and a creative approach to creating conditions for a meaningful life for children in kindergarten. Municipal Letter of gratitude from MOBU DO TsVR AGO For the creative preparation of participants in the competition “Save the Amur Tiger” Municipal Letter of gratitude from MOBU DO TsVR AGO For the creative preparation of participants in the competition “We are responsible for those we have tamed” Municipal Letter of gratitude from MOBU DO TsVR AGO For the creative preparation of participants competition "Bird Day" Municipal Letter of gratitude from the Arsenyev diocese For contribution to the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation and training of participants in the Diocesan children's creativity competition "Red Easter" Regional Gratitude of the PKO VDPO For great work in preparing participants in the regional stage of the XV regional fire safety competition "Burning" Kupina" All-Russian IOR Diploma "Step Forward" (OK-ZPD No. 170-001) dated 02.27.2018 For preparing the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad "Status Experts" All-Russian IOR Diploma "Step Forward" (OV-MZM No. 163-106) dated May 14. 2018 For preparing the winners of the All-Russian quiz “We are for Peace” All-Russian Diploma of IOR “Step Forward” (OV-PDM No. 144-168) dated 01/08/2018 For preparing the winners of the All-Russian quiz “Santa Claus’s Helpers” All-Russian Diploma of IOR “Step Forward” (OV -RI No. 148-001) dated 01/31/2018 For preparing the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad “My Motherland-Russia” All-Russian IOR Diploma “Step Forward” (OV-GF No. 148-009) dated 01/29/2018 For preparing the winners of the All-Russian quiz “Experts of Geometric figures" International Gratitude of the project "Infourok" No. VM-00479311 dated 11.02.2022 For significant contribution to the development of the largest online library of methodological developments for teachers Encouragements and gratitude

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Year Level Name of event and work Document 2015 Preschool educational institution Competition "New Year's toys of our childhood" Diploma Regional Competition-exhibition of arts and crafts "City of Masters" Diploma Municipal Competition "Information support for parents on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard" (among preschool educational institutions) Nomination "Best information stand » certificate of the preschool educational institution Center for the Book of Cognitive and Speech Development Diploma 1st place 2016 Regional competition-exhibition of arts and crafts “City of Masters” Diploma 2022 preschool educational institution Creative competitions “Symbol of the Year”, “Drawing the New Year” Diploma of the preschool educational institution Creative competition “Golden hands of a teacher” Certificate Regional Competition-exhibition of arts and crafts "City of Masters" Diploma Regional Competition-exhibition of fine arts and photography "Theater Mosaic" Diploma Municipal Competition "Tiger Marathon" (host) Municipal Competition of methodological materials on patriotic education "Strong family - strong Russia" Certificate 2022 Regional Competition-Exhibition of Arts and Crafts “City of Masters” Certificate All-Russian Competition “I Want to Do Good!” Diploma of the 1st degree Municipal Competition “Mom is the main word in every destiny” Certificate Municipal Competition of educational aids and games “Do-it-yourself games” Certificate Participation in competitions

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Year Founder Event/Achievement Document 2015 PC IRO August online pedagogical council “Not tired of reforms: dialogues with education experts about the Federal State Educational Standard” (20 hours) Certificate of Educational Institution AGO Scientific and practical conference “Theoretical and methodological problems of modern education” Presentation “Innovative approaches to interaction with families of pupils when organizing project activities" Certificate publication in the collection of articles of the Educational Institution of the AGO For active professional activity, conscientious work, personal contribution to the development of the child’s personality and a creative approach in educating the younger generation Diploma of the Educational Institution of the AGO Regional Competition-exhibition of arts and crafts "City of Masters" » Diploma of the Educational Establishment of the AGO Competition "Information support for parents on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard" (among preschool educational institutions) Nomination "Best information stand" certificate Regional Competition-exhibition of arts and crafts "City of Masters" Diploma 2016 PC IRO August Internet pedagogical council "Kitchen of start-ups of Primorsky education "(20 hours) Certificate No. 4468 Volgograd, LLC "Izd. “Teacher” Retraining “Pedagogy and methodology of additional education” (520 hours) Accredited. PP-4703 dated 08/31/2016 UE AGO Seminar “Organization of RPPS in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education” Certificate No. 971 UE AGO For conscientious work, dedication to the teaching profession, high professionalism and creative attitude to the upbringing of preschool children Diploma UE AGO 2022 PC IRO Augustovsky Internet pedagogical council “Competencies of the 21st century: the future begins today” (22 hours) Certificate of non-existent educational institution AGO Competition of methodological developments “Strong family - strong Russia”, project “My dad was a soldier” Certificate of participation in PC IRO Master class (8 hours) “Forms and methods of environmental education of preschool children” Certificate MOBU DO TsVR AGO For the creative training of participants in the city network project “Tiger Marathon-2017” Letter of gratitude Regional Competition-exhibition of arts and crafts “City of Masters” Diploma Regional Competition-exhibition of fine arts art and photography “Theatrical mosaic” Diploma of the Institution of the AGO Reading competition “Mother is the main word in every destiny” (Georgy Galchenko) Diploma 3 of the Institution of the AGO Drawing competition “Our grandfathers’ glorious Victory” (Shumovskaya Varya) Diploma 3rd place Regional Competition “Theater mosaic” (Zhirnova Dasha) Diploma of the AGO Spartakiad of preschoolers Diploma 3rd place The most significant achievements in professional activities:

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The most significant achievements in professional activities: Year Founder Event/Achievement Document 2022 Educational Institution AGO GMO “Socio-communicative development” Work experience and express survey “Modern forms of interaction of preschool educational institutions with the families of pupils” Certificate of participation in the Educational Institution AGO Festival of Images. technologies and techniques Master class “Educational and educational game “Funny Plates” Certificate of the Educational Institution AGO Festival of Images. technologies and methods Research activities “Miracle Lemon” Certificate No. 2280 MOBU DO TsVR AGO For the creative preparation of participants in the competition “Save the Amur Tiger” Letter of gratitude from the Institution of the AGO For contribution to the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation and preparation of participants in the Diocesan children's creativity competition “Easter” red" Letter of gratitude from the Arsenyevsk Diocese of the Territory For the great work in preparing participants in the regional stage of the XV regional fire safety competition "Burning Bush" Gratitude from PKO VDPO International For a significant contribution to the development of the largest online library of methodological developments for teachers Gratitude from the "Infourok" project No. VM-00479311 from 02/11/2018 Regional Competition-Exhibition of Arts and Crafts “City of Masters” Certificate All-Russian Competition “I Want to Do Good!” Diploma of the 1st degree of the Educational Establishment of the AGO Competition of teaching aids and games “Games with your own hands” Certificate Regional XV regional competition on fire safety “Burning Bush” (Galchenko Gosha) Diploma 3rd place in the regional stage of the Educational Institution of the AGO Drawing competition “Our grandfathers’ glorious Victory” (Zhirnova Dasha) Diploma 1st place City Military sports game “Zarnichka-2018 (Galchenko Gosha) Diploma 1st degree

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Results of teaching activities

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JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMS USED The work program for the development of children was developed in accordance with the OOP MDOBU No. 21, in accordance with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. The work program ensures the diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social and communicative, cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic. The work program was developed on the basis of the general education program of the preschool educational institution, compiled on the basis of the approximate general education program “From birth to school”, ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. The program uses partial programs: “Management of role-playing games”, “Green light of health”, “Program of environmental education “Nature is our home” (regional component) G.A. Dikalyuk, O.A. Degtyarenko, “Young Researchers” programs developed by participants in educational relations of preschool educational institution No. 21 “Firefly”, as well as teaching aids: “Igralochka” by L.G. Peterson, “Colored Palms” by I.A. Lykova, “We live in Russia” N.G. Zelenova. The work program was developed in accordance with the main regulatory documents on preschool education: - Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”; — Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155); - “The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in the main general education programs - educational programs for preschool education” (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014, Moscow); — Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations" (Approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 "On approval of SANPIN" 2.4.3049-13); — regulatory documents at the regional and municipal levels. The program is designed for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, ensuring the life safety of a preschooler. It allows you to organize educational activities, walks, games according to the age and psychological characteristics of preschoolers, focusing on the development of children's motor skills, logic, speech and imagination, promoting the education of patriotic feelings, creating an atmosphere of creativity, mutual assistance and mutual respect.

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Year Age of pupils Name of the developed material Goal 2015 4-5 years Educational work program (middle group) Creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation to life in modern society, to learning at school, ensuring the life safety of a preschooler Additional program of the “Cheerful Palms” circle development and strengthening of fine motor skills in preschool children in games, exercises and various types of productive activities Project “I Love the Russian Birch” Cultivating a sense of pride and love for the Russian birch tree - the symbol of Russia. The project “Onion for Seven Ailments” develops in children the foundations of research activities, ecological self-awareness and interest in the surrounding nature. Project “Animals of Hot Countries” Expanding ideas about wild animals of hot countries. Development of cognitive interest, creative imagination. Project “Oh, those butterflies” Cultivating aesthetic emotions for the vibrant diversity of the world around us. Involving children in an active cognitive process of a creative nature through various types of activities. 2016 5-6 years Project “Candy wrapper country” Organize joint activities of children and adults aimed at solving the problem of environmentally competent use of garbage (candy wrappers) in modern life. Project “Flowers” ​​Expanding ideas about flowers. Action “Fountain and candy wrappers Solving the problem of environmental education Additional program of the “Literacy” club Building a pedagogical process that promotes the intellectual and creative development of children in play. Educational work program (senior group) Creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully live in preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school, provision life safety of a preschooler Project “Space Travel” Formation and systematization of knowledge about space and astronauts Project “Our Feathered Friends” Formation and systematization of knowledge about migratory birds 3-7 years old Program “Young Explorers” Positive socialization and comprehensive development of a preschool child in cognitive and research activities Development of programs and projects

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Year Age of pupils Name of the developed material Goal 2017 6-7 years Educational work program (preparatory group) Creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personality culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation to life in modern society, to studying at school, ensuring the life safety of a preschooler. The campaign “Prosper, dear Arsenyev!” Formation of primary ideas about sociocultural values, feelings of patriotism Project “Winter's Tale” Organize thoughtful active recreation for children, provide conditions for the education of morality, development of creative abilities. Project “My Dad Was a Soldier” Formation of primary ideas about sociocultural values, feelings of patriotism, pride and respect for the Russian army. 2022 7 years Project of winter sections Organize thoughtful active recreation for children in the winter Project “My City - Arsenyev” Provide conditions for instilling citizenship and patriotic feelings in preschoolers, developing creative abilities. Project “Theatrical Puppetry” Create conditions for the development of creative activity. 4-5 years Project “Be Healthy!” Promoting the physical development of preschool children and the formation of a conscious attitude towards their health. Educational work program (middle group) Creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for a child in preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school, provision life safety of preschool children Development of programs and projects

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YEAR Level of event Name of event Full name O. Parents Document 2015 Preschool Educational Institution Competition "Flower Parade" Olga Fedorovna Galchenko Certificate Preschool Educational Institution Creative workshop "Exotic Animals" The entire preschool educational institution group Master class "Playing with our fingers" The entire group 2016 Municipal Action "Good deeds to our beloved city" Tatyana Sergeevna Galchenko Gratitude Preschool Educational Institution Action “Fountain and candy wrappers” Parents of the preschool educational institution Creative workshop “Russian Beauty” The whole group 2022 Preschool educational institution Drawing competition “Drawing the New Year” Volgina Anna Viktorovna Gratitude 2022 Preschool educational institution Competition “My family and the book” Galchenko Gosha, Galchenko Tatyana Sergeevna Volgina Tatyana Sergeevna, Kuptsova Varya Gratitude Municipal Open-air exhibition-museum “Page of Immortal Glory” Pipko Lera, Pipko Anastasia Olegovna, Pipko Sergey Vladimirovich Gratitude Interaction with families of pupils

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Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment “Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity” V.A. Sukhomlinsky A developing subject-spatial environment should be... content-rich... our educational space is equipped with equipment and equipment in accordance with the specifics of the Transformable Program... it is possible to change the developmental environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children multifunctional... pupils use various components of the environment in a variety of ways, for example, children's furniture, soft modules, variable screens... children are provided a wide selection of playing materials and equipment available... also ensures free access to the spatial environment of the entire room for children; serviceability and safety of materials and equipment of all premises where educational activities are carried out are safe... all elements of the environment meet the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use

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Scientific and methodological activities

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Year Level of participation Form Name of the project, event, topic of experience Document 2015 Municipal Competition “Information support for parents on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” Certificate of winner Municipal Seminar Experience “Preparedness of preschool institutions for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Compliance of real practice with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education" Certificate of participation No. 671 Municipal Scientific and practical conference "Theoretical and methodological problems of modern education" Presentation "Innovative approaches to interaction with families of pupils when organizing project activities" Certificate, publication in collections of articles Municipal GMO Artistic and aesthetic development : methods of educational work with preschoolers Certificate 2016 Municipal GMO Cognitive development: Experience “Use of ICT in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions” Certificate of participation Municipal Seminar “Organization of RPPS in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” Certificate of participation No. 971 Municipal Competition “Federal State Educational Standards developing subject-spatial environment” "(work experience, clip) Certificate International Methodological development "Developmental cubes with road signs" prezentaciya - igri - dlya - doshkolnikov - razvivayuschie - kubiki - s - djrjzhnimi - znakami -1213888. html Certificate No. DB-213617 Municipal Publication in the newspaper “B-Ars” No. 34, Article “Fountain without candy wrappers” Municipal Publication in the newspaper “B-Ars” No. 39, Article “I’ll dress a doll in candy wrappers” Federal Festival “Modern educational technologies - 2016" diploma of the preschool educational institution Pedagogical Council Message "What the book teaches" Municipal Seminar "Organization of RPPS in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education" Certificate No. 971 Municipal GMO "Cognitive development" Presentation "Use of ICT in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions" Certificate Broadcast of generalized personal teaching experience

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Year Level of participation Form Name of the project, event, topic of experience Document 2022 Municipal Competition of methodological developments “Strong family - strong Russia”, project “My dad was a soldier” Certificate of participation International Methodological development “Project in the senior group “Winter's Tale” https:// proekt - v - starshey - gruppe - zimnyaya - skazka -1680939. html Certificate No. DB - 258906 All-Russian Abstract of OOD "Our Feathered Friends" » http://konkurs-dlya-pedagogov. info/wp-content/i/20170523. html First degree diploma No. 15009951 All-Russian Publication “Our feathered friends” http:// konkurs - dlya - pedagogov. info/wp-content/i/20170523. html Certificate Municipal Publication in the newspaper “B-Ars” No. 2, article “Forewarned is forearmed” Municipal Publication in the newspaper “B-Ars” No. 40, article “Up! And the tigers sat at my feet” Municipal Festival of Images. technologies and methods Open lesson with ICT “Our feathered friends” Certificate No. 1787 Municipal Publication in the B-Ars newspaper No. 35 Article “Everyone has a hat” Regional Courses Master class (8 hours) “Forms and methods of environmental education of preschool children” certificate Preschool educational institution Pedagogical Council Message “Use of modeling methods in compiling descriptive stories” 2018 Municipal GMO “Socio-communicative development” Work experience and express survey “Modern forms of interaction of preschool educational institutions with the families of pupils” Certificate of participation Municipal Seminar “Organization of children’s play activities” Certificate of participation International Methodological development of “NOD “Sounds and letters Dd” https://infourok. ru / nod - zvuki - i - bukvi - dd - podgotovitelnaya - gruppa -2574094. html Certificate No. DB-1152283 Municipal Festival of Images. technologies and techniques Master class Educational and educational game “Funny Plates” Certificate No. Municipal Festival of Images. technologies and methods Research activity “Miracle Lemon” Certificate No. 2280 Preschool Educational Institution Teachers’ Council Message “Formation of a sense of patriotism as a spiritual and moral value” Preschool Educational Institution Review competition “Corner of moral and patriotic education in preschool educational institution” 3rd place Broadcast of generalized personal pedagogical experience

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Academic year Age category of children Topic of self-education Goals 2015-2016 4-5 years Cognitive and research activities as a means of environmental education of preschoolers Deepen knowledge in the field of teaching environmental education, increase competence in the field of research activities 2016-2017 5-6 years Organization of the pedagogical process for development speech activity of preschoolers Increase professional competence in the issue of speech development in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education 2017-2018 6-7 years Formation of a sense of patriotism as a spiritual and moral value of the personality of preschoolers Increase professional competence in the issue of introducing preschoolers to moral values, cultural and historical heritage. 2018-2019 4-5 years Formation of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers through the organization of health procedures Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers through the use of specially organized forms of education and the implementation of innovative health-saving technologies. Long-term teacher self-education plan

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template source: Website Information sources Scrub set THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

Or maybe buy a portfolio for a kindergarten teacher?

Does every teacher have fluent computer skills in order to draw up a portfolio of personal achievements? Unfortunately, not everyone. This problem is especially often faced by people with extensive experience and experience, who are loved by children and respected by their parents. Do you really have to blush during certification by presenting material that does not meet the requirements of modern design? Why, if you can buy or order a ready-made portfolio from specialists. Who said you can't do this? Why don’t we sew a holiday suit for ourselves after reading an amazing article about how easy it is to sew one without any skills? If you are proud of your work, then present it with dignity. And it doesn’t matter who the performer is in this case. The main thing is that you are the author of the idea, the results are there and everyone knows about them, and it doesn’t matter who typed the letters on the computer. In addition, buying a portfolio for a kindergarten teacher is not so expensive, but it will last for more than one year, and, perhaps, will help you win some competition or get a prestigious position. So why deny yourself something that can change your life? Don't add complexity to it, don't create it!

Let every kindergarten teacher have the best portfolio that will make others pay attention to his difficult work and appreciate it.

Portfolio for certification for the first category of teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard


Svetlana Mikhailovna Zaplatina Preschool teacher Application for 1st qualification category in Vologda 2015

General information about the teaching staff

1. Full name: Svetlana Mikhailovna Zaplatina 2. Position (indicating the area of ​​activity) for which certification is being carried out: Early childhood educator. 3. Place of work (name (in accordance with the Charter) of the organization carrying out educational activities and (or) structural unit carrying out educational activities): Municipal budgetary educational institution "Termeng Primary School" 4. Professional education (confirmed by copies of documents on education and (or) about qualifications): secondary vocational pedagogical, primary school teacher 5. Qualification category: no 6. Availability of academic and honorary titles, degrees: no 7. Incentives and awards for teaching staff: diploma for success in professional activities and in connection with the Day preschool worker, gratitude for the high-quality preparation and participation of children in the school drawing competition “New Year’s Toy”, gratitude for the high-quality preparation and participation of children in the artistic reading competition “Hail, Fatherland”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Information and analytical report
Form 1 Quality of organization of the developmental subject-spatial environment (DSES) Academic year Name of the event Result of monitoring of the RPES Compliance with the RPES Federal State Educational Standard for 2013-2014 Monitoring of the RPES RPES complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education with partial recommendations. Work is needed to improve the RPPS. Meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education with partial recommendations 2014-2015 Preparing the group for the new school year The condition of the RPPS has improved, new equipment, toys, and furniture have appeared in the groups that meet the requirements and age of the children; the group has its own individual design style; Address information for parents appeared in reception areas, and the appearance of the reception area became colorful and meaningful. Complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education with partial recommendations. Analysis of the data presented shows that work is actively underway to improve the developmental subject-spatial environment. (Appendix) Form 2 Involvement of parents (legal representatives) directly in educational activities Academic year Forms of work with parents (legal representatives) Name of the event Share of the number of parents (legal representatives) directly involved in educational activities in the total number of parents (legal representatives) % 2013-2014 Brochures, leaflets and booklets Design of a booklet for parents “Fire is not afraid of those who are familiar with fire safety rules!” Appendix 100% Brochures, leaflets and booklets Design of a booklet for parents “Educational games with mathematical content” 100% Brochures, leaflets and booklets Design of a booklet for parents “Raising a competent pedestrian” Appendix 100% Family holiday “Mommy, beloved!” 100% Consultations Consultation for parents (Designing a folder - moving) “Speech development using mnemonics in preschool children.” 100% Open lesson for parents and primary school teachers Educational area “Cognition” Topic: “Insects” Appendix 100% Family holiday “Goodbye, kindergarten” 100% 2014-2015 Parent meeting “Preparation for the new school year” Questionnaire to obtain new information about parents. 90% Consultation Consultation for parents: “Daily routine and its meaning.” 100% Folders and stands Design of a folder “Basic rules and principles of proper nutrition for children” 100% Portfolio of a preschooler Portfolio design, section “Get to know me” Appendix 100% Family holiday “Mom’s smile” 90% Folders and stands Stand for parents on the topic: “Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education” 100% Exhibitions of joint works Making bird feeders: “Birds are our smaller feathered friends” Appendix 50% Parent meeting “Preparing for the New Year’s holiday” 100% Exhibitions of joint works New Year’s crafts competition “New Year’s fantasies” » 100% Family holiday New Year's party 100% Folders - moving "Advice to parents on hardening the child" 100% Project activity "My name" Appendix 100% Folders - moving "Defender of the Fatherland Day" 100% Open lesson for parents educational area "Speech development" Topic: “Wintering birds” 100% Parent meeting “Soon to school” 100% Family holiday Matinee dedicated to International Women’s Day. 90% Wall newspaper “Mom was little too” 100% Exhibition of joint works Exhibition of joint crafts dedicated to Easter Sunday 100% Portfolio of a preschooler Portfolio design, section “Spring” Appendix 100% Parent meeting “Getting ready for school. Important aspects of preparing a child for school" Appendix 100% Parent meeting Analysis of the implementation of the plan for introducing the Federal State Standard. Results of the work of the preschool group for the 2014-2015 academic year. Recommendations for parents for the summer. Appendix 70% Project activity “My Family” Appendix 100% Family holiday “Goodbye kindergarten” 100% In my teaching activities, I pay great attention to working with parents. Unity in matters of raising a child is the main goal in working with families. I try by all available means to achieve interaction and agreement with parents in nurturing a common culture for children and in creating an emotionally favorable climate. Form 4 Protecting and strengthening the physical health of children Academic year Age group Morbidity rate (by group) days Average morbidity rate by municipal district (city district) days 2013-2014 Senior mixed-age group 2.4 14.4 2014-2015 Senior mixed-age group 2.2 14.7 Analysis of the results of the presented table shows that the average incidence of diseases in the group is significantly lower than the municipal indicator. Strengthening and maintaining health and reducing morbidity are facilitated by the effective use of health-saving technologies. This is evidenced by form No. 9. I use exercise minutes, breathing exercises, eye exercises, finger exercises, music therapy, self-massage, hardening, hygiene and water procedures, sports, active recreation, and I promote a healthy lifestyle. All this forms in children value orientations aimed at preserving and strengthening health. The full application of health-saving technologies in work increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms value orientations in students and their parents aimed at preserving and strengthening health. Health-saving activities used in a complex form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle and full development. Form 5 Involving children in project activities Academic year Age group Direction of activity Project name Share of the number of children involved in project activities in the total number of children % 2013-2014 Secondary, senior, preparatory group Research project “Be Healthy” 70% 2014-2015 Preparatory group Research project “My Family” Appendix No. 100% Middle, senior, preparatory group Research project “My Name” Appendix No. 100% Middle, senior, preparatory group Creative project “Different mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important” 100% For two I've been working with design technology for years. Implementation into practice began with the use of a short-term project. In further work, she used long-term projects, involving parents, which had a positive impact on the development of the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. Working teacher - children - parents led to improved work on interaction with parents, activation of the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten. Form 6 Participation of children in competitive events Academic year Name of event Level (level of educational organization, municipal, regional, interregional, all-Russian, international) Dates Result 2013-2014 2014-2015 New Year's toy competition "Winter Patterns" Level of educational organization December 26 2 diplomas for participation in the competition Appendix Art reading competition “Glory to the Fatherland!” Level of educational organization May 6 2 certificates for 1st place, 2 certificates for 2nd place Appendix Drawing competition “White Daisy” Municipal March 24 3 diplomas for active participation 1 diploma for 3rd place in the age category Appendix Sports competitions dedicated to Health Day Municipal February 22 1 diploma for active participation in sports competitions Appendix Children's performance at the Termeng Palace of Culture at a festive event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War "Municipal May 3 thanks Appendix Pupils of my group participate with interest in various competitions. By participating in competitions, children began to think logically, reason, and compare; They became more organized and began to listen to each other. Competitions have a positive impact on the level of development of children's mental abilities. I believe that in the future these children will successfully study in primary school. I would like to say that parents actively participate in various creative competitions. And we must give credit to mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and grandfathers for supporting the child in all his endeavors. After all, without their participation there can be no talk of any competitions. Isn’t this the most important thing when a child is not alone, but with the right and important people. It is valuable for a child that he is understood, that he is accepted, that he is helped in everything. In kindergarten, next to him is the kindest, best friend, comrade and assistant - this is the teacher; at home his parents should always be nearby. I take a responsible approach to organizing competitive events at various levels. I actively work with parents - the first assistants to the teacher in organizing and conducting all kinds of events. The competitions held in kindergarten showed that our children and their parents are creative people. Form 7 Advanced training Academic year Educational organization, program name, number of hours Documents (name, N, date of issue) 2013-2014 2014-2015 Astrel Publishing House LLC, webinar “Approximate basic educational program of preschool education “Worlds of Childhood”: designing opportunities "- a new approach to the education of preschool children" in the amount of 8 academic hours Certificate, 05/18/2015 Appendix Publishing house "Prosveshchenie" webinar "Features of interaction of the teaching staff with the families of pupils in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education" in the volume of 2 hours Certificate, December 16, 2014 . Appendix Vologda Institute for Educational Development “Creation of a unified educational space in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education (Features of organizing educational activities in a multi-age kindergarten group)”, 42 hours Certificate of advanced training 352402624939, registration number 630, 04/30/2015 Appendix Having a pedagogical education and improving professional skills level, mastering new technologies and a variety of programs, I plan and develop interesting integrated activities, leisure, entertainment, introduce playful and surprise moments, and participate together with parents in project and research activities. Form 8 Results of self-education Academic year Topic of self-education Planned result Achieved result 2013-2014 “Mnemotables in direct educational activities as a means of developing speech and verbal-logical memory in children of middle preschool age” 1. Increase one’s own pedagogical competence on the problem of speech development in preschool children. 2. Develop a plan on the topic of self-education 3. Collect material for consultation for educators 4. Involve parents in joint work on the topic: “Use of mnemonics in the development of children’s speech” 5. Selection of practical material for working with mnemonic tables: - use of elements of mnemonics in joint activities children 1. A plan for self-education for the year was drawn up 2. I studied articles on a social network on the topic of self-education 3. I made a presentation for educators on the topic: “Speech development using mnemonics in children of middle preschool age” 4. A consultation was drawn up for parents. 5. I started compiling a card index of mnemonic tables. Appendix 2014-2015 “Mnemotables in direct educational activities as a means of developing speech and verbal-logical memory in children of senior preschool age.” 1. Continuation of the study of methodological literature should be in the 1st year, the second should be devoted to practical implementation. There must be some results planned for children too! 2. Development of a plan on the topic of self-education 3. Selection of practical material for working with mnemonic tables: - use of elements of mnemonics in the joint activities of children 4. Generalization of experience on the topic “Development of speech and verbal-logical memory using mnemonics in preschool children.” 1. I studied methodological literature 2. I developed a plan for self-education 3. I compiled a card index on the topic of self-education 5. I spoke at the pedagogical council on the topic “Development of speech and verbal-logical memory using mnemonics in preschool children.” Appendix The meaning of every person’s life is continuous development and self-improvement. The best education is self-education, said Ackroyd Peter. The modern educator has a unique opportunity to take all the best that has developed over the years in the field of pedagogy and multiply it with modern techniques. And you simply cannot stop at the achieved level of knowledge, so improving the professional skills of a teacher is a necessity. I am interested in everything: interesting facts and diverse knowledge about the world around us, research by psychologists and new pedagogical technologies, modern information technologies, new methods and forms of using ICT in working with children. I try to improve computer literacy and information culture with the help of electronic libraries, multimedia presentations, educational materials, etc. Form 9 Application of modern pedagogical (including ICT) technologies in the educational process Academic year Name of technology Frequency of application Result 2013-2014, 2014-2015 Game technology systematically The use of game technologies in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution has a positive effect on the quality of the educational process. Children are fluent in outdoor, verbal, speech, and theatrical games. For most children, the priority personality qualities are the highest ethical values: kindness, love, hard work, conscience, communication. I use gaming technology in direct educational and everyday household activities, morning exercises, entertainment, work, and walking. I consider a game as any competition between players, actions that are limited by rules and aimed at achieving a specific goal. I think the phenomenon of the game is that, being entertainment and relaxation, it can develop into learning, creativity, therapy, into a model of human relationships and manifestations in work. In my activities I pay special attention to didactic, active, verbal and theatrical games. 2013-2014, 2014-2015 Health-saving technologies Systematically using methods such as: the use of dynamic pauses, active and sports games, relaxation, gymnastics: finger, eye, breathing, invigorating; physical education classes, healthy lifestyle classes, self-massage, play massage, etc., teachers thereby increase the effectiveness of the educational process, form value orientations in students aimed at preserving and strengthening health. The introduction of health-saving technologies helps to cultivate a child’s interest in the learning process, increases cognitive activity and, most importantly, improves the psycho-emotional well-being and health of children. 2013-2014 2014-2015 Information and communication technologies Systematically Activating the cognitive activity of children, increasing interest in educational activities. Information and cognitive competencies: -use of educational presentations, multimedia; -travel games. Attracts the attention of children, arouses great interest, and promotes the effective acquisition of children's knowledge. 2013-2014 2014-2015 Project technology Depending on the interest of children in the topic raised Formation of a scientific-cognitive, practical-active, emotional-moral attitude towards the surrounding reality in children and adults. It gives the preschooler the opportunity to explore and experiment on his own, maintain his curiosity and interest in the problem, and also apply the acquired knowledge in one activity or another. The combination of various types of children's activities in the interaction of adults and children in one whole project, consolidates the skills of pupils, helps them discover and understand the surrounding reality much faster and more deeply. 2013-2014, 2014-2015 Technology of research activities Systematically to form in preschoolers the basic key competencies, the ability for a research type of thinking Content of cognitive research activities:  experiments (experimentation),  collecting, traveling on the map. Concentration increases, understanding of material improves, and cognitive activity in children increases. 2014-2015 Mnemotechnologies Systematically The method of teaching preschoolers based on mnemotechnical techniques in the process of direct educational activities makes it possible to simultaneously develop all mental processes (perception, memory, attention, thinking, imagination) and intelligence. Allows children to master various methods of processing incoming information. The most important task of this technique is to teach the child to reason, think, express his thoughts. Difficult for perception of the topic can be made affordable, interesting, unobtrusive and easier in understanding. In children, coherent speech is formed. I consider the result of the work that children work with pleasure in the classroom, get an emotional upsurge, reveal in their own positive qualities of character such as: resourcefulness, mutual assistance, courage, ability to empathize, the ability to work in a team, willpower, purposefulness, aesthetic needs Energy, vigor (Appendix) Form 10 Participation in the work of the methodological (professional) Academic year Name of the methodological (professional) Association level (level of organization, municipal, regional) content and form of participation, contribution of a teacher to the solution of posed issues 2014-2015 District methodological Association of educators on pre -school training of children. Topic: “The concept of pre -school education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard BC” Municipal participant the district methodological association of educators for the pre -school training of children. Topic: “Code of professional ethics of a teacher of a preschool educational institution” Municipal participant District methodological association of educators for pre -school training of children. Topic: “Game - a form of development of the spheres of communication, socialization and knowledge of preschoolers” Municipal participant District Methodological Association “Preschool Age” Municipal Participant Creative Group of Educators in the Federal State Educational Standard to the Municipal Participant (Appendix) Form 11 Development of the programmatic and methodological support of the educational process academic year The name of the software (methodological, didactic) Materials of development of independent / in collaboration The availability of a certificate (reviews, extracts from the order, extract from the meeting protocol ”2013-2014 2014-2015 The work program of the Different Preschool Group for the 2014-2015 academic year under the program“ From birth to school »09/01/2014 independently extract from order No. 31, certificate of the OOP DOO of the Directory Preschool Group of MBOU" Thermen General Educational School "for the 2014-2015 academic year. 09/01/2014 Co-autopusion from order No. 30 Appendix Didactic game Fourth extra topic: “Insects” for the senior different -aging group January 2015 independently certificate methodological development. The creative project “Mom is different, all sorts of mothers are important” February 2015 SPARITION Form 12 Participation in Professional Competitions (full -time, in absentia, remote year) The name of the event level ( The level of an educational organization, municipal, regional, interregional, all-Russian, international) deadlines the result 2013-2014 School stage of the regional correspondence competition “Information and communication technologies in the professional creativity of teachers” The level of educational organization 08, 2013 letter for 3rd place Appendix 2014-2015 The monthly contest “Best Methodological Development” Creative project “Mom is different, all sorts of mothers are important” International on February 25, 2015, a letter for participation from personal experience was convinced that participation in contests of professional skill is motivation for further professional growth. In the future, I set myself the goal: to more actively participate in professional competitions, since participation in professional competitions enables the teacher: to increase their social status; study the experience of colleagues; realize your creative potential; develop your own communicative abilities; establish new contacts at a professional level; publish your methodological materials in scientific and methodological publications, sites; Increase authority in the pedagogical team, society. Form 13 Professional and Social Activities The Name of the event level (level of organization, municipal, regional, interregional, all-Russian, international) Forms and result 2013-2014 2014-2015 Working group to ensure the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard to the level of educational organization 19.0.0. 2014 Member of the working group Application Organization of Hot foods of students The level of educational organization 09/01/2014 The responsible for maintaining a journal of the marriage of finished products in the preschool group application competition of the New Year's toy level of the educational organization 12/26/2014 Jury Member of the New Year's Representation in 2014-2015 The level of educational organization 26.12 .2014, responsible for conducting a New Year's Christmas tree application verification of work as part of the monitoring of educational achievements of graduates of the 4th grade in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO in 2015 at the Termengskaya Primary School MBOU, the level of educational organization 05.05.2015 member of the subject commission for verification of work as part of the monitoring of educational educational achievements of graduates of grade 4 in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO in 2015. Application of the regional Internet quiz “How a man found wings” Regional 03/23/2015 Victorin, diploma application of the regional Internet tournament “My Hymn, My Flag, My Russia” Regional 08/21/2015 Tournament, Diploma Appendix Preparation and Conducting the New Year's Morning Educational Organization 29 On December, a letter of the application analyzing the presented material can be concluded that I am actively participating in public work. Form 14 Translation of the experience of practical results of professional activities, including the experimental, innovative academic year, the name of the measures level (level of educational organization, municipal, regional, interregional All -Russian, international) deadlines Topic, form of representation, publication, open lesson (lesson, event) (master class and so on) 2013-2014 Directly educational activity The level of educational organization May 19 educational field “Cognition” Theme “insects”, open lesson application 2014-2015 Pedagogical council level of educational organization 10/30/2014 message “New content of preschool education, implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Bas During the implementation of the basic educational program of the children's educational institution in the framework of the Federal Law “On the Education of the Russian Federation”, a message with the presentation “Federal State Educational Standard in the Educational Process” Pedagogical Council The level of educational organization 13.03.2015 Message “Conditions for certification of preschool education teachers” Pedagogical council level of educational Organizations 05/07/2015 Message “Development of speech and verbal and logical memory using mnemonics in preschool children” Pedagogical council level of educational organization Report “Activated approach in educational activity” Appendix directly educational activity The level of educational organization February “Speech Development” Topic “Wintering birds”, an open lesson of the application, I firmly realized that only the teacher who is able to go beyond the limits of his group, his kindergarten and listen to, look closely at the experience of colleagues is creatively growing and developing.
To accept the experience of another is always the discovery of something new for yourself. I try to actively share experience and knowledge at various levels. The modern teacher these days, in my opinion, is a professional. I think that the professionalism of the teacher is determined by his professional suitability; professional self -determination; self -development, that is, a focused formation in itself those qualities that are necessary for the implementation of professional activities. I am sure that the teacher working in modern conditions should have sufficient information about current trends in the development of pedagogical science, participate in various competitions, master classes, engage in self -education, actively participate in social activities and share their knowledge and acquired experience. I set myself the following tasks: 1. engage in self -education. 2. To disseminate your pedagogical experience (publishing articles and methodological developments); 3. Actively participate in competitions for teachers; 4. The active participation of pupils in competitions; 5. get acquainted with new forms of work with parents and implement them in my activity; 6. Actively participate (perform) at district methodological associations. 7. Actively participate in social activities, the reliability of the presented information I confirm the director of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Termen Elementary School" Derpin V. I. Information and analytical report

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