Organization of outdoor games with rules in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions

Games for schoolchildren

Outdoor games are an opportunity to provide children with comprehensive development. Modern collections for teachers contain an interesting catalog of funny games in the form of exercises, sports and games that develop the imagination.

The importance of physical activity for schoolchildren is colossal.

This is an acquaintance with new concepts, acquiring the skills necessary in life. Of course, when introducing new games by teachers, approval will be required. List of the most important equipment that will come in handy:

  • volleyball ball,
  • soccer ball,
  • plastic skittles,
  • gates,
  • basketball basket,
  • checkbox.

A set of exercises that children perform during the game develops the vestibular apparatus, dexterity, speed and strength. The content and rules are not complicated, but they train your ingenuity.

The number of participants has practically no effect on the game process, but it is desirable that there be at least 10-11 children. Main classification of games:

  • plot,
  • sports,
  • combined.

It is extremely important to choose a game for children that is appropriate for their age and season. After all, for an older child both the workload and tasks will be more difficult.

Didactic materials facilitate the educational process. These can be in the form of brochures, books and videos. All means that help parents and teachers interest modern children are good.

Senior preschool age (5-7 years)

The school gym or courtyard is a great place to practice. So that the child does not constantly strive to play GTA and other online games on the computer, but finds excitement in movement, it is important for him to be properly offered alternative entertainment.

A card index of outdoor games will become an assistant in education and children's physical development. For older preschoolers, you can use the same stories as for others.

Sports competitions are also fun and interesting for children. Such children's outdoor games develop the following qualities:

  • desire for an active lifestyle,
  • endurance,
  • developed strength,
  • resourcefulness,
  • collective spirit,
  • reaction.

Goose, wolf and boy

What is developed and used: speed, agility.

Features: 7-10 children are needed to play, crayons are needed.

  1. Choose “wolf” and “boy”, the rest of the children are “geese”.
  2. Draw a circle on the site, the “geese” will hide in it.
  3. At a distance of 4-6 m (four meters is a minimum) draw another circle - the “wolf’s” house.
  4. The “geese” are initially in the “wolf’s” house, and the “wolf” is in the “geese” house.
  5. The “boy” kicks the “geese” out for a walk. They scatter across the site, running towards their house. The wolf reads a poem:

Day or night doesn't matter to me

I'm good at speed

I'm in the meadow

Here I will find all the geese.

I look scary though,

But I catch geese for a reason.

  1. The task of the “wolf” is to touch the “geese” and catch them all. The caught "geese" stands in the circle of the "wolf". The goal of the “geese” is to get into their home.
  2. Once all the “geese” are caught, the children change roles.

Children's volleyball

The famous but adapted version of volleyball is suitable for both kindergarten and any other group of children. An interesting and sporty game is played using a light playing ball.

Children have the opportunity to demonstrate individual skills because everyone plays for themselves. Healthy pastime will teach every child to healthy lifestyle. And summer is the best time for volleyball.

What else to read: “Kittens and Puppies” and other educational games for the middle group


  1. 5-9 children stand in a circle.
  2. The child’s task is to hit the ball towards another player, or catch it.
  3. One game is given 6-8 minutes.
  4. Each participant needs to score as many points as possible:
  • 1 point – for a caught ball,
  • 2 points – for a hit ball,
  • 5 points – if the ball was hit towards another participant at chest level.
  1. The one who scores the most points wins.


Includes both creative focus and motor activity. This team game is unusual and multi-component.

What is developed and involved: coordination, imagination.

Features: 8-9 children are needed to play, chalk is needed.

  1. A girl is selected from a group of children to be an “owl”.
  2. Since this is a team game, the remaining children are divided into two teams of “mice”.
  3. A round “mousetrap” with a diameter of 1 m is drawn on the asphalt.
  4. "Mice" are running around the "mousetrap". "Owl" says:

I'm an owl, Valentina,

I don't like raspberries,

I love catching mice

Wow, wow, tell everyone,

The sun is shining for everyone,

I will not eat…

  1. “Owl” names a word - any animal that an owl cannot eat. The “mice” must stop and imitate this animal.
  2. Whoever completes the task slowest goes into the mousetrap.
  3. The last mouse remaining outside the circle wins.
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