Preparation and conduct of outdoor games in the second junior group of kindergarten

Goals and objectives of conducting outdoor games with children

For the children of the second junior group, it is very important that the fun used in classes and at leisure be mobile to varying degrees. Only in this case, gaming activity allows you to achieve your goals, namely:

  • promotes the comprehensive development of pupils (physical, emotional and volitional);
  • improves health (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory systems);
  • develops the skill to follow the terms of the game;
  • stimulates the desire to interact with adults and children;
  • fosters the need to feel part of a team.

To achieve these goals during the game, it is necessary to systematically and consistently solve problems such as:

  • mastering the skill of performing motor exercises of varying degrees of complexity together with friends and/or a teacher;
  • practicing the skills learned last year to run, walk at different speeds, throw and catch a ball, long and high jump;

    In the second younger group, games play an educational role, in particular they instill a sense of camaraderie

  • improving the skill of giving movements characteristic features through imitation (for example, flapping their wings like a bird, moving smoothly like a cat, etc.);
  • continuation of work on exercises for orientation in space, performing actions according to the conventional sign given to the driver;
  • learning to coordinate your actions with the course of the plot and the conditions of the fun, as well as to correlate your movements with the movements of your comrades;
  • encouraging initiative.

Types of outdoor games

Fun of an active nature is classified according to the main problem they are aimed at solving.

  1. To practice running and jumping. By the age of 3–4 years, it is important for children to develop the ability to coordinate their movements and maintain their direction.
  2. Orientation in the room, gym, on the playground.
  3. To train the ability to maintain balance (usually in games of moving around a small area, accompanied by poems).
  4. To strengthen the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. For imitation.
  6. To practice climbing skills.
  7. With a ball. Such games also form partnerships between children.
  8. To develop sharpness of attention.

Another classification of fun is based on the types of educational activities:

  • physical education breaks, which are held during classes for relaxation or change of activity;
  • games during organized leisure time on the street;
  • part of leisure activity (games outside of class, that is, on holidays, during independent activity);

    Outdoor games are part of the scenario for matinees and holidays

  • folk traditional games (such fun is also carried out with the aim of familiarizing children with the customs of their people).

Thus, the type classification of games allows for fun not only during physical education breaks in classes, but also as a fundamental element in:

  • physical education;
  • music lesson;
  • choreography (provided that the discipline is included in the kindergarten curriculum).


The organization of gaming activities is based on three groups of techniques.


In working with children 3–4 years old, who, based on age-related developmental characteristics, are actively mastering speech and replenishing active and passive vocabulary, the teacher’s word plays a leading role. An adult is perceived not only as giving instructions, but also as a kind of language model, which children are guided by in organizing their own acts of speech. When preparing outdoor games, the teacher uses three types of verbal techniques.

  1. Explanation. In order for the children to accurately follow the rules of the game and know the set of actions, the teacher describes each stage in detail, indicating all the movements of each participant.

    The teacher must comment on every action in the game

  2. Puzzles. This technique perfectly motivates little pupils to play and prepares them to complete tasks. Considering the age of the children, it is better to select riddles with rhyming agreements. Thus, the beginning of the game “Sparrows and the Car” can be preceded by the following riddle: A cry is heard under the eaves: “Chick-chirp and chick-chirp!” The gray one teaches these songs to children... (Sparrow).
  3. Short verbal sketches. Usually, to present the plot of the game, the teacher himself composes small tales. For example, the fun “Hen and Chicks” can begin with a short sketch. Once upon a time there lived a Hen and she had many chickens. Often they did not listen to their mother and ran out from under her wing. One day, when the kids ran away, Big Bird flew in and chased the chicks. The chickens were scared, but managed to hide under the wings of their mother hen. From now on, the kids are very attentive and do not run far.


The visual channel of perception in children is the main one, therefore, to fully understand the conditions of the game, children need to see:

  • pictures (depicting game heroes and/or children fulfilling the conditions of the fun);
  • a sample of actions (an adult must participate in any games, initially demonstrating the movements of all participants).

    The demonstration helps children make sure that the adult is a participant in the game just like them.


This is actually the game situation itself, in which children and the teacher are involved. Moreover, to develop initiative, after 2-3 repetitions, the teacher gives more and more game functions to the children: if, when familiarizing themselves with the rules, the teacher is the driver, then the child then takes on this role.

Rules for organizing outdoor fun in the second junior group

  1. Outdoor games with children in preschool educational institutions are held every day.

    Outdoor games are held at any time of the year

  2. In duration, one fun lasts no longer than 10 minutes.
  3. In one session, no more than 2 games can be played in the second junior group. It is important to take into account that they should have different degrees of mobility: for example, one is more active with running and jumping, and the second is calm, with walking.
  4. If games are played in a group, then the room must be thoroughly ventilated and the floors wiped before starting work.
  5. To create a situation of success, it is very important to give every child the opportunity to express themselves. Therefore, games are held either for all the children in the group at the same time, or for small groups of interests.
  6. Outdoor games are played immediately after exiting.
  7. If the child refuses to participate, the teacher should not insist. However, it is necessary to find out the reason for this behavior. Perhaps the child has a fear of getting hurt. In such situations, therapeutic fairy tales or cartoons will help.
  8. Games must be selected taking into account the types of activities in which children were previously involved. So, if the game is planned after physical education or choreography, then it should be calm, but after sleep, mobility may be different.
  9. It is very important to help the child at each stage of the game. Therefore, the teacher, remaining in the position of a leader, directs and shows the children all the movements: how to catch a ball, how to spin a hoop, etc.
  10. The plot of the game must be built around a familiar and understandable image, represented by a picture or a toy.
  11. The game should not have complex movements; you need to select only those that are understandable to children 3–4 years old (catch up with the ball, bring the pins, ring the bell, etc.).
  12. The fun should include not only new, but also well-known movements for the children. For example, in the game “Shaggy Dog,” when kids run away from the dog, it is worth designating a small area of ​​the area for running in one direction so that the players can repeat the already mastered skill of directional running.
  13. Before the game starts, the teacher introduces the children to the rules and pays attention to the signals by which the kids will need to change their method of movement (from running to walking, from walking to climbing, etc.). In addition, the teacher shows all the attributes that will be needed in the fun (balls, hoops, etc.).
  14. When helping children, showing movements and actions, the adult uses gestures and facial expressions.
  15. The success of the game depends on how carefully the teacher thinks through and takes into account all the details: designating places for “houses”, “nests”, etc.

    If the game is played outdoors, then the teacher needs to make sure in advance that there is enough space for everyone

  16. One game needs to be repeated for 2-3 days, after which you need to learn a new one and again turn to the already familiar one.
  17. When distributing game tasks, the teacher takes into account the mobility and temperament of each child and combines and changes their roles. At the same time, you should not give a melancholic person the task of running with acceleration, even if he has not yet performed in this role. Just as you shouldn’t miss the moment when it’s time for a choleric person to run, and not just catch a ball.
  18. Everything good should not be harmful. Therefore, it is important not to let children become overtired: paleness, sweating and distracted attention are signals that it is time to stop playing.
  19. To create a positive microclimate, the teacher must be friendly, cheerful and at the same time maintain objectivity.

Indoor ball games

I know five

The player takes the ball, hits it on the ground and catches it. Before the first blow, he says the words: I know five names of girls - (blow) Masha, (blow) Lyuda, and so on. If the player forgot, does not know, cannot remember the next name for a long time, if he repeated the name, the game stops and the ball is passed to another participant. Instead of names, you can list the names of animals, names of flowers, breeds of animals, names of rivers, cities, and so on. The choice is huge.

You don't have to hit the ball on the ground, but throw it up and catch it. The game continues until you get bored. The one who names the most tasks wins.

Edible and inedible

To play, you need to stand in a circle and throw a ball to each other, naming any object. You can also choose a leader, the rest of the players sit opposite him. If the named word means something edible, the player to whom the ball was thrown must catch it. If the object is inedible, then the ball must be pushed away. The one who made a mistake and caught the ball becomes the driver.

Three elements

The players form a circle, and the driver stands in the middle with the ball in his hands. The driver says one of the three words EARTH, WATER, AIR - and throws the ball to someone. The one who catches the ball returns it to the leader, naming the bird, fish or animal in accordance with the given word. You can also name objects related to this element. For example: AIR - airplane.

In this game there is a three-second rule, that is, the leader counts to three during which the player must give an answer.

Cat and mouse

Children stand in a circle. Take two balls: one ball is a cat, the other is a mouse. The players' task is to quickly pass the ball to each other in a circle so that the cat does not catch up with the mouse.

The most attentive

The players stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center with the ball in his hands and throws to any player. He must catch the ball and return it to the leader, and the players standing to his left and right must raise their hands closest to him. The game continues for the specified time (5-10 minutes). Penalty points are given to those players who did not catch the ball, raised their hand incorrectly or raised their hand late. The winners are those players who never made a mistake or scored the fewest penalty points.

Rhyming words

Children stand in a circle and take turns throwing the ball to each other. The child who throws the ball first says a word, such as “stick.” The one who catches answers with a rhyming word (for example, “jackdaw”) and passes it to the third, etc. If the child does not have time to find the word, he drops out of the game.

Fourth wheel

This game perfectly trains a child's attention and logic. The presenter needs to name 4 words, in which one can be excluded based on any criterion, and throw the ball to the child. The child catches the ball and returns it without delay, saying the extra word. For example, the leader throws a ball with the words hare, squirrel, lion, mouse, and the child returns the ball, calling the word lion. If you wish, you can explain why this word is superfluous.

Examples of word chains:

  • guitar, piano, musician, drum;
  • table, chair, sofa, radio;
  • horse, cat, dog, pike;
  • spruce, birch, oak, strawberry;
  • cucumber, turnip, carrot, goat;
  • album, newspaper, notebook, briefcase;
  • orange, watermelon, apple, ball;
  • wolf, fox, bear, dog;
  • doll, car, jump rope, book;
  • steam locomotive, airplane, scooter, steamship;
  • skis, skates, boat, sled;
  • lamb, calf, goat, pig;
  • snow, frost, heat, ice;
  • bus, tram, plane, trolleybus;
  • snake, snail, butterfly, turtle;
  • brushes, paints, teapot, album;
  • house, roof, door, window;
  • milk, tea, lemonade, bread;
  • leg, arm, head, shoe.

Card index of outdoor games for the development of various skills

If didactic games are conducted according to the principle of compliance with the lexical topic, then outdoor fun is grouped by:

  • physical skill being practiced;
  • the totality of implementation of the assigned tasks in one complex;
  • topic (the principle is similar for didactic games).

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the last principle is the least productive, since the plots of outdoor games can easily be transformed from one lexical topic to another. For example, the fun “Hen and Chicks” when working with the topic “Pets” can easily become “Penguin and the Little Penguins” when working with the topic “Animals of the North”.

On the street, you should try to choose games in which it is possible to beat the objects of the sports ground

The most convenient and universal classification is based on the principle of the skill being practiced.

Running, jumping

  1. "Aircraft". With the help of this game, children practice running in different directions without colliding with partners, learn to listen carefully to instructions, and also quickly react to a signal to change the nature of the movement. Conditions: the teacher shows movements simulating the readiness of an airplane for flight, starting the engine (rotational movements of the arms in front of you while pronouncing the sound “R-r-r”), flight (running with arms spread to the sides) and “landing” for landing (on a bench ). Children repeat the entire complex, listening to the teacher’s instructions.
  2. "Sun and Rain." The goals of the game are similar to those described in the previous game. Conditions: the teacher marks a line on the playground beyond which children squat. At the signal: “The sun is in the sky, you can go for a walk,” children run around the playground. After the words: “Rain!” urgently return to their places.

In the second younger group, the main element of games is running, jumping is rarely included

Orientation in space

  1. "Sparrows and a car." This game helps children practice running in different directions, the skill of starting and changing movements at the driver's signal. Conditions: children are “sparrows” who sit on a bench “in a nest”. An adult imitates a car. At the words: “Fly, sparrows,” the kids run away, and at the signal: “The car is moving, everyone fly to the nest!”, they quickly run to their places on the bench.
  2. “The Bird and the Chicks” (“The Hen and the Chicks”). Goals: coordinate your movements with the words of the driver, learn to run in all directions without catching each other. Conditions: the driver appoints himself a “bird”, gathers the “chicks” - all the guys - around him within the boundaries of a drawn circle. At a signal, the kids run away from the circle and return back at the same signal. As a variant of the same game actions, you can play the game “Find your house” or “Birdhouses”. The conditions of the latter are a little more complicated: all children are appointed starlings, but nests are drawn for only half of the participants, so whoever did not manage to take their place at the signal is considered a loser.
  3. "Shaggy Dog." To the goals already identified in previous games of this group, one more is added: not to get caught by the catcher. Conditions: on one side of the site there is a “dog”, on the other there are children sneaking towards him. The teacher illustrates this movement by saying that the dog is lying quietly, but what will happen if you wake it up. And then the “dog” wakes up and starts barking. The children return to their seats, and the dog tries to grab them along the way. Anyone who fails to escape becomes a dog.

Outdoor games can be supplemented with elementary costumes or masks

Developing a sense of balance

  1. “I’m holding a handkerchief.” Goals: to train balance and practice the skill of performing movements on a signal. Conditions: kids place a scarf on their hand (or other part of the body) and, performing different movements, hold it in its original position.
  2. "We're parking the car." Goal: practice walking forward with your back. The teacher invites all children to become cars that need to be parked. To do this, each child, following the driver’s instructions regarding the direction of movement (“left”, “right”, “turn”), parks the “car”.

Imitation skill

  1. "Bubble". The game encourages children to act in accordance with the words of the plot, teaches them to coordinate their movements with the movements of other participants, develops imitation skills and encourages children’s initiative. Conditions: the teacher and children, holding hands, make a circle. Then the leader says 2-3 times: “Inflate, bubble, but don’t burst,” the round dance participants disperse wider and wider, and in response to the words: “The bubble has burst!” children open their hands, pronouncing the sound: “Sh-sh-sh.”
  2. "Vaska the cat." The goals of this game are identical to the previous one. A child cat walks around the playground, purring. Kittens are playing around nearby. And so Vaska falls asleep, the kids run to him, accidentally wake him up, and then run off to their “houses” - their chairs.
  3. "Legs." The purpose of this game is to practice the skill of repeating the actions of the instigator. Conditions: the teacher demonstrates running in place at different paces, the children repeat, and then says: “In the hole - bang,” and the children long jump.

Imitation games, due to their simple plot and simplicity of movements, can be used as physical education

Agility development

"Rabbits." Goals: practice jumping forward on two legs, practice the skill of climbing under a stretched rope barrier. Conditions: the kids are located in a “cage” - behind a rope stretched at a height of 40–50 cm from the floor. After the driver says: “Jump onto the lawn,” the children crawl under the barrier and jump “on the lawn.” At the signal: “Watchman!” they also return back to the “cells”.

Climbing skill

In the second junior group, as in the first, games to practice climbing skills are played at the wall bars. For example, the “Monkeys” game, according to which kids need to climb 3-4 steps up a gymnastics wall.

In the second junior group, climbing skills and agility are also practiced on the obstacle course

Development of attention

  1. "Leaf fall." The purpose of this game is to teach kids to move to rhyming lines. Conditions: children take autumn leaves from their hands, and to the words of the teacher, wave them in different directions, spin around, squat, and then put the leaves on the ground next to them.
  2. “Show it right.” Goals: to teach children to listen carefully to the driver, to coordinate movements with words. Conditions: the teacher names the parts of the body that the children should touch, but at the same time the adult himself touches the wrong ones. Children must navigate and point correctly.
  3. “Who will throw the ball further?” Goal: follow the direction of objects. Children throw balls, remember their location, and then run to them and themselves or with the help of a teacher determine who is a better thrower and who is a worse thrower.

This is interesting. A number of methodologists identify a separate group of games aimed at relaxing children after physical activity. These include, for example, “Find a Bunny” (“Find a Bunny”). The essence of the rules comes down to the fact that the teacher hides a toy - a bunny, and the children, calmly moving around the group, look for it. Some teachers classify such games as mindfulness games.

Natural material, for example, autumn leaves, can be used as an attribute for games.

Neuropsychological ball games

Many games, unfortunately, are becoming a thing of the past, and the games familiar to many adults become “special”, called “neuropsychological”, and are played by children in specialists’ offices.

Why not play these simple and exciting games with your child, which will help avoid many problems in the future. ⠀ Ball games proposed by the famous neuropsychologist A. Semenovich: ⠀ 1. A child and an adult throw a large ball to each other from different distances and catch it with both hands. First, it’s better to throw in your hands, then a little to the right, to the left, higher, lower. Children should be able to throw a ball using both hands from below, from above, through the air or hitting the floor. We must try not to press the ball to ourselves, but to catch it only with our hands. ⠀ 2. The child throws a large ball against the wall in two ways:

1) throws it and immediately catches it; 2) throws it, lets it hit the floor once and only after that catches it. ⠀ 3. An adult and a child sit on the floor at a distance of 2-3 m from each other and take a large ball. They spread their legs and begin to roll the ball across the floor. First, they push him away from themselves with both hands, after a minute or two the child puts his left hand behind his back and rolls the ball only with his right hand, and after 3 minutes - only with his left. The ball should roll smoothly and directly into the hands of a partner. ⠀ 4. The child and adult perform all previous exercises with a medium-sized ball. ⠀ 5. A child and an adult throw a tennis ball to each other and catch it with both hands. ⠀ 6. A child and an adult roll balls on the floor to each other, while simultaneously pointing large and tennis balls towards each other. ⠀ 7. The child throws a large ball against the wall, but with a clap (threw - clapped his hands - caught). ⠀ 8. The child throws a tennis ball from his right hand to his left hand. ⠀ 9. The child throws different balls at a vertical target. The target can be a circle of paper attached to the wall or a hoop in the hand of an adult. ⠀

10. The child throws the ball back without turning, and an adult or another child catches the ball from behind. Players change places one by one. ⠀ 11. An adult and a child throw a tennis ball to a friend and catch it with one hand. ⠀ 12. An adult throws a ball and names the month, and the child catches the ball and says what time of year this month belongs to. ⠀ 13. A child throws a tennis ball against the wall and catches it with one hand. ⠀ 14. A child throws a ball against the wall and, when the ball flies off the wall, jumps over it. ⠀ 15. An adult places a target in front of the child that needs to be shot down. For example, two objects are placed on a stool, and several more objects are placed side by side on the floor. The child moves 8-10 steps away from the stool and tries to knock them down with a ball (large, medium, tennis). ⠀ 16. An adult places a horizontal target (basket, bucket, basin) in front of the child. The child’s task is to hit this target with a ball (large, medium, tennis). ⠀ 17. The child should lean forward and, pushing the ball alternately with the fingers of his right and left hand, roll it around his feet (describing a figure eight - right, left). ⠀ 18. The child throws a tennis ball against the wall and catches it alternately with his right and left hands. ⠀ 19. A stripe is drawn on the floor (or a rope is placed). The child stands at the beginning of this line and moves forward, hitting the ball on the floor either to the right of the line or to the left of it.

Playing with a ball can relieve tension and develop a child’s coordination, thinking, reaction speed, attention, accuracy and endurance.

Sincerely, Olga Naumova

Time plan and game execution

In the second younger group, the game lasts up to 10 minutes and includes working through five stages.

  1. Introductory stage up to 1 minute. The teacher announces the name of the game, motivates and briefly describes the main actions (“We will run/climb/jump”, etc.).
  2. Familiarization with the rules. The teacher describes in detail the actions of each participant in the plot (2 minutes).
  3. Game up to 5 minutes.
  4. Complicating conditions (1 minute). For example, the teacher relieves himself of his powers as a driver and transfers them to the child. The first 2-3 times this step is skipped.

    The complexity of the rules takes into account the characteristics of the group’s level of development, and may even be omitted altogether.

  5. The final stage (reflection) – 1 minute. The teacher thanks the children for the game, praising their speed, dexterity and desire to help a friend.

Table: example of a summary of the outdoor game “Wolf and Hare” in the second junior group

Author - Krasavina M.K., teacher of MBDOU DSKV No. 17 “Ladushki”, Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

IntroductoryEducator: Guys, look, a bunny came to visit us. He's not happy. Let's ask the bunny what happened? The teacher asks the bunny what happened, why is he sad and cheerless? Educator: Guys, the bunny told me that he has no friends and has no one to play with. Let's make friends with the bunny and play. The bunny loves to play the game “Wolf and Hares.” You and I know this game. Let's remember the rules of the game, what not to do? Children's answers (you can't shout or push while playing)
Introduction to the rulesEach bunny will have its own house, this is a chair. Children-hares sit on chairs. There is a wolf to the side. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, and frolic. At the teacher’s signal: “The wolf is coming!” - the hares run away and sit on a chair. The wolf is trying to catch up with them. The game uses the text: Bunnies are jumping: skok, skok, skok, To the green meadow. They pinch the grass, eat it, listen carefully, is a wolf coming?
A gameChildren perform the actions described in the poem. With the end of the text, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares. Instructions for carrying out. The child playing the role of the wolf should be away from the place where the children are sitting. Then the child, playing the role of a wolf, runs out and catches the children - bunnies. (the game is repeated several times).
ComplicationWe place the wolf closer to the hare children.
The final stageGuys, look, the bunny has become cheerful, he liked playing with you, but it’s time for him to return to his forest. Did you guys like the game? Well done!

Video: outdoor game “Shaggy Dog” in the second junior group

Video: outdoor game “We stomp our feet”

Outdoor ball games for children

Hot potatoes

The game is played using a tennis ball or volleyball. Children sit in a circle, the leader is one of the players and immediately closes his eyes. Children throw it to each other, wanting to get rid of it as quickly as possible (as if it were a natural hot potato). Suddenly the presenter commands: “Hot potatoes!” The one who currently has a “hot potato” in his hands is eliminated from the game. When one person remains in the circle, the game ends and that player is considered the winner.


The bouncers stand behind the lines and throw the ball towards each other, trying to hit the players. The ball flying past the players is caught by the second bouncer, and the players turn around and hastily run back. It's the second bouncer's turn to throw.

The goal of the bouncers is to hit the players with the ball. The players' task is to dodge. The one who was hit by the ball is considered eliminated and leaves the playing field. When the last player remains on the field, his task is to dodge the ball as many times as he is full years old. If he succeeds, the game is considered won, all eliminated players return and everything starts all over again. If the last player is eliminated, then the first players eliminated become bouncers and the game continues.


All the children stand in a circle, and the driver stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball up with the words: “Candle!” While the ball is in the air, all the children rush in all directions, trying to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Children must stop, and the driver tries to hit the player closest to him with the ball. If he succeeds, then this player becomes the driver. Rules:

  • The driver must make a “candle” by throwing the ball as high as possible.
  • The driver can catch the ball not only in the air, but also from one bounce from the ground.


Players stand in a circle approximately one step away from the player with the ball. He throws the ball up and shouts someone's name. Everyone runs away, and the one who was named must run to the center and catch the ball. If a player catches the ball in flight, he becomes the driver - and all actions are repeated, he can immediately shout the name of another player. But if the ball manages to touch the ground, he picks it up shouting: “Stander!” or just “Stop.” At this moment, everyone running must stop and freeze. The one with the ball tries to hit someone. If he hits, he is now the driver, and the one who was hit is eliminated from the game. If you don’t hit, everyone runs away again. In this case, the players do not have the right to move away from the place where they stopped (only dodging is allowed), and the driver does not have the right to leave the center of the circle for a throw.


The participants of the game stand in a circle. The selected driver goes inside the circle. The players pass the ball to each other so that the driver does not get it. The player through whose fault the ball is caught becomes the next driver. Rules:

  • You cannot hold the ball in your hands for a long time.
  • You can pass the ball in different ways: throw it through the air, roll it on the ground, bounce it off the ground. You can agree in advance and choose only one way to pass the ball.
  • Players are allowed to make feints, false passes, throws, turns, etc.
  • Any player, including the driver, can intercept the ball flying out of the circle.

If desired, the game can be somewhat complicated. For example, agree that during the game everyone moves in a circle to the right or left, or everyone who missed the ball joins the driver and also tries to take possession of the ball.


This is an ancient and beloved Russian game. It requires a large platform, a ball and a lapta (bat or board). Two lines are drawn on the site. Behind one of them there is a “house”, behind the other there is a “city”, and between them there is a “field”.

The players are divided into two teams. The teams disperse: one goes to the “field”, and the other goes beyond the “city” line. One player from the “city” team hits the ball with his rounder, runs to the “house” and runs back to his place.

Selected field players try to intercept the ball and throw it at the runner. If the “city” player understands that he will not have time to reach the “house” without being greasy, he can stop and then run to the “city” together with the next player on his team. If the player managed to run to the “house” and return to the “city” unsalted, the team gets a point. If the ball is caught by a “field” player on the fly or if a “city” player is hit while running, the “city” team receives a penalty point.

The game takes place in two stages of 20 minutes each. At the end of each period, the teams switch places. Then the points are counted and the winner is determined based on their number.

Of course, this list of outdoor ball games can be continued. If there are special grounds, then children can play basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, etc.

How to analyze an outdoor game

Any stage of educational activity in a preschool educational institution is subject to analysis, which is carried out by colleagues, methodologists, and self-analysis, which is compiled by the teacher himself. The first is necessary to assess the level of methodological competence of the teacher, and the second is to identify and correct errors in organizing and conducting outdoor games with children. These analyzes in the context of gaming activity are carried out according to the same algorithm.

The more children are interested in the game, the more successful the analysis of the fun will be.

Parsing scheme

  1. The hour when gaming activities begin.
  2. How many children took part?
  3. Are the goals and objectives appropriate for the age category?
  4. Who initiated the game? In younger groups, this role is always played by the teacher.
  5. What motivational techniques were used in the beginning.
  6. How logically were the rules of the game laid out? And also were there instructions regarding the location of all players and the necessary attributes.
  7. How clear are the rules for children? In case of violations, describe the reasons.
  8. Level of preparation of attributes (especially important if they were done manually).
  9. How were the roles distributed in the game: the teacher appointed or chose the driver and other counting rhymes.
  10. How ready are the kids to cooperate (do they help each other, are they tolerant of their friends’ mistakes).
  11. At what level do children develop speed of movement, agility, and endurance?
  12. How is the role of the teacher assessed in the game (the logic of recommendations during the game activity, how often does it become an observer).
  13. How is the summing up carried out (does the teacher praise the kids, does he single out those who distinguished themselves).
  14. How long did the game last and how many times was it repeated?

Outdoor games occupy a special place in the educational work of preschool educational institutions, as they are aimed at achieving goals related to preserving the health and physical development of children. However, conducting games with pupils of the younger group, taking into account their age characteristics, requires the teacher to have thorough knowledge of the methods for preparing this kind of fun. Starting from species classification and ending with the distribution of time between all stages of implementation.

Water games for the second younger group. Card index

Water games for kindergarten. Second junior group

Card index of water games for the second junior group
“Cucumber” Purpose of the game:
learning to move in water.
Description of the game
: The players hold on to the handrail of the pool and say: “Cucumber, cucumber, don’t go to that end.
A mouse lives there and will bite your tail off.” With the end of the words, the children move to the opposite wall of the pool. Rules of the game: no pushing. Note: the instructor marks the children who walked more carefully in the pool, not forgetting to praise all the children, creating positive emotions. Literature:
E.N. Vavilova “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw” Page 40
“The sea is agitated” Purpose of the game:
to help children get comfortable in the water, to become familiar with its resistance.
Game description:
Children stand in a column one at a time.
At the instructor’s command, “The sea is rough!” children run in any direction (they are “accelerated by the wind”), make any hand movements, and plunge. When the instructor says: “The wind has died down, the sea has calmed down!”, the children must quickly take their places in the column. Rules of the game:
The instructor says: “One, two, three - that’s where we stand.”
You can use formation in a circle, in one line.
A latecomer may be considered out of the game and taken aside. Literature:
Osokina “How to teach children to swim” P. 59 “Train into a tunnel” Waist-deep water Goal of the game:
improve the ability to slide on your chest.
Description of the game:
The players line up in a column one at a time, placing their hands on each other’s shoulders, depicting a train.
The column moves at a pace. Two guys, facing each other and holding hands, form a tunnel, lowering their hands to the surface of the water. To drive through it, the guys pretending to be a train take turns going forward of the column and performing a chest slide. After all the cars have passed, the children representing the tunnel line up at the end of the column, and the first two children from the train form a new tunnel. Rules of the game: You can only return to the end of the column by walking. Oncoming traffic is prohibited - there is only one track in the tunnel, and a crash may occur. Note:
The teacher must ensure that those depicting the tunnel do not detain the children under water.
Makhaneva G.V. Baranova “Figure swimming in kindergarten” Page 52 “Seine” Waist-deep water Purpose of the game:
to help get comfortable with water resistance.
Description of the game:
The players (fish) are located in a limited space.
Two fishermen, holding hands, at the instructor’s signal, run after the fish, trying to surround it. Every fish caught remains in the fishermen's net. This is how the net is gradually formed. The game ends when all the fish have been caught. Rules of the game: You cannot fish with a torn net. You can’t push, drown each other, grab each other’s arms or body. Note:
The driver is appointed by the instructor.
The last one caught is declared the fastest fish. Literature:
Makhaneva G.V. Baranova “Figure swimming in kindergarten” Page 53 “Crossing” Purpose of the game:
to make you feel the resistance of the water for the correct implementation of water for the correct implementation of rowing movements of the arms.
Description of the game: The players line up in one line Rules of the game:
You can only return to the end of the column by walking.
Oncoming traffic is prohibited - there is only one track in the tunnel, and a crash may occur. Note:
The teacher must ensure that those depicting the tunnel do not detain the children under water.
Makhaneva G.V. Baranova “Figure swimming in kindergarten” Page 52 “Sun and Rain” Purpose of the game:
To teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other..
Description of the game:
Children stand at the wall of the pool.
The instructor says: “Sunny! Go for a walk!” Children walk and run all over the pool. After the words “Rain! Hurry home! The children run to their places. When the instructor says “Sunny! Go for a walk!” You can go for a walk, the game repeats. Rules of the game:
First, 5-6 children take part in the game.
When repeated, everyone can play. Note:
Instead of houses (pool wall), you can use an umbrella.
Timofeeva Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age. Page 38. “Carousel” Purpose of the game:
to teach movement along the bottom of the pool, learning to form in a circle
Description of the game:
Holding hands in the water, start moving in a circle, gradually speed up your step, saying: “Barely, barely, barely the carousel began to spin, and then, then, then - all running, running, running.”
Run in a circle, and then say: “Quiet, quiet, don’t rush, stop the carousel.” Gradually slow down and say: “The game is over. Stop - once and twice! - stop. Rules of the game:
First, 5-6 children take part in the game.
When repeated, everyone can play. Note:
Repeat the game in a circle in the opposite direction.
Osokina “How to teach children to swim” P. 60 “Train” The purpose of the game:
to help children get comfortable on the water, to teach children to follow each other.
First holding on to each other, then not holding on; Game description: Children stand one after another. Each child depicts a carriage, and a steam locomotive (an adult) stands in front. The locomotive whistles and the train begins to move - first slowly, then faster. Approaching the station (pre-marked place), the train slows down and stops. Then the locomotive blows its whistle and movement resumes. Rules of the game:
You cannot push or overtake each other;
When pretending to be a train, each child can freely rotate his arms, hum, and say “choo, choo, choo!”
E.Ya. Stepanenkova Collection of outdoor games for children 2-7 years old p. 17
“Cheerful Bunnies” Purpose of the game:
learning to jump on two legs in a playful manner, developing dexterity and coordination of movement.
Description of the game: Children “Hares” perform movements in accordance with the text. Well, everyone sat down together, looked at each other, patted their paws: Clap and clap, Clap and clap. What do rabbits have on top of their heads? -The ears are dancing merrily. One jump, two jumps - They all galloped into the woods. Rules of the game:
Children “Hares” perform movements in accordance with the text.
The instructor performs the movements together with the children.
Utrobina Entertaining physical education for preschoolers 3-5 years old page 25 “Airplanes” Purpose of the game:
To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.
Game description:
Children are standing at the side of the pool - this is an airfield.
Kids are pilots. “Are the pilots ready to fly?” - asks the instructor. The children answer: “Ready!” “Start the engine!” - says the instructor. Children rotate their right hand as if starting a motor, saying “tr-tr-r.” The instructor is ready to fly. “Pilots” fly around the entire basin in airplanes. The instructor says, “For landing.” Everyone returns to the airfield. Then the signal to fly is given again and the game is repeated. Rules of the game: Note:
For children to relax when they sit on the benches.
You can check the tires and pump fuel. Literature:
E.Ya. Stepanenkova Collection of outdoor games for children 2-7 years old p. 22
“Hare Concert” Purpose of the game:
Teaching the basic types of movement, developing discipline and attentiveness.
Description of the game:
Children “Hares” perform movements in accordance with the text.
A whole bunch of hares jumping one after another along the edge of the ravine on two legs. Entertains everyone with jumping. Jump-jump, jump-jump. They beat the drums deftly: Imitate the beats of Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. Drum (palms). And then, so theatrically, into musical cymbals to imitate playing the cymbals. They hit: ding-la-la. Having fun with all my heart. Rules of the game:
Jumps are performed on two legs.
The instructor marks the children who jumped better, not forgetting to praise all the children, creating positive emotions.
Womb Entertaining physical education for preschoolers 3-5 years old page 28 “Corydalis Hen” Purpose of the game: Description of the game:
The instructor portrays a chicken, the children depict chickens.
One child is a cat. She sits on a chair to the side. The hen and chicks walk around the room. The instructor says:
The crested hen has come out.
There are yellow chickens with her, The hen clucks: “Ko-ko, don’t go far.” Approaching the “cat,” the instructor continues: On the benches by the path, The cat lies down and dozes... The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens. The “cat” opens its eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, which run away to the “house”, to the mother chicken. Mother hen protects the chicks. Rules of the game:
Act according to the words of the poem.
Run away from the “cat” to the “chicken”. Note:
The hen protects the chicks by spreading her arms.
E.Ya. Stepanenkova Collection of outdoor games for children 2-7 years old p. 36
“Bird and chicks” Purpose of the game:
To teach children to depict the flight of birds.
Description of the game:
The instructor invites the children to play and explains: I will be a bird, and you will be my chicks.
Draws a circle - That’s how big the bird’s nest is! Come inside! The children come in and squat down. The teacher gives the signal “Let’s fly, fly for food!” “Chicks” jump out of the nest and fly around the room, “Mother Bird” flies with them. Then she says “let’s fly home.” The "chicks" are flying home. Rules of the game: You can fly out of the nest only after the words “Let's fly, fly for food!” Note:
The game is repeated several times.
E.Ya. Stepanenkova Collection of outdoor games for children 2-7 years old p. 47
“Mice and a cat” Purpose of the game:
To teach children to run easily, on their toes, without bumping into each other
Description of the game:
Children sit on benches on one side sites.
These are mice. The instructor stands on the opposite side. He portrays a cat. The cat falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the mice scatter throughout the room. But then the cat wakes up, stretches, meows and starts catching mice. The mice quickly run away and hide in holes (take their places.) The cat takes the caught mice to his place. When the rest of the mice hide in their holes, the cat walks around the room again, then returns to its place and falls asleep. Rules of the game:
Mice can run out of the hole only when the cat closes his eyes.
Arches for crawling can serve as minks.
Timofeeva Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age. Page 43 “Shaggy Dog” Purpose of the game:
To teach children to move in accordance with the text, to quickly change the direction of movement.
Game description:
Children stand on one side of the hall.
One child is on the opposite side, pretending to be a dog. The children quietly approach him in a crowd, at which time they say: Here lies a shaggy dog, with his nose buried in his paws, Quietly, quietly, he lies, either dozing or sleeping. Let's go to him and wake him up. And let’s see: “Will something happen?” Children approach the dog. After the words “Will something happen?” The dog jumps up and barks loudly. The children run away, the dog chases them and tries to catch someone and take them with him. Rules of the game:
After 2 times, a new dog is selected from the children that the dog did not catch.
The place where the dog is and the place where the children run should be at a distance of 5-15 meters so that there is space for running.
Timofeeva Outdoor games p.44 “Frogs” Purpose of the game:
learning to build in a circle, develops dexterity and attentiveness.
Game description: A thick cord in the shape of a circle is laid out in the middle of the hall. Children stand behind a circle, they are frogs. The instructor says: “Here are the frogs jumping along the path with their legs outstretched. Kva-kva, kva-kva-kva! They jump with their legs stretched out.” The children turn one after another and jump up, moving in a circle. At the end of the words, the instructor blows the whistle - scares the frogs. Children jump over the rope and squat down - these are frogs jumping into the swamp. Rules of the game:
Jump over the rope on two legs.
The game is repeated 2-3 times
Womb Entertaining physical education for preschoolers 3-5 years old page 25 “Bubble” Purpose of the game
: To teach (reinforce) children to stand in a circle, to make it either wider or narrower.
Game description:
Children and their instructor join hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other.
The instructor says: Blow up, bubble, Blow up, big, Stay like that, Don’t burst. The players step back and hold hands until the instructor says: “The bubble has burst!” Then they lower their hands and squat down, while saying “clap.” Rules of the game:
First, 5-6 children take part in the game.
When repeated, everyone can play. Note
: The text must be spoken slowly and clearly.
Timofeeva Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age. Page 37 “Sparrows and a car” Purpose of the game:
To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.
Description of the game:
Children sit on benches on one side of the playground.
These are sparrows in nests. The instructor stands on the opposite side. It depicts a car. After the instructor’s words, “Let’s fly, sparrows onto the path,” the children get up and run around the playground, waving their arms – their wings. At the instructor’s signal, “The car is moving, fly, little sparrows, to your nests!” The car returns to the garage Rules of the game
: The car should not move too fast to allow all children to find their place.
It is necessary to show children how sparrows fly and how they peck grains.
Timofeeva Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age. Page 34 “At the Bear in the Forest” Purpose of the game:
learning to run, developing speed and agility.
Description of the game: A line is drawn at one end of the hall (area). This is the edge of the forest. Beyond the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for the bear is outlined. At the opposite end of the hall, the children's house is marked with a line. The instructor appoints one of the players to be a bear (you can choose a counting rhyme). The rest of the players are children, they are at home. The instructor says: “Go for a walk.” Children head to the edge of the forest, pick mushrooms and berries, that is, imitate the corresponding movements and say: “I take mushrooms and berries from the bear in the forest, and the bear sits and growls at us.” The bear gets up with a growl, the children run away. The bear tries to catch (touch) them. He takes the caught one to himself. The game resumes. After the bear catches 2-3 players, a new bear is appointed or selected. The game is repeated Rules of the game:
The bear begins to growl only after the words “And it growls at us.”
A new bear is selected from children who were not caught by the bear.
E.Ya. Stepanenkova Collection of outdoor games for children 2-7 years old p. 17
“We are not afraid of the cat” Purpose of the game:
Development of speed and dexterity and attention.
Description of the game:
The driver is selected - a cat, all the rest are mice.
The cat sits on the floor and sleeps. The mice hold hands and walk in a circle and say: Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, we are not afraid of the cat! At the signal “The cat is awake!” — the mice run away, and the cat catches up with them. At the signal “The cat has fallen asleep,” the game is repeated. Rules of the game:
With each new game, a new cat is chosen.
The instructor marks the children who were not caught by the cat..
K.K. Utrobina Entertaining physical education for preschoolers 3-5 years old p.27

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