Sample folder for a teacher on self-education material on the topic

Samples of filling out the plan and other reporting according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Some documents and reports are prepared by the teacher in free form, but there are still some requirements for the structure and content of the documentation.

Annual self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to Federal State Educational Standards

Proper execution of the annual plan also helps with the preparation of final reporting.

Title page design

The title page of the document must contain the following information:

  1. Full name of the municipal institution (municipal preschool educational institution - general developmental kindergarten No....).
  2. Name of the document (teacher self-education plan).
  3. Information about the teacher: Full name teacher
  4. Work experience.
  5. Qualification category and date of its assignment.
  • Topic title.
  • Academic year.
  • Age group.
  • Year.
  • Second page design

    Subject: "…".

    Target: "…".

    Tasks (approximate list):

    • increase your own level of knowledge by... (studying the necessary literature, attending meetings of teachers, self-education...);
    • develop a long-term plan for working with children;
    • prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year;
    • organize the work of the circle, create a curriculum;
    • create a corner in the group...;
    • prepare (conduct) a consultation for teachers on the topic “...”, a speech at the pedagogical council No.... on the topic “...”,
    • prepare (take part) in the seminar...;
    • prepare material (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “...”.

    Table: work forms by month

    MonthForms of work
    With kidsTeachersSelf-educationParents
    SeptemberDiagnostics of children's knowledge, skills, abilities
    • Organize the work of the circle;
    • create a curriculum;
    • study literature
    Consultation for parents: "..."
    OctoberClasses, conversations in accordance with the work plan of the circle
    NovemberDesign of the transfer folder. Subject: "…"
    DecemberCreate a corner in the group...Design of the transfer folder. Subject: "…"
    FebruaryPrepare (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “...”
    AprilEntertainment "..."
    MayDiagnosticsWriting a report on the work done during the academic year and presenting it at the teachers' meeting.Speech at a parent meeting with a report on the work done during the school year
    JuneExhibition of children's worksOrganize the work of the circle for the next academic year, create a curriculumConsultation for parents: "..."

    Topic Output (Practical Application Presentation)

    The teacher can present the application of acquired knowledge in practice in the following ways:

    • conduct an open lesson (group viewing...);
    • prepare (participate, conduct) a seminar;
    • conduct a master class for teachers on this topic;
    • create a moving folder;
    • compile a collection of consultations for parents;
    • draw up a report on the work done for the academic year.

    In each case, it is necessary to indicate the topic used, as well as the date (month) of the presentation.

    Registration of the list of references

    At the end of the plan, you need to indicate literary sources according to the standard bibliographic principle: author of the manual, title, year of publication, publisher - for each item in the list.

    How to design a self-education notebook

    This is another companion of a preschool educational institution employee in teaching work.

    Title page design

    The title page of the document must contain the following information:

    1. Full name of the municipal institution (municipal preschool educational institution - general developmental kindergarten No....)
    2. Name of the document (Notebook...)
    3. Information about the teacher: Full name teacher
    4. Work experience.
    5. Qualification category and date of its assignment.
  • Start date of maintenance.
  • Year.
  • Internal pages

    Each topic must be listed separately. The year and group must also be indicated. For each topic, a special plate is filled out.

    Table: work plan by month (form)

    Forms of work
    With kidsWith teachersSelf-educationWith parents

    Long-term teacher self-education plan

    The plan must contain the following information:

    1. Full name of the teacher.
    2. Group.
    3. Work experience.

    Table: long-term self-education plan (form)

    Academic yearSelf-education topicReport form and deadline

    You also need to indicate the date the plan was completed.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    An option for designing a booklet for self-presentation for a competition or certification.

    This type of planning was developed for working with children with intellectual disabilities in the 1st year of schooling.

    This type of planning was developed for working with children with intellectual disabilities for 2 years of study.

    An approximate version of long-term planning of correctional work to familiarize preschool children with problems in intellectual development with elements of decorative and applied arts. T.

    An approximate version of the design of correctional and developmental work on the topic “Introducing children of primary preschool age with problems in intellectual development to the origins of Russian culture in the field.”

    Structure of a preschooler's portfolioDesign option.


    Specifics of self-education of a methodologist, senior educator

    The methodologist of a preschool institution is also engaged in self-improvement activities, so he must be well informed about all the latest developments in the field of preschool education. After all, for other teachers, a methodologist is a kind of expert in the field of what has been printed and published recently on preschool pedagogy. On store shelves you can now find a lot of literature that does not meet scientific requirements.

    The methodologist, like all educators, must periodically improve his qualifications. Every year he works on a specific topic for which he draws up a corresponding plan. The goals, objectives of the activity, a list of specific aspects of self-improvement, and expected results are written there.

    As for reporting on completed work, it is often formatted in the form of a presentation. The specialist can also prepare a report for presentation at the regional methodological association.

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