Didactic games for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten

Games for memory development

You also need to pay attention to developing the memory of your 3-4-year-old miracle. In the future, this will have a positive effect on easily mastering a lot of school material. And then success in learning is guaranteed.

Game "Supermarket"

The game “Supermarket” implies that the parent gives the child a task, during which he must purchase certain goods that were discussed earlier. With each game it is worth expanding your shopping list.

Game "Clean"

“Cleaning” is a game whose rules are as follows: it is necessary to give time for the child to look around the room and remember as much of the placement of objects as possible. After which, the baby goes to another room, and the parent makes changes to the arrangement of some things. When going back, the child should guess what has changed in the room.

Live coloring pages

You can offer kids live coloring books, the characters of which can be brought to life. How much surprise the children will have! Yes, not only for them, but also for adults! If you are not familiar with live coloring, I invite you to watch a short video.

And you can also download live coloring pages for free here.

Free live coloring pages

Educational games for 3-4 years

Literally everything is interesting to a 3-4 year old toddler. He is ready to draw, sculpt, assemble construction sets and puzzles, learn rhymes and songs. Games for the development of children 3-4 years old will help parents systematize their child’s leisure time and direct age-related characteristics in the right direction. They effectively teach the baby, develop intelligence, horizons, memory, improve the speech apparatus, develop perseverance, and the ability to concentrate.

Speech therapy games for children 3-4 years old

A three-year-old's vocabulary includes more than 1,500 words, the child remembers rhymes and songs well, and constantly asks questions. Problems may arise with the pronunciation of certain sounds, with endings and prepositions, and with the correct composition of stories. The reason for the incorrect reproduction of individual sounds is considered to be imperfection of the articulatory apparatus, which includes the larynx, tongue, lips, and jaws. Articulation gymnastics for children 3-4 years old is aimed at eliminating such shortcomings. You can add a playful flavor to your activities with the help of visual pictures.

They expand children's vocabulary, develop observation skills, teach them to generalize, find objects by their description, classify, and see the inconsistency of word games for children 3-4 years old. Among the interesting and entertaining ones are the following:

  1. “Tell me which one?”
    Different objects are placed in the box, the child takes them out one by one and names the signs.
  2. “Who can do what?”
    The baby is called an object, an animal, a person (profession), and he must answer what he can do.
  3. "Extra".
    For fun, geometric shapes of different colors are prepared. The task can be different, for example, a child must determine that the red square is definitely the odd one out among the green shapes.

Educational games for children 3-4 years old

The comprehensive development of a child implies his familiarity with natural phenomena, processes and changes that occur around him. It is especially important at this age to teach a child to notice and admire the diversity of shapes and the riot of colors of nature. For further study and correct perception, a preschooler must know the basic sensory standards - these are systems of measures of weight, size, length, direction, textures, sound, smell, color and geometric shapes. You can convey and reinforce this fundamental material using sensory games for children 3-4 years old:

  1. “Sort it out by color.”
    For game actions it is necessary to prepare objects and figures of different colors. The baby's task is to sort them by color.
  2. "What's in the purse?"
    In a small bag you need to place objects that differ in shape and size and feel different to the touch. The child, closing his eyes, should try to determine what exactly came into his hands.

At preschool age, it is too early to introduce a child to environmental problems, but it’s time to instill in him a love of nature, teach him to care for it, and develop a sense of responsibility and compassion. To make it easier for the baby to accept himself as a whole with the world around him, he must: be well oriented in time, know the causes and consequences of natural phenomena. Environmental games for children 3-4 years old will help increase a preschooler’s knowledge in this direction:

  1. “Guess what I ate.”
    The game uses a taste analyzer, reinforcing the concepts of fruits and vegetables, what grows where. First, fruits or vegetables are cut into small pieces, then the child’s eyes are closed and allowed to taste, the baby must guess what he ate.
  2. "Who lives where?".
    There are many variations of this fun - you can use labyrinths through which the child must lead the animal to its abode, or you can use a tablet with a rotating arrow in the middle. The purpose of the game actions is to consolidate material about the places of residence of various animals.

Intellectual games for children 3-4 years old

The ability to think logically, analyze, and count is the highest human superiority. It is genetically based, but requires development. From an early age you need to work with your child in this direction. Mathematical games for children 3-4 years old introduce kids to the basics of counting, numbers, and the concept of more and less:

  1. "We're setting the table".
    The game allows you to combine two things at once - help your mother in the kitchen and learn to count. A child can prepare the required amount of cutlery, bring two carrots, three apples - tasks can be invented on the fly.
  2. "Fold a square."
    Ten multi-colored squares of cardboard - each cut in random order. The kid must reconstruct and count how many pieces each figure consists of.

Logic games for children 3-4 years old encourage the child to find solutions to assigned problems, compare, contrast:

  1. "Leaf fall."
    For this game for children 3-4 years old you will need tree leaves, you can take maple, oak, birch. Their outline is outlined on paper. The baby must guess where each piece of paper is depicted without attaching the last one to the drawing.
  2. "Scullion".
    Fun that does not require costs or special training. All the pots in the house are laid out on the floor, and lids are placed on a pile next to them. The preschooler must select the missing part of each container, taking into account the color and size.
  3. “Correct the mistake.”
    Using pre-prepared “wrong” pictures, the child is asked to figure out what’s wrong with them. For example, a blue bear cub pecks at grains, the child must notice that bears have a different color, and this animal does not feast on grains.

Role-playing games for children 3-4 years old

By bringing dolls and animals to life, and acting out life situations, children learn to interact in a team, find solutions to assigned problems, and express their mood and interests. By influencing this area of ​​a child’s activity, adults can discern and correct mistakes made in raising a child, instill generally accepted norms of behavior, and form the right habits and attitude towards others. Role-playing games for children 3-4 years old guide the development of a small personality in the right direction:

  1. "Daughters and mothers."
    A timeless plot - little princesses always want to try on the role of an adult mother who takes care of her baby, feeds her, takes her for a walk, puts her to bed.
  2. "Holiday".
    Games for children 3-4 years old, dedicated to the holiday theme, are popular with boys and girls. The little ones happily prepare gifts for the birthday people, help set the table, and then begin the main delicacy.
  3. "Home construction".
    A plot that allows you to expand your child’s horizons with knowledge about construction equipment and professions. The little ones are involved in the process of creating a beautiful interior and home comfort, the boys try on the role of the head of the family.

Finger games for children 3 4 years old

By training their hands, children develop muscles, fine motor skills, memory, attention, and such exercises have a positive effect on speech. Finger games (3-4 years) are dramatizations of rhymed stories and fairy tales, where the main characters are fingers. The latter perform simple movements: bend, unbend, connect with each other, following the plot.

Board games for children 3-4 years old

Spending time with adults gives a child happiness and joy. Board games for 3-4 years old are great for shared leisure time:

  1. "Walkers."
    There are many variations of this kind of fun, but the essence is the same: each player throws a die and, in accordance with the value rolled, moves towards the goal.
  2. "Janga".
    From a series of games for children 3-4 years old that are interesting to all family members. The rules are very simple - a tower is built from wooden blocks, each level consists of three components, the floors are laid perpendicular to each other. This is the preparatory stage, after which the game actions begin. They are as follows: in one turn, players pull out one block from the lower levels and lay it on top of the top (you cannot pull out blocks from it). This continues until the tower falls.

Musical games for children 3-4 years old

Useful and exciting activities for kids can be varied. Children especially like games for children with music. With their help, babies learn to control their movements and feel a given rhythm. Fun involves a competitive element, so it is more suitable for large groups of children. At home with your child, you can simply play music and introduce him to musical instruments:

  1. "Rain."
    The adult invites the child to reproduce the sound of rain using cubes, but clarifies that it will be either strong or small. The baby must grasp the tempo and pitch of the sound.
  2. “What instrument does the doll play?”
    Parents are preparing musical instruments, a doll will play them - they name each one, they reproduce the sound. Then the toy hides and plays one by one - the child guesses which instrument.

Didactic games for preschoolers 3-4 years old

The presence of a game situation, rules, assessments, and a certain sequence distinguishes did. games for children 3-4 years old from other fun. Younger preschoolers are easily involved in such a learning process and involuntarily remember the necessary information. Didactic classes organize children, teach them to interact with peers and adults.

Montessori games for 3 4 years old

Maria Montessori's method involves the child's active participation in everyday activities. You can invite your child to help sweep the floor, wipe the dust, and water the flowers. He will also find other Montessori games fascinating:

  1. "Funny clothespins."
    The child should add pre-cut blanks from cardboard (sun, hedgehog, Christmas tree) with needles from clothespins.
  2. "Magic sieve"
    Separating semolina from rice using a sieve is within the capabilities of a younger preschooler. This activity will give him a lot of pleasure, and the result will be equivalent to a real trick.

Features of children of this age

The characteristics of children aged 3-4 years are considered to be sociability, curiosity, and the desire to be given as much attention as possible. But psychologists also say that from the age of three, a child acquires such qualities as capriciousness, disobedience and stubbornness. Thanks to games, these problems become easily solved. While playing, it is easier for a child to establish connections with the world around him, with adults, and he also develops the ability for internal dialogue, which is required for productive thinking.

But it is important to once again note the fact that this age is approximate, because one child can cope with a certain task earlier and better, and another a little later. All children are different. And among other things, your child may not like one educational game at all, while another will become his favorite. In this matter, you can’t do without experiments.

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