NOD OO "Cognitive Development" in the senior group on the topic "What is summer?"
Weekly calendar plan on the topic “Summer” Topic: “Summer” from 06/1/20 to 06/5/20
Conversation on environmental education “Our home is nature” in the senior group.
Conversation with elements of discussion: “Ecology and us” Conversation with elements of discussion: “Ecology and us”
“Environmental education in the second junior group” Elena Aleksandrovna Belyaeva, teacher of category I, 2012 2012 - presentation
“May 9 - Victory Day.” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic
The use of fairy tale therapy in working with preschool childrenpresentation on the topic
The use of fairy tale therapy in working with preschool children presentation on the topic Slide 1 The use of fairy tale therapy
Notes on sculpting "Different fish" (middle group)
GCD modeling in the middle group the topic is “Fish” GCD Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling Middle group Theme: Fish
Short-term project in the preparatory group “My family is my wealth”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Lesson summary: formation of a holistic picture of the world in the senior group. Topic: “My family”
Games with sand for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten. Card file with goals
Games with sand for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten. Card index with goals Card index
Theatrical activities in the senior group in kindergarten
Preview: Summary of educational activities for theatrical activities in the senior group “We are actors.” call
lesson notes on speech development for junior group 1; lesson plan on speech development (junior group)
From the author Successful implementation of program tasks depends on a number of factors and, above all, on
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