Summary of an open lesson on healthy lifestyle "In search of health" in the senior group

Summary of a healthy lifestyle lesson in kindergarten

Theme "Take care of yourself, baby"

Goal and objectives: to familiarize children with dangerous situations that can arise when a child is on vacation in nature.

  1. Teach children the basic rules of behavior in extreme situations; develop safe entertainment skills, be able to choose places and toys for entertainment so that it brings joy and does not cause injury.
  2. Expand children's knowledge about the basic rules of personal safety when meeting strangers (people on the street, in the yard).
  3. Teach ways to avoid danger, develop the ability to navigate difficult situations, assess danger and choose actions for self-defense.
  4. Reinforce knowledge of basic hygiene rules and their importance for health.
  5. Teach your child to value their health and treat their safety accordingly.
  6. Cultivate caution, prudence, vigilance.

Preliminary work.

Reading and telling fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “The Cat, the Cockerel and the Cunning Fox”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Snow Queen”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Tale of the Naughty Little Mouse”.

Reading stories, evaluating the actions of the heroes of these works.

Board game “We will be careful.”

Consideration of illustrations “Take care of your safety”, modeling situations using moving pictures.

Learning proverbs and poems about health.

Acting out dramatizations of “Dunno as Kids” and fairy tales “The Cat, the Cockerel and the Cunning Fox.”

Progress of the lesson

Educator. I am very pleased that you all came to kindergarten today. I am glad to see you cheerful, vigorous, and most importantly healthy. I see that you have chosen your favorite toys. Each of you has your own favorite toy, please tell us about your toy.

Children talk about their toys. For example, I have a fox. I love soft toys, they are gentle and soft. I have a typewriter. I love building a road and a garage for her. I have a book. I like to look at drawings for fairy tales, they are bright and interesting. And I can also read.

Educator. Well done! Tell the children how to play in kindergarten. Recall with the children what was told in the story “The Robber.”

Game “Every toy has its place” (children put toys in their places).

There is a knock on the door. Dunno comes in.

Dunno. Hi all! I am Dunno, your friend, I am a hero known to everyone! What are you doing here?

Children. Let's play!

Dunno. And I also played along the way: I shot sparrows with a slingshot, scattered dogs with stones, and played ball on the road.

Educator. Oh oh oh! Is this how they play?

Children. No! Is it dangerous! (Show a sign of caution - index finger raised up). You can’t shoot with a slingshot; You can’t throw stones; You can’t play with a ball on the road.

Educator. You see Dunno. Children know the rules of safe behavior well. Do you know these rules?

Dunno. I'm not used to listening to other people's advice, Why teach the rules, I'm fine as is! But here are my toys, now I’ll play with them... He pulls out his toys from his backpack, the children stand around the table and look at them.

Educator. These are your toys, Dunno, wait! You can't play with this! Take the rules into account!

Children say: you can step on a button and hurt yourself; you can get hurt with a broken toy; you can prick yourself with a nail; matches are not a toy at all.

Children together: These items are not for play!

Dunno. I understood everything, I’m very ashamed that I don’t know any rules.

Educator. Don't be upset, Dunno. There are many different toys in the kindergarten, they are interesting, bright, and most importantly safe!!! And don’t take any other things for the game, Because they are very dangerous for everyone’s life!

(Children help Dunno collect his dangerous toys).

Educator. Stay Dunno in our group, along with the children. We have another guest today - Dr. Aibolit.

Dr. Aibolit. Good afternoon my kids, Dear boys and girls. And I'm Doctor Aibolit, Maybe someone is in pain?

Children. No! Everyone in the kindergarten is healthy, everyone is cheerful and cheerful!

Dr. Aibolit. I'm very happy for you! Tell us the same, how do you understand what kind of healthy people these are? Of course, everyone knows that it’s nice to be healthy, but we need to know well how healthy we can become!

Didactic exercise “Continue the sentence”

When I’m healthy, I’m... in a cheerful mood; I go to kindergarten; nothing hurts; I have a good appetite; I sleep soundly; I smile; I walk, play, swim, sing, draw...

Educator. Everyone wants to be healthy, but desire alone is not enough. You must be able to organize a healthy lifestyle from childhood, and also take care of your health and avoid danger.

Educator. Children, I want to invite you on an exciting journey, where interesting tasks and various unusual situations await us. Listen to the poem: Where did diseases come from? They were created by evil microbes. These little villains, Hooligans, robbers, That live everywhere, Where there is a lot of dirt: In the swamp and mud, In the garbage and in the dust, Under dirty nails, Claws and claws... Anyone who doesn’t wash their hands Will swallow them and get sick.

Therefore, in order to prevent disease, it is necessary (consider the table “Cleanliness is the key to health”): wash your hands; take a shower; brush your teeth; take care of your hair; keep your clothes clean; keep your home clean. All this helps to preserve and strengthen our health.

Riddles “Health Assistants”:

They say I give beauty, And health, and strength, I bring cleanliness to the house - Everyone calls me... (soap).

Whoever follows me will be healthy. He will often smile with white teeth. All the children, grandmothers, and mothers know me. (Toothbrush).

I am not a dish, not a drink, And at work I am often friends with a brush, Called... (toothpaste).

I am a soft piece of cloth, as affectionate as a cat. I'll blot the water off my cheeks and hair. (Towel).

Educator. The day started interestingly, the sun is shining gently, looking into the room, what are you doing, kids? We draw and sing, we sculpt, we read poetry, then we’ll go for a walk, have lunch and sleep. After sleep, exercise. Then we’ll go to the play. The sun will say: “Oh, how healthy the kids are!”

Educator. Well, let's travel further. Air, sun and water are the best friends for babies. Children, tell us about your friendship with water, sun, air.

(I’m posting the “Hardening” table). Remember, children: To never get sick, you must harden yourself! Sunbathe in the sun, and swim in the river, and wash with cold water in the morning. After that, rub yourself well with a towel.

Educator. How do we strengthen our body in kindergarten?

Children: do exercises in the morning; attend physical education classes; we walk; swim in the pool; eat onions and garlic; gargle; We walk barefoot on a ribbed board.

Educator. Hardening gives good health, excellent mood, and protects against colds.

Physical education minute.

Educator. We continue our journey. I invite you for a walk in the forest. Spring will come soon, followed by summer - this is a wonderful time to relax. It's always nice to walk with mom and dad in the park or in the forest. But while on vacation, you should remember to be careful. And now you will see why. (I’m displaying the table “Moving Drawings.”

Let's imagine that we are in a forest, where there are many different flowers, berries, mushrooms, and insects. We are interested in everything here, because nature is beautiful, but nature is our friend - when we know it well.

Didactic game "Keen Eye".

Educator: Take care of your own safety, and remember it! Know the rules with “NO”, your memory will not let you down!

Rules: DO NOT eat unfamiliar berries! DO NOT touch unfamiliar mushrooms! DO NOT pick unfamiliar flowers, DO NOT weave wreaths from them! DO NOT touch the anthills! DO NOT destroy wasp nests!

Educator. Let's think about why I said that we would go to the forest with mom and dad. You are Sasha, and I am Masha, You are my brother, I am my sister. Dad, mom, you and I are a friendly, pleasant family! Who is this verse about? Who else do we consider family? Who are these strangers? From childhood you should know that people can be different. It is very important to know that a “stranger” is anyone you do not know. We must refuse all proposals from strangers, and if we feel safe, shout: “I don’t know you!”, attracting the attention of others. I know that you really love listening to and telling fairy tales, and now I invite you to guess riddles about the heroes of fairy tales.

Riddles: He faked his voice and began to sing in his mother’s voice. The kids guessed: The wolf is not our mother. ("The wolf and the seven Young goats").

Who ran away from the woman and grandfather - Couldn’t sit on the window. Met different animals in the forest and sang songs to each one? (“Kolobok”).

The cockerel is sitting on the stove, eating delicious pies. Here the fox comes running and quickly grabs the cockerel. The cat runs to save the fox's rooster. (“Cat and Cockerel”).

An old grandmother lived in the forest, her granddaughter carried gifts for her... Who met this girl on the way? What is this fairy tale called? Who would answer? What happened to the kolobok? Did he do well? Could this not have happened? I really want this fairy tale to have a happy ending. Let's come up with a new fairy tale about a kolobok together

(The teacher puts on the Kolobok glove). I'm a funny gingerbread man. Grandfather and grandmother are my family. I asked their permission to go to kindergarten for the children.

Inventing fairy tales for children.

Educator. Let's travel further. There may be times in our lives when we need to be very attentive and careful. Listen to the story called “Lost.”

Conversation on the content of the story.

What would you do in this case? (Children's answers). Children give their home address.

Educator. What professions of people do you know that are concerned about our health and safety? (Examining the table) Making a notebook with phone numbers.

Dr. Aibolit. I really liked you. Now let's play - I need to answer you: Early in the morning, who got up? Who smiled at the sun? And who did the exercises? Who hasn't washed their hands? Who did physical education? Haven't washed your face yet? Who is friends with water and sun? Vitamins, which one of you loves? Who wants to become healthy? Do you also have a lot of power?

Educator. Well done! Did you, Dunno, like it in our kindergarten?

Dunno. Yes, I learned a lot. Thank you!

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