“Pushkin through the eyes of children” Integrated educational activities

“Pushkin through the eyes of children” Integrated educational activities


Erofeeva Marina Aleksandrovna,


MADOOU ds No. 39 Tyumen

"Pushkin through the eyes of children"

Purpose: acquaintance with the biography of the writer. Develop interest in the literary works of A.S. Pushkin.


  1. Creatively develop and draw children's attention to the features of the Russian language: beauty, sonority, simplicity, brevity.
  2. Development of creative abilities of fantasy and imagination in children.
  3. Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere for children, evoking an emotional response through theatrical play production. (The ability to dramatize fragments of works based on the text).
  4. In an accessible form, introduce children to the biography of the poet. Show how individual facts of the poet’s life are reflected in his works.
  5. Cultivate an interest in fiction.

Material: portraits of A.S. Pushkin and members of his family, various decorations for a Russian hut, costumes of the Pushkin era for children.

Preliminary work: conversation about the work of A.S. Pushkin, looking at illustrations for the works of A.S. Pushkin, reading fairy tales, memorizing poetry, watching cartoons based on the works of A.S. Pushkin. Children give presentations on “The history of writing pens” and “The history of books.” A literary quiz was held based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin with the participation of children in improvisation of performances based on the works of A.S. Pushkin. Design of an exhibition of children's works on artistic and visual activities: “Our favorite fairy tales.” Manual labor making crafts of your favorite characters based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. Active participation of parents in supporting our ideas with their children “Pushkin through the eyes of children.” Assistance in selecting costumes and attributes for a theatrical play production.

Progress of educational activities.

Narrator: Our meeting is dedicated to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

It is impossible to imagine Russian literature without such a legendary writer as Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Today this name is familiar to everyone, from a small child to a gray-haired old man. Some of Pushkin’s works are already understandable to preschool children. At the same time simple, but with a deep meaning, they attract the attention of a child of any age, allowing him to look at the world from a different, fairy-tale side.

Today I want to tell you about the family into which A.S. was born. Pushkin. He was born a very long time ago, when not only you were not there, but also when your grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandfathers were not there.

Let's walk the roads of his life together. These are the roads of the eternal wanderer and the eternal traveler. And we will begin the journey from the road of A.S.’s childhood. Pushkin (Display of a portrait of A.S. Pushkin.)

The life of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin began in the most beautiful city of our country in Moscow - the heart of Russia. Pushkin was born on June 6 (May 26, old style) 1799.

As a child, he was the same ordinary little boy as you are now. His parents affectionately called him Sashenka. (Showing a portrait of Pushkin as a child.)

Dramatization by children based on the storyteller's text.


Every person needs parental love, especially a small child. Pushkin's dad's name was Sergei Lvovich, and his mother's name was Nadezhda Osipovna . Sasha also had an older sister and two younger brothers.

Little Pushkin lacked parental love. Because my parents were busy all the time. Mom Nadezhda Osipovna was considered a beauty in society; she devoted a lot of time to her appearance. And dad Sergei Lvovich loved fun, conversations, friendly feasts, and therefore they were often invited to guests at parties and balls. And in the family they paid more attention to their older sister Olga and brother Lev. And it seemed to little Pushkin that he was growing up as an unloved son. Fortunately, my father had many books in French. And soon he no longer needed parental attention. Because his books became his main friends . (Showing a portrait of the parents).

from his great-grandfather - dark complexion, curly hair. Little Pushkin's great-grandfather was born in the south of Ethiopia in Central Africa, and was the son of a local leader. And when he was 8 years old, he was kidnapped by robbers. This stolen boy ended up on a slave market in Turkey, where he was bought by the Tsar's envoy Savva Raguzinsky and brought to Russia in 1706 as a gift to the Tsar. His first name, patronymic and last name were invented by Tsar Peter the Great when he was baptized by Abram together with the Polish queen. (Ibrahim) Abram Petrovich first lived under the tsar as a living toy. When he grew up, he turned into a handsome black youth. Abram Petrovich Hannibal took a course as a military engineer, became an officer in the French army, became famous in several battles, and finally returned to Russia. Abram Petrovich was a famous builder of fortresses and was awarded orders. This was one of little Pushkin’s great-grandfathers. (Showing a portrait of his grandfather)

Grandmother Maria Alekseevna. Grandmother Maria Alekseevna came from the famous Rzhevsky family. Her grandfather was the favorite of Emperor Peter the Great himself, and her grandmother often told her grandson about him. In her young years, she married the youngest son of Abram Petrovich Hannibal, but he turned out to be a useless husband. Hannibal kicked his wife out of the house, and took away his little daughter Nadezhda Osipovna. Then another son of Hannibal, Ivan Ambramych, a famous hero, stood up for grandmother Maria Alekseevna, in whose honor Empress Catherine the Second ordered two monuments to be erected. The Empress took pity on the young Maria Alekseevna, ordered the return of her daughter and assigned her an estate near Moscow in the village of Zakharov. On this estate there was a large park, a pond on which boats were sailed, and nearby there was a village where peasants lived. In the evenings the singing of peasant girls could be heard from there. And little Pushkin really enjoyed listening to this singing. And grandmother Maria Alekseevna herself sang beautifully in Russian, which surprised everyone. She also introduced him to oral folk art. Alexander listened carefully to Russian fairy tales and epics, and learned the Russian language from his grandmother. (Showing a portrait of grandmother).

Nanny Arina Rodionova . It was important to be able to speak foreign languages ​​well, but it was even more important to know your native one. However, little Pushkin's first words were French. Because his parents and guests spoke French to each other. This was customary in educated noble families. Pushkin had a nanny, Arina Rodionova. At first, Arina Rodionova nursed her older sister Olga, who was born a year earlier. But one day, when little Pushkin was only a few months old, he cried so much that no one could stop him: neither his mother nor his grandmother. Then they called Arina Rodionova, and as soon as she touched the crying baby, he immediately stopped crying, then smiled, yawned, and a moment later calmly fell asleep. Then everyone realized that there could be no better nanny than her. Therefore, Arina Rodionova nursed both children. In the evenings she sang lullabies to them, played ladushki during the day, and also knew many funny stories, counting rhymes, and fairy tales. And soon little Pushkin also repeated them by heart. And decades later he remembered and himself wrote fairy tales, which every Russian child has known since then. (Showing a portrait of a nanny).


Pushkin's childhood is a special page in his life.

Two women lived in the Pushkin house, who gave Alexander maternal love and affection. Nanny Arina Rodionovna and grandmother Maria Alekseevna Hannibal - they were in a hurry to console and caress the boy, they told him fairy tales. Until the age of eight, Alexander hardly stood out; he was silent and observant, loved to listen in silent silence to the stories of his grandmother Maria Alekseevna Hannibal and the tales of his nanny, Arina Rodionovna. His grandmother and nanny spoiled him and were closer to his father and mother.

When Pushkin was little, he often hid in his grandmother's basket.

Only his mother is going to take him out for a walk, but her son is no longer there. The son sneaked into his grandmother’s room and sat hidden in a large needlework basket. His mother pulled him out, dressed him and took him outside. And on the street she made him run and jump. She shouted - come on, catch up with me! But little Pushkin sat down on the ground and did not want to get up, because he did not like noisy games, and he was too clumsy and fat. And the parents were very upset by this behavior of their son.

Once dad said to him: “If only I could hide behind the chairs when guests come to me, and have cakes from the table.”

When guests came to the house, Sasha was sent to the nursery saying: “Cakes are bad for you, and there is no point in listening to our conversations.”

The guests of Sergei Lvovich's father were famous writers. They read their own and other people’s poems aloud, discussed new books. (Children read poems by heart one by one from the poet’s collection)

And Pushkin, hiding behind a large chair, listened to their every word - these conversations were very interesting to him. The boy Alexander listened attentively to the reading of poetry and did not take his eyes off those who were reading. Their speeches were interesting to young Pushkin. He listened to their leisurely speeches. Alexander had a special interest and great respect for writers, who were frequent guests at the Pushkin house. After the guests left, Pushkin lay in bed and for a long time remembered adult conversations, jokes, as well as poems that the guests read. And he composed his own lines. These lines excited his soul, he repeated them over and over again, and he so wanted to immediately write them down on paper. He just didn’t know how to write, and Pushkin often dreamed that teachers would come quickly and teach him how to write. Finally, his parents took him a French tutor. He was the first to discover little Pushkin’s notebook with poems and plays.

And one day Alexander heard his parents talking. His father won’t allow him to visit guests until he loses weight. Sasha was so scared that even the cakes seemed disgusting to him. Sasha ran and jumped as much as he wanted, but not when he was forced, but when he himself wanted it. The future great poet really wanted to be present when guests visited them. And he began to spend a lot of time in the fresh air, running and jumping. A few weeks later, the father and his friends left the house, and suddenly saw: some thin boy running past, jumping and laughing loudly. Father Sergei Lvovich looked closely and saw his son Sasha.

Alexander was a rather reserved boy. He quickly learned to read and often sat for whole days, reading greedily whatever he could get his hands on in his father's library, which for the most part contained books almost entirely by French writers. The boy was so carried away by the works of these writers that in his ninth year, imitating them, he began to write quite sonorous French poems himself. He had an excellent memory, and in his eleventh year he knew by heart almost all the French books in his father's library. He had an excellent command of French, German and English.

Sasha began composing small comedies and epigrams at the age of eight . And at the age of nine he wrote fables, plays, poems and read them to his entire family.


When Alexander Sergeevich turned 12 years old, at the behest of Emperor Alexander 1, a Lyceum was opened for children from respected noble families. This event was considered very important in Russia. Emperor Alexander was the first to want the lyceum students to become highly educated people who would elevate the state through their deeds.

In the twelfth year of his life, on October 19, 1811, the poet’s uncle, Vasily Lvovich Pushkin, took Alexander Pushkin to St. Petersburg to enroll him in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The future poet graduated from the Lyceum in 1817. The years Pushkin spent at the Lyceum were difficult; he had to make a lot of effort mastering mathematics, but they were happy. They remained in the memory of Alexander Sergeevich forever.

During all 6 years of study, lyceum students were forbidden to leave this place, and relatives were allowed to visit them only on holidays. The room contained an iron bed, a chest of drawers, a mirror, a dressing table, and a chair. On the table there was a desk with an inkwell, a candlestick and tongs. There was also a mirror, a chair, and a dressing table.

6 years have passed, and A.S. Pushkin turned into a young man, his poems were read with pleasure, copied and passed on to each other. During his studies, Alexander wrote the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” . (The child reads the passage by heart).

When Alexander Sergeevich grew up, he dedicated a poem to his nanny Arina Rodionovna, which is called “Nanny.” (The child reads it by heart).


Natalya Goncharova . In an adult A.S. Pushkin had a large family, his wife’s name was Natalya Nikolaevna. And they had four children, whom he affectionately called “babies.”

Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova is one of the first beauties of Moscow and St. Petersburg of the 19th century. Pushkin first met Natasha in December 1828 and fell unconditionally in love. Four months later, he already asked Natalya Nikolaevna’s hand in marriage from her mother. But mother did not give consent. In April 1830, Pushkin made a second attempt. This time his proposal was accepted. February 18, 1831 in the Church of the Great Ascension A.S. Pushkin and N.N. Goncharova got married. They were married for six years and had four children.


A mysterious incident happened to Pushkin in St. Petersburg. On the street he met a captain he knew, who was going to the famous fortune teller Kirgoff. He invited A.S. Pushkin to look in together.

The fortune teller asked Pushkin to hold out his palm and looked at the lines on it for a long time.

“You have an amazing destiny, young man,” she finally said. “Very great glory awaits you; by the way, you will receive an important message this evening.” Tomorrow a substantial amount of money will be delivered to you. But most importantly, you will live a long time, unless you are killed because of a woman by a man with white hair.

“Now give me your palm,” she turned to the captain. The fortune teller frowned and then spoke sadly.

“You are also threatened with violent death, and I am afraid that this will happen very soon.”

The fortune teller's predictions began to come true with amazing speed. Pushkin was at the ball, and when everyone began to leave, an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs approached him.

— I am glad to congratulate you on your appointment in our Ministry. Your papers have been signed today.

In the morning, an acquaintance came in who owed him a substantial amount of money and handed it over in an envelope. An hour later, a soldier knocked and told him about the captain’s death.


A.S. Pushkin was a very honest and truthful person. He wrote bold poems where he ridiculed fools, evil and dishonest people. Alexander Sergeevich did not know how to forgive insults. (That’s why he fought a duel and died from a mortal wound).

In November 1836, a scandal broke out between A.S. Pushkin and Lieutenant Heckeren (Dantes) with a white head. The reason for the quarrel was Pushkin’s insulted honor. Pushkin received an anonymous letter saying that his wife was dating Dantes. The duel took place on February 8, 1837 on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. Dantes shot first - the bullet hit Pushkin in the stomach. With a return shot, the poet easily wounded his opponent in the arm. After the duel, the best doctors fought for Pushkin’s life, but at that time the wound turned out to be fatal. On February 10, 1837 at 14:45 minutes, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin died. Thus, another fortune teller’s prediction came true. Russia has lost a great poet. Pushkin died, but left us amazing fairy tales, many sonorous and powerful poems, poems and stories. The name of Alexander Sergeevich will never be forgotten, he is always alive with us, beloved, our great Pushkin.

Result: A.S. Pushkin showed the world how rich and euphonious our folk Russian language is. Great Russian literature began with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In Pushkin’s poems, special attention is paid to the description of nature. In this he still has no equal; his words about his native land, trees, flowers and the sea penetrate into the very heart of a child, awakening in him pride and love for the Motherland.


  1. V.V. Gerbova, N.P. Ilchuk, Book for reading in kindergarten and at home: 5-7 years old, M., ed. Onyx, , 2006.
  2. L.N. Eliseeva, Reader for little ones, M., ed. Enlightenment, 1982.
  3. O.S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish, Introducing preschoolers to literature, M., shopping center. Sphere, 2005.

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Information for 9th grade

For ninth-graders, Alexander Sergeevich is already an understandable personality.

High school students realize how multifaceted and amazing a person he was, and are ready to accept information about the vicissitudes of fate.

For grade 9, considering the main dates of the biography, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the role of the poet in the social and political life of that time, his influence on his contemporaries, as well as on the reforms of Russian written speech: it was after Pushkin that poetic speech and prose became simple and easy to understand.

Summary of an open lesson in a preparatory group on the topic “Tales of Pushkin”

Aida Khachaturyan

Summary of an open lesson in a preparatory group on the topic “Tales of Pushkin”

Tales of A. S. Pushkin .

Goal: developing children's interest in fiction, instilling in children a love for fairy tales . S. Pushkin ,

1. Introduce children to the life and work of A. S. Pushkin ;

2. Introduce children to fairy tales A. S. Pushkin

3. To form in children an emotional perception of fairy tales . S. Pushkin ;

4. To instill in children hard work, modesty, patience, and an intolerant attitude towards greed, rudeness, evil, and laziness;

5. Form the moral concepts of “work and laziness”

"good evil"

6. Cultivate a good attitude towards fairy tales and fairy-tale characters ;

1. Continue to develop interest in fairy tales A. S. Pushkin .

2. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the artistic features of fairy tales .

1. Develop the ability to answer questions about the content of works, use sentences of different constructions , select words to characterize the characters.

1. Cultivate a love for the work of A. S. Pushkin , for the beauty of the Russian poetic word.

2. Cultivate an aesthetic taste for literary works and a love for books.

Materials and equipment:

Laptop, illustrations for fairy tales , multimedia projector

Reading fairy tales A. S. Pushkin .

Watching cartoons based on by A. S. Pushkin .

Listening to audio versions of by A. S. Pushkin .

Consideration and discussion of artists' illustrations for the poet's fairy tales .

Drawing and coloring fairy-tale characters and fairy-tale plots .

Organization of an exhibition of children's creativity on the theme of fairy tales . S. Pushkin

Let's sum it up

Today we still read Pushkin with pleasure, although his life is separated from ours by two centuries. Why? It's simple: the great poet wrote about what will always worry a person, regardless of the time in which he happened to live: about the choice of life's path, about eternal values ​​- love, friendship, fidelity, courage.

If you feel that you have begun to lose your bearings in life, open “The Bakhchisarai Fountain” or “Eugene Onegin”, and everything will fall into place. And knowledge of the biography of this genius will help to better understand the motives of his work.

Period of Mikhailovsky exile

In the short biography that is compiled for children, they usually skip the period of exile in Mikhailovskoye. But these are the years that the poet spent in solitude, when nothing distracted him from reading and creativity.

It is in exile that the final formation of a young man as a personality occurs.

Alexander gets to know the people his nanny told him about. Pushkin listens to the legends of old people, goes to the market in a red shirt to “overhear” the folk conversation, jokes with peasant and courtyard girls and boys, and takes part in games.

In Mikhailovskoye, the poet appreciated the loyalty of friendship - Ivan Pushchin came to him, and this turned out to be their last date.

This is interesting! Brief analysis of the poem Monument to Alexander Pushkin

In the Mikhailovsky exile, he experienced painful and sweet love for the beautiful Anna Kern, who for a time became his muse, thanks to her extraordinarily beautiful lines were born: “I loved you - love, perhaps, has not completely died out in my soul.”

In order to better remember the most important thing about the life and work of the great poet, it is worth compiling a brief summary of the biography. What will go in there?

  1. Important dates (birth, study at the Lyceum, exile, meeting Natalie, duel).
  2. Pushkin's activities and hobbies in different periods of his life.
  3. The most important works (in your personal opinion).

Important! Mikhailovskoye in Pushkin’s life is a hugely significant segment of the path. In this exile his soul matured.

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