Children are engaged
Card index of didactic games and game exercises on FEMP for the senior group
Didactic games for mathematical development The presented card index of didactic games in mathematics is recommended for preschool teachers
Modeling mass
Modeling from plasticine Types, methods and techniques of modeling in kindergarten
What are the benefits of modeling? The human psyche continues to remain very poorly understood. Despite many discoveries
Board-printed didactic game “Exploring the Universe” or “Space Travel”
Game - lesson for Cosmonautics Day in the preparatory group Final game - lesson “Travel”
Methods of teaching children 2–3 years old with cut-out pictures and building materials
Methodology “Cut pictures”: description, application, interpretation.
Insert pictures An insert picture is a picture with cut out parts. You need to find the missing pieces and put them in
Card index of environmental games for preschoolers card index on the topic
Ecological games can be used in working with children of middle and senior preschool age.
Notes on modeling "My funny ringing ball" for children of the middle group
Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group. Summary of a lesson on modeling in the middle group “Teddy Bear” outline of a lesson on appliqué, modeling (middle group) on the topic
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Summary of GCD for modeling
photo 18626_2
Peculiarities of development of children of the second junior group of kindergarten
The nursery group of a kindergarten is usually attended by children from 2 to 3 years old. This
Graphic dictations by cells download and print for free
November 09, 2016 Sveta Averyanova The formation of graphic skills is necessary for the development of writing, drawing,
Card index of didactic games for the development of thinking and speech in the senior and preparatory groups
Diagnostics of play activities Educational activities in kindergarten are carefully analyzed. Moreover, the analysis of the components of educational
Card index of didactic games for older children
Didactic games (DI) are one of the frequently used methods of educational work in preschools.
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