Synopsis of directly organized educational activities for children of the second group of early age On the topic: Reading the fairy tale “Masha the Bear”

Scientific style

An elderly man and woman lived in a small village. A ten-year-old granddaughter came to visit them.

Together with her friends, Masha (that was her granddaughter’s name) went to the forest area. Medium-sized shrubs gave way to other types of trees.

It was difficult for the girls to maintain the required distance, so after a few hours Masha realized that there was no one nearby. Masha was left completely alone.

After some time, Masha discovered a dilapidated building at the edge of the forest. In this room she saw a bear, fat, shaggy, with short crooked legs. This animal belongs to the class of mammals from the order of predators.

Lives mainly in dense and impenetrable forests. The bear invited the girl to stay at his apartment. Masha was forced to agree and performed difficult household duties every day.

Having lived like this for a whole month, the girl decided to secretly smuggle two types of bakery products (potatoes and apples) to her place of registration, with the goal of leaving this place.

She deceived the animal by hiding in a small box measuring 1 meter by 90 centimeters, disguised with baked goods she had made.

Throughout the journey, Maria carried on a conversation with the bear, thereby supporting his misconceptions about her whereabouts.

When the bear arrived at its destination, it was immediately driven away by the villagers.

So Masha returned home safely and met with her relatives.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children to come up and stand in a semicircle.

-Teacher: Guys, look who came to visit you today!

- Teacher: he came to you for a reason, but to listen to a fairy tale .

Educator: Well done, guys! We remembered all .

-Teacher: Guys, we completely forgot, the bear came to us to listen to a fairy tale . Do you want me to tell you about what happened to one little girl who got lost in the forest?

Educator: Then sit down and I will tell the Russian folk tale Masha and the Bear


-Teacher: I think that the bear will listen to this fairy tale .

I invite the bear to “sit down”

on a chair.

Tell a fairy tale with illustrations and talk with children.

-Teacher: Tell me, with whom Mashenka went into the forest?

-Educator: What happened to Mashenka?

— What did the bear say when he returned home?

— What did Masha to outsmart the bear ?

-Teacher Guys, you are probably a little tired, let's do some physical education.

has a big house (raise your arms up, rise on your toes)

Our bear went home , (step from foot to foot)

And behind him comes the bunny (jumping)

We are seeing off the animals (farewell waves)

And we continue the activity (children sit down)

-Teacher. : Now let's play this fairy tale . Want to? First of all, remember what the bear when he was carrying the box?

I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie...

-Teacher. : What did Masha ?

Don't sit on a tree stump

Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa...

The teacher chooses a child for the role of Masha, another for the role of the bear , helps them get into character (put on a hat and scarf, hangs a box for the bear )

. The rest of the children are spectators.

We act out the episode “The bear carries a box to grandparents”

. The teacher helps to give the children’s movements figurative expressiveness (the bear is tired, it’s hard for him to carry the box, Mashenka speaks cunningly, slyly, cheerfully). And this way you can play with 1-2 pairs of children.

At the end, the teacher draws attention to the teddy bear toy. He says that he liked the fairy tale and how the guys played the fairy tale . The bear will stay with you in the group to play.

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Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second group of early age. Reading the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Elena Shepeleva

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second group of early age. Reading the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second group of early age.

Reading the fairy tale " Masha and the Bear "


Direction: cognitive and speech development .

Educational field: cognition.

Direct educational activity: Reading fiction

Goal: To develop children's interest in fiction

through a fairy tale .

Educational objectives: Introduce children to Russian folk tales . Learn to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale , understand and evaluate the character and actions of the characters, and remember the sequence of events. Strengthen the ability to answer questions based on the text.

Developmental objectives : Develop children's ability to listen to a fairy tale , empathize with the heroes of the fairy tale ; develop mental cognitive processes, auditory and visual attention, figurative memory, figurative movements through play and dramatization; thinking, imagination, curiosity.

Educational objectives: To instill interest in Russian folk tales .

Integration of educational areas:

-preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children: regulate the change of activities through finger exercises and games.

– enrich children’s speech with fairy-tale vocabulary , adjectives that characterize fairy-tale characters ;

- develop free communication with peers and adults.

- to develop such qualities in children as empathy, responsiveness, justice, kindness;

Equipment: Book Masha and the Bear

, toy - bear, basket with pies

- reading Russian folk tales followed by a discussion of the characters and actions of the heroes;

- work on understanding ancient words from fairy tale ;

- examination of illustrations from Russian folk tales accompanied by conversation;

— watching video recordings of Russian folk tales according to the program ;

— P/i “At the bear in the forest


In a formal business style

A married couple settled in one village. A minor granddaughter lived with her grandparents. The old people looked after her. The family was financially poor, their income was below the subsistence level.

The only property they had was a wooden house in the form of a hut, which was subject to demolition, and a plot of land with a total area of ​​two hundred square meters.

My grandparents had senile dementia. When the granddaughter went into the forest with her friends and did not return for a long time, the search for the girl was not organized or was not carried out at all.

For a very long time, the granddaughter lived with the animal, which was engaged in the exploitation of her labor. The girl was engaged in housekeeping.

There were no hygienic conditions in the animal's home. There were mice in the room. Disinfection, disinsection and deratization had not been carried out since the owner of the property purchased the property, so the girl lived in unsanitary conditions.

This situation requires immediate action. It is necessary to schedule a hearing between the sanitary and epidemiological station, the police and the juvenile affairs commission.

Progress of the lesson:

Do you want to hear what happened to one little girl who got lost in the forest? Then listen to the fairy tale " Masha and the Bear "


The teacher reads a fairy tale , showing illustrative material as the reading progresses.

Educator: tell me how Mashenka went into the forest.

— What did the bear say when he returned home? (Children's answers)

— What did Mashenka come up with to outsmart the bear ? (Children's answers?

— Where did grandparents find their Mashenka? (Children's answers)

Physical education lesson: game “Blow up your bubble”


Educator: Guys, let's play a fairy tale ! But first, let's remember what the bear when he was carrying the box?

Children: I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

Educator: What did Mashenka answer?

Children: I see, I see, don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie, bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!

1. At will, Masha and the bear , the scene of how the bear collects a box .

2. Another pair of heroes is chosen to improvise how Masha cleaned up the bear in the hut and his return home from the forest, the first meeting of the heroes.

3. Choose grandmother, grandfather, bear and Masha . A scene of how the grandfather and woman cried, and the bear brought a box with his granddaughter. Surprise moment: The rest of the children are offered the role of the dogs that chased the bear . Children chase a bear in a circle around the “village”


Reflection: guys, is it a good fairy tale ? (children's answers)

Which characters did you like the most? (children's answers)
See you soon in a new fairy tale !

Case technology. Russian folktale. Case technology is a technology for studying phenomena based on specific situations. The essence of technology is the study of general patterns.

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