Pedagogical experience of a kindergarten teacher. Analysis

For children, kindergarten becomes a second home because they actually spend most of the day there. That is why it is extremely important that representatives of the teaching staff working with children have significant experience in such work. To do this, they will have to not only receive the appropriate education, but also accumulate their own practical experience through self-education, advanced training and the use of personal and borrowed progressive pedagogical practices.

A kindergarten teacher without work experience comes to work for the first time. Yesterday's graduate, who has only theoretical knowledge as a basis and a minimum amount of practical skills acquired during internship, finds himself in a real situation and in front of real children. He will have to put into practice the theoretical knowledge that he was given in a secondary or higher educational institution. As a result of his active work, he will be able to accumulate unique, inimitable experience as a kindergarten teacher, which will demonstrate his level as a teacher and personality.

Pedagogical experience of a kindergarten teacher. Analysis

Pedagogical experience as a preschool teacher

I believe that kindergarten is a second home for a child.
Not just a house, but a fabulous, interesting one, where love and friendship always reign. In this house for the kids there will always be something mysterious, unexplored, and fascinating. And in order for the child to be interested, we teachers need work experience, professional achievements, knowledge, patience and love for children. Then we can achieve absolute harmony between the child and the teacher. The goal of my work in kindergarten is the comprehensive development of preschool children through various types of children's activities. Objectives: - protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being; - Creating conditions for active practical and intellectual activity of the child, forming friendly relationships - Actively involving children in various types of children's activities: ( musical, visual, theatrical, play
) - Raising children in the spirit of a value-based, humane attitude towards nature and man;
— Creative organization of the educational process — Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents in the upbringing, training, and development of children. I implement my activities through pedagogical technologies: Personality-oriented technology . The basic principle of this technology is aimed at a trusting relationship between the teacher and children. Creating comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for the development of students. It is imperative to take into account the psychological characteristics of children and find an approach to each child. health-saving technology through a variety of children's activities. Dynamic pauses during educational activities, gymnastics for fingers and eyes, breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air, sporting events, invigorating gymnastics after sleep, hardening procedures. Game technology is implemented through game training, theatrical, didactic, and plot-based games. Project activities in working with children are collaborative in nature: children, parents and teacher. Project activities include a variety of children’s activities: search and research, creative, cognitive activities. Educational projects have been developed and successfully implemented: “Wintering Birds”, “Broad Maslenitsa”, “New Year”, “Road Rules”, “My Favorite City Tula”. The use of such technology taught me to clearly set goals and objectives, determine ways to achieve them, and plan the end result. I am actively introducing information and communication technologies : since the accompaniment of multimedia presentations in educational activities, with music, moving figures, bright pictures helps the child to create conditions for the pedagogical process in a much more interesting way. The use of all these pedagogical technologies in my teaching helps me make the process of solving problems orderly, consistent, thoughtful and conscious, allowing me to achieve the planned result. The pedagogical diagnostics I conducted showed positive dynamics in the development of children in all areas of educational activity. This diagnostic is carried out at the beginning and end of the academic year, which allows you to track the dynamics of mastering the educational program. When planning organized educational activities, I rely on the structure of a developmental lesson: 1) creating a problem situation; 2) identification of a significant problem; 3) putting forward a hypothesis; 4) management of independent search for children; 5) conducting reflection. Educational activities are organized in various forms of work with children: Quest game, integrated activity, lesson using psycho-gymnastics. I pay a large role in my activities to the individual process of educational activities. During individual lessons, I try to consolidate the material covered, using gaming technologies, problem situations that the child can independently solve. To visually help the child, I offer cards, stencils, tablets, and geometric sets. Independent children's activities are very important for a child's development. During independent play activities, children's interest in the world around them increases. We must not forget that the leading activity in the preschool period is play. Play for a child is an emotional release. In order to increase professional competence on the problem of developing abilities, I chose the topic of self-education: “ Moral and patriotic education of older preschoolers through the formation of love for the small Motherland
Goal: Increasing professional competence with systematizing knowledge on issues of moral and patriotic education of older preschoolers through love for the small Motherland Objectives: 1. To form feelings of attachment to your home, kindergarten, friends in kindergarten, your loved ones. 2. To form a feeling of love for your native land, your small homeland on the basis of familiarization with your native nature, culture and traditions. 3. Form ideas about Russia as a native country. 4. Foster patriotism, respect for the cultural past of Russia 5. Foster civic-patriotic feelings through the study of state symbols. The success of my work in developing children’s abilities is confirmed by the presence of positive dynamics based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics. In my work, I assign a special role to close cooperation with the parents
of my students.
I pay great attention to finding new forms of work to attract parents to participate in the educational activities of children. Work with parents is based on the principle of a trusting relationship between teacher and parent. Such forms of work as sports festivals and research projects have been positively recommended. The parents of the group, together with their children, actively participate in various competitions and exhibitions: the annual exhibitions “Come Visit Us, Autumn”, “New Year’s Carnival of Christmas Tree Decorations”, “Postcards to a Veteran”; social actions; “Let's feed the birds in winter”, “I follow traffic rules”, municipal level competitions dedicated to “Police Service”, “I Draw Victory”. In the hallway there are always visual materials, consultations, moving folders, and children's work. I pay great attention to organizing the subject-spatial development environment
of the group.
The group is divided into centers: cognitive-research, productive - creative activity, health, recreation area. The organization of the developmental environment in the group complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Free access to games, manuals, and books allows you to effectively develop the individual characteristics of each child. I summarize and disseminate my own teaching experience at different levels.
I have a personal blog on a social network where a portfolio and teaching materials are posted: Educational and Methodological Office (), Academy "ART - Talent", my own website on the Multilesson platform.

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Description of work experience

Description of teacher's work experience

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3" in Biysk

Mezentseva Natalya Anatolyevna

In its activities to implement the basic general education program in all areas of children’s development in each age period, it has achieved stable positive indicators of students’ mastery of the basic educational program in accordance with the federal state standard of preschool education. The results of pedagogical monitoring of children’s achievement of the planned and final results of mastering the Educational program over two academic years confirm the positive dynamics of the development of children’s physical, intellectual and personal qualities. In the 2012-2013 academic year, these qualities were formed at a high (sufficient) level in 35% of children in the middle group; in the 2013-2014 academic year, 65% of children in the senior group, which indicates that children have successfully mastered the requirements of the basic general education program of preschool education.

I organize the subject-spatial environment in accordance with the federal state standard and the requirements for the creation of a subject-based developmental environment, ensuring the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education, taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas. Materials and equipment for one educational area are used by children in the implementation of other areas. The group created a play and study area. She enriched and expanded the cognitive-speech, health-preserving, gaming environment through the creation of centers: speech, mathematics, art activity center, theater and music, physical education, fiction center, equipped a mini-laboratory for experimental activities, etc. I filled them with materials and equipment that create an optimally rich, holistic, multifunctional transforming environment and ensure the implementation of the basic general education program in the joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments. I provide children with such materials and equipment, the use of which does not pose a threat to their physical and mental health.

The areas of my activity are implemented through the use of pedagogical technologies, the main ones being:

Personality-oriented technology is implemented through psychological support, organization of the educational process based on deep respect for the child’s personality, taking into account the characteristics of his individual development, treating him as a conscious, full participant in the educational process.

Personally-oriented interaction is the basis for all subsequent technologies and contributes to the formation of all the integrative qualities of the portrait of a kindergarten graduate;

Health-saving technology is implemented through the organization of dynamic breaks, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, gymnastics: finger, eye, breathing, invigorating; physical education classes, healthy lifestyle classes, etc.

Health-saving technology contributes to the formation of a positive socio-psychological climate in a group of children; it can be used in the course of direct educational activities and independently as a joint activity of the teacher and children;

Game technology is implemented through such methods as: games with rules, outdoor games, dramatization games, plot-role-playing games, director's games, fairy tale therapy, creating problematic situations with elements of self-esteem.

Game technology requires proper organization of space, preliminary work with children at the initial stage of implementation, a set of psychological and pedagogical methods and techniques;

4. Project activities in the educational process of preschool educational institutions are in the nature of cooperation, in which children and teachers of preschool educational institutions take part, and parents and other family members are also involved. Parents can not only be sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their teaching experience, and experience a sense of satisfaction from their successes and the successes of the child;

5. I use information and communication technologies (ICT) to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

Methodological topic: “Development of cognitive activity of preschool children in the process of children's experimentation.”

In light of recent changes in education, I revised the content of the work on this issue.

Currently, the country is actively undergoing a process of qualitative renewal of education, its cultural, developmental, and personal potential is strengthening. Modern society needs an active personality, capable of cognitive and active self-realization, of demonstrating research activity and creativity in solving vital problems. The fundamental foundations of such a personality must be laid in preschool childhood.

Preschool education is designed to ensure the self-development and self-realization of the child, to promote the development of research activity and initiative of the preschooler. The scientific search for effective means of developing the research activity of preschool children is a pressing problem that requires theoretical and practical solutions. Research activity contributes to the development of a preschooler’s subjective position in understanding the world around him, thereby ensuring readiness for school. It should be emphasized that it is in senior preschool age that important prerequisites are created for the targeted development of children’s research activity: developing thinking capabilities, the formation of cognitive interests, the development of productive and creative activity, the expansion of interaction of older preschool children with the outside world, the formation of elementary planning and forecasting, and hypotheticalness. All this creates a real basis for developing the research skills of an older preschooler and improving his research activity. Among the possible means of developing the research activity of preschoolers, children's experimentation deserves special attention. Developing as an activity aimed at cognition and transformation of objects of the surrounding reality, children's experimentation helps to broaden their horizons, enrich the experience of independent activity, and self-development of the child.

At the same time, until now, there has not been a holistic concept for the development of research activity of older preschoolers in experimentation, revealing the essence of research activity, its structure and pedagogical foundations that ensure the dynamics of its formation in the educational process of a modern preschool institution. This fact significantly complicates the realization of the age-related potential of a preschooler’s research activity. This is confirmed by an analysis of practice, which shows that in children’s experimentation there is not always an increase in research activity and the child’s desire to move on to solving more complex, interesting problems. Often, despite the presence of “experimentation zones” in preschool institutions, children’s experimentation is formal, situational in nature, and preschoolers have a low level of research activity.

As a result, the developmental possibilities of children's experimentation remain unrealized in the practice of a preschool educational institution. In fact, the significant problem of interaction between kindergarten and family in the development of experimentation and research activity at the stage of senior preschool age has not received sufficient reflection. All this indicates that the issues of effective use of experimentation as a pedagogical means of developing the research activity of older preschoolers have not yet been fully resolved.

There is a contradiction between the need to develop the research activity of older preschoolers in the actual practice of preschool education and the insufficient development of the content and methodological foundations for the process of developing the research activity of preschoolers in conditions of various experimentation.

The insufficient development of the problem of developing the research activity of older preschoolers in experimentation and its undoubted relevance for the theory and practice of modern preschool education served as the basis for choosing a methodological topic.

The effectiveness of work on the methodological topic:

Organized by:

an enriched subject-development environment aimed at developing independent experimentation, corresponding to the principles of comfort, variability, functionality, taking into account the interests and preferences of preschoolers.

For this problem, I have developed an educational and methodological kit, which includes:

promising - thematic planning for the development of cognitive activity of preschool children in the process of children's experimentation; practical instructions for organizing search and cognitive activities; a series of experiments with inanimate objects.

Made by:

“research apron” and cards. These simple devices allow you to guide your child’s research work; tables with research algorithms; a journal of research, observation diaries for recording the results of experiments and experiments.

Designed by:

Card index of scientific games for preschoolers; Card file of experiences and experiments.

I promote this work among parents:

Visual information in the parent corner. Consultation on the topic: “The role of the family in the development of cognitive activity of preschool children.” Memo “What not to do and what to do to maintain children’s interest in cognitive experimentation.” Recommendations: “Spend time at home with children.”

Joint leisure activity “Discovery Club”: parents, teachers and children demonstrate experiments and solve problematic problems.

Guided by the principle of consistency in the educational process, she determined the stages of complication of search and cognitive activity of preschoolers.

The following topics became the object of children's experimentation:

“What is under our feet?”; "Water Sorceress"; "Invisible Air" "Magic Electricity"; "Wonderful Attraction" "The magic of light and color."

During joint experimentation with children, we set a goal, together with them we determined the stages of work, and drew conclusions. During the activity, children were taught to identify a sequence of actions and reflect them in speech when answering questions like: What did we do? What did we get? Why? We recorded the children's assumptions and helped them schematically reflect the course and results of the experiment. The assumptions and results of the experiment were compared, and conclusions were drawn based on guiding questions: What were you thinking? What happened? Why? They taught the children to find similarities and differences between objects. At the end of the series of experiments, we discussed with the children which of them had learned something new, and sketched out a diagram of the general experiment. In the process of experimentation, children were convinced of the need to accept and set a goal, analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight significant features and aspects, compare various facts, make assumptions and come to a conclusion, record stages of actions and results graphically.

Children actively participated in the proposed experiments and willingly acted independently with objects, identifying their features. They showed a desire to experiment at home: to study various household items and their effects, which was clarified in conversations with parents and children. Some children, together with their parents, sketched the progress and results of experiments conducted at home in their notebooks. Then, together with all the children, they discussed their work.

She has repeatedly shared her experience of work on this topic with teachers of MBDOU d/s No. 3, city, region, country:

At the methodological exhibition “Formation of readiness of educational subjects for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard” in the educational district “Biysky”, at the All-Russian Scientific and Production Complex she made a report. She published scientific and methodological works in the collection of materials of the II International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference. Methodological developments on the educational portal of teachers “Network portal of educators” -/

My students and I take part in various competitions and exhibitions held at the level of MBDOU d\s No. 3, as well as at the municipal, regional, and federal levels:

urban "Smart Men and Women". “Drawing competition dedicated to healthy lifestyle.” “Conference of preschool children “Nature Experts”. All-Russian competition of research projects and creative works “We are the heirs of the science city.” “I am a researcher” in the “Natural Science” category. All-Russian competition of children's research works and creative projects "Children of War". All-Russian competition of decorative and applied arts "Talantokha". I am a laureate of the All-Russian competition “Pedagogical Innovations” in the category “Child in a High-Tech Society.” Laureate of the VII All-Russian creative competition in the category “Pedagogical projects”. Winner of the city competition “Spring of Victory” in the nomination “Best methodological development of GCD notes” Participant of the city competition among teachers “Sorceress Game!” Winner in the category “I give my heart to children” of the city competition “Teacher of the Year”.

Awarded a Certificate of Honor for many years of conscientious work, achievement of high results, dedication to the profession, and professionalism.

I take an active part in the life of MBDOU d/s No. 3 and am the chairman of the trade union organization of the preschool educational institution.

Thank you for your attention!

Department of Education

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Development of cognitive and research activities of older preschoolers through “Travel on the Map” Koleva I.M. teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" of the city of Sudogda"

ICT technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist as a means of cognitive development of preschool children. Glazunova S.V. teacher-psychologist MBDOU "Kindergarten "Golden Key" in the village of Muromtsevo"

Moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age through familiarization with the cultural and historical values ​​of their native land. Danilova T.V. teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten "Polyanka" in the village of Andreevo" Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7

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2017-2018 academic year

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Pedagogical experience of Khrustaleva O.V., primary school teacher of the private educational institution “St. Catherine’s Orthodox School in Sudogdy”

2016-2017 academic year

Pedagogical experience of Elena Mikhailovna Pavlukhina, additional education teacher at MBU DO CVR "Choreography - as an effective means of developing psychomotor functions of children of primary school age" Appendices

Pedagogical experience of Pozdeeva I.A., primary school teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Krasnobogatyrskaya Secondary School” - “Development of subjectivity of a junior schoolchild through an activity-based approach in the educational process”

Pedagogical experience of O.A. Prokhorova, teacher of the “Solnyshko” kindergarten in the city of Sudogda.”

Pedagogical experience of Pronina G.G., additional education teacher at “Kindergarten No. 2 in the village of Andreevo”

Experience of Tarasova M.N. 2022

Generalization of the work experience of a teacher and speech therapist Vizgunova S.V.

Current pedagogical experience of Ovchinnikova N.V., primary school teacher of the Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2.

Current teaching experience of O. A. Mitrofanova, teacher of mathematics and physics at the Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2. “The use of gaming technologies in mathematics lessons in grades 5-7 within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard”

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Pedagogical experience of Nikitina M.V., music teacher of the Moshokskaya Secondary School

2015-2016 academic year

Pedagogical experience of Turkina E.K., teacher-organizer of life safety of the MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Pedagogical experience of Kireeva A.S., physical education teacher of MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Pedagogical experience of Rodionova S.V. primary school teachers MBOU "Muromtsevskaya Secondary School"

Pedagogical experience “Network extracurricular project as a means of achieving meta-subject learning outcomes” by a teacher of computer science and mathematics at the MBOU “Vorovskaya Secondary School” Lvova A.G.

Group pedagogical experience “Formation of moral and patriotic feelings of older preschoolers through the use of the design method” by teachers of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 3 of Sudogda” Lakhatkina R.K., Kolesova E.V.

Pedagogical experience of Mikhailov R.Yu., teacher-organizer of life safety MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 1"

Implementation of the materials of the generalized pedagogical experience “Extracurricular work in English as a means of enhancing students’ cognitive activity within the framework of a systemic activity approach” by English teacher O.A. Malinkina MBOU “Krasnobogatyrskaya Secondary School” - 2015.

Extracurricular work in English as a means of enhancing students’ cognitive activity within the framework of a systemic activity approach - 2015.

Applications - 2015

Pedagogical experience of I.B. Kerov, technology teacher at MBOU “Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2” - 2015.

Pedagogical experience of Glazunova S.V., teacher-psychologist of the MDOU “Kindergarten “Golden Key” in the village of Muromtsevo - 2015.

2014-2015 academic year

Pedagogical experience of Runova I.V. social teacher MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Pedagogical experience Bolshakova N.Yu. German language teacher MBOU "Moshokskaya Secondary School"

Pedagogical experience of Barinova S.A. mathematics teacher of MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2", Dubrovnoy Zh.A. English language teacher MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2", Smirnova M.L. technology teacher MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Pedagogical experience Pchelkina E.A., teacher-speech therapist, MDOU “Kindergarten No. 6 in Sudogda”

Pedagogical experience of N.Yu. Biryukova, English language teacher at the Muromtsevskaya Secondary School

Pedagogical experience of Smirnova M.D., educational psychologist at the Sudogodskaya Secondary School

Generalization of the experience of Mosin Yu.N. Chemistry teacher MBOU "Ilyinskaya Secondary School"

Pedagogical experience of Saltykova I.V. teacher-speech therapist MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Pedagogical experience of Zaitseva E.M., teacher-psychologist of the Moshokskaya Secondary School

2013-2014 academic year

Pedagogical experience of T.V. Brusova, chemistry teacher of the Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2

Pedagogical experience of Obrazchikova N.V., geography teacher of the Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2

Pedagogical experience of Pavlova A.V., biology teacher at the Muromtsevskaya Secondary School

Pedagogical experience Zotova A.A., primary school teacher MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Pedagogical experience of Isaeva I.N., senior teacher of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 6 in Sudogda”

Pedagogical experience of Zhegalina E.Zh., senior teacher of the preschool educational institution “kindergarten No. 1 in Sudogda”

Pedagogical experience of E.F. Grigorieva, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Chamerevskaya Secondary School"

Pedagogical experience of Mochalova I.N., physical education instructor at the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 6 in Sudogda”

Pedagogical experience of Vyalova M.G., teacher of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 2 of the village. Andreevo"

Pedagogical experience of Dmitrieva E.V., teacher-speech therapist of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 2 “Polyanka”, Sudogda”

Pedagogical experience of Shishkova I.M., teacher-speech therapist of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 3 in Sudogda”

Pedagogical experience of Vizgunova V.G., physical education instructor at the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 7 in Sudogda”

Pedagogical experience of E.Yu. Korochkina, teacher of the MDOU “Kindergarten “Rodnichok” in the village of Vyatkino”

Pedagogical experience of Bagrova S.V., teacher-psychologist of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Vorovskaya Secondary School”

Pedagogical experience of Martynova E.V., teacher-psychologist MBOU "Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Pedagogical experience of Ivanova A.Yu., physics teacher of the Moshokskaya Secondary School

Pedagogical experience of Novikova A.V., physics teacher of the Sudogodskaya Secondary School

Pedagogical experience Khorosheva N.Yu., primary school teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Vorovskaya Secondary School”

Pedagogical experience of Gurenko E.A., chemistry teacher of the Sudogodskaya Secondary School No. 1

Pedagogical experience of T.V. Gusenkova, German language teacher at the Ulybyshevskaya Secondary School

Pedagogical experience of Savik N.V., teacher-psychologist of the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education "Center for Extracurricular Activities"

Pedagogical experience of Morozova E.A., teacher psychologist at the Ulybyshevskaya Secondary School

Pedagogical experience of F.A. Lakhatkina, German language teacher at the Muromtsevskaya Secondary School

Generalization of experience of Smolyakova O.A. Chemistry teacher MBOU "Ulybyshevskaya Secondary School"

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