Notes on drawing lessons using non-traditional image techniques.

Galina Klokova

Notes on drawing lessons using non-traditional image techniques.

Art activities using non-traditional

image technician in a preparatory school group.

Prepared by G. A. Klokova, teacher of the 1st category of kindergarten No. 25 “Ryabinushka” in Michurinsk, Tambov region.

Theme: “Autumn bouquet.”

Goal: development of creative abilities through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques : “leaf print”.

Objectives: - continue to introduce the genres of fine art (still life)


— learn to mix paints directly on the leaves;

— improve drawing skills using leaf printing and plasticine printing techniques;

— develop compositional skills.

Equipment: sheets of paper, watercolor paints, brushes, leaves and plant seeds, plasticine.

Summary of a lesson using non-traditional teaching methods for speech development “Igrachka”

Summary of educational activities using non-traditional teaching methods for speech development in the senior group with children with general speech underdevelopment

Goal: Expansion and activation of verbal communication.


• improve the grammatical structure of speech


• learn to select action words, select nouns for adjectives,

develop logical thinking


develop proper breathing



visual and auditory attention,

• to develop the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, and independence.

Equipment: aroma lamp, candle, subject pictures, subject pictures, wooden puzzles.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

1. Using aromatherapy


Children inhale the smells of spring flowers and herbs. (oil burner)


2. Breathing exercises.

- inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth;

- inhale through the mouth – exhale through the nose;

- inhale through the nose, exhale through one nostril, the other nostril;

3. Using a candle

, game

Children sit on the carpet in a circle around a candle.

- Guys, you know that in the spring everything comes to life, our candle also comes to life (the speech therapist lights the candle)


Children feign surprise. Children look at the flame and are asked to pretend to be happy. Children are then asked to close their eyes (music plays)


Children open their eyes and answer the speech therapist’s questions:

-What did you imagine when you looked at the candle flame? (children's answers)


The speech therapist suddenly blows out the candle flame and asks you to pretend to be upset.

II. Main part.

- So that you don’t get upset, we will only play today.

1. Let's go play the first game.

-Who or what can go? (children's answers: it is raining, it is snowing, spring is coming, a boy is coming, a dog is coming, time is coming, smoke is coming.)

Children go to a magnetic board where there are pictures with antonym words. Children say each picture (for example: “In this picture the horse is white, and in this one it is black.”)

2. Play the next game.

a) - Who or what can play (children’s answers: a girl is playing, a musician is playing, a cat is playing, a pipe is playing, the sun is playing).

The speech therapist invites the children to sit on a chair.

b) Game “Sun”

-A sunbeam looked into your eyes. It ran further down the face.

Gently stroke it with your palms on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke it carefully so as not to scare it away. Stroke your head, neck, belly, arms, legs. He climbed up behind the collar, pet him there too. He is not a mischievous person, he loves and caresses you. And you pet him and make friends with him. Smile at him.

c) -You said that a musician is playing. What kind of sounds do you think exist besides those made by musical instruments? Let's listen and try to determine what sound we got. (behind the screen the teacher makes sounds: knocking on wood, iron, glass.)

-Guys, you heard the sound, now guess how it turned out. (children's answers: this sound will be made if you knock on wood, iron, glass).

3.-While you are playing, time flies quickly. Who or what else might be running?

(children's answers : a dog is running, a stream is running, a man is running)

Game "Reincarnation"


Children run, pretending to be a man or a bear.

Having walked the path, the child pronounces his actions (children’s answers: “I ran like a man”

"I ran like a bear"

4. Game "Puzzles"


a) The bear was so clumsy that he touched the puzzles and they fell apart. Let's put the puzzles together and see what is depicted on these puzzles.

Children assemble puzzles, the speech therapist asks leading questions, encouraging children to pronounce their actions.

-Who are you collecting, why did you decide that? (children's answers)


b) An image of animals appears on the completed puzzles. The speech therapist invites each child to tell about the animal, naming what kind it is?

III. Final part.

Guys, our game has come to an end, our time has passed and we now know that it can also run just like us. We collected the animals and talked about them. And you can tell about yourself, what you were like now.

(children's answers)

Brushes aside, friends... (alternative drawing techniques)

Contained in sections:

  • Drawing. All materials 30814

Includes sections:

  • Batik and fabric painting 199
  • Scratch. Drawings, master classes, classes 348
  • Drop therapy, caplegraphy. Games and drawing with a pipette 39
  • Blotography. Drawing blots 436
  • Semolina. Drawing with semolina and semolina 259
  • Milk. Drawing on milk 27
  • Monotype. Master classes, drawings, classes 322
  • Bubble. Drawing 245
  • Splashing, drawing technique 94
  • Unconventional drawing techniques. Plans 101
  • Unconventional drawing techniques. Projects 200
  • Unconventional drawing techniques. Self-education 134
  • Nitcography. Drawing, applique, thread paintings 666
  • Finger painting. Drawing with fingers and palms 1780
  • Plasticineography, plasticine 3817
  • Foam sponge. Drawing 125
  • Pointillism. Drawing with cotton swabs 686
  • Drawing with a rope 22
  • Drawing with a fork 107
  • Drawing with liquid salt dough 45
  • Shaving foam drawing 103
  • Drawing with plastic bags and films 60
  • Drawing with Marbles 6
  • Light table. Drawing on sand light tables 82
  • Salt. Painting with salt 334
  • Wool watercolor. Drawing with wool 123
  • Stamping. We print and draw with stamps 856
  • Ebru. Drawing technique 237
  • Encaustic. Drawing with an iron 46

By groups:

  • Senior group
  • Preparatory group
  • Middle group
  • Junior group

Showing publications 1-10 of 11324. All sections | Unconventional drawing techniques



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