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Notes on FCCM in the middle group on the topic: Very, very dangerous objects. The teacher brings in the parcel.
Application “Autumn Tree” from pumpkin seeds In order to create this work, you will need: a leaf
Unusual specimens There are varieties that cannot be confused with anyone else. For example, this is heavy
Skills acquired in childhood remain for life. Very useful activities for young children
Abstract of the educational activity “Fish swim in an aquarium” Purpose: To create conditions for the development of the ability to pinch off small
By the baby's first birthday, a lot of achievements accumulate, but the most interesting things begin later.
Dear visitors of the site! On this page you will find materials on the following topics: English
How to tell Given the characteristics of childhood, it is very important to make the story simple and effective. For
The essence of problem-based learning at the preschool educational stage Definition 1 Problem-based learning technology is
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Excursion “Through the streets of your beloved