Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Umbrella

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Umbrella

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic “Umbrella”
Author: Olga Vasilievna Yakovleva, teacher of GBOU “School No. 842”, Moscow Description of work: I offer you a summary of GCD on the topic “Umbrella” for children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old). This material will be useful for educators working with children of older preschool age. This is a summary of educational activities aimed at making umbrellas from paper and waste material. Integration of educational areas: Artistic and aesthetic development, speech development. Purpose: Making umbrellas from paper and waste material. Objectives : Continue to introduce children to the method of twisting a circle into a cone. To form children's ideas about the transformation of flat figures into three-dimensional forms. Improve the ability to write stories about objects. Developmental: Develop the ability to keep a sequence of operations in mind and achieve the final result. Develop children's creative abilities, sense of shape, color, composition. Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude towards handmade crafts. Preliminary work: Together with the children, cut out blanks (multi-colored circles with a diameter of 20 cm), small parts for decorating umbrellas. Methods and techniques: Playful, visual, demonstration by a child, practical activities for children, questions for children, use of fiction. Materials and equipment: Umbrellas, circles of colored paper (diameter 20 cm), colored paper (for decorating crafts), cocktail tubes, plasticine, glue, scissors, napkins, oilcloths.
Organizational moment Educator: Children, we have opened a new store, and you will find out what is sold in it by guessing the riddle . In autumn, he is often needed - If the rain is pattering on the puddles, If the sky is in black clouds, He is the best helper for us. Open it over yourself and arrange a canopy for yourself! (umbrella) The teacher takes the children to a display case with umbrellas. Invites children to look at it and make their own conclusions about what product is sold in the store. Educator: Children, you guessed correctly, today we will visit an umbrella store, then we will make them ourselves and decorate them. Didactic game “Umbrella Store” A seller is selected using a counting table. The buyer must describe the umbrella he has chosen in such a way that the seller can immediately guess what kind of umbrella he is talking about.

Physical school There is a cloud in the sky oh-oh-oh! (Hands to the head, tilts left - right)
Everyone is running, hurrying home.
(Running in place)
I’m the only one laughing, I’m not afraid of the black cloud.
(Turns the head left - right)
I'm not afraid of rain and thunder, I'm walking under an umbrella!
(Walking in place)
Blue, red, and striped, And flowered, and polka dots,
(Alternately bend your fingers)
A very colorful umbrella with sparkles...
(Hands up, “lanterns”)
I couldn’t count them all.
(Turns left - right)
My grandmother and I walk under a green umbrella and sing a song about the miracle of umbrellas.
(L. Brailovsky)
Work in a creative workshop Educator: Today I suggest you make umbrellas from colored paper and decorate them beautifully. The teacher repeats with the children safety precautions when working with scissors and glue. Discusses the procedure for doing the work with the children. Used for display by children. Educator: What do you think needs to be done to find the middle of the circle? Children: Fold the circle in half and in half again.

Cut along one of the fold lines to the middle.

Glue the pattern elements onto the circle.

Roll the circle into a cone and glue it together.

Glue a piece of plasticine on the back side.

Insert a tube into the plasticine and bend it.

The umbrella is ready. During the work, the teacher monitors safety precautions (working with scissors, glue), the correct folding of umbrellas, provides individual assistance, and offers to decorate the umbrellas independently according to plan. Analysis of children's works The teacher suggests making an exhibition and examining it. Summary What new and interesting things did you learn?
Which moments were your favorite and why? Exhibition of children's works

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Boring life at the umbrellas. They usually live in cramped hallways, hanging on hooks, or in dark closets, hiding behind coats and jackets. In winter they don't walk at all. They very rarely go outside in the spring and on hot summer days. Their favorite season is autumn. Umbrellas love rainy weather. When the sky begins to cry and cold raindrops fall to the ground from heavy gray clouds, umbrellas take the warm, kind hands of their owners and lead them for a walk. Meeting each other, the umbrellas greet each other, discuss outfits, news and, of course, show off their owners, rejoicing at the opportunity to communicate and breathe in the ozone. One day, an important large black umbrella with an ivory handle took its owner for a walk. The weather was beautiful. The rain promised to be persistent. The umbrella learned about this from its owner’s wife, who, sending her husband outside, said: “Do you see how merrily the rain dances through the puddles?” A lot of bubbles formed on the surface of the puddles, and this is a sure sign that the rain has “charged” for a long time. Don't forget to take an umbrella with you! The umbrella took the owner’s hand and twirled its massive ivory handle with displeasure: “Oh, these women! They always confuse everything!” How many years has he lived in this house, and she keeps forgetting that it is the umbrella that takes her husband out for a walk in the rain, and not the other way around, the owner takes him with him. But the umbrella could not remain sad and offended for long. Soon he came out of the entrance with the owner and helpfully opened above his head. The owner of the umbrella, an archaeologist and doctor of historical sciences, was in a hurry to work at the institute, where he lectured to students. The umbrella led him to the bus stop, deftly maneuvering between multi-colored umbrellas, also leading their owners on various matters, managing to exchange a few phrases with his acquaintances, leading his owner to them. A dark blue umbrella with a shiny metal button on the dome flashed through the crowd. He also led his owner, a former world weightlifting champion, to the bus stop. The black and dark blue umbrella were old friends, they always met with pleasure and talked for a long time. Black Umbrella considered himself very smart - after all, he, leaning against the professor’s table, listened to many lectures on archeology and knew a lot of things that he could share with his friend. Dark blue, in turn, talked about weightlifting competitions, where he often took his owner to judge. Quietly talking, the black and dark blue umbrellas were already approaching a stop when they were overtaken by a bright, elegant umbrella of flashy pink colors. At the stop, he ran under the canopy, folded his wings and, looking down at several other umbrellas already standing there waiting for the bus, said importantly: “My mistress is a fashion model.” I'm taking her to a photo shoot. She and I will be the first to get on the bus, and I will ask you not to jostle. “Wow,” an umbrella of discreet purple color with delicate purple peas along the edges immediately entered the conversation, “if my owner is just a seamstress who has worked in a factory all her life, then she is not worthy of respect?” Yes, your model wears clothes sewn by her skillful hands! “Well, that’s unlikely,” the poisonous pink umbrella snorted arrogantly and turned away. - Yes, we’ve been standing in the rain for half an hour, and you’ve just arrived! This is unfair,” the purple one continued. A green umbrella intervened in the squabble. He was very embarrassed, and every now and then he adjusted the thin ribbon with a button that he used to tie his wings when the rain stopped. “My master is also in a hurry and worried. Today he is going on his first date with his girlfriend. I try so hard not to let the raindrops fall on the beautiful roses in his hand, so that his beautiful new shirt doesn't get dirty with dirt. After all, all lovers get upset so easily over trifles. My friends, let's not push and quarrel and spoil each other's mood. The black and blue umbrella, who had approached the stop by this time and heard the argument that arose, shook their domes approvingly in support of the words of the green umbrella. - What more! – the pink umbrella still did not want to give up its position. He jumped out onto the road, hailed a taxi for his arrogant mistress and, slamming the door loudly and defiantly, drove away from the stop in style. - What a bunch of young people! – came the creaky voice of an old faded umbrella standing to the side. “When I was young, and my master was a gallant naval officer, elders were treated with due respect and respect. They were always given a seat in transport and listened to their advice, learned from them and adopted life experience. And what about these current ones? Only the wind in my head. Uh-oh... - and, sighing sadly, he turned away and fell silent, carefully covering his owner from the rain. - Sorry, I have to object to you. - The voice of the gray shiny umbrella was not loud, but nevertheless all the umbrellas turned to him with interest. - Our attitude towards each other depends not on age, but on upbringing. And young people are not all the same. Here is my owner - a student, entering graduate school. He is a very serious young man and I respect him very much. The black and dark blue umbrella looked at each other, listening with interest to the dispute that had arisen. Meanwhile, a scarlet umbrella with burgundy roses all over the dome decided to have its say. - I would ask you to keep your voice down. My owner is a young mother, and her baby is sleeping in her arms. And since we’re talking about which of us will get on the bus first, I think no one will mind if it’s me. The pink umbrella had already left the assembled company, and everyone else silently agreed with the scarlet one’s arguments. Meanwhile, an orange umbrella with yellow autumn leaves painted on the sides approached the bus stop and discreetly greeted those present. He brought with him a saleswoman from the vegetable department. She looked at her watch worriedly, as she was late for work. Then a blue umbrella brought the teacher by the hand, and a brown one with an oriental pattern on the top brought the children's doctor. The bus was still not there. The baker had already arrived with his umbrella, and a couple more black umbrellas with a photographer and a security agency worker. The lively conversation resumed again. The blue umbrella began to tell what an inquisitive people these first-graders are, whom he watches, peeking out from behind his mistress’s cloak, and the brown one worriedly and sternly warned everyone to dress warmly, in order to avoid the insidious cold lurking everywhere. The baker's umbrella shared a recipe for sweet buns, the young man's umbrella began to hum a cheerful song, although he was very worried along with his owner. The saleswoman's umbrella nervously paced back and forth, and the umbrellas of the archaeologist and the former athlete stood nearby and had a quiet, discreet conversation about poetry, to which both were clearly not indifferent. The rain did not stop, which the umbrellas were very happy about, but the tension of anticipation gradually increased. The bus was late, and the owners of the umbrellas were already nervous. Finally, the shiny head of the long-awaited bus appeared around the corner of the house, and the umbrellas began to fuss and crowd, ensuring their owners a place in line at the opening doors of the bus. Suddenly, everyone heard the ringing cry of a small children’s umbrella with funny cartoon characters and fantastic animals drawn on it running towards the bus: “Wait for me!” I'm late for kindergarten! And all the umbrellas, without saying a word, parted. A small bright umbrella jumped onto the bus and laughed happily. Umbrellas also began to fold, enter the bus and take their seats. They kicked around a little more, grumbled about the inconveniences, of which there are a great many on any bus, and calmed down, swaying rhythmically to the beat of the movement under the rustling of the bus wheels. Meanwhile, the rain stopped, the bright sun began to shine in the sky, and an incredibly beautiful six-color rainbow spread its wings outside the bus windows. The umbrellas began to take turns getting off the bus at stops, saying goodbye to each other until the next meeting, until the next rainy day, when they could again take their owners for a walk. When you went out for a walk in rainy weather, did you ever hear what the umbrellas were talking about? No? My advice to you: listen. This could be very interesting. Yes, yes... But that will be a different story.


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