A selection of literary material “Our Motherland - Russia”

Psychotherapeutic tale about the Motherland for children

What is Motherland: a psychotherapeutic fairy tale for cultural events in schools and universities

Author: Rodionova Irina Sergeevna.
Position and place of work: 4th year student in the field of Educational Psychology, OGTI, Orsk. Purpose of the material : this psychological fairy tale is intended to develop patriotism, a feeling of love for the Motherland, and helps a child or adult formalize this feeling in clear, succinct formulations. The fairy tale is intended for middle and high school ages, for students of higher educational institutions. This development was successfully presented within the framework of the “Pedagogical Intra-University Olympiad” at OGTI, Orsk. Main characters: Narrator, Girl, Book, Parents, Teacher, Chief Editor, Mayor, Love.
Psychotherapeutic tale about the Motherland.
Narrator: In one very ordinary city, in an ordinary small apartment, there lived a not ordinary girl. She was curious and smart for her years, her every thought was permeated with childish wisdom, because she wanted to know everything, everything in the world! And she was interested in one unusual thought - what is the Motherland? And why should you love her? First of all, this inquisitive girl turned to her favorite books, which always communicated with her with pleasure, bestowing their knowledge. They presented her with this truth: Reading a poem. Our Motherland is beautiful and rich, guys. It’s a long drive from the capital to any of its borders. Everything around you is your own, dear: Mountains, steppes and forests: The blue sparkling rivers, Blue skies. Every city is dear to the heart, Every rural house is dear. Everything in battles was once taken and strengthened by labor! (G. Ladonshchikov) But this wisdom was not enough for the baby, and she went to those who gave her life, who were always there, happily communicated, protected and warmed her with their human warmth. She approached her parents, looked at them with her sincere, curious eyes and asked: “Mommy, daddy, what is the homeland?” Her parents hugged her, pressed her to their hearts and told her: “Motherland, daughter, this is family comfort, your beloved wife and daughter who are waiting for you after work, this is the smell of a delicious dinner and warm hugs,” her father answered her. “The homeland is the place where you are always welcome, where loving hearts are always waiting for you,” said the mother, stroking the girl’s head. “Some kind of too homely knowledge,” she answered. But this truth was not enough for the girl, and the next day, when she came to school, she asked the teacher, tugging at her skirt and being passionately interested: - Marya Ivanovna, what is the Motherland? The teacher adjusted her glasses, sat down next to the girl and answered: “My dear, the Motherland is the place where you were born and where you live.” - Some boring knowledge! – the girl responded, and still unable to answer this difficult question, after school she went to her father’s work, to the local newspaper. There she, not at all embarrassed by her thirst for knowledge, approached the editor-in-chief himself and asked, putting her hands on her hips importantly: - Uncle Misha, are you the Mass Media? “Yes, dear, we are the media,” the head of the local newspaper told her with a laugh, straightening up just as importantly. - Do you need a certificate? “Exactly so,” the girl answered him seriously. – You are so smart, so all-knowing, so what is the Motherland? -Motherland? – the editor-in-chief thought, but the girl interrupted his thoughts: “Just don’t talk to me like a child, but an adult is enough to understand such complex truths.” Speak as you would to an adult! – the girl said bravely, and the editor-in-chief told her in a conspiratorial whisper: “The Motherland is your Fatherland, your home and your shelter, which even a young heart like yours wants to protect.” “Some kind of warlike knowledge,” the girl rejected. And then she went straight to the local administration, where, surprised by her small stature but important look, they let her go straight to the mayor. -Hello, Uncle Mayor! Tell me, all the townspeople elected you and entrusted our city to you? So you are the whole city, the whole society, and you keep their knowledge?” she said bravely. -That's right, my young child. What brought you here? - the mayor responded, putting aside papers and all his business. “I want to gain knowledge,” the mayor smiled at the seriousness and wise gaze of the child, but listened to her carefully. - Uncle Mayor, what is the Motherland? -This is your city, daughter. This is your land, your mom and dad, your school. -Something too general a concept! - the girl snapped, leaving, and the mayor stared in surprise for a long time at the door behind which such a smart child had disappeared. The girl sat down on the porch and became thoughtful and sad. She propped her cheek on her fist, sighed sadly and suddenly asked someone unknown: “So will someone tell me what the Motherland is?” A very stately and beautiful woman sat down on the porch next to her. Her gaze was both strong and very kind, warming and gentle. She smiled at the girl and took her hand. -And who are you? – the girl asked in fear, looking at the stranger, but from her wise look she immediately felt warm and calm. -I am Love for the Motherland, my dear. Do you want me to tell you what your Motherland is? -Of course I want! I ask everyone, but I feel that something is missing in their words! – the girl screamed joyfully, jumping up. Love for the Motherland took out a beautiful scroll and began to read, and her words thundered along the street, forcing passers-by to stop and listen: “Then listen to me carefully, baby, and remember.” The homeland is the big and warm heart of your mother, when she hugs you, when she misses you and calls you every five minutes, when she strokes your head and desperately cheers and worries about you, watching you spin in a snowflake costume at a matinee. The homeland is your dad’s love, which will always be there, protecting you and protecting you from any harm. The homeland is your home, big and beautiful, no matter how it looks on the outside, it is the warmth, comfort and happiness that you feel only when you cross the threshold of your own home, only when you inhale the smell of your home and look into your room. Even if when you grow up and move to live in another place, love for your home will always be in your heart. The Motherland is the place where you were born and live, where your most vivid feelings and emotions take place, and no matter how old or even old you become, these most pleasant and happy memories will forever remain with you about your Motherland. Your homeland is your neighbors, your little friends, your cat and dog - this is everything that lives deep inside you and warms you with happy memories in any situation. Only the Motherland will always be by your side, because you are a piece of its rich and wondrous history, which will forever be preserved in the land on which you walk with your bare feet in the summer. And it is love for the Motherland that will always give birth to your clear smile, which will always be your home, where you are always welcome, where every daisy shakes its head at you in a friendly manner and every birch tree waves its leaves. The homeland is you, your family and your home, it is not just a city or region, it is your soul and the soul of your loved ones. Do you understand, baby? -I think I understand. So they were all right, but they were only telling part of the truth? -Yes, because everyone has their own understanding of the Motherland and their own understanding of happiness. But they are all correct. The girl looked at the woman with a smile and firmly took her hand, smiling happily: “So, you, Love for the Motherland, will always be with me from now on?” -Yes. Even when you don’t see me around, I will always live in your heart and surround you with only warmth and care. And if you keep this wonderful feeling in your soul, then you will overcome all the hardships in your life, withstand all the tests and cope with any evil and any untruth. Are you ready for this? -Yes! – the girl responded confidently, and her eyes became even brighter. She had no doubt that now this love would always live in her heart. And then she smiled - that same sincere childish smile, realizing that the world had become a little clearer, and something very important and meaningful was closer...

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A fairy tale is a fictional story. This is a story that contains a miracle. A miracle that can delight every child.

After all, any fairy tale opens up a whole world for a child. A world with magic, with incredible adventures, with terrible secrets and good heroes, with the victory of good over evil, and always with a happy ending.

Fairy tales for children retain folk wisdom in their text. They touch on very vital, sometimes even philosophical questions. But in fairy tales they are revealed in a language understandable to children.

Fairy tales for children perform functions that many parents have not even thought about. Listening to a fairy tale, the child empathizes with the main characters. This is how he learns to have compassion or rejoice. Good fairy tales for children will relieve the child of personal worries and increase self-confidence. Fairy tales will help children overcome boasting, arrogance, envy and greed. They will help enrich your child's vocabulary and develop their imagination.

The site "Keepers of Fairy Tales" is a whole storehouse of fairy tales. The website “Keepers of Fairy Tales” collects and stores the best fairy tales for children, original fairy tales and folk tales that will be of interest to children and adults.

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) - Danish writer, storyteller, poet, playwright, essayist, author of world-famous fairy tales for children and adults. Andersen wrote fairy tales, novels, essays, plays, travel books, and poems, but he left his mark on world literature primarily as the greatest author of fairy tales and stories for children and adults. All children know the heroes of Andersen's fairy tales: The Snow Queen, The Ugly Duckling, Ole Lukøje, Thumbelina, The Princess and the Pea, The Steadfast Tin Soldier and The Little Mermaid. As well as the famous fairy tales Flint, Wild Swans, Little Tuk, Swineherd, Nightingale, Shadow, The King's New Clothes, Airplane Chest, Little Claus and Big Claus and many others.

Charles Perrault (1628-1703) - famous French storyteller, poet and critic. Fairy tales by Charles Perrault are familiar to everyone since childhood. Who hasn't heard fairy tales for children about the resourceful Puss in Boots, about the brave Little Red Riding Hood, about the beautiful Sleeping Beauty, about the strong Thumb Boy and about the kind Cinderella! And also the wonderful fairy tales The Sorceress, The Sorceress, The Bluebeard, Rike with the Tuft, The Donkey Skin and The Gingerbread House. For more than three hundred years, all the children of the world love and know these fairy tales.

The Brothers Grimm (Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859)) were German linguists and storytellers. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were the greatest experts in German folklore. They studied the grammar of Germanic languages, the history of law, and mythology. The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are known all over the world. The most famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm: A successful trade, The brave little tailor, Clever Hans, The wolf and the seven little kids, The straw, the coal and the bean, Lady Blizzard, The three lucky ones, The young giant, The seven Swabians, The three brothers, Lazy Heinz, The hare and the hedgehog, Sweet porridge , Snow White and Scarlet Flower and of course the Bremen street musicians.

Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich (1799-1837) - a great Russian poet, prose writer and playwright, reformer of the Russian literary language, his works are considered as the standard of the Russian literary language. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also created the greatest fairy tales in verse for children and adults: The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights, The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

Bazhov Pavel Petrovich (1879–1950) - Russian writer, folklorist; For the first time he performed a literary treatment of Ural tales. His works include such well-known and beloved fairy tales as The Blue Snake, The Malachite Box, Ivanko the Lion, The Silver Hoof, The Mountain Master, Two Lizards, The Stone Flower, The Golden Hair, The Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Evgrafovich (1826–1889) - great Russian writer, satirist, prose writer, publicist. His work reflects the denial of the landowner way of life, bureaucracy and autocracy. Everyone knows the satirical tales: The Bogatyr, The Sane Hare, The Bear in the Voivodeship, The Wise Minnow, The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals, The Wild Landowner.

Rudyard Joseph Kipling (1865-1936) is a famous English storyteller. The paradoxical world of Kipling's fantasies excites the imagination and amazes with its originality. Great fairy tales, which are read by more than one generation of children around the world, are told as about distant exotic countries, in small fairy tales: Where did the camel get its hump, Where did the rhinoceros get its skin, How did the leopard get its spots, The Baby Elephant (Baby Elephant), The cat that walked by itself, and in legends from knightly times, in the collection “Tales of Old England”. And absolutely all children know the famous “Jungle Book” about the boy “frog” Mowgli, the wise python Kaa, the cunning panther Bagheera, and the evil tiger Shere Khan.

Baum Lyman Frank (1856-1919) - famous American writer. It was he who invented The Wonderful Land of Oz. A world-famous classic of children's literature, whose tales have been republished many times in dozens of languages. He is the author of everyone's favorite fairy-tale characters, such as: the Amazing Wizard, Ozma, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the most wonderful and mysterious city - the Emerald City.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828 - 1910) is one of the greatest Russian writers and thinkers. Graph. Educator, publicist, at the end of his life the founder of a new religious and moral teaching - Tolstoyism. He also wrote many small but wonderful fairy tales for children: Three Bears, How Uncle Semyon told about what happened to him in the forest, The Lion and the Dog, The Tale of Ivan the Fool and his two brothers, Two Brothers, Worker Emelyan and empty drum and many others.

Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich (1882 - 1945) - Russian Soviet writer, publicist, count, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Author of socio-psychological, historical and science fiction novels, novellas and short stories, journalistic works. He is the author of the well-known and beloved fairy tale The Golden Key, or the adventures of Pinocchio. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote two collections of his own fairy tales, Magpie Tales (Magpie, Fox, Vaska the Cat, Cockerels) and Mermaid Tales (Mermaid, Vodyanoy, Straw Groom, Beast Tsar) and made a large selection of Russian folk tales for young children in his own adaptation (Gusi- swans, Turnip, Ivan the cow's son, Teremok, Kolobok).

Afanasyev Alexander Nikolaevich (1826 - 1871) - an outstanding historian, folklorist, journalist, lawyer, researcher of folk art, ethnographer, famous publisher of Russian folk tales. The name of Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev is on a par with the names of outstanding Russian scientists of the 19th century. Afanasyevsky collection of Russian folk tales is an outstanding publication not only of domestic, but also of world folklore. Being the first and so far the only collection of Russian fairy tales, in which they are presented along with Ukrainian and Belarusian ones, the collection marked the beginning of the scientific collection and study of East Slavic fairy tales and became a truly folk book, which played an exceptional role in the education of more than one generation of children. This classic work was first published in 1855-1863. and has since been reprinted several times.

Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1769 - 1844) - Russian poet, writer, translator. Krylov is the most famous Russian fabulist. Ivan Aleksandrovich Krylov penned such famous fables as the Crow and the Fox, the Monkey and the Glasses, the Dragonfly and the Ant, the Elephant and the Pug, the Quartet, the Swan, the Pike and the Cancer, Demyan’s Ear, and many other fables.

Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich (1824 - 1871) - famous Russian democratic teacher, founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia. Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich is the author of such fairy tales and stories for children as The Wind and the Sun, Two Plows, The Blind Horse, The Fox and the Goat, The Bunny's Complaints, The Rooster and the Dog, The Trickster Cat, The Hunter of Fairy Tales and many others.

Joel Chandler Harris (1848 - 1908) - American writer, author of the world famous Tales of Uncle Remus. "The Tales of Uncle Remus" includes the fun and funny adventures of Br'er Rabbit, Br'er Fox, Br'er Wolf and other animals: Br'er Fox and Br'er Rabbit, Tar Scarecrow, How Br'er Rabbit Outsmarted Br'er Fox, Br'er Wolf's Failure, How Br'er Turtle Defeated Br'er Rabbit, Fairy Tale about little rabbits, How Brother Rabbit lost his tail and many other fairy tales. These fairy tales, full of humor, fantasy and wisdom, have long been loved by children all over the world.

Mamin-Sibiryak Dmitry Narkisovich (1852 - 1912) - Russian writer, prose writer, playwright and storyteller. Mamin-Sibiryak is the author of a collection of fairy tales for children “Alyonushka’s Tales” (The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail, Vanka’s name day, The Tale of how the last Fly lived, Smartest of all, It’s time to sleep) and a number of others famous fairy tales, including all of any Gray Neck.

Lewis Carroll (1832 - 1898) - English writer, mathematician, logician, philosopher and photographer. The most famous fairy tales for children are “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” as well as the humorous poem “The Hunt for the Snark.”

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich (1801 - 1872) - Russian scientist and writer. He became famous as the author of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” and the collector of “Proverbs of the Russian People.”

Alan Alexander Milne (1882 - 1856) - English children's writer. He is known as the author of fairy tales about the “bear with sawdust in his head” - Winnie the Pooh and the fairy tales An Ordinary Fairy Tale, Prince Rabbit, Princess Nesmeyana, Cinderella.

Wilhelm Hauff (1802 - 1827) - German writer and short story writer. Gauff's literary heritage consists of three almanacs of fairy tales (Caravan, Alexandria Sheikh Ali-Banu and his slaves, Tavern in Spessart). These works forever inscribed the name of Wilhelm Hauff in the history of world literature. His mystical, sometimes scary, sometimes sad tales are imbued with the spirit of the East, but at the same time, devoid of the usual oriental tinsel. He is one of those few authors who knew how to turn ordinary legends about ghosts and poor people punishing evil rich people into magical, bright, memorable fairy tales that are still interesting to read to this day for both children and adults.

Oscar Wilde (1854–1900), English playwright, writer, poet, essayist, prose writer, critic, author of the most brilliant comedies and essays in the English language. One of the most famous playwrights of the late Victorian period, a prominent celebrity of his time. The most famous fairy tales of Oscar Wilde: The Happy Prince, The Selfish Giant, The Remarkable Rocket, The Infanta's Birthday, The Canterville Ghost and many other fairy tales.

Hoffmann Ernst Theodor Amadeus (1776-1822) was a German writer, composer and artist of the romantic movement, who became famous for his fairy tales that combine mysticism with reality and reflect the grotesque and tragic sides of human nature. Hoffmann's most famous fairy tales: “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”, “Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober”, “The Golden Pot”, “The Sandman” and many other fairy tales for children.

Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich (1809-1852) - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature. Gogol's tales are varied both in their motives and in the events described in them. Take the most famous ones: “Sorochinskaya Fair”, “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “May Night, or the Drowned Woman”, “The Missing Letter”, “The Night Before Christmas”, “Terrible Revenge”, “Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and His Aunt” , “Enchanted Place” - each has its own heroes, its own miracles and its own events.

Permyak Evgeniy Andreevich (1902-1982) - Russian Soviet writer, playwright. Permyak's fairy tales are included in the golden fund of children's literature. They are rightfully considered modern classics of fairy tale storytelling, conveying to children the concepts of honesty, responsibility, hard work and self-confidence. The most famous fairy tales of Permyak: “Someone else’s gate”, “The cunning rug”, “How Misha wanted to outwit his mother”, “Pichugin Bridge”, “Magic colors” and many others.

Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich (1894-1959) - Russian writer, author of many works for children. The vast majority of Bianchi's tales are dedicated to the Russian forest. In many of them, the idea is repeatedly expressed about the importance of knowledge concerning living nature, and it is expressed softly and carefully, awakening in children a thirst for knowledge and research: “Mouse Peak”, “Red Hill”, “How the Ant Hurried Home”, “The Fox and the Little Mouse” ", "Sinichkin calendar" and many others.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969) - Russian and Soviet poet, critic, literary critic, translator, publicist, known primarily for fairy tales for children in verse and prose. One of the first Russian researchers of the phenomenon of mass culture. Readers are best known as a children's poet. The most famous works for children: “Cockroach” (1922), “Moidodyr” (1922), “Tsokotukha Fly” (1923), “Miracle Tree” (1924), “Barmaley” (1925), “Telephone” (1926 ), “Fedorino's grief” (1926), “Aibolit” (1929), “The Stolen Sun” (1945), “Bibigon” (1945), “Fly in the bathhouse” (1969) and many other fairy tales.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887 - 1964) - Russian Soviet poet, translator, playwright, literary critic. Author of poems, fairy tales, plays for children. Translator of works by R. Burns, sonnets by W. Shakespeare, fairy tales of different nations. The most famous works for children: “Twelve Months”, “Rainbow Arc”, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”, “Luggage”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Mustachioed and Striped”, “Home” , which Jack built”, “He’s so absent-minded” and many other poems and fairy tales.

Barto Agnia Lvovna (1906 – 1981) – writer, poet, film screenwriter. Basically, all the poetess's poems were intended for children. The following poems by Agnia Barto became widely known: “Bear”, “Bull”, “The House Woke Up at Dawn”, “Lyubochka”, “Tamara and I”, “Bullfinch”, “I am Growing”, “Cap” and many other poems for children.

Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich (1913 - 2009) - writer, chairman of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR, writer, poet, fabulist, playwright, war correspondent during the Great Patriotic War, author of the text of two anthems of the Soviet Union and the anthem of the Russian Federation. Sergei Mikhalkov - Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and Stalin Prizes, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, holder of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Mikhalkov’s greatest fame came from his poems and fairy tales for children: “What do you have?”, “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”, “Kittens”, “My friend and I”, “Song of Friends”, “On New Year’s Eve”, “The Three Little Pigs” "

Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich (1893 - 1930) - Russian Soviet poet, playwright, screenwriter, film director, film actor, artist, editor of the magazines "LEF" ("Left Front"), "New LEF". The following poems for the children of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky became widely known: “Who to be?”, “The story of Vlas - a lazy man and a loafer”, “Every page is either an elephant or a lioness”, “What is good and what is bad?”, "Horse-fire."

Zakhoder Boris Vladimirovich (1918 - 2000) - Soviet Russian poet, children's writer, translator, popularizer of world children's classics. Zakhoder Boris Vladimirovich became most famous for his poems and fairy tales for children: “The Whale and the Cat”, “My Lion”, “Kiskino Grief”, “Dog’s Sorrows”, “The Shaggy Alphabet”, “Songs of Winnie the Pooh”.

Russian folk tales are divided into groups: tales for children, fairy tales, tales about animals, everyday and satirical tales, heroic tales and epics, scary tales, and folk jokes, jokes. Fairy tales for children include such well-known and beloved fairy tales as Teremok, Kolobok, Geese-Swans, Ryaba Hen, Turnip, Masha and the Bear. Among the fairy tales you will find: Vasilisa the Beautiful, By the Pike's Command, Koschey the Immortal, The Flying Ship, Morozko, Sivka-Burka, Snegurochka. Fairy tales about animals include such tales as the Wolf and the Seven Little Goats, the Golden Comb Cockerel and the Millstones, the Zaikin's Hut, the Golden Cockerel, the Fox and the Crane, Tops and Roots, and Three Bears. In total there are about 300 Russian folk tales for every taste.

Tales of the peoples of Russia Adyghe folk tales, Buryat folk tales, Ingushet folk tales, Kabardian folk tales, Balkar folk tales, Kalmyk folk tales, Karachay folk tales, Mordovian folk tales, Ossetian folk tales, Tatar folk tales, Chuvash folk tales, Gypsy folk tales , Eskimo folk tales, Koryak folk tales, Yakut folk tales.

Ukrainian folk tales have many similarities in style and content with Russian folk tales. In the selection of fairy tales about animals you will find: Spikelet, Straw Bull, Serko, Hawk in Wools, Goat and Ram, Fox-gossip, Money Rooster, How the Fox-Nun Confessed the Rooster. Fairy tales include: The Sun, Frost and Wind, About Evil Ones, Witches on Bald Mountain, The Witch Doctor, The Boy and the Airplane Chest, The Grain-Grower.

Belarusian folk tales are full of their diversity of images and the originality of their heroes. Tales about animals are presented: Woodpecker, fox and crow, Bunnies, Cunning fox, Why badger and fox live in holes. Magic tales include: The blue retinue is topsy-turvy, Two frosts, Andrei is wiser than all, Fathers' gift, Alyonka, How Vasil overcame the snake, Where did the gentlemen come from to Polesie. And interesting everyday tales: Grandma the Whisperer, The Lost Word, Pan's Science, How Styopka Spoke to Pan, The Stupid Lady and the "Sensible" Pan.

Eastern fairy tales are known for their variety of plots and great wisdom. The most famous series of Eastern tales about the wise Sheherazadau - “A Thousand and One Nights”: Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, The Tale of the Ebony Horse, The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor, The Tale of Jaudar and His Brothers, The Tale of Abu Qir and Abu Sir , The Tale of Abdallah the Earth and Abdallah the Sea, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. But no less interesting and instructive are small oriental tales: The Wolf, the Fox and the Dog, The Cat and the Mouse, The Lazy Master, The Beggar and Happiness, The Cunning Seller, Outwitted Himself.

European Folk Tales English Folk Tales, French Folk Tales, Scottish Folk Tales, Irish Folk Tales, Welsh Folk Tales, Austrian Folk Tales, Danish Folk Tales, Spanish Folk Tales, Italian Folk Tales, Norwegian Folk Tales, Portuguese Folk Tales, Swedish Folk Tales , Swiss folk tales, Armenian folk tales, Serbian folk tales, Bulgarian folk tales, Hungarian folk tales, Georgian folk tales, Latvian folk tales, Polish folk tales, Slovak folk tales, Czech folk tales.

Asian Folk Tales Australian Folk Tales, Burmese Folk Tales, Vietnamese Folk Tales, Indian Folk Tales, Korean Folk Tales, Japanese Folk Tales.

Tales of the Americas Folk tales of North America, Indian folk tales, Brazilian folk tales, Mexican folk tales, Cuban folk tales.

Fairy tales for all times 1. Peter Pan Author: James Matthew Barry 2. Seven-flowered flower Author: V. Kataev 3. The Pied Piper of Hamelin Author: Ancient legend 4. About Fedot the Archer Author: Leonid Filatov 5. Grandfather Mazai and the hares Author: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov 6. Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants Author: Antony Pogorelsky 7. Kashtanka Author: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 8. Dwarf Nose Author: Wilhelm Hauff 9. Twelve months Author: Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak 10. Other tales of the section ...<

Modern fairy tales Modern poems for children

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