Drawing lesson notes, junior group, fruit theme

"Canning fruit." Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group

Kristina Ponurovskaya
“Canning fruit.” Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group

Drawing with paints Canning fruits


Continue to develop children's ideas about preparing food for the winter.

Exercise children in drawing round objects and painting over images.

Silhouettes of cans of different sizes cut out of paper (according to the number of children, gouache, brushes. Toy bear, hedgehog, apple, cubes, construction set .

Progress of the lesson:

Act out a scene with the help of a junior teacher : “Toys come to life”


A teddy bear climbs onto the table and accidentally drops an apple on the floor.

A toy hedgehog runs up, takes the apple and takes it to its hole.

Doll Masha (teacher)

asks the hedgehog:

- Why are you dragging the apple into the hole?

- Apples don’t grow in winter, but I’ll save them and I’ll have an apple.

“But it will rot,” laughed the doll Katya ( junior teacher )

.- For the winter, if you want to preserve
fruits , you need to make compote.
(The teacher leaves unnoticed by the children)


All the sad ones leave.

The teacher invites the children to help with the toys. Hands out jars and offers to fill them with apples.

Shows how to draw and color apples, paying particular attention to the order in which the jars are filled with apples (top to bottom)


Before finishing work, the teacher asks the children where the compotes should be stored throughout the winter. After listening to the children's answers, he invites the children to build from building material construction blocks )

a cellar where all these jars of compote could stand.

Children begin to build (in the construction )

After construction is completed, the children put their jars of compote in the cellar. Application “Canning vegetables” (complex lesson in the second junior group) Goal: to develop children’s interest in knowledge about vegetables through the integration of educational areas: cognition, artistic creativity.
Tasks:. Summary of OD in the second junior group “Canning vegetables” Goal: to develop children’s interest in knowledge about vegetables through the integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development,.

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Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Compote of fruits and berries”

Irina Safonova

Summary of a drawing lesson in the second junior group “Compote of fruits and berries”

- continue to teach children to form an adjective from a noun; agree in gender between a noun and an adjective;

- consolidate the ability to paint large and small objects without going beyond the outline;

Materials for the lesson :

— Toy bed and doll;

— Cards with fruits and berries ;

— A landscape sheet with a pot of compote and a mug of compote drawn on it ;

— A landscape sheet with drawn on it;

Paint brush , red gouache, jar of water, cloth.

Fruit theme PNG images | Vector and PSD files

Progress of the lesson:

There is a toy bed with a doll in it.

-The doll Masha got sick. She doesn’t feel well, she has a high temperature, a sore throat, she lies in bed all day, but she so wants to play with the guys, go for a walk. How can we help Masha get better faster? (all children's answers are listened to)

Masha's mom asks us to help cook compote , which contains a lot of vitamins.
Want to help mom? Can you do it? Didactic game “In the store”

(there are cards with fruits and berries )

- Guys, let's stretch our fingers before work:

We will cook compote ,

(We hold our left palm with a “bucket”


You need a lot of fruits . Here:

(with our right hand we “interfer”


Let's chop apples

(We bend the fingers on the right hand, starting with the thumb.)

We will chop the pear,

Squeeze the lemon juice

We'll put in some drainage and sand.

We cook, we cook compote .

Let's treat honest people.

Children sit at tables on which there are sheets of paper with drawn on them.

- What are we going to use to cook the compote ? (in a saucepan)

- Cook a compote from the fruits and berries that you have chosen (children “cook”
the compote )
- Which compote did you cook ?

(talk to each child)
- Would you like to try the compote we cooked? (Yes)

— But the compote is very hot . How can you cool compote ? (stir with a spoon, blow)

Children stir compote and blow.

The compote has cooled down , you can try it.

Children “drink”
compote .
— Delicious compote ?

Children show with their facial expressions that they like the compote .

3. Summary of the lesson

-Who did you help today? (to mom)

- How did you help her? (made compote for Masha )

The teacher praises the children and says that they were able to help their mother cook compote because they know what fruits and berries it is made from and what color it comes out of. Masha will definitely get better soon, because our compotes contain a lot of vitamins .

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author: Pavlenkova Elena Dmitrievna

Teacher of MBDOU No. 141 “Ladushki”, Dzerzhinsk

Notes on drawing in the first junior group “Apples for the Bunny”

Notes on drawing in the first junior group.

"Apples for the Bunny"


  • Educational:
    give the concept of fruits; continue to introduce children to round objects.
  • Developmental:
    develop the ability to draw round objects (apples); develop the ability to hold a brush correctly and dip it in paint; remove excess paint on the edge of the jar; Rinse the brush in water and dry.
  • Educational:
    to instill in children an interest in the results of their work.

Preliminary work:

looking at illustrations and pictures of apples; reading a poem about apples, fruits; guessing riddles about fruits; examining a real apple and its replica.


green gouache paint; sheets of paper with the image of a bag; real apple; dummies of apples; containers with water; brushes; napkins; oilcloth.


There is a knock on the door, a little bunny comes in and asks you to help him collect apples in a bag. Bunny:

Hello guys! It's time to harvest, I need to collect all the apples in a bag, but I can't do it alone.

Will you help me? Educator:

Guys, let's help the bunny collect apples in a bag?
Yes, we will help!
The teacher shows the children apples. Educator:
Guys, look at the tray, what is on it?




Well done! Find and show a real apple.

(Children find a real apple).


Look and tell me what shape is the apple?




What color is the apple?


Green color.


Take the apple in your hands and circle it with your index finger.

Now put the apple on the tray and draw it in the air with your finger.


And now, guys, as we promised the bunny, we will draw apples in a bag.
Let's go to the tables.
The teacher shows the children the “bags” (templates) that the bunny brought.
Guys, look at these bags.
We will draw apples in them. The teacher shows techniques for drawing potatoes in the outline of a bag in his teaching drawing:

  • I take a brush and dip its bristles into a jar of water. I will remove the excess water from the pile on the edge of the jar.
  • I dip the tip of the brush bristles into the gouache.
  • Now I will draw round apples in a bag.


Guys, let's “fill” the bags with apples, that is, draw apples in the bags.
Children draw apples on templates with green gouache.

Thank you guys for helping me collect all the apples in bags.
The bunny says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Well done boys!
Help the bunny! The teacher praises the children and gives a positive assessment of each work.


Drawing with paints on the topic: “Canning fruits.”

Goal: Continue to develop in children an idea of ​​​​preparing food for the winter; With children, practice drawing round objects and painting over images. Fix colors: red, yellow, green.

Material: Silhouettes of cans of different sizes cut out of thick paper, gouache.

The teacher addresses the children:

- Guys, which of you forgot an apple here? Nobody? Well, maybe I left it here on the table myself.

At night, the toys came to life, scattered around the room, and the bear climbed onto the table and accidentally dropped an apple on the floor.

The hedgehog ran up, hung the apple on the needles and dragged it to his corner. He made a hole for himself there, just like a real hedgehog in the forest.

Doll Masha asks him:

- Why are you dragging the apple into the hole? You just eat it and that's it. Why hide?

— Compotes are sweet, they contain delicious berries: cherries, raspberries, and not just apples.

And he sighed again. He really wanted compote.

And all the toys became sad. They really wanted compotes, a variety of them: apples, plums, raisins, pears. Lots and lots in big jars so that everyone has enough for the winter.

Setting game and educational tasks:

Having discussed with the children the need to prepare compotes for toys, the teacher advises the children to fill the jars with apples. Then he invites the children to learn how to draw apples. Focus on the fact that apples can come in different colors and sizes.

Guidance on completing the task and subsequent game:

Before finishing work, the teacher asks the children where the compotes should be stored during the winter. After listening to the answers, he asks the toys whether they have a refrigerator or a cellar. Having learned that they have neither one nor the other, he invites the children to build some special room from building material (a cellar where all the jars of compotes could stand.

The children begin to build. For those who cannot cope with the task on their own, the teacher suggests that they can team up with a friend and work together. Helps children distribute responsibilities, giving each a feasible and interesting task.

Children can treat dolls and animals with compotes, organize a game store, etc.

The teacher conducts conversations with children who are no longer interested in the game. He asks the child what fruits or berries he canned for toys, what compotes he tried himself and which ones he likes best. You can ask questions about where the child’s family gets their compotes from (do they buy it in a store or make it themselves, does he help adults prepare it?


More ideas for decorating with fruit themes

About two years ago I found an amazing retro fruit print at a Flatstock poster show in Austin, Texas.

I didn't know where I would put it, but I knew I needed it. Then I came home and decided that the only place for fruit art was in the kitchen, and since there was no room for it on the walls of my cooking space, the print had to be kept in my art drawer for the time being. be. Last week I came across the photo below of a child's room decorated with fruit:

[by Azevedo Design Inc.] Contemporary Fruit Nursery

Not that I needed permission to bring fruity interior design into other parts of the house, but this gorgeous interior has reignited my passion for fruit motifs and given me the go-ahead to hang my adorable print purchase wherever I please! Following on from our recent post on decorating with fruit, today we're exploring three ways fruit themes can make a statement in your home. And why they shouldn't just be limited to the kitchen...

Fruits on display

Okay, let's start with the obvious.

Real fruits can be placed in your home as a decoration for a room, table or surface.
Yes, it's that simple! After all, you're probably eating fruit. Why hide it in the pantry or refrigerator? Below we see a hanging basket filled with gifts from nature .
[from Soorikian Architecture] Hanging Fruit Basket Don't forget that fruit is the perfect way to add color to a neutral space . Grey, taupe, black and white may be the signature colors of this kitchen, but somehow the room doesn't come alive without a two-story wire baskets of oranges and lemons that sit on the kitchen island. [by Artdecor Interior Designers & Decorators]

Fruits at the center of the modern kitchen

A bowl of fruit works wonders. But don't be afraid to find unconventional ways to showcase your products . In the next image we see a long and narrow assortment of produce such as oranges, lemons and tomatoes.

Notice how the shape and bright red color of the stand continues the modern tone set by this modern kitchen. [by Blount Design] Products in the modern kitchen

Who doesn't love a glass jar filled with delicious fruit ? This decorative element is a key feature of bistro kitchens like the one shown below. [by Peter Zimmerman Architecture]

Canisters of fruit in a bistro style kitchen

We know the holidays are still a long way off, but who doesn't love a little Christmas in July? There is nothing more festive than a large selection of fruits and other products. In fact, this approach can be applied to any holiday or season, including summer. Fill a long tray with groups of fruits, such as citrus fruits. will create a tropical flavor! [from Regina Gust]

Christmas decorations with fruity notes

Even if a fruit display isn't the centerpiece of the room, it can still be the centerpiece of your shelf or countertop.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

in this educational field of Artistic creativity, section: Drawing, non-traditional drawing technology and information technology are used.

Goal: To enrich children's ideas about winter nature through music, painting, poetry. Objectives: To clarify and expand children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter; introduce the new method shown.

Methodological development of direct educational activities using non-traditional drawing techniques in the junior group for the implementation of the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic.

Summary of direct educational activities using non-traditional drawing techniques. Topic: “My hand is my family.”


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