Theatrical activities in the senior group in kindergarten


Summary of educational activities for theatrical activities in the senior group “We are actors.”

arouse interest in theatrical and play activities, create a sense of success for each individual child;

consolidate the types of theaters (drama, puppet, continue to introduce theatrical terminology (actor, director, drama theater, gapit); - introduce the theater puppet on gapit, teach basic skills of controlling a puppet;

cultivate a friendly, emotionally positive attitude towards each other;

activating children's speech through the development of dialogical speech (conversation, game, dramatization game, introduction of new words and concepts into the active vocabulary (puppeteer, gapit, actor).

Dictionary: drama theatre, puppet theatre, gapit, theatrical mask, director.

Material: screen, dolls on the gap 10 pcs. , tape recorder, audio cassettes, theatrical masks on a stick. (sad and cheerful).

(children enter the group to the music)

-Let's stand in a circle. Let's smile at each other, and so that the sun smiles at us, let's draw it with our hands: Let's draw a big circle,

Lots of rays around

This sun is shining

It illuminates everything.

“Now the room has become brighter and more joyful from our sunshine.” Now come over to the chairs, sit down comfortably, and I will tell you what we will do. Let's cancel our activity and just make small magical transformations!

- Well, do you agree? That's great!

- Guys, where do magic and wonderful transformations happen? (in a fairy tale).

- Do you like fairy tales?

— What do you like more, listening or watching fairy tales and plays?

-Where can you see them? (in the theatre) .

— Guys, are there theaters in our city?

— What theaters do you know? (dramatic, puppet)

— Guys, who shows performances, fabulous performances in the drama theater? (People)

— Do you know what these people in the theater are called? (actors)

— Actors play different roles. They can turn into anyone on stage! They can play a stupid king or a capricious princess. Or they can turn into a small helpless puppy or a cowardly bunny.

- Do you want us to try to turn into someone? Come to me, stand up wherever you want. And for a moment you and I will become actors in a drama theater, imagine that we are on stage, and here are the spectators. So, the music started playing and we were no longer kids, but kittens! The kittens got out of the warm house into the snowy yard, sniffed the cold air, and then it started snowing! Kittens don't like it! They curled up into a ball, pressing their paws, ears, and tails. But the snow stopped, the kittens straightened up, shook off their front paws, back paws, ears, tail and all their fur.

- Oh, what great fellows you are, real kittens!

- And now you are no longer kittens, but snowmen that the guys made during a walk! Snowmen love frosty days, they have fun, they smile! But then the sun began to warm up, the snowmen began to melt! First the head melted, then the arms, then the body and the snowmen turned into clean, transparent puddles.

- Well done guys, you are real actors!

- Well, now you can sit down on the chairs, relax and see what I have prepared for you. (I take out 2 masks, a happy one and a sad one)

- What is this, guys? (masks)

— That’s right, masks, but not ordinary carnival masks, but theatrical ones.

-Are they the same or different? (different)

— What mood do they convey? (happy and sad)

- Now, guys, you can come up, take any mask for yourself and we will stand in a circle.

— Look carefully at your mask, remember what mood it conveys. And we'll try on our masks

- Oh, you’re completely unrecognizable!

- Now, dear masks, you can tell what mood you are in, conveying it with your voice, and maybe even with your movement.

- Please, dear mask, tell me what kind of person you are? (I'm a happy mask)

If the mask is cheerful, it talks about it cheerfully, joyfully, cheerfully, and may even perform some funny movement!

- What about you, mask? (I'm a sad mask)

The sad mask has a sad voice, gestures and movements also express sadness. - And now all the sad masks, take a step in a circle and turn to the cheerful masks. And I invite the masks to greet each other.

— The cheerful masks will greet the sad ones first. Exciting and fun! “Hello, sad mask! ”

- And now the sad masks. Quiet and sad. “Hello, funny mask! ”

- May I greet you?

“Hello, dear masks! ” (making a mistake in intonation) - Did I convey the mood of the mask correctly in my voice?

- Why is it wrong?

- You guys are great! It was impossible to recognize you behind the masks!

They conveyed the mood of the mask wonderfully with their voice and movement! Now you can put the mask down and rest a little.

— Guys, we talked about the drama theater and even were actors ourselves, but we completely forgot about another theater, which one? (puppet)

— Guys, who is the most important person in the puppet theater?

— Does anyone help the dolls or do they perform independently on the stage or screen?

—What do you call people who are controlled by dolls?

- They are called Puppeteers! Repeat and remember this word, because today you will hear it often.

- And all because I have prepared a surprise for you!

- Today we ourselves will be puppeteers, because theatrical puppets are looking forward to seeing you in our puppet theater! Want to meet them? Then meet me!

— These dolls perform on a screen, they are called dolls on the gap.

— What is gapit? This is a stick on which the doll is put, the stick is called - GAPIT. That’s where the name comes from - dolls on gapite!

- Today I will teach you how to control these dolls, because you will be puppeteers. We take the gapit in one hand, and with the other hand we hold the wires that are attached to the doll’s hands, we can raise and lower them, the doll will come to life in your hands.

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