Notes on sculpting "Human Figure in Motion" in the preparatory group

Preparatory stage

Children have grown up, and new techniques for working with plasticine are available to them. From sculpting on a plane, which involves creating a kind of painting, plasticine bas-reliefs on a sheet of cardboard or paper, and from simple forms (balls, lumps, figures without complex details), the children move on to three-dimensional standing and walking figures that require taking into account proportions and the laws of balance.

Playing with plasticine is an important part of preparing for school.

What methods of modeling from plasticine can be used

Children aged 6–7 years are already familiar with constructive (the composition is created from individual parts, like a construction set), sculptural (all parts of the figure are made from one piece) and combined methods (combination of constructive and combined). To sculpt a figure in motion, it is more convenient to use a constructive method - this way it is easier to convey small details, such as, for example, palms, facial relief, etc.

Modeling techniques

In this group, children consolidate previously mastered modeling methods, including:

  • rolling out elements (creating a “ball”);
  • rolling (rolling “sausages”);
  • indentation, that is, creating depressions on the form with your fingers;
  • flattening (making “pancakes” from balls);
  • pinching (pinching a piece and flattening it with two fingers);
  • pulling (pulling an element out of a piece);
  • accession;
  • smearing (building up elements onto the base and smearing the boundaries of the connection);
  • pinching (clamping the part, but without flattening);
  • stretching (stretching elements while maintaining the overall shape);
  • smoothing (smooth transition of craft elements into each other).

Almost all of these methods are useful when working with the human figure.

Composition options on the theme “Man in Motion”

Modeling of a non-static figure can be presented in the following variants of themes for composition, which can be dedicated to a specific educational block:

  • “Girl Plays Ball” (when studying topics related to summer fun);
  • “Skier” (in the process of studying materials related to winter sports);
  • “A girl and a boy are dancing” (for example, on the eve of the New Year);
  • “Soldier” (this composition can be dedicated to February 23 or May 9), etc.

As can be seen from these examples, most of the options for such modeling in calendar and thematic planning correlate with the winter theme. This is explained simply: by the 2nd semester, the children repeat and consolidate all the basic techniques and methods of sculpting, which allows them to create complex designs, which include the human figure.

Preliminary work with the group

Although the technique of sculpting a human figure is relatively simple, the teacher, during classes on speech development and physical education warm-ups, first examines with children the features of a person’s posture, drawing their attention to such nuances as:

  • body angle;
  • turning the head;
  • bend of arms and legs, etc.

In addition, even before starting to work with plastic material, the adult individualizes the process as much as possible. That is

  • divides the responsibilities for preparing the workplace and the necessary tools between the guys;
  • allows you to choose the color range of plasticine for crafts;
  • helps determine the position of the limbs (if children are performing a composition where the pose of the figure may vary), etc.

It is advisable that the choice of color scheme for the little man’s costume remains with the child.


Already at the stage of individualization (that is, preparation for the lesson), the motivation of the little ones begins. However, the first part of the lesson should be planned so that the kids become interested in both the result of the work and, what is very important, the sculpting process itself. To do this, the teacher can use a number of techniques.

This is interesting. The famous Italian teacher, philosopher and humanist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Maria Montessori, said: “Do not limit yourself to just one teaching aid, for example, cards. Cover one topic in different ways: in games, posters, books, cartoons.”

One of the options for motivation could be a preliminary drawing of a sample of a man in motion

Conversation and visibility

If we rank the most effective ways to get children to work, then, of course, conversation will take first place. The main thing is to build it correctly. Usually these are questions from an adult, which the kids answer one at a time or in chorus. For example, before creating a figure of dancing children, questions might be:

  • When do people dance?
  • Do you like to dance?
  • How are the legs and arms of the dancers positioned when moving?
  • What should a person doing dancing wear?

However, these questions cannot be speculative. Children perceive the world figuratively, so they cannot do without clarity. These could be pictures of athletes, frames from famous cartoons (for example, “Well, just wait!”), or photographs of the children themselves. If the kids are sculpting the composition “Girl Plays with a Ball,” then for motivation you can invite all the kids to repeat 2-3 exercises with the ball, and then discuss which movements were the same, which were different, and also what poses the body took.

A game

The story-based game gives the lesson a particularly interesting working atmosphere. If we talk about working on plasticine figures, then such a character, including children in work-play, can be a cartoon or book hero. For example, during a lesson on the subject of a skier’s figure, the symbol of the Sochi Olympics, Cheburashka, may come and invite the kids to create their own ski team.

Children work in class with special pleasure if their favorite character “comes to visit” them


The rhythm and dynamics of rhymed lines also organizes the children well and puts them in a working mood.

  • One day nature and people started a dispute about primacy. Storms and blizzards rushed in and covered everything up to the roofs with snow. "Hooray! - Nature rejoiced, “They can’t get through the snow, they won’t survive!..” It’s not in vain that the people have ingenuity... And people came up with SKIS!
  • If you can’t sleep in the morning, the dream has run away somewhere, and you’re tempted to start dancing - So the day for dancing has come!
  • I'm a military captain! I'm not afraid of a hurricane! The whole team is recruiting, We are leading the ship into the storm. It’s not in vain that we stand at our post! We will protect you, country!

How to draw a person in motion

Middle school students know a lot about the rules for placing an object in space, taking into account perspective. For students in grades 5–7, it is advisable to start a drawing lesson with an analysis of the structure of the human figure. This is necessary in order to correctly convey the proportions in the drawing, to professionally depict parts of the body, otherwise the real person in the picture will resemble a mannequin. Despite the fact that the anatomy of the human body is studied later, at this age children already have an understanding of the skeleton, muscles and joints. View changes (opens in a new tab)

The first step in building a sketch step by step is determining the proportions. In adults, the length of the body from the top of the head to the hips is usually equal to the length of the legs. The height of the head fits into the distance from the chin to the beginning of the thigh approximately 3 times. This figure is lower in children and adolescents. The length of the legs of a harmoniously built person is equal to the height of the head multiplied by 3.5–4.

You can depict a person depending on the angle or location of the object and the artist. The main positions are in full face, when the sitter is facing the viewer, in profile - when the person depicted is located from the side, half-turned or half-front, in which the face is not completely visible.

Step 1

The pencil drawing begins with a sketch of the head and torso in the foreground.

The spine is the basis of the entire figure; it can be outlined with a curved line. The large joints of the shoulders and pelvis are schematically depicted as circles. The sketch lines are drawn easily, without pressure.

Step 2

At the next stage, the upper and lower limbs are drawn. The elbows are located at waist level, the length of the humerus is equal to the length of the ulna, the knees are in the middle of the leg. The more accurate the sketch, the better the movement will be conveyed.

Step 3

Now you need to build muscle. The most voluminous part of the forearm, thigh and lower leg is located in the upper third; closer to the joint, the limbs gradually narrow. It is easier to depict the body in the form of two ovals.

Step 4

Particular attention is paid to the hands and feet. They are also depicted schematically, imitating the skeleton of the limbs. The foot should be longer than the hand.

Step 5

After drawing all parts of the figure, the extra lines are erased. The silhouette is given the necessary outlines: sharp corners are smoothed out, the sides become sloping, body parts are connected by curved lines.

Step 6

When depicting a face, you also need to maintain proportions. The height of the forehead is equal to the distance from the eyebrow line to the tip of the nose and from the tip of the nose to the chin. The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of the eye. The ear is depicted just below the eyebrow line. To make a girl smile, the corners of her lips need to be slightly raised. At this stage, you can sketch the hairstyle.

Step 7

The more details there are in the drawing, the more realistic it will be. You need to draw clothes, shoes, accessories and other elements that create a bright image. Strands of hair can be highlighted with separate lines.

Step 8

You can color the drawing using colored pencils or paints.

Methodology for compiling notes

Work on drawing up a lesson plan begins with formulating goals and objectives. The main goal-setting factors in sculpting a moving person can be called:

  • learning to make a complex plot composition;
  • work on the ability to maintain the proportions of the body and other related elements of the composition;
  • cultivate independence and patience.

The objectives of the lesson are more specific:

  • fix the method of creating a cylinder roller to create the base of the figure;
  • development of the ability to convey simple body movements with a molded structure (bending arms/legs, tilting the body);
  • training to convey the dynamics of human movement;
  • continue to work on smoothing;
  • consolidation of the skill of conveying the dynamics of the human body in plastic material;
  • repeat the studied geometric shapes (circle, oval, cylinder, ball, etc.);
  • develop the ability to work with a stack;
  • continue to train fine motor skills, eye and visual perception;
  • expand the boundaries of imagination;
  • cultivate accuracy in working with plasticine.

After the goals and objectives are formulated, the teacher needs to plan the stages of the lesson so that every minute is used, and the children, accordingly, do not have time to be distracted.

  • Introductory part - 5 minutes. This is the time to motivate the little ones to work.
  • The main stage is 20 minutes. During this period of time, children complete a craft. Please note that this part of the lesson involves mandatory physical education and finger exercises.

    The lesson notes must include time for physical education.

  • The final stage is 5 minutes. Exhibition of works, words of gratitude for good work from the teacher, self-analysis. As for the latter, children, answering questions, evaluate their work, the crafts of their comrades and express their emotions regarding the activity as a whole: “Did I turn out a good little man?”, “Which craft do you like best?”, “What Did you like the lesson and what didn’t you?”

Example of a lesson summary (abbreviated) - table

Kargina Natalya “Winter fun, sculpting a human figure in motion”The teacher shows the children cards with a schematic image of a man in motion. Next, he demonstrates the pose of a person in motion using a visual aid - a human figure. Draws children's attention to how the skier's arms and legs are positioned. After becoming familiar with the characteristic features of a person in motion, the teacher asks the children a question: “Guys, how should a skier be dressed?” Children's answers: “He should have a warm jacket, pants, mittens, scarf, boots.” Educator: That's right. Now let’s each of you create your own skier and choose your own color of clothes for him.
Sequential execution:
  • First, guys, let's look at the geometric shapes that are on my desk. Together with the children, the teacher names the figures. Demonstrates the difference between: circle - ball, square - cube, triangle - prism, layer - rectangle, etc.
  • Now guys, let's determine which geometric shapes are similar to parts of the human body. Children's answers: ball - head; cylinder - arms, legs; cone - body.
  • Educator: Well done guys, now first roll a big ball (of any color).
  • Roll the ball into a cone-shaped roller (the teacher demonstrates a mock-up of the cone) - this will be the body.
  • We cut the wider area in half with a stack, shape it into legs, aligning it according to the shape.
  • Roll two balls (choose any other color) and give them a barrel shape - these will be shoes.
  • We fasten the feet with the shoes.
  • Roll two small balls of the same color and two more small balls of a different color.
  • Roll out the two larger balls into cone-shaped rolls - these will be the handles.
  • And from two small ones we roll cone-shaped rolls with one pointed tip and bend them slightly - these will be mittens.
  • We connect the sleeves with the mittens, pressing lightly.
  • We attach the sleeves to the body, slightly bending the sleeve.
  • Roll one flesh-colored ball for the head. Cut a little more than half.
  • Roll a small ball - this is a hat, and fasten the ball to the flat part of the head. Shape it into a hat.
  • Using a slight pressure we connect the head to the body.
  • Now we need to make skis and ski poles. To begin with, we roll a sausage out of any plasticine, compress it, trim off the uneven edges with a stack and cut this plate into two - this turns out to be skis.
  • Then we roll two circles and flatten them, we get pancakes. Then we press the pancake to the end of the toothpick - we get a ski stick (we repeat again).
  • We put our little man on skis, conveying the movement. And we attach ski poles to our hands.
  • We sculpt the eyes, mouth and outline the nose with a stack (round-shaped eyes, sausage-shaped mouth).

Educator: Well, our skier is ready. What a great fellow you are. What good skiers we have!

The teacher sums up the lesson: The guys put their skiers on the snowy plain of a layout prepared in advance, called “Winter Walk”. (The teacher prepares a platform made of foam plastic and corrugated paper in advance). They look at who got what. Educator: Guys, now you can imagine yourself in the role of your sculpted skiers and play with them at the model...

Summary of the lesson on modeling “Favorite Kitten” in the preparatory group

Marina Kapitonova
Summary of the modeling lesson “Favorite Kitten” in the preparatory group

Teach children to depict a simple scene in modeling , consolidate the ability to convey the proportions of a person and an animal. Strengthen the ability to use techniques: pinching, pulling, rolling, rolling, joining.

Developmental: develop techniques for creating proportions between humans and animals, a sense of composition, and imagination.

Educational: to cultivate hard work and accuracy .

Preliminary work: Familiarizing children with animals (based on the works of V. Bianki, S. Marshak, E. Charushin, M. Chizhikov and others, their appearance, habits. Reading fairy tales, stories about animals, about their friendship with humans. Examination of illustrations .

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