Quiz for senior preschool children “School for a healthy lifestyle”

Quiz “One hundred questions about health”

Quiz “One hundred questions about health”

1.It is the key to health (Cleanliness).

2. A decisive characteristic of appearance for a basketball player (Height).

3. A hare raised in a cage dies the first time it runs fast. Can something like this happen to a person? Why? (Maybe if an untrained athlete participates in competitions).

4.What is the name of any mass disease of people? (Epidemic)

5. Rational distribution of time during the day is...
6. Training the body with cold is called
7. Children are more likely than adults to have a curvature of the spine and legs, but they are less likely to break bones.
What substance does this depend on? (Calcium)
8. The fluid that carries oxygen in the body is ... (Blood)

9. The science of cleanliness is...
10. The smallest organism that carries an infection is...
11. Voluntary nicotine poisoning is...
12. This Russian commander was a very weak child in childhood, but he is great steeled himself.
He considered the Russian bath to be the best way to harden. There he withstood terrible heat on a shelf, after which 10 buckets of cold water were poured on him. (Suvorov)
13. Hockey - puck, football - ball, badminton -...
14. The tennis court is... (Court).

15. The sports challenge prize is... (Cup).

16. In which city will the 2014 Winter Olympics take place? (Sochi)

17.The state of our health depends 50% on our lifestyle, 20% on heredity, 10% on medical care. What else does our health depend on for the remaining 20%? (Depending on the state of the environment).

18.What kind of people are called walruses? (Swimming in an ice hole in winter).

19.What do you call people who eat only plant foods? (Vegetarians).

20.What animal wool is used to make medicinal clothing? (Made from dog and camel hair).

21.Why does a sofa that has served for more than 10 years need to be replaced, even if it is still strong? (Foam rubber breaks down over the years and releases toxic substances).

22.Continue the proverb: “The better you chew your food, ...” (The longer you will live).

23.What disease is caused by wearing tight shoes and high-heeled shoes? (Flat feet).

24.Which famous doctor is mentioned in Kuprin’s story “The Wonderful Doctor”? (About Pirogov N.I.).

25.What medicine did Duremar promote? (medical leeches).

26.Why do they drink fish oil? (Vitamin D is needed for the formation of the skeleton).

27.When is World Health Day celebrated? (April 7).

28.The body’s ability to protect itself from the invasion of viruses and bacteria is... (Immunity).

29.Berry, very good for vision (Blueberry).

30.Lack of vitamins in the body is... (vitaminosis).

31.A mandatory performance in this sport is the “swordfish”, “heron”, “flamingo”, “aurora”, “albatross” exercises? (Synchronized swimming).

32. A. Suvorov said: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend...” What to do with dinner? (Give it to the enemy).

33. How long is the marathon distance? (42 km 195 m).

34. The country - the birthplace of the Olympic Games - is ... (Greece).

35.How many years is the average life expectancy in Russia? (Women – 72 years old, men – 59 years old).

Health is the main wealth

Category: Health Day

Tags: Children's health,Primary school,Scenario,School


Goals: — formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; — clarify and expand children’s ideas about cleanliness and health; - develop attention, thinking, interest in your health.

Equipment: presentation “Health is the main wealth” Lesson progress:

Health Quiz

— Guys, today I invite you to take part in a quiz. You are divided into teams. Do you know the rules of teamwork?

Competition 1 “Anagrams” Team captains come out and receive pieces of paper and pencils. The letters are written in different orders on the pieces of paper. You need to collect a word related to health. Who is faster?

ZKULFITRAU – physical education DKAZARYA – exercises LKAZAKA – hardening ENGIAGI – hygiene LKAPROGU – walk

Competition 2 “Riddles - Hygiene Helpers”

— Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is inextricably linked with the rules of hygiene. And in observing the rules of hygiene, our assistants can be who you will find out by solving riddles and drawing clues.

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean. Everyone needs to have What, guys? (Soap)

As many as 25 cloves For curls and tufts. And under each tooth the hair will lie in a row. (Comb)

Waffle, striped, Smooth, shaggy, Always at hand, What is it? (Towel)

She fits her hairy head into our mouth deftly and counts our teeth in the morning. (Toothbrush)

Competition 3 “Riddles about sports and health”

As soon as the judge nods to her, she starts jumping on the log! He will dance with a long ribbon, wave his legs from the uneven bars, and then drink water and wait for grades for his work. (Gymnast)

There is a lawn at our school, and there are goats and horses on it. We've been tumbling here for exactly 45 minutes. At school there are horses and a lawn - What a miracle, guess? (Gym)

Two-meter baby. Ball to ball, followed by a second one, After all, the basket has a hole! (Basketball)

10 plus one want to drive the ball into the goal, and 11 others try not to let them in. (Football)

Green meadow, 100 benches just around, People are running briskly from gate to gate. At the gate of these fishermen's nets. (Football field)

The ice around is transparent and flat. Two iron strips, and someone is dancing above them, jumping, waving their arms. (Figure skater)

Who rushes quickly through the snow and isn’t afraid of falling through? (Skier)

It looks like a hedgehog, but does not ask for food. It will run on your clothes, it will become cleaner. (Brush)

He rushes as if to the stars, towards the finish line. Wow! He raised his head - air, lowered it - it was already water. (Swimmer)

I don’t understand, who are you guys? Birders, fishermen? What kind of net is there in the yard? – If you wouldn’t interfere with the game, you’d better move away. We’re playing (volleyball)

They asked me a riddle: What kind of miracles are these? Steering wheel, saddle and two pedals, Two shiny wheels. The riddle has an answer. This is my... (bicycle)

Who will catch up with me on the ice? We are racing. And it’s not horses that carry me, but shiny... (skates).

There are two stripes in the snow, Two foxes were surprised. One came closer: Someone was running here... (skis)

They beat him, but he doesn’t cry, he just jumps more merrily. (Ball)

— Name winter sports. — Name summer sports. - Name as many sports as possible that begin with the letter B. (Badminton, Basketball, Biathlon, Boxing, Running)

Competition 4 “Origins of Health”

  1. What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to lower fever and treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden)
  2. What time of year is best to start hardening? (In summer).
  3. Who are "walruses"? (People swimming in an ice hole in winter).
  4. Why shouldn't you bite your nails? (It’s unsightly and there are germs under your nails, you can get sick).
  5. Can I give my comb to other people? (No, because you can get lice and skin diseases). 6. Who are yogis? (People doing gymnastics, meditation). 7. Why can’t you drink water from a river or puddle? (Dirty water contains various microbes that carry dangerous diseases).
  6. Why can’t you pet stray and other people’s cats and dogs? (You can catch fleas, ticks, lichen).

Conclusion Guys, we have successfully passed all today's tests. At the end of our exciting lesson, I would like you to summarize. On your desk there is a piece of paper with a picture of a person. You need to think and try to create a “portrait of a healthy person”, i.e. indicate what qualities help a person observe a healthy lifestyle.

Awarding teams Source: lesson notes.rf

Quiz with answers: “Health”

1. Hares were raised in a cage. One of the hares ran away and died from running too fast. Is such a situation possible for a person if he leads a sedentary lifestyle? a) Perhaps if a person takes part in a marathon, since all organ systems and muscles of athletes must be trained. Movement is life.+ b) No, this is impossible. Because a person is always in good physical condition. c) Possibly if the athlete comes running first.

2. What do strong bones depend on? a) from calcium+ b) from potassium c) from phosphorus

3. This fluid in the body carries oxygen: a) Urine b) Water c) Blood + d) Lymph

4. This science deals with the study of cleanliness: a) Hygiene + b) Psychology c) Biology

5. Choose what is necessary to maintain your health: a) You need to play sports+ b) You need to follow a daily routine+ c) You need to drink alcohol d) You need to walk in nature+ e) You need to eat as much as possible f) You need to smoke g) You need look for positive moments in life and don’t focus on the negative+

6. Where does digestion begin? a) in the rectum b) in the oral cavity+ c) in the esophagus

7. The tennis court is called: a) port b) court+ c) hall

8. A sports prize that passes from athlete to athlete: a) Cup+ b) Glass c) Bowl

9. What kind of people are called walruses? a) Those who swim well b) Those who are hardened c) Those who swim in the ice hole in winter+

10. Determine what a person and many animals can see with their eyes closed? a) Planets b) Dark spots c) Dreams+

11. Mass disease of people: a) Epidemic+ b) Viral disease c) Malaise in several patients

12. What is the rational distribution of time during the day called? a) Daily routine + b) Correct approach c) Time management

13. Pouring with cold water is: a) Moisturizing b) Hardening + c) Irrigation

14. Determine what needs to be done if a person has a dislocation? a) Only a doctor can straighten a dislocation + b) Pull your arm until the pain goes away c) First aid is to fix the damaged part and then transport it to the hospital +

15. Remember what vitamin A contains? a) In fish, eggs, herbs and green vegetables, in butter+ b) In unrefined cereal grains, in oranges, in poultry c) In seaweed, in honey, in fish oil

16. “Juice of life” - this is what Leonardo da Vinci called: a) Juice from vegetables b) Water + c) Juice from fruits

17. "Broken Heart"? a) This heart can no longer function b) This is a poetic term for the artistic description of feelings + c) If a person is upset, then his heart develops

18. Select those mineral salts that should be included in the human diet: a) Silicon, caffeine, boron, tellurium b) Sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine + c) Zirconium, barium, cesium, bromine

19. What gives a person energy? a) Alcohol, smoking, drinking energy drinks b) Excessive sleep, sedentary lifestyle, life in a metropolis c) A large amount of time in nature, playing sports, doing creative work+

20. In established expression, this is the key to health. a) Dirty b) Disgrace c) cleanliness+

21. Which of the following is a natural advantage for playing basketball? a) Weight b) Eye color c) Height +

22. If you have frostbite, should you rub the frostbitten areas with snow? a) It all depends on the circumstances b) No + c) Yes

23. This small organism carries an infection: a) Cell b) Microbe + c) Helminth

24. A person voluntarily poisons himself with nicotine. What is this process called? a) Passive smoking b) Oxygen starvation c) Smoking+

25. Which Russian commander had very poor health as a child and hardened himself with a Russian bath. Was he able to withstand the terrible heat on the shelf, after which 10 buckets of cold water were poured on him? a) Suvorov + b) Zhukov c) Kutuzov

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