Lesson summary for the 2nd junior group on drawing “Balloon”

Image for application on paper

Teacher: “Look at the flag,

This is not a circle at all

Not a square, not a triangle,

This flag is a RECTANGLE.

Guys, today we will not draw an ordinary drawing. Today we will be magicians and turn white sheets of paper into a festive garland of flags. Tell me, what shape will the flags be? What colors will we use? So, one-two-three-four-five – let’s start drawing.”

How to teach your child mental math on your own

Practical part of the lesson, drawing beautiful holiday flags

Children in the younger group better perceive information accompanied by actions accompanying the process.

It is important to first show the children how they should complete the task.

The teacher must paint over the sample flag, explaining and showing how to hold the pencil correctly and how to apply strokes.

GCD move (drawing with pencils)

After a general explanation, you need to observe how correctly the guys complete the assigned task. Children who cannot cope with work require individual tips.

Individual assistance

Must remember! Children's inability is not a reason for comments and criticism.

Musical accompaniment

As they finish their work, the children give the flags they painted to the teacher. Using a thick needle with a thick thread or corsage elastic threaded through it, the teacher collects a festive banner. At this time, to create a festive mood, it is permissible to include a children's song with words known to children that they can sing along to.

Drawing process step by step

You need to start drawing by creating an outline. This must be done so that the edges do not remain unpainted, otherwise the work will have an unkempt and unfinished look. Having drawn a frame, you should fill the space with strokes from left to right, moving from top to bottom.

Regardless of the results obtained, every little artist deserves praise and approval.

Holiday stretch

Progress of the lesson

Teacher-organizer: Look what I brought to class (Shows balloons)

group immediately became ! Do you love playing with balloons? (Children's answers)
Balloons are very light. Look, you just need to blow on them and they fly away. (Invites children to blow on the balloons)

Breathing exercise. "Inflating a balloon"


Teacher-organizer: invites children to “cheat”

an imaginary
ball and show its size with your hands.
- “We’ll inflate big balloons”


Children form a circle and join hands. The teacher stands either in the center of the circle or with the children. First, the children approach the teacher. “We begin to inflate the balloon . Here it is getting bigger and bigger. This is such a big ball we got!” Children gradually move away from the teacher, forming a large circle. “And now the balloon is deflating

. Children go to the center of the circle.

"Get the ball "


The teacher-organizer offers to get the ball , which 2 is caught on a tree branch” (holds the ball at a height above the child’s raised hand, the children jump up, trying to touch it.


The teacher-organizer shows the children 2-3 composition options - with one, two and three balloons - and invites them to paint beautiful balloons with bright gouache paints. Exhibits an educational drawing “Balloon”

He separates one balloon from the connection, circles it with his hand, invites the children to pick up brushes and draw the same balloon in the air . Then he asks to take cardboard ovals (
balls ”) , put them on a clean sheet of paper
and outline them with a brush
(without paint)
. The teacher quickly draws an oval on a blank sheet of paper, begins to paint it,
repeating the outline inside the outline: “Like this, here the ball is very inflated , and my brush draws like this." Reminds and clarifies the task: "Now you and I will draw beautiful balls - one at a time or many, as many as you want. draw with paints on sheets of blue paper, as if the balls are flying across the sky . »

Materials and equipment needed for the lesson

To achieve a more productive result, for drawing flags on a string in the 2nd junior group, everything necessary for the lesson must be prepared in advance. Children must clearly imagine the end result. To do this, it is important to conduct a preliminary discussion and inspection of the finished garland. The children should also have the materials they need for drawing waiting on their tables.


  • Ready garland.


  • Rectangles of white paper measuring 20x35 cm;
  • Colour pencils.

Preliminary work with children, discussion of the topic

The teacher shows the children the finished garland and asks them to pay attention to its brightness and festiveness. He suggests that the garland is so beautiful because the flags in it are multi-colored. After this, he asks to name the colors: red, blue, yellow. To consolidate the colors, an active game is played, replacing physical education for a minute.

Important! Being able to move around and release pent-up energy will help you achieve greater focus and concentration while drawing.


Educator: “Guys, let’s check how you remember the colors.

(Children stand in a circle).

Let's come to an agreement with you. Each color will indicate a specific action. Red color is clapping your hands, blue color is jumping up, and yellow color is stamping your feet.”

(The teacher shows cards of each color several times, and the children perform the movements).

Questions for children

The teacher must show the final result of joint work. Draw the children’s attention to the fact that they made such a bright decoration with their own hands. Call everyone wizards, because they turned white paper into multi-colored flags. And the resulting garland transformed the group and created the mood. You can find out whether the mood changed when the duckweed was hung on the wall. Offer to save the garland and take it out on other holidays. Ask what dates this decoration would be suitable for. You can agree that on students’ birthdays it will become a tradition to hang a garland in the group.

The ability to transform the surrounding space is an important and useful quality. The ideas about preparing and holding holidays laid down in early childhood are a good hint for future adult life and the creation of family traditions.

Lesson Objectives

During the lesson “Drawing a flag on a string, second junior group,” children not only gain skills in fine arts, but also form an idea of ​​preparing for festive events, learn about the opportunity to decorate the surrounding space with their own hands and get pleasure from what is happening. These goals can be achieved by carrying out the following tasks.

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  • Repetition of known colors: red, blue, yellow;
  • Introduction to the concept of “rectangle”;
  • Practicing the skills of coloring shapes with colored pencils.


It is important to instill in students the desire to make their daily lives more vibrant through creativity. Instill a culture of celebrating significant events and dates.

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