Theatrical activities. Scenarios in the preparatory group

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

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Dramatization of the fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief” for children of the preparatory group of kindergarten

Author: Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director of GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg Description of work: I bring to your attention the script of a theatrical performance for children of senior preschool age with the addition of musical, gaming and logorhythmic exercises. This development can be used by music directors and preschool teachers. Goals and objectives: Education of the rules of etiquette and consolidation of knowledge about sanitary and hygienic skills Development of creative independence and aesthetic taste in conveying an image using means of expressiveness.
Consolidating the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the varied nature of music. musical images and the ability to convey a simple rhythmic pattern. Further development of the ability to perform songs expressively, correctly conveying the melody and the skills of choral and solo singing. Fedorushka visiting the guys Presenter: We know all the girls and boys love books very much, They love fairy tales, they love songs, and to make it more interesting, we’ll show you an old fairy tale, we’ll tell you about Fedorushka. Fedora yawns:

I would wash the dishes, but I can’t lift my hands, I would cook cabbage soup, but I just want to sleep. There are a lot of crumbs on the table, something is very bad for me. Oh, my head hurts, yes, I must be sick. Fedora fell asleep, the dishes are coming out. Presenter: It’s a shame, I went to bed, but I have to sweep, Look at the dishes

Cup: We will not live with Fedora! How can? We haven't been washed, the handles are all broken off the sides! Spoon: I'm covered in oil, I'm covered in soot. There's not even any shine on the spoon! Rolling pin: I can’t do this anymore, I’ll run away from Fedora. Plate: And she didn’t wash us either! I forgot about the plates! Knife: I don’t cut, I’ve become dull, I’ve turned into a piece of iron. Saucer: Oh, we are poor dishes. Living with Fedora is very bad! Iron: I'll leave Fedora! Fedora and I will disappear! (leave)

Cockroaches come out: 1. How many crumbs are on the table 2. There’s enough here for you and me 3. Fedora and I will live together 4. We don’t want to leave. Dance of the Cockroaches

Moidodyr comes out: I am the great washbasin, my name is Moidodyr, I am glad to come to you for the holiday, but what happened here?

Fedora: Help Fedora, save poor me, they want to live in the house, look, they’ve settled in, they’re looking. Moidodyr: Well, get out of here quickly. Otherwise it will be bad for you! (The cockroaches ran away) - You, Fedora, got lazy, didn’t wash your face early in the morning, didn’t braid your braid, didn’t clear it from the table. The floor is black and the table is black and the hem is unwashed. Fedora: So teach me how to do everything. Moidodyr: First we need to wash you and clean you of dirt. Here are some washcloths for you, take them and scrub Fedora’s sides. Don’t skimp on the gel or soap, pour some warm water.

Dance with basins and washcloths
- You, Fedora, comb his hair and take off his dirty dress.
Smile, Fedora, for us, on the holiday of grandmothers and mothers! (clean Fedora appears)
- So you have become neat and beautiful and pleasant!
Let's teach Fedora how to clean, guys. Attraction games: - Cleaning and lunch - Carry the potatoes in a spoon along the winding path - Remove Fyodor's trash:

Now I know a lot that I behaved like that, I’m sorry, you, old me, help me and return the dishes to me. Moidodyr: Come out quickly, dishes, Fedora is in trouble without you! Dishes coming out

Rolling pin: Fedora needs a rolling pin, Without me Fedora is miserable, I will roll the dough and treat him to pies. Cup: Cups are also here, are they baking pies in the oven? I’ll pour some tea into a cup and give it to Fyodor. Spoon: I will not be her enemy, Drink some tea and pie. Saucer: Here are the cutie saucers. How can there be a saucer without a cup? Iron: We will iron all the sheets, towels and scarves. You, Fedora, don’t be lazy, start ironing quickly. Knife: Well, I’ll respect you, I’ll butter your bread. Plate: And the plates are right there. They serve her a sandwich.

Moidodyr: We forgive Fedorushka. We treat you to sweet tea, Eat, eat, Fedora Egorovna!

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Literary leisure “Connoisseurs of fairy tales” in the preparatory group


1. Be able to distinguish fairy tales, know their features and authors. Be able to recognize a fairy tale from an excerpt, know the fairy tales of different peoples.

2. Develop the ability to use knowledge of fairy tales in a new situation, develop thinking, imagination, memory, speed of reaction, explanatory speech, attention.

3. Cultivate interest in fairy tales, foster good feelings towards elders, and cultivate moral qualities.

Methods and techniques.

Questions, conversation, looking at illustrations, a surprise moment. Find out the fairy tales from the passage. Answer the question quickly. Guess the melody for the fairy tale.

Preliminary work.

Reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations, conversations on the content of fairy tales, exhibition of books “Fairy Tales”. Acquaintance with the works of Russian and foreign writers. Getting to know fairy tales of different nations, watching cartoons based on fairy tales, listening to songs from cartoons.

Leisure progress.

- Guys, look, a magic tree has grown in our group. Let's come and take a look at it.

-What do you see on this tree? (Illustrations for fairy tales.)

- What fairy tale is this illustration for? ("Puss in Boots".)

-Who is the main character of this fairy tale? (Cat, Marquis.)

—Who is the author of this fairy tale? (Charles Perrault.)

- What country did he live in? (In France.)

— Guys, look carefully, there are also illustrations for fairy tales by Charles Perrault.

- Name these fairy tales. (“Cinderella”, “Little Red Riding Hood”.)

- And what fairy tale are these illustrations for (“The Frog Princess”, “Sivka Burka”.)

-Who is the author of these fairy tales? (Russian people.)

— Guys, are there any more fairy tales left here? (Yes.)

What kind of fairy tales are they for? (“Thumbelina”, “The Ugly Duckling”.)

- Who is the author of these fairy tales? (H. H. Andersen.)

- Well done. This was not a big warm-up for you and me. and now we will test your knowledge of fairy tales.

We need to split into two teams.

The first team is “Vasilisa the Wise”, and the second team will be called “Seven Bogatyrs”

First I will ask questions to the first team, for each correct answer the team receives one point. If the first team finds it difficult to answer, they can get help from the second team, thereby earning points for themselves.

Questions for the first team.

1. What did the needlewoman drop into the well? (Spindle.)

2. Where did the genie live for 1000 years? (Lamp.)

3. What musical instrument did the swineherd have? (Flute.)

4. Author of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”? (Charles Perrault.)

5. What were the names of the three little pigs in one fairy tale? (Nif-nif, Naf-naf, Nuf-nuf.)

6. Author of the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”? (H. H. Andersen.)

7. What did the month of April give to your stepdaughter? (ring.)

8. What is the name of the girl with blue eyes? (Malvina.)

9. Name Snow White’s little friends? (Gnomes.)

10. Name a Ukrainian fairy tale with similar content to a Russian folk tale? (Teremok, Mitten.)

11. How many meetings did the old man and the fish have? (6.)

12. Which flower did the monster love most? (The Scarlet Flower.)

13. How did the hare boast in one fairy tale? (I don’t have a mustache, but whiskers; not paws, but paws.)


Questions for the second team.

1. Who destroyed the tower? (Bear.)

2. What kind of transport did Emelya like to ride? (On the stove.)

3. Where should a bear not sit? (On a stump.)

4. Author of the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”? (P. Bazhov.)

5. What were the names of the little mice in the Ukrainian fairy tale “Spikelet”? (Twist and Turn.)

6. Author of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”? (Ershov.)

7. Name a Russian and German fairy tale with a similar plot about how the weaker one overtook the strong and boastful one in a duel? (Russian – “The Fox and the Crayfish”; German – Brothers Grim “The Hare and the Hedgehog”.)

8. What caused the destruction of the “Cat House”? (Fire.)

9. Who wore size 45 boots? ("Uncle Styopa")

10. Where did Pinocchio stick his nose? (Into the hearth)

11. Which fairy tale contains a warning that you should not drink raw water? (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)

12. About which princess did they say that she was traveling in a box? ("Princess Frog".)

13. Name a fairy tale in which one hero threatens another “When I jump out, when I jump out”? (“Zayushkina’s hut.”)


Second competition “Find out a fairy tale from an excerpt”

Assignment to the first team.

1. From which work are these lines: Suddenly, from somewhere a jackal on a mare galloped up, here is a telegram from a hippopotamus. (“Aibolit”) name the author? (K. Chukovsky.)

2. Grandma, grandma, why do you have such long arms? (“Little Red Riding Hood”) name the author? (Charles Perrault.)

3. Get into one ear of mine and out the other - everything will work out. (“Kroshechka – Khavroshechka”) who wrote this fairy tale? (This is a Russian folk tale.)

4. He will shop with grief across the floors, turn to the mirrors - all the partner’s work is coming apart at the seams. (“Uncle Styopa”) name the author? (S. Mikhalkov.)

5. Wind, you are a powerful wind, you drive flocks of clouds, you stir the blue sea, you blow everywhere in the open air. (“The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Knights”), name the author? (A.S. Pushkin.)

Task for the second team.

1. From which work are these lines taken: Month, month, my friend, gilded horn. you stand up in the deep darkness, chubby, bright-eyed. (The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Knights) - who is the author of this tale? (A.S. Pushkin.)

2. A woman planted a magic seed in a pot, and a beautiful large flower grew, inside of which sat a tiny girl (Thumbelina), the author of the fairy tale? (H. H. Andersen)

3. A heavy stone pulls to the bottom, a fierce snake sucked out the heart (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”). Name the author of this fairy tale? (This is a Russian folk tale.)

4. And the dishes go forward and forward through the fields through the swamps (“Fedorino’s grief”), name the author? (K. Chukovsky)

5. The wind blows across the sea and propels the boat, it runs in the waves on swollen sails. (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan”) the author of this tale? (A.S. Pushkin.)

The next competition of our evening is “Musical”

You will need to guess the melody from familiar cartoons.

Listen to the first musical excerpt

1. Cartoon “The Town Musicians of Bremen”

(There is nothing better in the world than wandering around the world with friends...)

2. Song of hedgehog grandmothers from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”

(Stretch the bellows of the accordion, sing, play, play...)

3. Song from the cartoon “Holidays in Prostokvashino”

(If it weren’t for winter in cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days...)

4. The merman’s song from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”

(I’m a merman, I’m a merman, someone would talk to me, otherwise my friends are leeches and frogs...)

5. Song from the cartoon “Little Raccoon”

(A smile makes a gloomy day brighter, a smile makes a rainbow light up in the sky...)

6. Song of the Bremen Town Musicians (Well, let’s all open our ears together, it’s better to clap your hands well...)

7. Lullaby from the cartoon “Umka”

(Your neighbors the polar bears are sleeping, sleep and you will soon be a baby...)

8. Song of the robbers from the cartoon “The Town of Bremen”

(Give me some cards to tell your fortune about the king, oh la-la oh la-la....)


- Well done guys, today you have pleased me with your knowledge, and there are still a lot of interesting and exciting things ahead of us.


Author: Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not, It was recently, but maybe it wasn’t. Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl and her name was Mashenka. And that's what happened to her one day.

Masha: (Screaming, crying) I don’t want to wash my hands, I don’t want to eat, I’ll whine all day, I won’t listen to anyone!

Author. Her beloved dog Barbos came running.

Barbos: What happened to our Masha? She cries, screams, doesn't want to do anything!

Author. The beloved kitten sits next to Masha

Murzik: Let's talk, console!

Barbos: Mashenka, let's go for a walk.

Murzik: Look how nice the weather is...

Masha: I want a bad one, let it rain!

Murzik: But then you'll get wet!

Masha: I want to get wet!

Murzik: Maybe you're hungry? I'll bring you...

Masha: I don’t want anything!

Barbos: And would you like some ice cream? Creamy, chocolate, strawberry, lingonberry...

Masha: No ice cream, no cake!

Murzik: maybe you're thirsty? Would you like me to bring you some tea?

Masha: I don’t want anything! No ice cream, no cake, no tea, no milk, no cocoa!

Murzik and Barbos together: Why are you crying and screaming then?

Masha: Why do I keep screaming? What do you care, I don’t want anything! I'm tired of everything!

Barbos: Maybe you're sick? Let's call a doctor for you.

Murzik and Barbos together: Doctor, doctor, our Masha is sick.

Enter the Lamb and the Cockerel.

Murzik and Barbos together: Our Masha is sick! And we don’t know what!

Lamb: Say Masha: “a-a-a”!!

Masha: Be-e-e-e

Lamb: Breathe

Masha: Breathe yourself!

Cockerel: AHA! WOW!

Masha: (Stops crying) What’s “aha” and what’s “wow”?! What are you saying?

Lamb: Okay, I'll tell you a secret! Just don't tell anyone!

Masha: I won’t tell anyone, but what?

Lamb: YOU swallowed Capriciousness. It flew and flew into your mouth when you were crying.

Masha: Did I swallow Kaprizka? What is he like?

Cockerel: He is an angry, unwashed, terrible beast, a bug, a vicious one, loves boredom, he has gotten into you now!

Lamb: Here he is, right next to him, close, And he’s called Capricious!

Cockerel: He flew and flew into your mouth when you were crying, and you yourself became a whimsy!

Masha: (crying) I don’t want to be Capricious! Lamb: Then say cheerfully and loudly, “I don’t want to be Capricious, Capricious, get out!”

Masha: “I don’t want to be Capricious and I won’t cry anymore, Capricious, get out!”

Masha, Murzik, Barbos : Eliminated! Flew out! There he flew! Capricious!

Murzik, Barbos: Thank you, doctor, you cured our Masha!

Masha: Where did Kaprizka fly?

Murzik: Look for guys who cry and are capricious. It will fly into their mouth and they themselves will become whims!

Masha: I won’t cry or open my mouth anymore!

Author: So Masha managed to defeat Kaprizka and become a good, obedient girl!


Action 1.

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