Program for moral and patriotic education of preschool children “We raise our flag of our State”

Project “Formation of patriotic feelings among older preschoolers”


Continue to introduce children to folk traditions and customs. Expand ideas about the art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia. Expand ideas about the diversity of folk art and crafts (different types of materials, different regions of our country). Cultivate interest in the art of your native land; love and respect for works of art.

Continue to introduce children to oral folk art. Use folklore when organizing all types of children's activities.

"Our Cosmonauts"


Introduce children to the history of the development of astronautics, to the first cosmonauts.

Form an initial idea of ​​the structure of the solar system, the planets (their sizes, location to the Sun, some features).

"Victory Day"


Raise children in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Expand knowledge about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, about the victory of our country in the war.

Introduce monuments to WWII heroes.

Tell children about the military awards of their grandparents and parents.

Talk about the continuity of generations of defenders of the Motherland: from epic heroes to heroes of the Second World War.

Develop a respectful, caring attitude towards elderly relatives.

The project is carried out through the following forms

work with children: direct educational activities, entertainment, holidays, conversations, reading fiction and familiarization with oral folk art, artistic creativity, role-playing, folk, verbal, didactic games, listening to musical works.

Working with teachers

for patriotic education of children is organized in the following forms:

•Consultations on “Patriotic education of preschool children.” “The role of the family in the moral and patriotic education of preschool children.” “Russian cultural traditions and moral and patriotic education of preschoolers.” “Creating conditions in kindergarten for the patriotic education of children.”

•Show-competition of corners on patriotic education of children.

•Implementation of pedagogical projects “Folk rag doll”. “Matryoshka is the soul of Russia”, “Museum in a preschool educational institution”, “The city in which I live”, “My native land”, “Secrets of space”.

•Master class for teachers “Rag Doll”.

•Pedagogical Council “Moral and Patriotic Education of Preschool Children.”

Thematic planning for working with parents


forms are used to work with parents:

works: consultations: “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children”, “Education of citizenship and patriotism in preschool children through music”, “Russian folklore in educating preschoolers about the culture of family traditions”, “Education of children through familiarization with folk culture”; parent meeting “Raising Patriots”; master classes: “Folk traditions in the life of your family”, “Folk and applied creativity. Types of patterns of Russian folk art crafts in drawing"; survey; production of booklets: “Rites and customs of Russian folk culture. Naming”, “Play folk outdoor games with children”, “Holding the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday at home”. As well as such forms of work as round tables, conversations, joint exhibitions of drawings and photographs with children, and involving parents in participating in entertainment and celebrations.

Project for children 6-7 years old. Patriotic education

Project for children of the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution.
Topic: “Our Motherland - Russia” Author: Amirova Galina Rinadovna Description: In this publication, I offer you the project “Our Motherland - Russia”, aimed at instilling patriotism in older preschoolers. The publication is aimed at an audience of teachers working with older preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Purpose of publication: dissemination of teaching experience. Project “Our Motherland - Russia”. Preparatory group for school Prepared by: Antonova T.G. Amirova G.R. Introductory conversation with children: Children, today we are talking about our country. What is it called? (children's answers). And we, living in Russia, are Russians. Our Motherland is a very ancient state; it arose many, many years ago. Ancient legends tell. that on a beautiful land, where there were many rivers, forests and valleys, long ago the Slavs lived. • Slavs – means a glorious, worthy people: proud. handsome, brave. Children, remember this word - Slavs. They were our ancestors (showing illustrations). Now tell me what the word “ancestors” means? (children's answers) These are people who lived on this land, where you and I live now, many, many years ago, that is, before us, before, in front of us. The teacher draws the children's attention to the map. “Which country do you think is on the board? (children's answers) That's right, this is a map of our Motherland. Look at the huge territory our Motherland, Russia, occupies. (I show the borders of Russia, the children follow the pointer) • I read the poem: “How great is my land! How wide are the spaces! Lakes, rivers and fields. Forests, and steppe, and mountains! My land stretches from north to south, When in one region it is spring - In the other there is snow and blizzard.” • Russia is a large country and it is inhabited by many peoples. What language do you think most of the population speaks? (children's answers) That's right, in Russian. • There are many mountains in our country. Ural, Caucasian, Altai. The highest mountain in our country is called Elbrus, the deepest lake is Baikal. And the longest Russian river has a beautiful female name - Lena. (the teacher shows the named places on the geographical map of Russia) • In the summer, children and their parents go on vacation to the Black, Azov, and Caspian • In Russian forests there are wolves, brown bears, hares, foxes and moose. The taiga is home to squirrels - flying squirrels, lynxes and tigers. And in the north live walruses, seals and polar bears (show illustrations). • Russia is also rich in natural resources - coal, oil, gas, iron, copper, gold and platinum. This is how beautiful and rich our country is! Children, what is the name of the capital of Russia? (children's answers) What is the name of the main square of the country where special events take place: parades, demonstrations, concerts? (children's answers, showing illustrations). • A huge number of people live in Moscow - there are many avenues, squares, parks, theaters, and museums. Buildings in Moscow are high-rise, multi-story. There is a metro underground. There are also many other attractions in Moscow: the Kremlin, the Tsar Bell, the Tsar Cannon, the Bolshoi Theater, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Historical Museum (the teacher demonstrates color illustrations and postcards depicting the sights of Moscow.). Project topic: "Our Motherland - Russia" Project type: Information - research - creative. Implementation timeframe: long-term. Relevance of the topic: It is very important that children understand as early as possible that the big Motherland is Russia, the Russian Federation, it is one for everyone who was born in its vastness, loved it, who makes efforts to make it even more beautiful, richer, mighty power. And each of us needs to be able to be useful to her. And for this you need to know and be able to do a lot; From childhood, do things that would be for the benefit of your home, kindergarten, city, and in the future - for the benefit of the whole country. Acquaintance with the great Motherland - Russia - is the third main stage of moral and patriotic education of children. If a person cares about the Motherland, it means that he is its son, and that means Russia is the Motherland for him. Hypothesis: Love for the Motherland is the greatest and dearest, deepest and strongest feeling. To become a patriot, a person must feel a spiritual connection with his people, accept their language and culture. Native culture, like father and mother, should become an integral part of the child’s soul. With this in mind, we strive to instill in children love and respect for the capital of the Motherland, for folk traditions, folklore, and nature. Goal: To educate children to love their large, multinational Motherland - Russia. Creating conditions for the emergence of citizenship and patriotic feelings towards one’s homeland. Objectives: 1. Replenish, clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about the country - Russia, its symbols, capital, natural resources, culture, peoples, traditions, holidays. 2. Give an idea of ​​the concept - Small Motherland. Teach to love your parents, home, village, country. 3. To foster love and respect for one’s nationality, a tolerant and respectful attitude towards representatives of other peoples inhabiting Russia, to contribute to the formation in children of the concept that we are all united, despite the shape of our eyes and the color of our skin, we all have one, indivisible Fatherland. 4. Foster a sense of pride for your homeland; 5. Contribute to the emergence of patriotic feelings. Project participants: 1. Children of the preparatory group. 2. Educators. 3. Parents. Expected result: After completing the project, children will know: - symbols of Russia (flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia). - The nature of your native places, admire nature, treat it with care. - Four to five peoples living on Earth, their way of life, traditions, -Climatic and natural conditions. Questions guiding the project : Fundamental question: - What is Russia? Problematic questions on the topic: - What is nature like in Russia? — Location of Russia on the map? — Symbols of Russia? — People of different nationalities live in Russia. Methods: 1. Method of problematic questions; 2. Method of analysis; 3. Game modeling method; 4. Method of conversation, etc. Interaction with specialists: Musical director - Anikina L. M.; Speech therapist - Degtyareva A.Sh. Project products: Center for Patriotic Education in a group, Interactive folder - Lapbook “Russia - we know, we love, we are proud of!”; Thematic illustrated albums. Collection of thematic slide presentations. Stages of project implementation Stage 1
– Preparatory 1.Introduction to a game situation (invitation to travel around Russia).
2. Formation of the problem: “What do we know about Russia?” 3. Leading up to the formation of tasks: - acquaintance with the natural areas of Russia; -introduce the flora and fauna of central Russia; -introduce folk traditions and culture of Russia; -learn about the features of Russian costume; -have an idea of ​​crafts and basic elements of patterns; folklore; -take part in Russian folk games and competitions; -reflect impressions in products in your activities; -introduce you to natural resources and the main city of Russia; -introduce the concept of “Small Motherland” Stage 2
- Basic Organization of children’s activities in accordance with the long-term plan for the implementation of the project;
Collaboration with parents; Setting up a center for patriotic education in the group; Making a lapbook “Russia – we know, we love, we are proud!” Stage 3
- Final Presentation of the project.
Awarding certificates of gratitude to children and parents who took the most active part in the work on the project. Relaxation. Implementation of the project through various activities. Cognitive development Direct educational activities, conversations with the display of slide presentations or illustrations:
“Our country is Russia”;
“Moscow is the capital of our Motherland”; "History of the Moscow Kremlin"; "Peoples of Russia"; "Day of National Unity"; “Climatic zones of Russia”; "Nature of Russia"; "Blue Rivers of Russia"; “State symbols of Russia: coat of arms, flag, anthem”; "Victory Day"; "Our Army"; “Tashla is my little homeland”; “Flora and fauna of central Russia”; “Fauna of central Russia”; “White birch is a symbol of Russia.” Didactic games:
“Find the flag of Russia”, “Find out our coat of arms”, “Find the coat of arms of Russia among the coats of arms of different countries”, “Whose suit”, “World of profession”, “What tree is the leaf from”, “When does this happen”.
Speech development Teaching storytelling
“The main city of our country”;
"Cities of Russia"; “What peoples live in Russia”; "The Wealth of Russia"; “Heroes of the Russian Land” “Russian Folk Crafts”; "My little Motherland"; Reading stories, fairy tales, poems:
“What I saw” B. Zhitkov;
“Motherland” by Alexandrov; “History of Russia in stories for children” (separate chapters) by A. Ishimov; "Yolka" V. Suteev; “Two Birches” by T.A. Shorygin; “Walk” S. Mikhalkov; “The Little Humpbacked Horse” Ershlov; “As it comes back, so it will respond” r.n.s.; “Bragging hare” r.s.; “The Frog Princess” r.s.; “Sister Fox and Gray Wolf” r.s.; “The Snow Maiden and the Fox” r.s.; “Sivka-burka” r.s.; "Khavroshechka" r.s.; "Spikelet" r.s. Memorizing poetry:
“Kremlin Stars” by S. Mikhalkov;
“There is no better native land” P. Voronko; “Native Land” by G. Ladonshchikov; “Motherland” by V. Semerin; “Native Land” P. Sinyavsky Learning proverbs, sayings, fables. Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing:
Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin”;
"Flag of Russia"; "White-trunk birch"; "Gorodets painting"; “Dymkovo. Elegant young lady"; "Russian national costume"; "Our decorated Christmas tree." "Rowan Branch"; "Portraits of Family Members"; "Gzhel" “Doll in national costume”; "Khokhloma"; "My house"; "Victory Salute". Modeling:
“Gifts of the Russian forest.
Basket with mushrooms and berries"; “Fairy-tale image of the Snow Maiden”; "Animals of Russia"; “Border guard with a dog” “Birds” Application and artistic work.
Postcards for those closest to you for the holidays.
Doll “Kuvadka” “Wonderful transformations of a cone”; "Blooming garden"; Listening to songs and music:
“There was a birch tree in the field”, “Autumn song”, “Harvest”, “Beautiful Christmas tree”, “Farewell winter”.
“Anthem of Russia”, “Russian folk music”. Physical development. Russian folk outdoor games: “Geese - Swans”, “Colors”, “Tag”, “Bear the Bear in the Forest”, “The Magic Wand”, “Day - Night”, etc. Social communicative development. Excursions:
Excursion through the streets of your native village;
Excursion to the local history museum. Excursion to the monuments of the military glory of our fellow countrymen; Role-playing games: “Family”; “Traveling around the country by bus”; "City streets"; “Professions”, etc. Dramatization of Russian folk tales:
“Kolobok”, “Three Bears”, “Geese and Swans”, “Teremok”, etc.
Participation in regional events
Forum-festival “Milk 2016”;
Patriotic song competition “Duty! Honor! Motherland! District "Children's Day"; Action "Victory Waltz"; Action "St. George's Ribbon"; Participation in the district parade dedicated to Victory Day Interaction with parents Consultation for parents “Project activities in kindergarten.” Help in selecting material for the lapbook “Our Motherland – Russia”. Consultation “The role of parents in the formation of patriotic feelings.” Consultation “What Russian folk tales should children read?” Consultation “The Child and His Homeland”. Help parents in choosing cartoons and board games about Russia. Reading books about Russia with children. Long-term planning of work with children according to the project in the preparatory group September
1. Conversation “Our Motherland-Russia” (Appendix No. 1);
2. Conversation “The main city of our country” (Appendix No. 2); 3. Conversation “Moscow is the capital of Russia” (Appendix No. 3); 4. Conversation “Nature of Russia” (Appendix No. 4); 5. Reading of Alexandrova’s poem “Motherland”; 6. GCD “Cities of Russia” (Appendix No. 5); 7. Examination of illustrations “The Main City of Our Country”; 8. Reading a chapter from B. Zhitkov’s book “What I Saw”; 9. Excursion through the streets of your native village; 10. Drawing “Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin.” October
1. Conversation “State symbols of Russia: coat of arms, flag, anthem” (Appendix No. 6);
2. NOD “History of the Moscow Kremlin” (Appendix No. 7); 3. Conversation “Tashla is my little homeland”; 4. Examination of illustrations “Nature of the Orenburg Region”; 5. “White birch is a symbol of Russia” (Appendix No. 8); 6. Reading fiction. Reading T.A. Shorygina “Two Birches”; 7. Memorizing the poem “Kremlin Stars” by S. Mikhalkov; 8. Excursion to the local history museum. 9. Drawing “Russian Flag”; 10. Drawing “White-trunk birch”. November
1. NOD “What peoples live in Russia” (Appendix No. 9);
2. Holiday “National Unity Day”; 3. Reading “History of Russia in stories for children” (separate chapters) by A. Ishimov; 4. Reading the Russian folk tale “The Boasting Hare” 5. Acquaintance with Gorodets painting. Techniques for performing floral pattern elements in Gorodets painting; 6. Introduction to the Dymkovo toy (Appendix No. 10) 7. Decorative drawing “Elegant young lady”; 8. Acquaintance with ancient toys, making a “Kuvadki” doll; 9. Telling the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”; 10. Modeling “Gifts of the Russian forest. Basket with mushrooms and berries"; December
1. Conversation “Climatic zones of Russia” (Appendix No. 11);
2. Conversation “Russian national costume” (Appendix No. 12); 3. Drawing “Russian national costume”; 4. Examination of illustrations “Blue Rivers of Russia” (Appendix No. 13); 5. Reading fiction “Walk” by S. Mikhalkov; 6. Reading the fairy tale “Yolka” by V. Suteev; 7. Educational conversation “New Year’s traditions”; 8. Memorizing the poem “There is no better native land” by P. Voronko; 9. Drawing “Our decorated Christmas tree”; 10. Modeling “Fairytale image of the Snow Maiden”; January
1. Reading “Folk holidays in Russia”;
2. Conversation “Russian Wealth”; 3. Modeling the fairy-tale image of the Snow Maiden; 4. Fauna of central Russia (Appendix No. 14); 5. Reading fiction “History of Russia in stories for children” (separate chapters) by A. Ishimov; 6. Telling the Russian folk tale “Little Fox Sister and the Gray Wolf”; 7. Didactic game “Whose costume?”; 8. Finger gymnastics “Hello, my Motherland”; 9. Drawing “Rowan Branch”; 10. Modeling “Animals of Russia”. February
1. Educational conversation “Our Army”.
2. Craft from natural material “Wonderful transformations of a pine cone”; 3. Reading the Russian folk tale “Sivka-burka”; 4. “Bogatyrs of the Russian Land” (Appendix No. 15); 5. Memorizing the poem “Native Land” by G. Ladonshchikov; 6. Drawing “Portraits of family members”; 7. Modeling “Border Guard with a Dog”. March
1. NOD “Russian folk crafts” (Appendix No. 16);
2. Conversation “Russian folk instruments” (Appendix No. 17); 3. National holidays in Rus': “Maslenitsa”; 4. Reading fiction: P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”; 5. Introduction to the art of Gzhel painting. Decorative drawing “Gzhel patterns” 6. Memorizing the poem “Motherland” by V. Semerin; 7. Learning poems for mother’s holiday; 8. Modeling “Birds”. April
1. Conversation “My small Motherland”;
2. Conversation “Flora and fauna of central Russia (Appendix No. 18)”; 3. Memorizing the poem “Native Land” by P. Sinyavsky; 4. Reading fiction. History of Russia in stories for children" (separate chapters); A. Ishimova; 5. Telling the Russian folk tale “Khavroshechka”; 6. Quiz “My Motherland”; 7. Didactic game “Recognize our flag (coat of arms)”; 8. Introduction to Khokhloma painting Decorative painting “Golden Khokhloma” (Appendix No. 19); 9. Drawing “Doll in national costume”; 10. Collective application “Blooming Garden”. May
1. Holiday “May 9 – Victory Day”;
2. Drawing on the theme “Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin”; 3. Conversation “Hero Cities”; 4. Excursion to the monuments of the military glory of our fellow countrymen; 5. Reading fiction; 6. Reading the Russian folk tale “Spikelet”. 7. Drawing “My House”; 8. Drawing “Victory Salute”. 9. Presentation of the project. Active, didactic, plot-based role-playing games, dramatizations of fairy tales throughout the year. Results of the project 1. During the course of the project, the children became interested in the history of their country and were proud of Russia. The children got acquainted with the history of Russia, the formation of the state, the children’s knowledge about the peoples living on the territory of Russia expanded, and they consolidated knowledge about the symbols of the Russian Federation and its meaning. The children's knowledge about the capital of Russia, cultural monuments expanded, they studied the Kremlin and its towers in more detail - from which they got their name. The children enjoyed studying the map of Russia, looking for various cities, studying animals living on the territory of the Russian Federation; with the help of the Red Book of Russia, the children became acquainted with endangered species of animals. We enjoyed studying Gzhel painting, Khokhloma painting, Dymkovo painting, and expanding our knowledge about the matryoshka doll. We continued our acquaintance with oral folk art and Russian folk instruments. Reinforced knowledge about Russian folk holidays and public holidays in Russia. Introducing children to the history and culture of the Russian people opens up to them the amazing, wonderful world of antiquity, which helps to instill in children patriotic feelings, instill respect for the traditions and culture of their people and a tolerant attitude towards the traditions and culture of other peoples. The formation of a citizen’s personality depends on the eyes with which the child saw his surroundings, on what struck his imagination, on what lessons he learned from explanations about contemporary events and the historical past of the country. That is why we need to help the child, discover the historical past and present of our Motherland. Our guys took part in regional events. Forum-festival “Milk 2016”; Patriotic song competition “Duty! Honor! Motherland! District "Children's Day"; Action "Victory Waltz"; Action "St. George's Ribbon"; Participation in the regional parade dedicated to Victory Day. All our performances were well prepared, the children were not shy to perform in front of a large audience. Excellent preparation of musical numbers is the merit of the musical director of the Kindergarten “Talent” by L.M. Anikina for the performances of our pupils at district events, we received a lot of positive reviews from parents, from the organizers of events, from ordinary residents of the village of Tashla. In the implementation of the project, the parents of the group acted as reliable partners, we boldly relied on their support in all the events of the project. Thanks to such cohesive work of teachers, parents and children, it was possible to solve all the tasks of the project and achieve its goal. Thank you for your attention!

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