Regulations on open displays of directly organized activities in preschool educational institutions.

Open viewings in preschool educational institutions

Home / NEWS / Open viewings in preschool educational institutions

December 1, 2020

The preschool educational institution completed viewing open events held within the framework of the pedagogical council on the topic: “Preserving and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions.”

Open classes and educational events are one of the effective forms of organizing methodological work in our kindergarten, in which all teachers - both beginners and experienced - take part.

Educator Evur O.I. conducted a lesson in an early age group, in the form of a didactic game “Personal Hygiene Items”. Children looked at personal hygiene items, said their name and why a person needs them

Teacher Mandzhieva D.E. Conducted an open lesson in the junior-middle group on the topic: “Country of Health.” The students enjoyed playing games in which they named harmful and healthy foods and identified personal hygiene items by touch.

The lesson for the older preparatory group was conducted by teacher Pamya A.B. on the topic: “Journey to the Land of Health.” The children traveled, stopping at the following stations: “Cleanliness is the key to health”, “Vitaminnaya”, “Sportivnaya”, “Mood”. The students told why they need to wash their hands, examined them through a microscope, named vegetables and fruits, where vitamins are and what vitamins A, B and C are needed for, and explained why they need to play sports.

An open demonstration of physical education classes was conducted by the head of physical education, Evur O.I. Theme of the lesson: “School for Young Cosmonauts.” The teacher used health-saving technologies, eye exercises, breathing exercises, and formed in children a healthy lifestyle and a desire to take care of their health.

During open screenings, teachers demonstrated to their colleagues their positive and innovative experience aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and developing motor skills in preschool children. Open viewings of classes were held in a playful way, using modern educational technologies.


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