Subgroup speech therapy session using the problem situation “Trip to the Zoo” for children 6-7 years old

Summary of a subgroup lesson in a senior speech therapy group at a preschool educational institution

Subgroup lesson with preschoolers of the senior group on the topic: Differentiation of sounds and letters Z-Z
Description: This lesson was conducted in the senior speech therapy group. When preparing the lesson, the emphasis was on the development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech in children. This lesson will be useful for speech therapists and preschool teachers. Purpose: Comparison of sounds according to acoustic and articulatory characteristics. Objectives: 1. Improving phonemic perception.
2. Development of sound analysis, tactile sensations and fine motor skills. 3. Improving visual perception, spatial orientation and constructive praxis. 4. Consolidation and spelling ZHI – SHI. Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.
Greeting - logorhythmic exercise “Hello palms”. Speech therapist : The children who correctly named the first sound in the word that I pronounce will sit down. Listen carefully. Duck, frost, belly, notes, marten, oriole, caviar, air, doctor, viburnum, bison, cat. (Children answer in turn and sit down. Each child has a badge with his letter pinned on his clothes)
Game “Colorful Journey” In front of each child on the table there is a card with nine squares of different colors and a Kinder Surprise figurine.
Children must move the figure across the cells, starting from the central square. Speech therapist: Let's go on our journey.
Be attentive, listen in which direction you should move. Right, up, left. Where are you staying? Children: On the blue square, etc. Topic message. Speech therapist: Listen to the song of one insect: Zu-zu-zu! - The floor is below... I'm crawling along the ceiling To visit the black hook... Oh, how hot, zu-zu-zu! Oh, how my eye itches! Well, guys, have you guessed who it is? Children : This is a fly. We post a picture of the answer on the board. Speech therapist: And here’s another poem: A bumblebee buzzes to a bumblebee: “Friendly place! There are a thousand specks of dust on you! You’ve even stained your whole belly with pollen.” Adjusting her vest, the bumblebee buzzes in response: “This is not pollen at all, This is face powder. On my sides and on my back I carry her to my w-wife!” What sounds are repeated in the songs of the bumblebee and the fly? Children: Sound [zh] and [z]. Speech therapist : Today in class we will talk about them. What do they have in common? Children : These sounds are consonants, voiced. Speech therapist : How are they different? Children: When pronouncing the sound [z], the tongue is at the bottom, [z] at the top. The sound [z] is whistling, it can be hard and soft, and the sound [z] is hissing and always only hard. Isolating sounds by ear. The work is carried out in the form of a competition between two teams. The “Zhukov” team must catch the sound [zh] (clap their hands), and the “Flies” team must catch the sound [z]. The speech therapist dictates the words: forget-me-not, lampshade, zoo, dragonfly, snakes, animal, bison, cranes, whatnot, squeezed, leather, sunset, jasmine, carnations, iron. Making sentences from given words. Crow comes to visit the children - a hand puppet.
The teacher plays out the arrival of this character. Speech therapist: The postman crow brought us letters.
But all the words in them are mixed up, and I don’t understand anything. Help, guys! - beetle, buzz, flower, above; - jacket, hang, hanger, on; - Zoya, collect, garden, forget-me-nots, in; - live, in, monkeys, zoo. Exercise “Complete the letter” Speech therapist: Look, the crow brought us something else. (Cards with images of letters that have missing elements are displayed on the board. Children complete the letters)
Comparison of letters. Speech therapist (shows letters and pictures)
Guys, look what the letters Z and Z look like? • The snowflake has become the letter Z, the Sun will not melt it anymore. •This letter is wide And looks like a beetle, And besides, like a beetle, It makes a buzzing sound. • Z – a simple curl, Like a spring or shavings. • Look at the letter Z, it’s just like the number three. Game "Unusual Constructor". Children are divided into 2 teams and are engaged in constructing the letters Z and Z from parts on a flannelgraph. Captains with the Z and Z badges are constantly at the flannelgraph, the rest of the children are called in turn. Exercise “Tricks of the Literary Man.” Speech therapist: Guys, I made up words for you with the letters Z and Z. But what is this? The letters have disappeared. Whose tricks are these? I guessed! This angry, angry - angry, hungry - starving Bookworm gobbled them up for lunch. Help me restore my words. How do we know where the letters Z and Z were? (draws the children’s attention to the magnetic board with the words): ko...a, ...aba, ro...a, ...uby, ...amok,, lu...a, past...a, ...and. Game "Mouse Peak". This is a game for developing tactile sensations. Mouse Peak (a hand puppet) comes to visit the children and asks the children to help him sort out the supplies in his pantry. All the bags are the same, and he forgot where everything was. But the bags cannot be untied; children must feel what is inside (millet and corn) by touch. If the child determines that it is millet (corn), then the mouse asks what kind of porridge can be cooked from millet (corn). The child answers: “millet” (“corn”). Consolidation of spelling ZHI and SHI. Speech therapist : Now the crow and I will tell you the fairy tale “How the letters quarreled.” Once upon a time there were letters, they lived without grieving, everyone was friends with each other and never quarreled. But then one day we met on a narrow path two letters Zh and Sh with the letter Y. She recently broke her leg and walked with a cane. A Zh and Sh were terribly important and firm in their convictions, and never under any circumstances showed softness or compliance. They didn’t want to give way to the poor letter Y and pushed it off the path. And they hissed, it’s not for nothing that they are hissing. The letter Y began to cry, was offended and vowed never to stand next to these evil ones. The letters Zh and Sh found out about this and panicked: who would be friends with them instead of the letter Y? They began to look for a replacement for her and persuaded the smiling, quiet letter I to stand instead of Y. Therefore, in the words awl, hedgehogs, belly, pears we hear the sound [s], and we always write I. Copying words. Speech therapist: The crow brought us more letters. Take the cards out of your envelopes and write down the words. Underline the rule. Summarizing. Speech therapist: And now we will read how we worked with you today. (Puts the children in a row. It turns out the word “smart guys”). Well done, you did a good job!

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