Fairy tales for developing a healthy lifestyle: “Kolobok, or the path to health”, “Elixir of Youth”

The Tale of the Cockerel

Once upon a time there was a Cockerel. He loved to crow loudly and loudly. One winter, he crowed loudly and for a long time early in the morning, and his throat hurt. The cockerel began to cough, sits and grieves. The chicken asked: “Why are you so sad, Petya?”

And he replies: “Yesterday I crowed for a long time in the cold and my neck was frozen and sore. Now I can’t crow.” The chicken says: “We can help your grief: we will tie a warm scarf around your neck, ask the cow for milk, ask the bees for honey, and your throat will stop hurting. And when it’s cold outside, you can’t scream loudly – ​​you can’t crow! Remember this!

How the Hedgehog decided to get sick

The hedgehog walked sadly through the winter forest. He tried to walk slowly in order to arrive at school as late as possible. The hedgehog didn't do his homework, so it would be better if he didn't go to school at all. And the Hedgehog decided to get sick. On the way he ate a lot of snow and went home. And what Hedgehog so wanted happened: he started coughing and his temperature rose, and lying sick at home was so boring and sad.

And at school they waited for Hedgehog all day. After lessons, Losyash, Sovunya and Nyusha decided to visit him. As they thought, Hedgehog did not complete his homework and therefore decided to get sick. Losyash helped Hedgehog do his homework, and Sovunya gave him raspberry jam and gave him hot tea.

A few days later, Hedgehog recovered and decided that it was better to always do his homework on time and go to school with his friends than to lie at home and be sick.


The little squirrel Ryzhik was nimble. He loved to chew nuts and most of all he loved to jump and jump from branch to branch. His mother taught him this. He jumped carefully, always choosing the strongest branch, not the thinnest one.

One day Ryzhik was playing tag with other little squirrels and fell from a branch. His paw hurt, he couldn’t run or jump at all.

Mom squirrel bandaged his paw with a plantain leaf and gave him medicinal herbs.

Soon Ryzhik recovered and could jump again.

Mishutka has a sweet tooth

Mishutka the bear was very fond of honey, candies, chocolates and other sweets - he ate a lot of them.

Suddenly his stomach hurt.

All his friends came to him, took all the sweets away from him and said: “Mishutka, don’t eat so much sweets, because it gives you a stomach ache. Better eat fruits, vegetables and berries! They are very healthy, they contain a lot of vitamins and you will always be healthy and cheerful, and you won’t get sick!”

How Murka got the flu

Once upon a time there was a cat. Her name was Murka. One day she was hunting for a mouse and caught a mouse that had the flu and ate it. Murka immediately fell ill: her head began to spin, snot started flowing from her nose, and her temperature rose. Murka is lying down, unable to run, crying.

Her puppy friend Sharik took pity on Murka and said: “Let me call Doctor Aibolit to you.” But Murka was afraid of doctors, and she was getting worse and worse. Sharik ran for Aibolit.

Doctor Aibolit examined her, prescribed medicine and cured Murka. And he said to her: “It’s better to eat the meat that the hostess gives, “Whiskas” and drink milk - you will always be healthy!”

Fairy tale for children 5-7 years old on the topic: Healthy lifestyle

Fairy tale: About lost teeth for children 5-7 years old.
Author: Dvoretsky Daniil 7 years old Leader: Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna Description: Author's fairy tale for little listeners from 5 to 7 years old.

Goal: developing a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, developing hygiene skills, broadening one’s horizons. Objectives: 1. Foster a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.
2. Develop hygiene skills. 3. Develop creativity. Fairy tale: About lost teeth.

In a big city there lived a boy named Maxim. He didn't like to wash his face. One day his tooth fell out. Maxim was scared. The boy began to examine the tooth that lay in his palm.

Suddenly the tooth moved and came to life. The little tooth's eyes, mouth, arms and legs popped out. Tooth looked at the boy and asked: Who are you? I'm a boy, my name is Maxim! And who are you? I am your friend - tooth. I fell out because you never wash your face or brush your teeth. I'm leaving you.

Where are you going? – Maxim asked. Zubik answers him: I'm leaving you. I'll go see my mom, the Tooth Fairy. She lives in a castle with my teeth friends.

Having said these words, the tooth jumped from Maxim’s hand and left. The boy began to wait for his new tooth to grow. But time passed, and the tooth never grew. A month passed and Maxim’s second tooth fell out. The boy put the tooth in his palm and waited for the tooth to come to life. The tooth began to move, its eyes, mouth, arms and legs popped out. Maxim was delighted and said: I know you are my friend - a tooth. “No, I’m not your friend,” the little tooth answered sadly.

And who are you? – Maxim was surprised. The tooth said nothing, jumped off the boy’s hand and ran away. Maxim began to wait for his new teeth to grow. A month later, the boy lost his third tooth. He came to life again and ran away from Maxim.

So Maxim lost 3 teeth, but new teeth did not grow. Maxim sat down and cried. Smoke appeared in the room, a window opened, and an unfamiliar little aunt found herself next to the boy. She was as tall as a human palm. She was wearing a pink dress and a hat on her head. And in her hands she held a wand.

Maxim, why are you crying? – asked the unfamiliar aunt. Who you are? – Maxim asked. I'm a Fairy! – the stranger answered. But not an ordinary fairy, but a magical one. I know your teeth have fallen out. Yes - answered Maxim, 3 teeth. Do you know why your teeth fell out? - asked the Fairy. Maxim replied: I know. Because I don't wash my face or brush my teeth. Do you want new teeth to grow? - asked the Fairy. Yes! I want! - the boy answered. The fairy said: Will you treat them well? Will you take care of them? Maxim said: Yes, I will take care of my teeth. Please help me. I promise I will clean and wash them every day! The fairy waved her magic wand and Maxim grew new teeth. The boy was happy and said to the fairy: Thank you! Thank you! The fairy smiled and replied: Please! She handed the boy a gift box.

Maxim opened it and saw inside there was a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and a blue towel. After that, the Tooth Fairy flew to her home in the castle. There were teeth waiting for her.

Although this fairy tale is a lie, you will understand the MORAL yourself! Remember, the TRUTH is simple - the key to HEALTH is cleanliness!

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“Oh, what a mess!”

Once upon a time there were two clumsy little men - Fatty and Hilyachok. One of them ate something from morning to evening, snacked, chewed, and snacked. The other sighed, moaned, became capricious and turned away from any food.

One day they were sitting on a bench, looking around, bored. Suddenly they see a mischievous boy coming - Big Guy. He hums songs, walks with a brisk step, throws the ball, and jumps up on his own. Fatty and Hilyachk became envious that the Big One was having so much fun. They began to ask what was the secret of his strength, agility and good mood.

The big guy talked about the incredibly tasty and healthy buckwheat porridge and the miraculous power of physical education. Fatty and Hilyachok began to do exercises every morning, swim in the river, run, jump, and tumble. They began to eat buckwheat porridge and praise it: “Oh, yes, porridge, our strength!”

So two clumsy little men turned into cheerful, mischievous boys.

"The hare has a sweet tooth"

In one forest there lived an extraordinary hare. Unusual, because all hares loved to gnaw cabbage stalks, but this hare ate exclusively sweets. He will run to the village, stand in the middle of the street on his hind legs, begin to somersault, spin, and jump funny. An artist, and nothing more!

The kids and adults really liked this hare. They treated him to sweets, cookies, and even poured jam into a cabbage leaf. And he will eat everything and gallop off into the forest.

This is how the bunny ate. He became fat, clumsy, lazy. Then another problem began to bother me. The hare's teeth hurt, so much so that he did not sleep for three days and three nights, moaning and shedding tears. The other hares took pity on him and brought him a lot of carrots, turnips and cabbage: “Eat, bunny, vegetables. They are very tasty and healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins. And remember, it’s not a bunny’s job to gnaw candy.”

The hare listened to his friends. I started drinking spring water, eating oats and carrots, beets and cabbage. I didn’t even think about bad teeth anymore!

“How Carrot and Zucchini made peace”

Once upon a time there lived in one garden a beautiful girl with a green braid, Carrot. Next to her, on a greenhouse heap, the boletus squash grew and grew fat. Both vegetables loved it when the hostess watered them from a watering can, they rejoiced in the summer sun, grew and gained strength. One bad thing is that we often quarreled. Everyone was arguing about which of them was tastier, more necessary and healthier.

Carrot boasted: “I’m better than you! I'm orange, crispy, juicy. And how many vitamins-carotenes I have! Everyone who is friends with me has strong, healthy teeth, and excellent vision. This is what I am!”

The zucchini was not inferior to her. He loudly and importantly argued to his neighbor that eating zucchini dishes was very healthy and necessary for everyone, because zucchini was a dietary vegetable.

So they argued all summer. Autumn came, the housewife began to harvest, make delicious preparations for the winter from carrots, zucchini and other vegetables. Everyone ate, rejoiced, and praised the delicious vegetables and the skillful hands of the hostess.

Since then, Zucchini and Carrot became friends and never quarreled again, because they are both tasty and healthy!

"The Tale of the Good Cabbage"

In ancient times, white cabbage was completely different from what it is today. She had few leaves then, she grew like a wildflower and was no different from other plants. However, there has long been a rumor among people and animals that whoever eats cabbage rarely gets sick, never gets fat, becomes more cheerful every day, and that there are a great many vitamins in it. They also said that dishes made from cabbage are so delicious that you can’t tell them in a fairy tale or describe them with a pen, you just have to lick the spoon and ask for more!

Everyone hurried to the cabbage.

The hares ask: “Please give me some cabbage leaves!”

The goats came running: “Treat us, cabbage!” And behind them are rabbits, cows, lambs and all other herbivorous animals. Village children came to the cabbage for crispy stalks. The good cabbage wanted to help everyone, wanted to treat and make everyone happy. And her cabbage leaves began to grow quickly, so many that the cabbage became large, round, crispy and juicy.

Everyone fell in love with white cabbage and began to respectfully call it Kapusta Vitaminovna. Since then, cabbage has been growing in the place of honor in all gardens. He feeds, treats, treats and says: “Bon appetit!”

"The Tale of the Brave Men from the Garden Bed"

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there was a beautiful Slad-city. The king, queen, their little daughter Princess and other residents lived in it. Everyone lived a very cheerful life, visited each other, treated themselves to sweets, marmalade, chocolate, marshmallows and jam. The city smelled of sweets, even the wind blew vanilla, and the rain was like lemonade.

The entrance to Sweet City was guarded by faithful guards: Luchok and Garlic. Strong, brave and strong defenders did not allow illness, disease and colds into the city. These were real brave men from the garden bed.

One day the little Princess walked past the main gate of the city. She really didn't like the smell of garlic, and the onions made her eyes sting. The princess was angry, stamping her feet, waving her arms and demanding that the guards be driven away. The king did so. Slad-city was left without loyal guards.

Sloppy autumn has arrived. Troops of microbes and viruses attacked the city and they were commanded by the evil Infection. They captured all the houses, streets, and neighborhoods.

Residents began to get sick, waste away, cough, sneeze and even have a fever. The little princess also fell ill. Then the king sent his messengers to a distant village in the garden, where the brave men lived - Onion and Garlic. He asked them to return and save the city's inhabitants from harm.

The brave men armed themselves and boldly stood up to defend Slada-city. They fought against every virus, repelled the attacks of microbes, fought for every resident, and after a few days, illnesses and colds receded.

The king thanked his saviors and issued a decree that all residents of the city should always grow onions and garlic in their gardens.

Since then, the infection has not come to Slad-city. More than anything else, she was afraid of the brave men from the garden bed.

“How a squirrel taught all animals to exercise”

Animals lived in one large and beautiful forest. They were all busy with their own affairs: the bear Toptyga was collecting honey, the hedgehog Pykhtun was looking for mushrooms, the toad Tree Frog was basking in the sun and catching flies. The beautiful red squirrel Strelka also lived in the forest. The squirrel was always healthy ,

beautiful and cheerful.
She was constantly collecting nuts, raising baby squirrels, or decorating a hollow in a tree. The squirrel Strelka lived well in the forest, she was friends with all the animals, and the animals loved her very much. But the squirrel had one “strange”
hobby. None of her animal friends could understand why the squirrel would wake up, jump on a branch, climb up a tree, or play tag with the squirrels.

One day the bear Toptyga, the hare Jumper, the hedgehog Pykhtun, the toad Frog got together and decided to finally find out from the squirrel Strelka why she does this every morning. They approach the tree, see the squirrel has taken a blade of grass and is jumping over it. The animals were even more surprised. They stand, look at the squirrel, and cannot understand anything why it is jumping on a branch. And then the bear could not stand it and said: “Squirrel, answer us the question, why do you jump on branches and jump over hummocks every morning?” And the squirrel answers them: “Friends!” This is morning exercise! You need it in order to be cheerful, beautiful and healthy! And the animals ask: “How is this exercise done?” Not everyone can jump on branches like you. And the squirrel says: “Don’t be upset, friends!” I will show you how to do it too. You will do it with me every day. There is only one condition! - Which? “You need to not be lazy, try to repeat all the exercises after me.” The animals agreed and began to go about their business. And the squirrel says to them: “Come to this tree tomorrow, but just get up early so that we have enough time to exercise.” - Okay, we'll come early. The next day, as promised, the animals came to the tree where the squirrel lived. She says to the forest inhabitants: “Well done!” Now everyone stand in a row! And repeat the exercises after me. The animals stood in a row and began to repeat the movements of the squirrel. First, the squirrel began to bend to the sides, so quickly and deftly that no one could keep up with it. The squirrel also did push-ups from the ground, lunged back and forth with its hind legs, and jumped and ran. Then she crouched down ten times, and so did the animals. But the animals had no more strength, they were tired and sat down on the grass to rest. And the squirrel says: “Don’t be upset, friends!” You will succeed! The main thing is to do morning exercises every day. The animals came the next day and the day after. We did exercises with the squirrel Strelka every day. They began to notice: it became easier and easier to squat, they could do more and more push-ups, they began to get sick less, they became stronger and prettier. And they once said to the squirrel: “Thank you, squirrel!” You taught us to do morning exercises, and now we are the healthiest and most beautiful in the whole forest! Now every morning in the forest the animals begin with exercise. It's useful, fun and great !

"Magic vitamins for Winnie the Pooh"

A ray of sun fell on the pillow and began to play with Winnie the Pooh. But he was not in a good mood and turned in the other direction. He had been feeling unwell for the second day. Then Luchik said a little offended :

- Vinnie, you can’t just lie there all day and do nothing.

“What should we do?” asked the little bear.

“You need to lift your spirits.” I have magic vitamins.

They grow in my garden, not far from here, Luchik answered behind the hill.

- Let's go, I'll show you!

Winnie the Pooh reluctantly got off his big, soft bed and followed him.

“Here is my house,” said Luchik

There was a small house in front of Vinny. Its walls were made of earth with tree roots woven into it. Next to the house there was a small vegetable garden with various vegetables and berries: carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, currants and much more.

- Here are the magic vitamins said Ray,

pointing to the garden.

- How? It's just vegetables and berries. It's just regular food.

“But no,” Luchik objected. This is not an ordinary one, but the most useful one. Food made from vegetables and berries is the healthiest, because Father Sun and Mother Earth nourished them with warmth and healthy vitamins. Onions and garlic kill all germs and bacteria. Other vegetables and berries improve health .

- Wow, Winnie the Pooh was surprised. I didn’t even think that the vegetables in our beds were magical.

- Yes, Luchik said,

This is true.
You can also make healthy salads from vegetables .
I will teach you.
And he showed Vinny how to make several types of salads. The bear cub really liked them, and he became noticeably happier. Pooh firmly decided to start his own garden so that he would have a good mood and good health ,
and in addition, share magic vitamins with his friends.

"An Incident at the South Pole"

There lived a little penguin named Lolo at the South Pole. He was often sick and coughed. No matter what his mother treated him, nothing helped. When the little penguins were going to ride on the ice floes, swim and dive together, Lolo looked at their fun with sadness. One day, swimming coach Tyulen Tyulenevich came to visit the baby penguin Lolo and his mother. He said :

- Don’t be upset Lolo, I know a magical remedy with which you will very soon recover and, like all the little penguins, you will have fun on the ice floes.

- Listen to me carefully, baby, and remember! Every morning, do exercises, douse yourself with cool water, rub your body with a hard towel, jog barefoot in the snow and then you can swim like your friends. But don’t forget, all this needs to be done gradually. If it gets difficult, be patient and don’t give up, because diseases don’t like strong and resilient penguins. Since then, Lolo and his mother began to harden themselves every day. At first he simply doused his little paws with cool water, then he began to do morning exercises right on the ice floe, and finally he began to swim with his mother in the sea in a race. The time has come when the baby has grown stronger, become strong and resilient. One evening I received a letter from the swimming coach. Tyulen Tyulenevich wrote that all this time he had been watching the future sports star and now that Lolo has become healthy and strong, he invites the little penguin to participate in the swimming competition for the South Pole Cup. Of course, Lolo accepted the coach’s offer to take part in the competition because he believed in himself. The reward for this was the presentation of a sports cup to the little penguin for first place.


Once upon a time there lived a bear cub named Umka. He was small, very curious and lived at the North Pole with his family. Where Umka lived there was a lot of ice, snow and it was always cold. One day a bear cub swam for a long time in icy water and caught a cold. He had a sore throat and Umka felt sick. The polar explorers found out about this. Uncle Sasha told his daughter about this on the phone. Dasha came to kindergarten and told about the sick bear cub. The children learned that Umka was sick and decided to help him. They collected a parcel with fruits, vegetables, honey and raspberries. After all, the guys knew that vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins, and they help to recover. The parcel was sent to the far North with the hope that it would help the sick Umka. Uncle Sasha received the parcel and hurried to treat the baby bear. At first, the mother bear growled and did not allow the polar explorers to treat Umka. But then she realized that they did not want to harm her son, but only wanted to help. Umka recovered, and Uncle Sasha wrote a letter to his daughter. He thanked the children for their help. He also wrote that Umka really liked honey, and jam and fruit helped not only the bear cub, but also the polar explorers survive the severe frosts. Now Umka continues to run and fish with her mother in the cold northern sea.

“Vasya’s extraordinary journey to the island of Khochutohochusho”

One boy named Vasya really did not like getting up early, brushing his teeth and doing exercises. One morning, quite ordinary, no different from others, my mother began to wake up Vasya.

- My dear boy, get up, I have to go to kindergarten.

“I don’t want to get up, I don’t want to,” the son said in a sleepy voice.

- What do you want? - Mom asked.

- Sleep and be lazy. I also want chocolate and ice cream.

“Okay, today you will stay at home,” said mom, “I have a day off.” Now I’ll go to Aunt Klava, take her groceries and come back.

The door slammed. Vasya stretched sweetly, then wrapped his head in a blanket, curled up and... suddenly felt that the bed was shaking. Vasya looked out from under the blanket and saw that he was floating on the sea. An island was visible in the distance. The boy lay down on his stomach and began to row with his hands, guiding his “ship-bed” towards the mysterious island.

A doctor dressed in a white coat and cap stood on the shore.

“Hello, Vasya,” the doctor greeted, helping the boy to go ashore.

- How do you know me? – the young navigator was surprised. - Who you are?

“Can’t you see that I’m a doctor?”

Vasya saw that next to the stranger there was a suitcase with a red cross.

“My name is Andrey Anatolyevich,” the man continued. You ended up on the island of Khochutohochusho. There are three cities on this island. The city of Sweet Tooth, the city of Dolgospaniya and the city of Neumyvaykin. Where would you like to live?

“Of course, I want to go to the city with a sweet tooth, I really love sweets: sweets and various pastries, and besides, I’m hungry,” Vasya hastily answered.

“Let’s go,” said the doctor, and invited the boy onto a boat that was standing nearby.

“All cities are located on the seashore,” Andrei Anatolyevich said as they walked on a boat along the sea, “you can live in any city you choose for as long as you like, but if you want to go to another place, go ashore and whistle three times this whistle.

The doctor handed the boy a yellow whistle attached to a string. Vasya hung the whistle around his neck, and he and Andrei Anatolyevich went ashore.

There were houses on the shore that Vasya wanted to taste. They looked like brownies or cakes with whipped cream instead of roofs. The boy ran to a house whose walls resembled waffles. He opened the door and saw tables with an abundance of different sweets.

– Can I eat this delicious ice cream? – Vasya asked a boy in a red vest, devouring a cream cake with sweet soda.

- You can eat everything here. Every day new portions of delicious sweets are placed here.

Vasya grabbed some ice cream with syrup, then ate several chocolates and drank tea with fluffy marshmallows. Then he tried a cake made in the shape of a tower and licked the lollipop several times.

“Ugh, I’m full,” the boy said, stroking his stomach, “Delicious!”

Vasya went to explore the city. The air was completely saturated with sweet smells. There was an aroma of something unusually tasty: either strawberry or raspberry syrup, mixed with the smell of viscous toffee and freshly baked buns. He went to another house and tasted soft pies with cherries and apples. I walked through the park where there were candies instead of leaves on the trees. Vasya picked the most delicious-looking candies and stuffed his pockets with them. Putting another piece of candy into his mouth, Vasya felt an unpleasant stomach ache and a toothache.

“I don’t want sweets anymore,” Vasya groaned, threw the sweets on the ground and, holding his cheek, trudged to the shore. He whistled three times and began to wait impatiently for Doctor Andrei Anatolyevich.

Soon a boat appeared. Andrei Anatolyevich ordered Vasya to rinse his mouth with a herbal decoction, gave him a bitter mixture to drink, and gave him toothpaste and a brush. The pain has subsided.

“Andrey Anatolyevich, take me to the city of Dolgospaniya, I’m tired,” Vasya asked.

¬– Well, let's go.

Approaching the city of Dolgospaniya, Vasya was already dozing, bowing his head on his chest. The doctor even had to wake him up.

The boy barely made it to the city and in the first house he came across, he fell onto the bed and fell asleep, drowning in soft, lush feather beds. When Vasya woke up, his whole body ached from lying in a soft bed for a long time. He wanted to warm up, run a race with someone or play ball, and he went to look around the house, hoping to find himself a playmate. But no matter what room the boy looked into, everyone was asleep. Vasya tried to wake someone up, but the house guard, who came out in response to the noise, warned the boy that he couldn’t wake anyone up here.

¬– But with whom will I play catch-up then? – asked Vasya.

¬– In this city it is forbidden to run, jump, play and make noise. There is always peace and quiet here.

“I don’t want to stay in this city anymore,” Vasya stamped his foot, “it’s so boring here!” You can only sleep and sleep until you turn into a pillow.

And he went ashore and called the doctor.

“Only the city of Neumyvaikin remains, which you have not been to,” said the doctor. ¬– Will you go there?

“I’ll go,” Vasya answered joylessly. The boy was a little lethargic from his long sleep.

The city of Neumyvaykin seemed gray and dirty to Vasya. There were heaps of garbage everywhere, some roofs of houses were lopsided, the walls of buildings were shabby, and the windows were cloudy. A boy in a dirty shirt and unclean shoes came across Vasya. There were streaks of dirt on his cheeks, and his hair resembled a crow's nest.

“Ugh, what a slob!” – Vasya thought, and suddenly saw himself in the reflection of one of the windows. A disheveled boy in rumpled clothes looked at him. The eyes were sleepy, and traces of a sweet feast were visible at the tips of the mouth and on the nose.

- Is it really me? - Vasya was amazed. - How dirty and unwashed I am. I need to get away from this city quickly, otherwise I’ll lose my human appearance completely.

Vasya hurried to the shore and... awoke.

Mom entered the apartment.

- Mom, mommy! – Vasya shouted overjoyed. – Now I will always get up early, brush my teeth, wash my face, do exercises and eat delicious porridge in the morning!

"The Adventures of the Microbe Kuzi."

There lived a microbe, his name was Kuzya. He was scary, ugly and loved to pester people, especially small children who forgot to wash their hands, wash fruits and eat sweets on the street. One day Kuzya met a girl who really didn’t like to wash her face and always walked around with dirty hands. So he became friends with the dirty girl. This strong friendship gave the girl a very bad stomach ache. After all, she forgot to wash her hands before eating, and Kuzya always sat on her palms. When the girl ate, she swallowed Kuzya along with the food. This is how the harmful microbe got into her stomach. And Kuzya’s amazing adventures began inside the girl. The girl became very ill and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. At the hospital, her stomach was pumped out, she was given injections and given a lot of pills that could drive away the Kuzya microbe. Kuza felt bad from all the medications, and he hurried to get out. Since then, he decided not to pester people anymore. And the girl realized that she needed to take care of herself and be sure to wash her hands.


"The Tale of the Evil Virus"

A long time ago, when princes and princesses, evil sorcerers and brave heroes still lived on our land, this story happened. The evil sorcerer Virus has settled in a large, dark and cold cave. He didn't like anything living. Wherever he appeared, immediately all living things around him died: plants dried up, animals, insects, birds began to get sick and died. This made the sorcerer even stronger. There was no peace for people from him either. Terrible, unknown diseases overcame them. And no one could defeat the evil sorcerer, neither fearless knights nor brave warriors. People went to Ivan the hero to ask for help. And Ivan the hero began to fight the Virus. They fought for three days and three nights. Finally, Ivan the hero won.

To take revenge on people, the Virus, dying, crumbled into a million almost invisible small, hunched, aggressive microbes - viruses. They spread throughout the world, penetrated the bodies of adults, children, animals and caused very serious and dangerous diseases.

Many people and animals became seriously ill because they did not know how to protect themselves, how to protect themselves.

This happened in ancient times, but, unfortunately, these evil viruses are very stable and tenacious.

They still live today - in the bodies of sick people, on books, toys, dishes and other things that the patient used.

With the saliva of a sick person, germs land on objects or on the ground. When saliva dries, viruses become feather-light, rise into the air with dust, and enter the human body through breathing.

Viruses most often settle in the lungs, where they feel warm and comfortable. They begin to feed intensively and reproduce. These evil viruses want everyone to get sick.

Those who take care of their health and always follow the rules of hygiene, and in particular, always wash their hands, toughen up, lead a healthy lifestyle, and eat right should not be afraid. Scientists have come up with a vaccine that is administered by doctors to treat these terrible viruses. This vaccine kills all these hordes of evil viruses and people stop getting sick. And children who are not afraid of vaccinations grow up to be brave and strong heroes.

"Unusual vegetable garden"

There lived a boy, Petya. He really didn’t like brushing his teeth. Every morning his mother reminded him: “Go brush your teeth!” - I do not want and I will not! - Petya whined. Mom got tired of his whims and decided: “He doesn’t want to brush his teeth and doesn’t need to. Let's see what comes of it." In the evening Petya had dinner and went to bed. Of course, he didn’t brush his teeth, because his mother didn’t remind him. Morning has come. The birds chirped merrily. The boys ran to the river. Petya stretched sweetly in his crib. Mom was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. “Petya, get up, go brush your teeth,” my mother couldn’t stand it. He opened his mouth to say, “I don’t want to, I won’t.” But to his surprise he discovered that he could not utter a single word. In the evening Petya was eating cucumbers, and one grain got stuck between his teeth and cucumbers grew in that place. I ate a tomato - and the tomatoes grew, and the onions grew, and the radishes. And all this sticks out of the mouth in different directions. Petya was scared. I wanted to call my mother, but I couldn’t. Instead of words, some kind of mooing is heard. Mom heard this. She ran up to Petya. Mom clasped her hands and was very surprised: “Petya, now you don’t have a mouth, but a whole garden!” Then she got used to such a garden and even liked it - she doesn’t have to go to the market to buy vegetables, everything is nearby. She needs to make a salad, go to Petya’s, pick cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and radishes. Very comfortably. Only Petya is not happy. He can’t run with the boys - they’ll laugh at him. He can’t eat, he can’t speak—various twigs, bushes, tomatoes, and cucumbers are sticking out of his mouth. The mouth doesn't close at all - it's hard. Several days passed. Petya was completely exhausted. Yes, another problem has come - holes have appeared in the teeth, and microbes have appeared in them, which destroy the teeth. All of Petya’s teeth started to hurt. The poor thing began to cry and mumbled for his mother to call the doctor. The doctor came and was very surprised: “You don’t have a mouth, but a whole garden.” The doctor pulled out all the bushes from his mouth, found holes in the teeth, scraped out pieces of food from them, and all the microbes that were hidden in the corners of the teeth. Then the doctor sealed all the holes with a special putty - a filling. If the filling is not placed, the microbes will return to their places and the teeth will hurt again. Petya sat calmly, listened to the doctor and strictly followed all his instructions. Finally, it's over. Petin's mouth literally closed from fatigue. Petya was very happy. Now he brushes his teeth every day after meals, both in the morning and in the evening, and advises all the guys to do so.

«A Tale of a Bunny, a Bear and a Bad Tooth"

There lived true friends in the forest: a small hare and a strong bear cub. They were very friendly, they always walked together, so no one offended the bunny, even the sly fox - everyone knew that the baby had a strong and caring comrade. The friends were similar to each other in everything, only the bunny loved turnips, carrots, cabbage, and the bear loved honey and gingerbread. The little hare brushed his teeth every morning and evening, but the little bear really didn’t like it. One day, when friends agreed to go into the forest together, the bear cub did not come to the clearing where the bunny was waiting for him. When the little hare ran to the bear, he saw that his cheek was bandaged and he was crying in pain: his tooth ached. The bunny advised his friend to go to the doctor as soon as possible, but the little bear was scared and said that he would wait until the pain went away. The bunny went for a walk alone, but a fox immediately began to hunt him and almost ate him. The little hare barely managed to reach the bear's hut. The bunny flew into the hut and closed the door tightly. He told the little bear about his adventure. The bear became angry, especially because his cowardice nearly killed his friend. He felt ashamed that he was afraid to have his teeth treated. The little bear gathered all his strength and went to the doctor. He fixed all his teeth. And now he takes care of them - cleans them both in the morning and in the evening, and does not part with his friend for a minute.

The words about taking care of your health are as old as time. Because as long as our Earth and people exist on it, we are talking about health. Health is walking around somewhere, and sometimes people don’t notice it, but remember it only when they lose it. But Health comes in days, but goes away in an instant.

In a certain kingdom, a fairy-tale state, there lived Health. It loved people. Every morning they woke everyone up for exercise, forced them to take a cool shower, forced them to dry themselves with a damp towel, and monitored proper nutrition. But sometimes people just shrugged it off. They hoped for tablets, mixtures, ointments, syrups. But, as one wise man said: “You can’t buy health at the pharmacy.” Health is tired of running from house to house. And Health decided like this: “Whoever cares about me will lead a healthy lifestyle.” And whoever does not do this, let him run after me and look for me. If you find it in a pharmacy, then good. But it seems to me that to be healthy, one pharmacy is not enough. Tablets, mixtures, ointments, syrups will only help for a while. But good health takes a long time to achieve, and bit by bit. And so it happened. Whoever takes care of his health in life and constantly takes care of it, everything is great for him. And he doesn’t need to run around looking for Health. And whoever doesn’t value his health will have to run after it. It’s easy to lose health, but oh, how difficult it is to regain it!

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